Roar -

a roar like thunder sounded on the grassland at dusk.

He was so domineering that he almost dominated the whole evening grassland. When he roared, he was so scared that he could not compete with others in the arena.

In Longya camp, Bai Gu looks at this scene from afar, and his waist trembles with laughter. "I can't believe that the boss has today. The light song is just wonderful!"

Who can challenge success if you are in the arena?

The most important thing is that the fierce beast of a generation is now holding back on the challenge arena, which makes her feel happy. She feels revenged!

"Where does Qingge go Silver dust stood beside her and asked.

"No Bai's short answer. Then he turned his lips and jokingly said, "if you follow me, we don't have to worry. Anyway, she told me when she left that the matter here was handled by Moyang. "

Listen, silver dust turned to leave.

White Lin a Leng, take off mouth way: "where are you going?"

Silver dust stops, slightly side head, to her way: "I feel to break through."

He left.

Bai Bi blinked and coagulated his back. After a while, he snorted, "what's great? You're not the only one to break through."


By the Mo uncle flying in the sky, mu Qingge has nothing to do but enjoy the beautiful scenery in the sky.

However, Mo's speed is too fast, no matter what kind of scenery, in her eyes is just a flash of lightning, disappeared.

"How far is the city you are talking about from the sunset grassland?" Mu Qingge looks up in the wind and asks.

Si Mo looked down at her and said with a smile, "you are anxious. You don't want to wait for a few days. You have to go now. Fortunately, it's not far from the sunset grassland. "

"Is this not far from you, or to me?" Mu Qingge frowned.

The speed of the two of them is not the same.

Simao said with a smile: "even if your dragon teeth guard, to get there, it only takes half a month to walk there. If you use flying animals, it will be about one or two days."

One or two days? That's fine.

During this period of time, she is expected to be in Xizhou, close to each other, also convenient for each other.

Mu light song almost can not check the point.

"You don't worry about leaving them in the sunset grassland like this?" Si Mo half joking way.

Mu light song calm way: "you are in, worry about what? As you have said, his cultivation is now on the sixth floor of the golden kingdom. Who is his opponent? What's more, there are Moyang, Yinchen, Baibi, etc. watching, nothing can happen. The hunting has settled down. I certainly can't waste time, must hurry to the next target to play the front station! What if I'm not satisfied with what you said? "

Si Mo was laughed at by her words. The girl couldn't wait to see the abandoned city. She just slipped away and took herself for granted.

"Xiaoge'er, don't worry. You will be satisfied with the place." Si Mo's confident way.

Si Mo with Mu light song flying in the air for half a day, finally landed in a dense forest.

"Here?" Mu Qingge looks around in surprise.

There are trees everywhere. What city is there?

Si Mo explained, "the place where you stand is the main post road leading to it. It has been abandoned for many years, and there are natural weeds and trees."

Mu Qingge was shocked to see him, the corner of his eyes fell on those thick trees, can not help but ask: "how long has that city been abandoned?"

Si Mo Lian Mou calculated, gave a let Mu light song stunned answer: "12862 years."

Sleeping trough!

"After more than 10000 years, is NIMA still alive?" Make complaints about songs in your heart.

Her mouth slightly smoke to Si Mo way: "you are not going to let me rebuild a city on the old site of that city?" Ha ha ha, she really has no interest in being a painter.

"It's not so much trouble." Si Mo but calm as usual.

He skillfully took mu Qingge's hand and took her to the depth of the forest.

Mu light song helpless, can only let him pull, toward the inside. She looked around, but the tall trees provided a lot of wood, and the soil on the trunk and the ground was covered with moss. Looking up, the thick branches covered the sky, cutting the sky, so that the sun mottled.

After walking for a while, mu Qingge noticed that under the cover of some grass on the road, there were some artificial carved stones, but they were also covered with moss.

These things show that there are people living here, perhaps just as Simao said, it is a huge city.

"Here it is." Suddenly, Si Mo said.

Mu Qingge returns to God and looks ahead.

In front of us, the trees are also luxuriant, but they are arranged more orderly, and the traces of the road are more obvious.

The sunlight, the green net that blocks all the sunlight, is also the green net at the end of the line of sight.Inexplicable, Mu light song releases Si Mo's hand and walks slowly towards the front.

Si Mo looked at her, did not stop, just quietly followed her, pink cherry color lips, faint hook a faint smile.

The closer we get, the more sunlight covers mu Qingge's sight, and the whole person seems to be bathed in the sunshine.

And in Si Mo's eyes, she seems to walk into the sunshine, the figure becomes blurred.

Strong light, let Mu light song can not help but close his eyes. However, her steps did not stop, still forward.

When she felt that she was out of the golden net of sunshine, she slowly opened her eyes

In front of her eyes, she was shocked to stay in place.

In the distance, because of the stranger's intrusion, it startled a few birds and also broke the peace here.

City! An incomparably splendid city!

The gray and white outline is reflected in the clear eyes of muqingge. Even if the city is wrapped by vines and moss, it still can't stop its charm.

Mottled traces, like memories left by the years, did not destroy the beauty of the city, but added a bit of thick sense of vicissitudes.

The moat has already dried up, but the suspension bridge is still high, and the iron chain head glares at it, showing its prestige.

Mu Qingge's feet moved forward.

Si Mo did not know when, already stood by her side, Po SE's eyes lightly swept the city in front of her, and said to the woman who was fascinated by her side: "is it unexpected?"

Mu Qingge nodded subconsciously, her sight was attracted by the stone pillars outside the city.

Those stone pillars, tall and straight, need four people to encircle. On the stone pillars, green vines circled up, shielding the carved exquisite patterns, making them looming.

Mu Qingge roughly estimated that each of these pillars was ten Zhang high. On the top of each pillar, under the cover of moss and vines, all of them squatted, stood or fell asleep.

"It's called the animal guard post. It's a total of 108. It's carved with 108 different gods and fierce beasts. In the city of ten thousand years ago, the beast guard column is not rare, almost every city has several, symbolizing the power of protection. However, it is rare to have hundreds of them. Unfortunately, after ten thousand years, this custom has gradually disappeared and has been forgotten by people. Fortunately, it is well preserved here. These animal guard pillars still stand around the city, guarding the pure land. " Si Mo's voice, in Mu light song ear ring.

His explanation made her like the animal guard pillar more.


Isn't that what she believed in her previous life and the driving force of her present life?

In everyone's heart, there will always be something that you want to guard with all your strength, and she is no exception.

"What city is this? Why is it suddenly abandoned? When will it be preserved after ten thousand years? " Mu Qingge constantly throws out his doubts.

Originally, she thought she would see a piece of debris, rough stone steps. But I didn't expect to see a well preserved city as if it had never been abandoned.

"It used to be called the falling star city. As for why it was abandoned, it is too far back. As long as you know, the former owner here was also a woman. With her own efforts, she developed Luoxing city into the most influential city in the medieval world, and even could compete with the temple at that time. " Si Mo explains slowly.

Mu Qingge looks back at him, with shock written in his clear eyes. "The star city is so brilliant? What about the woman? Why let her city be abandoned

She vaguely felt that there was an unknown story in this city, and the ending of that story did not seem to be very good.

Si Mo is silent for a moment, coagulate the city way: "even if she is so powerful, but can't avoid being hurt by the seven emotions and six desires. She fell in love with someone she shouldn't love. For him, she practices crazily and wants to go to the land of gods and demons. She has no mind to manage the city any more. Finally, her wife and concubine, as early as her husband's vow, had arrived at her side. And she, in the end, became his 89th concubine

“……” Mu light song eyebrow light frown. She didn't expect that the story would be like this.

At the same time, she seems to feel the emotion of Si mo.

"She stayed with the man for 30000 years, gave birth to his children, and spent 30000 years trying to change the man's playfulness. However, thirty thousand years of time, just let her see the concubine room constantly married. Finally, she was disheartened and left her child to return to the Star City alone. But at that time, the Star City, after losing her, has been suppressed in many ways, and has become exhausted. Her return did not change anything, because 30000 years later, the star city was not her familiar one. Finally, she destroyed this place, expelled all the people in the city, and bloody washed the family that oppressed the most severely in the city Finally, a shrine was destroyed with a suicide attack. " Si Mo said, the breath has become a little cold.Although, his tone is still calm, but mu Qingge still heard the waves behind his calm.

Mu Qingge holds kisimoto's hand and finds that his hand is very cold.

Feeling the temperature of coming from Mu light song, Si Mo wakes up from his own thoughts, and smiles at her again, "I'm ok."

Mu Qingge looks at him and wants to ask whether the story is related to him and whether the woman is related to him.

But in the end, nothing was asked.

Although, Si Mo's narration, did not clearly explain that woman's final, but mu light song can hear, she has fallen. It fell with the star city she built.

"This place is well preserved because a huge and complex array was left on the foundation at the beginning of the city's construction. This array can keep the City immortal. No matter what kind of attack, it can't be destroyed. Of course, if it's a powerful character from the two clans of gods and demons, it's another matter. " Si Mo restrained his mood and brought the topic back.

Mu light song to hear the eye light Yiyi, heart.

With such an array, she was invincible.

"Can you block the attack?" Mu Qingge asked.

Si Mo laughingly shakes his head, "can't block the attack, just let the attack fall on the city, won't appear to be destroyed. This is her painstaking efforts, just like her children. So she went to several array masters to study how to make her City immortal

Mu light song to understand the nod, although some disappointment is not their own understanding of that, but also good. At least you can save a lot of maintenance money.

"I'll show you in?" Si Mo proposed.

Nod your head softly.

Then, Si Mo with Mu light song jumped into the air, first from the air overlooking the whole city.

From this perspective, mu Qingge can see the whole star city completely. The whole city is at least a hundred miles long and large. It is printed on the ground like a star. It is surrounded by forests, blocking the outside world from prying into it.

There are five gates in Luoxing City, connecting five sides. Mu Qingge doesn't understand the five elements, but vaguely feels that it is arranged according to the gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the five elements. But now, after all, thousands of years have passed, and the city has already experienced great changes, and the original layout has not been seen.

In the city, the buildings are scattered, and the streets are intricate and interlinked with each other. Almost every main street will eventually connect to the highest building in the center.

The castle, like a mountain, is stacked, covered with vines, and full of flowers, like a garden in the sky. On the roof of the tallest building in the castle, it seems that a sword stands, pointing to the sky. On the tip of the sword, there is a star inlaid, but now the luster is dim.

"It's enough for at least a million people here!" Landing from the air, mu Qingge marvels at the way to Si mo.

She half jokingly said: "if I occupy here privately, will the offspring of that woman find trouble?"

"No Si Mo's crisp answer.

This answer, let Mu light song look at him, smile in the eye light a little more inquiry.

Si Mo but calm as usual way: "ten thousand years have passed, if her descendants care about here, will it continue to waste?"

Mu light song did not continue to ask, just the meaning of the unknown nod.

In the empty city, wandering around, mu Qingge said with a smile: "I like here very much."

Si Mo coagulates her, the corner of the mouth smiles: "you like good. After confirming this place, as long as we rest the previous post road and repair it again, we can announce it to the world. Xiaoge'er, why do you want to name this city? "

"It's also called falling star city." Mu Qingge turns his eyes and looks at him without hesitation.

Her answer, let Si Mo a Leng.

Mu Qingge explained: "this name is not bad, and there is such a story, let it continue to be very good. Since I have taken over other people's places, I must do something, otherwise it will be like stealing. "

Si Mo Ning her, for a long time, he showed a faint smile, gentle way: "good, all depends on you."

"When the place is finished, shall we go back?" Mu Qingge asked.

Si Mo but smile and do not speak, take her hand, toward the highest castle in the city.

Mu light song looks at him suspiciously, see him not language, also did not ask much.

The furniture in the castle has been rotten for a long time. It seems that this array can only protect the immortality of the city, but not the objects inside.

"It seems that just buying furniture is a huge expense." Mu Qingge is slightly distressed by the calculation in the heart.

She always puts her position on the poor. Even if she has many spirit stones in her space, and even if there are spirit eating animals that can spit out spirit stones and find spirit stones, she still feels very poor.

Because, she raises is big stomach king!

She either doesn't do it or she wants to be the best. Look at those equipment of dragon tooth guard, which one is not consumed?

Si Mo pulls her all the way to the tower and stands in front of the window.On their heads was the star on the tip of the sword.

"Do you know why it's called star city?" Si Mo asks suddenly.

Mu Qingge shakes his head.

She even heard the name of falling star city for the first time today. How could she know its origin?

However, Si Mo did not explain, just smile but not language, embrace mu Qingge into his arms, and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window with her.

At this height, you can see the branches of the surrounding woods.

Green luxuriant branches and leaves, continuous into the sea, can not see the end, seems to connect the sky. At this time, the sunset at dusk, such as the blood of the setting sun, will shed the afterglow on the leaves, the magnificent scenery, such as vast waves.

How beautiful Mu light song leaning in Si Mo's arms, bathing in the sunset, sincere praise.

She has been to many places, but this is the first time she has seen such a scene.

Even those jade pear trees and beautiful scenery in Guji mountain have become stingy compared with those in front of us.

She quietly enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of her, and said in her heart: "is it difficult that Simao wants to accompany her to watch the sunset? They are not going to stand here all night, waiting to see the sunrise tomorrow? "

The man's mood is not right today. The characters in that story seem to have something to do with him.

Mu Qingge pursed her lips and decided not to disturb the man, so quietly accompany him.

"Stand for one night and stand for one night. It's cultivation." Mu Qingge gnaws his teeth in his heart.

Who let her man have something in mind at the moment?

Si Mo did not speak, Mu light song also did not speak, two people stood so quietly.

Gradually, night falls and starlight Flashes -

in the night, mu Qingge looks at the changing scenery in front of him. He is shocked to grow up and walks out of Simao's arms and puts his hands on the window.

At the bottom of her clear eyes, the star falls like a star rain, which is as beautiful as a fairy tale!

It seems that the stars in the whole sky fall here at this moment.

This fantastic scene, let her reach out of the window, want to catch the falling star. However, those stars, like raindrops, fell on her palm and disappeared.

She closed her fingers, trying to hold on to the stars, but found it was futile.

Si Mo walks to her behind, his POZE eye in the eye, also is covered by the star. "The beautiful scenery of falling star city is unique in the world. Xiaoge'er, do you know the origin of the name of "Luoxing city"

Mu light song nods hard, she has been immersed in this fantastic beauty. "How could that happen?"

Her questions came from her heart.

"No one knows why this happened, or whether the real starlight has fallen, and where they have gone after they have fallen." Si Mo answers.

"Is it a miracle of nature?" The way of murmuring.

All of a sudden, she turned to see Si Mo, such as a girl happily asked: "every night will be like this?"

Si Mo nods, "as long as it doesn't rain, it will be so. Such a spectacle will last until midnight before it disappears. "

"Mo, let's go out." Mu Qingge shows a beautiful smile.

A trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of Sima Po se.

"Because no one knows where the star comes from or where it goes, so at this time, almost all the people who have seen it are hiding in the house to enjoy it. But if Xiaoge wants to go out, why don't we go out? " Si Mo's eyes in the thick doting.

Mu light song can't wait to pull Si Mo directly from the window and fall on the ground.

She swayed her red skirt and drew enchanting curves in the night.

When she came out of the twilight grassland, she resumed her dress.

At the moment, she and Si Mo opposition, hands on his shoulder, a smile, "remember you learn from me dance?"

Si Mo eyes a bright, instantly guessed her intention.

He nodded.

How could he forget such a dance? Forever, will remember in the heart!

Mu Qingge took his hand and put it on his waist and said to him, "how about dancing again?"

"Obedience is better than respect." Si Mo smiles a way. Beautiful facial features, a soft.

Mu light song started, in the starlight, and Si Mo jumped together. They jump the simplest action, but more tacit than the first time to look at each other.

Xuanyi red robe, dancing, swaying like a butterfly, allowing the stars to fall on them, just like Fairies in the forest, fairies in the mountains.

"Mo, I'm not her, and you are not the man who is heartless and affectionate." In the dance, mu Qingge looks at Si Mo and suddenly says a word.

Si Mo's body is obviously stiff, with Mu light song's eyes, unpredictable. Even the dance steps stopped. The two kept the last movement of the dance and looked at each other like a pair of statues.

It was a long time before he looked up and laughed.He takes a long arm and embraces muqingge in his arms. Under his action, mu Qingge's red skirt fluttered up, like butterfly wings.

Falling into the arms of a man, mu Qingge put his hands around his neck, with a smile on his mouth, and his clear eyes showed incomparable firmness and trust.

Si Mo converges the laughter, lowers the head, that pair is like the vast universe of Po se eyes, such as the treasure of the gaze at her.

"My little song, my little song..." He whispered, captured her lips, and smooched under the starlight


At dusk, the hunting is coming to an end.

In the Dragon teeth arena, after such a disturbance, no one dares to look down on the rabbit who sleeps lazily on the challenge arena.

Many families and vagrants have gradually left the sunset grassland to continue their life.

Five years later, if we meet here again, maybe many people will not be able to appear, and many new faces will be added.

At parting, xuanyue, Bailian and Juling met again.

The commander of Juling said indignantly: "hum, the Dragon tooth is so cunning that it has made a fierce spirit beast to defend the challenge!"

"Spirit beast? I'm afraid it won't be so simple? You and I have been wandering around for so many years. Have you ever seen such a powerful spirit beast? In my opinion, I'm afraid it's at the level of divine beast or even holy beast. " The leading way of xuanyue.

"Divine beast, holy beast? How is that possible? They are not members of the Jingjia family in Zhongzhou. How can they make the orcs bow down to the throne? " The commander of Juling didn't want to believe it.

However, commander xuanyue said, "who knows? They come from a mysterious origin and often break our understanding. Now they make it more difficult for us to know their cards. We held the hunting in advance in order to see the details of the dragon's teeth. We didn't expect that the details of the dragon's teeth were more unfathomable

"In a word, Longya is not simple, and so is Mr. mu. My people had a little friction with them in the canglan mountains before, and they also involved the Gong family. I thought that the Gong family would attack Longya, but I didn't expect that this matter would go away. " The guiding principle of multiple disciplines.

"What shall we do after that? I've recognized the identity of Longya? " The great spirit leads the unwilling way.

"What can we do if we don't admit it? The points are there, and the strength is there. " Xuanyue's commander was also a little upset.

The leader of Bailian thought for a moment and said, "anyway, there are still four years before the next division of interests. Let's ignore it and see what they can develop in four years. If they don't have a fixed city by then, and they don't have enough men and power, they won't be able to compete with us. Even if we are willing to give up the spirit stone mine, they can't keep it

His words were approved by xuanyue and Juling commander.

Originally, the three forces hidden in each other were united because of the birth of dragon teeth.


At the end of the song, many people have left the grassland at dusk.

However, in Longya camp, there was no sign of leaving. No matter how many people on the grassland at dusk, they have already done their own things according to their own rhythm.

However, these two days, there are more and more worshippers sent to Longya camp.

Among them, there are also winners, sang family and so on.

"Miss sang, we are not here. Please go back." Mo Yang once again refused the mulberry snow dance.

Sangxue dance is very disappointed.

The mulberry family is about to leave the sunset grassland, but she can't see mu Qingge again.

However, she had to say: "please tell her, we are waiting for her in the sand city."

Mo Yang jaw head, she reluctantly left.

After seeing off sang Xue dance, Moyang welcomed Qin Yiyao. Compared with the former, Moyang's attitude towards Qin Yiyao is better. "Princess Yao, the little Lord is out, not in the camp."

Qin Yiyao nodded, "I just came to say goodbye. Since she is not here, you can tell me."

Mo Yang nodded and said, "the little Lord has told me that if Princess Yao needs help, please come to me."

Thank you very much Qin Yiyao lightly nods his jaw head and turns away.

Longya, the gate of the camp is closed slowly.

However, when he went to the main account, he found that mu Qingge had come back. But her side, actually already did not have that adult's figure.

Mo Yang a Leng, mood some complex to go to Mu light song in front of.

Mu Qingge, standing in front of the map hanging in the main tent, did not notice the approach of Moyang.

As he said, Simao left at the end of the hunting. He sent mu Qingge to Longya camp and left. Only one sentence was left, "wait for me!"

Even if already prepared, but get along with the parting after a month, but still let mu Qingge some not adapt.

She found that the deeper the contact with Si Mo, the more company she would get used to him by his side. Now, people are not there, she only has the palace bell around her waist to accompany her.

"My Lord." Long time no see Mu light song, looking back, Mo Yang opened his mouth.Mu light song eyes light flash light, convergence mood, turn to look at Mo Yang.

"I don't know that the young Lord is back. Miss sang and Princess Yao came to see him to say goodbye just now, and they were blocked by them. They should not be far away now, but they should be recovered by their subordinates? " Mo Yang asked.

Mu Qingge shook his head, "no need." She was not in the mood to see them at the moment, and since she had left, she did not need to recover.

"You've come just in time. Get everyone together. I have something important to tell you." Mu Qingge to Mo Yang Dao.

Moyang is ordered to go down. After a while, Bai Xuan, Yinchen, Yuanyuan, Youhe, Huayue, xuanya, Jieya, xuankui, and Jinghai with a scar on his face all enter the main tent of muqingge.

"Sit down." Mu Qingge sat down on the main seat, pointing to the seats on both sides at random, so that everyone could sit down.

After they all sat down, mu Qingge said, "I have something to announce to you today. The day level flow guest troop, has its own city as the fixed base camp, also facilitates the development force. I went out to look for such a place, and now I have found it. "

Mu Qingge went out for a few days and found a city?!

This news, let everybody eye in a bright. Especially the dark sun, calm and deep eyes, burning a flame.

Mu Qingge raised his hand and stroked the rabbit on the table in front of her and stroked the hair on his back, which made him feel excited.

"Today, I just want to redistribute you. That place is not far from here, but it has been abandoned. It can be said that there is a lot of waste waiting to be developed. It needs the concerted efforts of all of you. " Mu light song road.

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, little Lord!"

"Light song, do as you please."

"Qingge, I will do what you say."

"I listen to the boss!"

"Please tell me

Everyone agreed.

Mu Qingge lightly points the head of jaw, a flash in the hand, a little beast like pangolin appears in the palm. She throws it to Moyang.

Mo Yang caught his hands and looked at the little beast. He was looking at him curiously with the round eyes of the small beast.

"It's called spirit eater. There's something else in my stomach. I've eaten a lot of spirit stones. Now it's time to spit it out. Moreover, it can find spirit stone vein, you should make good use of it. In addition, I will give you some more gold and silver treasures, and you can take them to repair the city Mu light Song said, and to silver dust threw a volume of atlas. "This is the repair pattern I drew. Yinchen, you stay and cooperate with Moyang this time."

Silver dust nodded and collected the atlas.

"After the city has been repaired, Moyang will tell the world that it will recruit people to expand the Dragon teeth. There should be an assessment period for those who have passed the assessment period. Those who fail to pass the assessment period will leave. The person who chooses has the most important behavior and the second is cultivation. This time, I allow you to recruit 10000 people and form them into the Longyin army. The training is the same as that of Longya. You can send people from Longya to train them. Remember, only those who have passed the examination and become the official Longyin army can cultivate these three skills. " Mu light song finish, wipe on the table, immediately more than three atlas.

This is the third of many skills she has brought out from ancient relics. At first, she made people of longyawei feel the stone, then demonstrated it in front of her and recorded it.

These three ancient martial arts skills are carefully selected by her, which are enough to be sweet for people to join.

"Yes, sir." Mo Yang responded and put forward the three martial arts skills.

Mu Qingge looked at xuankui, "you stay in Longya, which is more useful than staying with me. Moreover, your shooting skills still need to be honed, so let's follow Longya for the time being."

"Xuankui obeys the orders of the young Lord." Xuan Kui immediately said.

Mu Qingge nodded and said to Jinghai: "since your talent has been discovered, you should cultivate yourself and study hard. You should do what Mo Yang tells you about the construction of the city. "

"Yes, drillmaster." The way of Jinghai.

"Young lotus moon, you two will stay in Longya for the time being to help build the city of Moyang and set up our own intelligence network as soon as possible. In the process of building the city, we still have to take over the task. The reputation of Longya has just started, so don't disappear. " Mu light song command.

Turning around, mu Qingge's line of sight falls on xuanya, Jieya, and Yuan Yuan. "You three keep following me." Xuanya and guaya have a map of magic strategy on her body, so she will take it with her naturally. As for yuan yuan, keeping him will not play a big role. On the contrary, it may cause trouble, so it is better to take it away. At least we can throw him back to the space to be a companion for Meng Meng.

"As for Bai Xuan..." Mu Qingge finally looked at Bai. "I want to refine a batch of equipment again. Follow me first. After I refine it, you will send it to Longya."

"I see." The voice of Bai Xun is the way of whine.

After giving orders to the people, mu Qingge stood up from his seat and looked at them with burning eyes. "Our city is called Luoxing city."


Mu Qingge returns to the sunset grassland, and the quiet Longya camp finally moves.However, before leaving, Longya camp still ushered in an unexpected guest.

Mu Qingge looks at the person standing in front of him, his face is not good-looking.

"He's gone?" Han Caicai's narrow eyes swept a circle, singing to Mu light.

"It's none of your business." Mu Qingge's cold answer.

This attitude makes Han Caicai smile bitterly. That kind of decadent appearance, or mu Qingge first saw from him. "Still mad at me? I'm here today to apologize to you. "

Han Caicai's words, let Mu light song slightly frown, face color is still cold.

"We have some friendship, can't you believe me once?" Han Caicai was not well hit by her expression, with a little pleading in her voice.

Mu Qingge is still silent.

Han Caicai could only say, "I did cross the line before. I should not interfere in your private affairs, let alone say those words to you. I don't really know why I am like this

Mu light song is cold and silent.

"Perhaps, I found his identity, too out of control, I..."

"What? Han's fault is to blame others Mu Qingge sneers and interrupts.

"No!" Han Caicai said: "I just want to say that after I learned his identity, I was out of control. I think you should not and can't be together, lost your nature."

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at him with a sneer: "do you think this is an opportunity? As long as I listen to you and cut off everything from him, you will have a chance? "

Mu light song without modification, make Han Caicai face a change. But he still nodded.

This makes mu Qingge's banter more serious. "Han Caicai, I remember I told you that it is impossible for me and you to have him or not. Do you think my words are in vain? "

Han Caicai raised her eyes and looked at her. In her long and narrow eyes, she tried to hide her hurt emotion.

Two people look at each other, eye light intense collision.

Shaoqing, Han Caicai was defeated, gritted his teeth and said, "you did say that."

"Then why do you want to go your own way? Do you really want to wear away that little friendship between you and me? " Mu Qingge asked in a sharp voice.

Before Han Caicai was like a madman, she was too lazy to say.

Now, since he came to the door on his own initiative, she naturally wanted to wake up this guy!

"Because I won't! Because I like you Han Caicai roared out.

Mu light song but slowly shook his head, "you are not willing, because you are not used to being rejected. What you like is just about yourself. Have you ever thought, do I like you? Will I be happy with you? Han Caicai, don't deny that the person you love most is yourself. Maybe you have different feelings for me, but that's all

"No, it's not. How do you know we can't be together if you haven't tried? You can refuse me cruelly, but how can you stop my liking and deny my liking Han Caicai's eyes turned red and burst into blood.

"Because I know exactly what kind of person is right for me. Han Caicai, didn't you find that your love has hindered me. You should know that I will be merciless in eradicating everything that hinders me. " Mu Qingge looks at him calmly.

Han Caicai finally calmed down.

Looking at a woman for a long time, he is really smiling. I know, I'll take care of myself and never make the same mistake again. But I still said that, I am waiting for you, as long as you are not married, I will not give up

Han Caicai finished and turned away.

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