
Bang bang!

In the space, mu Qingge's refining room is filled with explosions.

Meng Meng and Yuan Yuan stand side by side, looking at the black smoke smelter room. There is helplessness on both beautiful faces.

"How many times has it been, and the master silver has not given up yet?" Meng Meng shakes her head, her big eyes twinkle.

Yuan Yuan around him lowered his head and carefully counted his fingers. After counting ten fingers, he found that it was not enough. He raised his face, and the flaming cinnabar in his eyebrows was particularly charming. He said to Meng Meng, "is it 12 times or 15 times?"

As soon as they finished speaking, the door of the refining room was opened, and a thick smoke came out of the room and filled the space.



Meng Meng and Yuan Yuan are choked, so they step back.

When the smoke was gone, they saw a figure in distress, but with a natural temperament, came out of it. She walked with her hands behind her, her eyebrows lowered and her eyes closed. She seemed to be thinking hard about something. She didn't notice the two people standing outside.

When she passed by Mengmeng and Yuanyuan, they noticed that her beautiful face was covered with black and red stains, and her red robe seemed to be taken out of the coal ash.

They watched her leave with a little horror on their small faces.

"What's wrong with my mother? Are you possessed? " Yuan Yuan pulled the corner of Meng Meng's clothes and asked stupidly.

Meng Meng blinked and nodded: "it's possessed."

"Isn't it just refining utensils? As for the trouble?" Yuan yuan did not understand a mumble.

Suddenly, his forehead a pain, his beautiful face bared his teeth.

"Meng Meng, what are you doing?" Yuan Yuan covered his forehead and yelled at the culprit.

Meng Meng's eyes widened, her hands akimbo and said, "are you an instrument refiner? What do you know about refiners? The main silver is to strive for perfection, and want to break through themselves and forge weapons at the level of artifact. "

"You can't do without eating and sleeping." Yuan Yuan's aggrieved way.

He's worried about his mother's body.

Mengmeng, pretending to be mature, sighed and said helplessly: "you don't know the temperament of the master silver. Once you decide to do something, you will devote yourself to it. This time, she shut up for half a month and knew that she came out, which was good. When you guys didn't come before, she was thinking about alchemy

When mu Qingge appeared again in front of their eyes, they had changed their clean clothes, and their spirits were much better.

Seeing two people standing there, she was stunned and asked in surprise, "what are you two doing here?"

Yuan Yuan immediately ran to her side, aggrieved coquetry: "mother boss, you just found us!"

Mu Qingge blinked.

"It must be. Otherwise, how could the expression of the master silver be so surprised?" Mengmeng also came over and tooted her mouth to Mu Qingge.

"Ha ha." Mu Qingge laughed and asked curiously, "have you been here just now?"

Seeing Yuan Yuan and Meng Meng nodding heavily, she said, "I was thinking about some problems just now, so I didn't notice."

As a result, they both gave her a "guess" look.

Mu Qingge touched the tip of his nose and said, "I'll go out first. Yuan yuan will stay in the space for the time being." Before leaving, she turned around to remind: "by the way, you don't have to provoke him if there's nothing wrong with you." That guy, due to the power of Zimu ring, had to be suppressed by her, but he was not sure that he could tolerate the two troublemakers Yuan Yuan and Meng Meng.

"I see."

"Mother, don't worry."

Mengmeng and Yuanyuan both gave guarantee.

Mu light song eyebrows raised. don 't worry? It was these two guys together that made her uneasy.

"In a word, if you provoke him and you are bullied by him, don't come to me and cry." Mu Qingge finished, turned away from the space, disappeared in front of two people.


A hotel, elegant and quiet courtyard, in front of the door, Bai Lin blocked outside.

In the corridor in front of her, there were two people, Jianya and xuanya.

"White elder sister, please give way, we will go in to serve the little Lord." Xuanya hand with washing tools, to white way.

On the other hand, she carried a tray with some fine food like moqingge.

"Qingge is closed now. You can't disturb it." Bai Bi folded his hands in front of his chest, lazily leaning against the door, half squinting to the rising eyes.

Xuanya frowned and wanted to say something, but she was stopped.

She said, "sister Bai, it's been half a month since you said the little Lord was closed. He always wants to eat and drink and wash. We just put things down and come out, which will not hinder the little Lord. "

Mu Qingge's seclusion did not inform them.

Only half a month ago, when they came to serve, they were stopped by Bai Bi and told them that mu Qingge was closed.In a flash of time, half a month passed, and they stayed in Liuhuo city for half a month. Those who came to participate in the hunting of the family and the flow of visitors has long been gone, the bustling Liuhuo city has become much colder.

"Do you suspect me of lying? Or are you worried that I'll eat the light song? " The way of banter in Bai's eyes.

She pursed her lips.

Xuanya frown words: "white elder sister don't misunderstand, we just want to make sure the little Lord is OK."

"She's fine." White road.

"Sister Bai, our duty is to take care of and protect the little master. If he's at risk, we'll be there. " She Ya bit his lips.

What she and Xuan Ya are worried about is that mu Qingge has secretly gone to some place and involved in danger. If something happens, what can be done?

"If light songs are really dangerous, what can they do with your skills?" I'm not smiling.

This sentence makes xuanya and guaya language stop.

The two of them, up to now, are still on the fifth and sixth floors of the gray realm, and neither of them has broken through the silver realm. If you can't even do something about muqingge on the third floor of Yinjing, what role can they play?

"It's OK to worry about light songs, but the first thing you have to remember is to obey her arrangement." Bai's voice is getting colder and colder, and the soft and cute children's voice implies the dignity of senleng.

"What sister Bai Lei taught me is." The long eyelashes blocked the mood in her eyes.

Xuanya did not argue any more.

"Let them in." Suddenly, in the quiet room, came the sound of moqingge.

At the bottom of his white eyes flashed a faint light and gave way to the way.

She reached out and pushed open the door, and saw mu Qingge sitting on the chair. She twisted her waist and entered the room. She came to Mu Qingge and wrapped her arms around her arm. "Light song."

Mu Qingge turns her eyes to look at her, the corners of her mouth are light, and does not stop her from approaching.

After that, he turned his eyes and looked at Xuan Ya and Xie Ya who stepped into the room.

Two women saw mu Qingge sitting in the room, secretly relieved. Put down the things in their hands, two people kneel in front of muqingge to plead guilty.

"All right, get up." Mu light song random way.

Xuanya and Shiya thank you and stand up.

She said, "little Lord, I received a message from my family the day before yesterday. The high priest has set out to meet the little Lord in the middle ancient world."

"Oh?" Mu light song eyes in a bright, arm from the entanglement of white, stand up.

Finally the old guy is waiting! Is the question in her mind about to be answered?

"When will the high priest arrive?" Mu Qingge asked.

"The high priest is still on his way. Please fix a place for the meeting of the two sides."

Mu Qingge collected his eyes and pondered for a while, and took out the map of Xizhou and spread it on the table in front of him. She will go to Fusha city to see sang lanruo and Mulian city in person. And now, she's still in Liuhuo city

Mu Qingge's finger is easy on the map, and finally stays in a city between Liuhuo city and floating sand city. "That's it, Chaohan city."

He remembered the location, estimated it in his heart, and said to Mu Qingge, "when he received the message, the high priest had already entered the south continent. If the transmission array is used, the time will be greatly shortened. We set out for Chaohan City, which is estimated to take about 10 days. It is estimated that when we arrive at Chaohan City, the high priest will arrive

Mu Qingge nodded.

This is the best way. It doesn't take too long.

Why not choose to meet in Fusha city? Because there was Sang's family there, she went there for private affairs. She didn't want other forces and things to join in at that time.

"Leave tomorrow." Muqingge determines the time.

"Little Lord." Xuanya then said: "you have let me pay attention to the news of the muluofeng. These days I have inquired that there are people who are similar in body shape to the muluofeng and appear in Xizhou."

"The muluofeng appears?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and there was a chill between the eyes. "Keep checking. Identify." Dare to do dirty things to blame her, she can let him live a happy life?

Xuanya nodded. "Little Lord, one more thing..." She hesitated and looked at the direction of Bai Yu.

Mu light song followed her eyes, but did not care about the way: "white is not an outsider."

This sentence, let Bai Yan smile.

Xuanya also no longer scruples, said: "about the map on my sister and I, maybe I found another way to peel off the map."

"Say it." Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, clear eyes become hot up.

"I have carefully recalled the ancient books I have seen in my family, which records a method of transformation and extension, which can transfer our maps to other people." Xuanya road.

"Zhuantuo?" Murmur and frown.

What's the use of turning? It's just another person.Xuanya continued: "I know that the little Lord is a gentleman and has no other thoughts on me. But the little Lord wants to get married in the end. If the little Lord has a sweetheart, I and I will transfer the map on my body to her. As long as the little Lord and she have a couple, we can easily get the map. Isn't it the best of both worlds? "

With that, she took a look at mu Qingge with some trepidation, because she could not figure out the relationship between the adult who suddenly appeared and left suddenly and his own little Lord.

That kind of intimate behavior, seems to have surpassed the friendship between the same sex.

However, they need blood to continue. So, the method is true, so is the trial.

"What if it's directly transferred to me?" Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

Dazzle ya a Leng, but shake his head way: "one, this method can only turn to extend to the female body. Secondly, as a carrier, people who have been transferred and expanded can't see the contents of the map, just like me and Jianya. "

Mu light song eyes flash for a while, to them two humanity: "you go down first."

Her reaction and answer were beyond Xuan Ya's expectation.

"Yes, little Lord."

Without disobeying the order of Mu Qingge, she Ya and Xuan Ya quit the room.

After the two people left, mu Qingge saw the narrow eyes in Bai's eyes.

"Funny?" Moqingge is not a good way.

It's impossible to achieve the elegant way!

"I'm looking forward to Qingge. What will you do in the future? Do you want to get married? Or married man? " The way of Bai Lin's banter.

Mu light song face a black, between the eyebrows show crazy, domineering way: "of course, marry Lang!"

"Poof!" White chuckle out of the sound, to Mu light song cast admiration of the eyes.

Bai Bi came to Mu Qingge's side and said vaguely: "you and that adult, have you Mm-hmm? "

Mu light song ponders the eye light to cast to her, "you a snake, so Bagua do what?"

Bai Yu's eyebrows were up, angry: "what's wrong with the snake? Can't snakes be curious about men and women? "

Mu light song gaped at her, lost voice way: "you don't tell me, you have not loved anyone in the past life this life?" It turns out that the old bachelor is not only a stranger!

The white man's face was awkward for a while, mumbled: "my memory has not been completely restored, which remembers what loves not to love. But I don't think I've ever fallen in love with anyone. " She asked curiously, "what is love like? Is it delicious? "

Mu light Song mouth a draw, sneer reply: "can only meaning can not be said, if you really curious, can go to a love."


"With whom?" He was stunned.

Mu light song blinked an eye, serious way: "I think silver dust is good."

Bai Yan opened his eyes in surprise and immediately said, "that smelly fox? Let's forget it. I feel bad when I smell him

"He hates you, too. See, how much do you deserve? " Mu Qingge repressed laughter and ridicule.

“……” White small mouth micro open looking at Mu light song, really can not distinguish her this words is a joke, or the truth.

Bai Lin suddenly shook his head and put the topic aside. "What's the result of your half a month?"

Mu Qingge sighed and shook his head slowly. "Artifact is not so good to refine. I can't break through this half month."

"Don't worry about it. Maybe it will come to pass one day." White hair comfort.

Nod your head softly.

She naturally understood this, so she came out of the refining room. Before, she wanted to upgrade the equipment for Dragon tooth guard as soon as possible, and also wanted to create divine armor and weapons. She was a little impatient.

A little rest may bring unexpected results.

"You have to touch the rope by yourself. Maybe this time I went to Fusha city and saw the method of refining weapons of the Sang family. It will be enlightening. " White road.

"That's good, but how can the mulberry family's weapon refining method be easily seen?" Muqinggosi cableway.

Sangxue dance takes away the Dragon beast of Linjia, saying that it is to refine armor. When she sees the finished product, maybe she can see some clues from it. But I'm afraid it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Simao also said that the method of refining utensils of the Sang family inherited the ancient method of refining utensils, which is worth learning from.

Therefore, if she wants to break through the refining again, I'm afraid the Sang family will have to go there. However, when she arrived at the Sang family, how could she see the method of refining utensils?

If you announce your identity and tell the sangs about her craftsman's blood, you can easily see it.

But she didn't want to. She didn't want to have anything to do with the sangs, nor did she want to go to the sangs or owe them any favors.

Ask sang Xue dance or Sang Lan Ruo and let them tell themselves?

Mu Qingge shakes his head. "Forget it, she doesn't want to involve her affairs with them. She taught the family secret law without permission, and was found out. The two were punished. Did she save or not? "

So far, mu Qingge doesn't want to complicate his relationship with sang lanruo, even sang Xuewu and sang Yichen.Even if they are related by blood!

"If not, we'll steal it!" Bai Yan's eyes turned and suggested.


Mu Qingge took a look at her, but said, "generally, this method of refining weapons is taught by mouth, by word and by example. How can we leave any secret scripts and other things?" The method of refining weapons in the Sang family is not a secret. But it's not easy to spread.

"Neither this nor that. What should we do?" White also has a headache frown.

"Let's go to Fusha first." Muqingge finally decided.

There is no solution to sitting here dreaming. Only when we get to the floating sand city, we can take another step to see it.


The next day, early, mu Qingge sat on the spirit animal cart to Chaohan city.

The drivers are hired drivers.

And she sat in the spacious carriage with Bai, Ya and xuanya.

The coachman is a local, who often travels between Liuhuo city and Chaohan City, and is very familiar with the route. This is also the reason why mu Qingge was employed.

On the broad post road, the spirit beast cart is running fast.

The coachman waved his whip and kept pumping on the spirit beast to make it run fast.

The driver's face was full of envy.

The object of admiration is naturally the moqingge in the carriage.

"What a dandy in a big family! When you go out to play, you still have three gorgeous beauties with different charm He smacked his lips and sighed.

He is just an ordinary person in Liuhuo city. He doesn't know who is the most famous person on the sunset grassland some days ago.

When renting a car, Xuan Ya told him that they were traveling with the young owner, so he believed.

After sighing for a while, the coachman could not help but guess, "I don't know what the three women and a man are doing in the car. Haha ~! "

What are you doing?


In the carriage separated by his door, mu Qingge lies lazily, and the person who rubs his shoulder is replaced by guaya. And the person who cooks tea and burns fragrance, is changed to dazzle elegant.

As for Bai Bi, he keeps filling his mouth with snacks.

The snacks prepared by xuanya and Fuya almost all entered her mouth along the way.

Silver dust called her "greedy snake" is really worthy of the name!

The driver was given enough silver to drive toward the cold city day and night.

Because it was a day and night journey, in the evening of the eighth day of leaving Liuhuo City, the spirit beast cart finally drove into the gate of Chaohan city. The coachman is very familiar with Chaohan City, and drives the spirit beast vehicle directly to the door of an inn.

Stop the car steadily, the coachman said to the man in the carriage: "childe, I've arrived at the place."

When the closed door is opened, the first thing to come out is xuanya. She got out of the spirit beast cart, looked at the decoration of the inn, then nodded and turned around, and said to the moqingsong in the car, "little Lord, we are here."

Then, Mu light song out of the car, behind her, is the guaya and white.

As soon as the four appeared, the driver's eyes reappeared with envy. And from the inn welcome out of the clerk, see their appearance, immediately surprised Leng in place.

When he regained consciousness, he had the same admiration as the coachman.

At the same time, he also murmured: "strange, these two days to see more beautiful women than my life added up."

His murmurs were ignored.

After recovering his emotions, he immediately welcomed mu Qingge and others.

Finish the task. The driver drives away. The four followed the steps and entered the gate of the inn. Since it was evening and the city was no longer bustling in the daytime, there was no one else in the lobby of the inn, which seemed a bit lonely.

However, such an environment, but let Mu light song satisfaction.

If it is a mess, very noisy picture, she will not think about it, turn around and go.

"How many rooms do you want, young master?" I'm asking, man. I've got a hint. "The sound insulation effect of our room is very good, and the bed is also very large. You can rest assured."

Along the way, mu Qingge has been numb to such misunderstanding.

In the face of the friend's kindness, she just asked faintly, "is there a secluded and undisturbed single courtyard?"

The man was stunned and immediately began to smile. "Hey, I understand you. It's a coincidence that our inn has a single courtyard, but the price is a little more expensive. "

As soon as his voice fell, xuanya took out a gold ingot and threw it on the counter.

The sound of gold ingot falling on the counter made the man's body dazed and his eyes bright. He quickly picked up the gold ingot with both hands, bit it in his mouth, and touched it fondly. Then he piled up a more brilliant face than before, and said with a crouching waist: "thank you, young master, thank you very much. I'll take you there, little one? "

"Lead the way ahead." Xuanya road.

"Get it!" The man is smiling and leading the way.Mu Qingge takes three girls and follows him.

From the front of the lobby around the backyard, a voice suddenly inserted, almost let mu Qingge not stand firm fell down.

"Muqingge! You heartless man, I finally found you

The sharp words immediately attracted the attention of five people.

The man who leads the way ahead trembles uncontrollably when he hears this sound. It seems that he is afraid of the owner of the voice.

Xuan Ya and Xie Ya, even Bai Xuan are very curious about who this woman is full of sorrow and what kind of relationship it has with muqingge.

Among them, the most surprising is moqingge!

She turned her eyes to the enchanting woman who stood on the stairs in the backyard and raised her eyebrows on her hips.

"How can this girl appear here?"

What's the most important thing?

I'm afraid no one believes it!

Tall and enchanting body, exotic enchanting beauty. There is a head of distinctive hair color, eye color, it is just like a goblin falling into the world!

She didn't wear a veil any more and showed her beauty completely.

"Jiang Li! You... " Mu Qingge exclaimed her name.

Just waiting for her to finish speaking, Jiang Li interrupted rudely: "I saw a figure similar to you just now, and I guessed it must be you. When I came out, it was you! You son of a bitch, you've been away for so long without any news. You're still surrounded by beauties! Do you have me in your heart? "

This domineering, tough words, not only to suppress the shop staff, but also to xuanya and guaya two people.

In their hearts, they speculated about the relationship between this sudden beauty and their young master. But the shop assistant cast admiration and admiration to Mu Qingge.

Such a fierce Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus can be tamed by this young man in red. I can't even admire him!

Only Bai Lin knows something about Jiang Li and the identity of Mu Qingge. In addition to the unexpected appearance of Jiang Li, she still has a mood of watching good plays.

I want to see how mu Qingge responds when her majesty suddenly appears here.

Jiang Li stepped on the stairs and immediately appeared in front of Mu Qingge. "You are a heartless man. You mean, do you have me in your heart? Thanks to me, I came all the way to you and abandoned my glory and wealth Well... "

Jiang Li's words are interrupted by mu Qingge's action.

Mu Qingge held out her hand and squeezed her cheek as she spoke.

"Hiss! It will hurt Jiang Li claps off mu Qingge's hand and covers his cheek complaining way.

"I just want to make sure you're real or illusory." Mu light song but calm way.

Mu light song's reaction, let Xuan Ya and Xuan Ya are shocked.

They have followed muqingge for a long time, but they have never seen muqingge do this to any woman. Is it that the woman who appears suddenly is the true love of the little Lord?

Did they misunderstand the relationship between the old man and the young master?

Suddenly, the two women look complicated.

"If you want to see if it's fake, it should be pinching you, not me!" Jiang Li angrily put down his hand covering his cheek and attacked mu Qingge.

However, just half of her hand, mu Qingge caught her and froze in the air.

When Jiang Li is surprised, she suddenly pulls, the former is caught off guard and bumps into her arms. "Nice to see you again!"

Before Jiang Li struggled, suddenly came the words of Mu Qingge containing emotion.

This sentence, let her stop struggling, let mu Qingge embrace himself.

The picture of two people suddenly holding together stimulates the people around.

This makes xuanya and Jieya more sure that this woman is the true love of the little Lord. But in the eyes of guaya, a little more lonely.

The shop assistant envied Zaba's mouth. He glanced over several beauties and sighed in his heart: "it's really people compare with others. I'm so angry!"

Shaoqing, feeling mu Qingge's mood calmed down, Jiang Li left her arms and touched mu Qingge's forehead, puzzled: "what's the matter? Have you been wronged during this time? "

Mu Qingge took her hand and shook her head slowly. This is the smile from her heart.

Jiang Li can be called a close friend to her.

In front of Jiang Li, she does not have to hide her emotions, but also can speak freely.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge moved his eyes from Jiang Li's body, looked up and fixed it on the stairs where Jiang Li stood before.

There, standing a tall and ethereal figure, white clothes, elegant, picturesque, like banished immortals.

"Elder martial brother Mei." Coagulate that person, Mu light song is tiny jaw head, Mou is in smile.


In the single courtyard of the inn, candles burn.

White three people have stepped down, leaving space for three people who haven't met for a long time.In the hall, three people sat around the round table. The candle on the candlestick burned and the candle flickered. Tea and snacks are all arranged properly.

Mu Qingge gets up and pours a cup of tea for Jiang Lihao and Mei Zizhong himself. Then he fills the teacup in front of him, puts down the teapot and sits down.

"It's great to meet a light song here." Mei Zizhong spoke calmly. His voice, or that kind of pure heart and few desires, as if no desire, no dust.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "I am also very surprised. I received a letter from my grandfather saying that an old friend had visited him and that he would come to the medieval world to look for me. I guessed that it was the elder martial brothers and sisters, but I didn't expect to meet so soon. " Then she turned her eyes and looked at Jiang Li, "what surprised me most was that you were not good enough to be the queen of the ancient witch kingdom. How could you follow her?"

Jiang Li raised his hair on his shoulder and raised his eyebrows at her: "the empress thinks that the country and the country can't compare with you, a great beauty, so I'm here!"

Her words make mu Qingge's mouth light.

The feeling of meeting old friends in a foreign land is really very enjoyable.

"How did you get here? And how did it show up here? What's more, what about senior brother Zhao, senior sister Shang, and senior sister Zhu? " Mu Qingge can't help asking.

You know, she started from the bitter sea, after almost a year, to reach the middle ancient world, now has been in the middle ancient world for a year, also just came here.

Of course, Jiang Li and his wife would not deal with all kinds of things like this all the way to her. They made many detours and wasted a lot of time. But it's hard to think about it here.

Mei Zizhong smiles, looks at Jiang Li and explains to Mu Qingge: "after you leave, the four of us stayed in the ancient witch kingdom for several days and met her majesty. She told us that there is a secret state of ancient witchcraft, which can improve cultivation as soon as possible. As long as we can break through, we can reach the standard of leaving Linchuan, so we will go. "

He said it very easily, but muqingge could guess that the secret place to have such an effect is absolutely not simple, even full of crisis.

If these people practice step by step, it will be sooner or later for them to leave Linchuan. However, in order to make peace with her earlier, she was willing to take risks. How could she not be moved?

"Well, don't be conceited! We're also curious about what the medieval world looked like. We're just passing by. " Jiangli socket road.

How can you not hear the meaning of her words if you are smart as a light song?

She didn't want to feel guilty about it.

"And then?" Mu light song is not urgent, long night, she can listen carefully, ask slowly.

"Later, we came out of it, and coincidentally found an ancient transmission array." Mei Zizhong continued with a smile.

"Transmission array!" Mu light song eyes light.

"The transmission array was in the ancient witch Kingdom, but I didn't know it all the time. It really pissed me off. If you had known that transmission array, you didn't have to go from the bitter sea Jiang Li still feels angry when he thinks about it now. It seemed that she was a disgrace to the Witch Queen.

"From the bitter sea, there are also advantages." Mu light song smile way.

How could she find the clue of the scroll of the divine plan if she could not walk through the bitter sea but directly use the transmission array?

"After we found the transmission array, and after several elders of the ancient witch Kingdom determined that it could be used, we went to see Mr. mu. After that, he returned to the ancient witch Kingdom and came from the teleportation array. However, in the process of coming, there were some accidents, which caused us to be separated from Mr. Zhao Mei Zizhong's light way. Referring to the disappearance of Zhao Nanxing, he did not show any concern.

This makes mu Qingge strange to ask: "is there any news from elder martial brother Zhao?"

Mei Zizhong nodded with a smile, "younger martial brother Zhao has a flexible mind. He quickly found out some ways of the middle ancient world. He released a message through the Liuke clan, telling us that the three of them are in Dongzhou and safe. After contacting younger martial brother Zhao, we also released news in the Liuke clan according to this method. Both sides discussed. They looked for you in Dongzhou, and we looked for you in Xizhou. Later, we exchanged information with Liuke clan. One year later, if you haven't heard from you, you can make an appointment to meet in Zhongzhou or beizhou and discuss the next thing. Fortunately, we met you first. "

So it is!

Mu Qingge suddenly realized.

She really had to admire Zhao Nanxing's flexibility. The fourth Prince of Yu could not be underestimated.

It must be the most convenient way to release news through Liuke clan!

Because no matter where we are separated, as long as there are cities, we will know about the Liuke clan, and then we can see the news released.

Zhao Nanxing took advantage of the convenience of the Liuke clan to build a bridge for exchanging information.

"How long have you been in the Middle Ages?" Mu Qingge asked.

"More than a month." Mei Zizhong replied.

After a moment's silence, he added, "my majesty and I are near the teleportation array, which is on the West Island. After hearing the Dragon teeth in the Liuke clan, I guess it might be you. Knowing that the hunting in the world of Liuke is being held in the evening grassland, I want to take a chance and see if I can find you"But now we don't have to go any more." Jiang Li picks eyebrow way.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "it's really no need to go. The hunting is over. If we miss it today, I'm afraid it's hard to say next time

The general situation, mu Qingge has been asked clearly.

She asked Jiang Li, "where is the transmission array? Maybe to Linchuan?"

If the teleportation array is available, can she often travel between the middle ancient world and Linchuan? Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen want to return to Linchuan Mu's home. They don't need to waste any more time. They can use the transmission array directly to solve the old man's waiting pain as soon as possible.

"It should be. The elder said that it was a two-way transmission array, and it was well preserved. As long as there is enough spirit stone support, you can go back and forth to Linchuan. But the teleportation array is really a spirit stone eater. This time we are scattered because there are not enough spirit stones. " Jiang Li sighed.

"The ancient Wu state, the state of Yu, and the medicine tower branch are not enough?" Mu Qingge was surprised.

How much spirit stone does this need to consume?

Jiang Li turned his mouth and said, "there are few Lingshi in Linchuan. Zhao Nanxing tried his best to adjust to a thousand low-level spirit stones. Your elder martial brother Mei got more than 500 pieces of medicine from the medicine tower, while the ancient Wu Kingdom gave 2000 yuan. It's enough to add up. If you add another 500 yuan, Zhao Nanxing and the three of them will not go to Dongzhou. "

"How did you fall to Dongzhou?" Mu Qingge frowns.

"Who knows?" Jiang Li shrugged.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and estimated it and said in a deep voice, "so to use it once, you need about 3000 low-level spirit stones?"

Jiang Li frowned and said, "it can't be calculated like this. The elder said that the spiritual pressure of the middle ancient world is different from that of Linchuan. It is easy to go from Linchuan to Mesoproterozoic, and it is difficult to go from Mesoproterozoic to Linchuan. Five of us, with 3000 low-grade spirit stones, can safely reach the middle ancient world. If the number of people is equal, I'm afraid that the number of spirit stones needed from the middle ancient world to the Linchuan boundary would be doubled, or even doubled or tripled. "

"That is to say, the number of spirit stones consumed is related to the multiple of the difference between the number of people and the spirit pressure?" Mu Qingge understood.

"Well, that's the truth." Jiang Li nodded.

Then she asked, "do you want to go back to Linchuan?"

"I have the idea, but not now." Mu Qingge did not hide it. If there is a teleportation array, she really wants to go back to see her grandfather, her aunt, her cousin who hasn't met, Shao Pang and others.

"I'll take you then." Jiang Li Road.

"Good." Mu Qingge nods.

After half a night of reminiscence, mu Qingge finally said to Mei Zizhong and Jiang Li, "tomorrow I'll send a message to elder martial brother Zhao that we have met. If they have a good opportunity in Dongzhou, they should not waste it. They should have peace of mind. There will be opportunities to meet in the future. As for elder martial brother Mei, do you have any ideas? "

She didn't ask Jiang Li, because she knew that Jiang Li would follow her when he came here.

Sure enough, hearing that she didn't have himself in her inquiry, Jiang Li immediately beamed.

Mei Zizhong pondered for a moment and then slowly replied, "I'm not familiar with the middle ancient world. If it doesn't hinder me, I'll go the same way with Qingge."

Mu Qingge thought about it and said, "there is a Dandao courtyard in Dongzhou, where alchemists gather. Senior brother Zhao, they can study there. I'll be there sooner or later. If elder martial brother Mei doesn't mind, wait for me. When I finish my work, we'll go to Dongzhou Dandao hospital together. "

"Good!" Mei Zizhong nodded.

Outside the window, the sky is getting brighter.

Mei Zizhong has gone back to rest, while Jiang Li has stayed.

She and mu Qingge lie in the same bed, just like when she was in Linchuan.

"Light song, do you have trouble?" Jiang Li lies on the bed, turns to look at the Mu light song way nearby.

Mu Qingge nodded, "worry a lot, but now I want to solve one thing, is two maps."

"What map?" Jiang Li turns over and lies beside her curiously.

Mu Qingge's eyes moved, looked at her and asked, "do you have any secret laws in the ancient witch Kingdom, which can be used to print the map on human skin?"

Jiang Li blinked, without thinking too much: "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!