Beizhou, Jiuyang city.

At the beginning of entering the city, a group of 100 people attracted the attention of the people in the city.

Under them, they were riding the spirit beast bone horned horse. The black armor was draped on the horse's back, showing only a row of bone spines on its head. The barbed spines replaced the mane of a horse.

Even on their four hooves, there are obvious bone spines.

These bony horned horses have bright white fur, which is in sharp contrast to the black armor on their bodies, but they are not abrupt.

Among them, the most special one is a horned horse walking in the front. It is not the white hair of the horned horse, but blood red. Even those bone spines are blood red, just like crystal.

And the people sitting on it were also outstanding. They were dressed in red robes and leather armour. They were erect and straight like swords. They were extremely beautiful and charming. They had a kind of beauty that could not be debated between men and women. In particular, the air of madness and indifference between her eyebrows was clearly the two incompatible qualities of water and fire, but they were perfectly integrated by her.

Her long hair, which was tied up high and high, was only fixed with a delicate hoop. The hanging hair was gently swaying, adding a bit of flexibility.

Behind her, the following team, black and red armor, majestic, resolute and cold, with iron and blood temperament.

The team of 100 people is neat and tidy. Many people have noticed that every time the horse raises its front hoof and falls down, it is extraordinarily synchronous. The sound of the crow of the hundred horse is uniform and thunderous. It strikes the hearts of the people on both sides of the streets of jiuyangcheng.

When they came out of the transmission array in the city and came to the street, the busy street surface automatically separated and retreated under the eaves of the street side to make way for the street.

The crowd, holding their breath, looked at the team with some curiosity.

"Who are these people? What an imposing look

"I'm afraid it's from some big power."

"Take a look at the young man in red who is at the front. He is really the most beautiful man in the world. It is amazing!"

"Who said it was not? Old man, I've lived most of my life, and I've never seen such a handsome young man. The young master is not an ordinary man. He must be a dragon and Phoenix! "

"Wait, look at their badges!"

"Badge? What badge? "

"It's the one painted on the horned vest, and the one embroidered on their chest!"

"Yes, what is that?"

"Indeed, they are the people of a small town, and they have no insight at all! That's the badge of dragon teeth. "

"Dragon teeth?"

"Good! It's Dragon teeth

"Are you talking about the Dragon tooth team that has never had a record of failure since the mission?"

"It's the Dragon tooth!"

"It is said that two years ago, the star city of Longya was established, which attracted the attention of the whole middle ancient world and stirred up many storms."

"Well said! At that time, I was lucky to go to Luoxing City, but I didn't have the chance to enter the Lord's house to witness everything. However, even in this case, the impression of the falling star city on me is particularly refreshing. "


"This must be Longya! It's the dragon's tooth of falling star city

"The young man in red who is at the front must be the master of dragon teeth and the master of falling star city! Master Mu

"Young city Lord?"

"So young, he is already the master of a city. What is his cultivation now?"

"Cultivation?" The one who knows a little bit about luoxingcheng and muqingge can't help laughing. "I don't know what kind of cultivation he did. I only know that the last time he revealed his accomplishments was in the evening grassland hunting many years ago. In the process of competition, he suddenly promoted to the third level of silver territory. After these two or three years, who knows what he is doing now? However, people don't just rely on cultivation. "

"What else can we rely on without cultivation?"

"You don't know. She was the only one of the holy level weapon refiners in the middle ancient world, and there were ancient people like sang family behind her. "

"Sang family? Xizhou mulberry family? He is still a saint level craftsman

"Yes! It's xizhousang family. It is said that he is a descendant of the Sang family, and his talent of refining weapons has been the first for thousands of years. He refined the sacred utensils and revived the declining Sangjia family. In the past two years, he had the potential to rise again. Moreover, you think, he is a saint level refiner, or the only one. How many forces hold it too late, who will offend? I wish they could all please him, so that they could get a sacred instrument. "

"So powerful! Did he refine the sacred vessels in the past two years

"Do you think the sachet is cabbage? I just heard that I heard that ha In the past two years, there was a time when the clouds and clouds changed color, lightning and thunder thundered in the falling star city, and then the glow suddenly dropped. I don't know if there's a new one coming out. "

"Drillmaster, they are all looking at us." A young man in black armor, riding a horse to Mu Qingge, whispered.

After two years of self-discipline day and night, Jinghai is no longer a pure boy in that small fishing village, but has grown up to be a straight and handsome youth.Muqingge and Longya are riding on the horse, which he found through his own talent and ability.

Mu light Song mouth light Yang, to Jinghai way: "they see then see, will not less piece of meat to go, afraid of what?"

"Not afraid, I I'm not used to it. " Jinghai's quiet explanation.

Even now he can kill ruthlessly in the battlefield, but he still retains a trace of the green and shy of the fishing village boy in his heart.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to him and said with a light smile: "in the past two years, you either practice all day in the falling star city, or follow the Dragon tooth to do the task. At your age, you have developed a disposition that doesn't like lively activities. It seems that you will be able to get out and walk more in the future. "

"I..." However, the eyes of the teacher are clear

His appearance makes mu Qingge sigh in his heart. She said again, "Xiao Hai, I know you miss yuan yuan, and I can't let go of it. However, Yuan Yuan like the lively temperament, but do not like to see you now. I will not force you to do anything, just hope you can get out of the shadow. You and I should firmly believe that Yuan Yuan will wake up and come back to us. "

It didn't look like she was admiring light songs.

After saying that, Mu light song can't help but smile bitterly.

However, who let this be her only disciple, and his heart knot is to transform flame into armor yuan?

"It's really dragon teeth! How could they suddenly appear on North Island? "

"Who knows? Maybe it's the Northland mission? "

"But, what kind of mission is it that even the city Lord Mu has gone out?"

"That's right. The city Lord Mu has never participated in the tasks of Longya in recent years. It's all from the commander of Moyang."

"In this case, I'm afraid something has happened to us in beizhou."

"Whatever it is, those big events have nothing to do with people like us. We are just living our own little life."

In the street's voice of discussion and surprise, the team came to a large inn door stop.

Moyang, who was accompanying him, dismounted and came to Mu Qingge, and said to her, "Sir, we have already contracted this hotel before, so we won't be disturbed by outsiders. Let's take a rest here for a day, and we'll leave for Tianping city tomorrow. "

Mu light song lightly jaw head, said to him: "these things, you play good."

At this time, the owner of the inn, with a flattering smile, ran out of the inn with his robe on his back, followed by the shop assistant.

Mu Qingge turns over and dismounts from the horse. The action is as natural and unrestrained as flowing water, which immediately draws the exclamation of girls in the crowd.

She dismounted, and the Dragon teeth guard, who was behind her, also rolled over and dismounted in a neat and orderly manner. The neat and neat movement was very strict, which was not the same as that of the ordinary tourist teams or the bodyguards in the family.

With his hands behind him, mu Qingge stepped out of the door of the Inn and walked inside.

The Dragon teeth guards of 100 people followed her in one after another. Finally, the two people automatically stood at the door, and their cold and resolute faces stopped all prying in.

This kind of anti tavern momentum made the innkeeper wipe a cold sweat on his forehead.

Seeing hundreds of boned horses still standing on the street, the innkeeper quickly told the man behind him to lead the horses into the backyard.

However, as soon as they got close, the horned horse threatened to move restlessly. The ice in the deep pupils of the horse was so cold that it was hard to walk.

All the staff in the inn were scared and turned pale.

They have seen a lot of spirit animals. However, it is clear that the hundred boned horses in front of them have not been tamed and are full of wildness.

Jinghai see shape, turn to bone horn horse charge a, "go."

Suddenly, hundreds of bony horned horses were quiet.

Jinghai this just comes forward, to a Feller that sits on the ground: "trouble lead the way."

The fellow scrambled to get up, with fear, to lead the way for Jinghai.

And Jinghai with hundreds of horses into the backyard of the inn.

People and horses have left, and the crowd of onlookers in Jiuyang city just don't give up.

However, today, the popular topic in Jiuyang city is the sudden appearance of the Dragon teeth, and the Lord of the falling star city, mu Qingge.


In the inn, dragon tooth brings hot water and puts it in front of Mu Qingge.

She washed her hands in water before wiping them with a clean towel.

Mo Yang came to her room and reported to her the layout of the sentry tonight and the confirmation of the password. This is the habit of dragon teeth. Even though they are no longer in the barracks, they still use the habits of the barracks.

After listening to his report, mu Qingge raised his clear eyes and said to him, "Moyang, now the whole dragon teeth guard has been promoted to silver territory. This is very gratifying to me, which shows that you are not lazy. But remember, our goal is not in the middle ages. To protect what you want to protect, you have to be stronger. ""Little Lord, Mo Yang understands." Mo Yang has the first jaw.

They were talking when a report came from the Dragon tooth guard.

"Little Lord, commander Mo, there is a disturbance outside the inn." , the fastest update of the webnovel!