"Little Lord, commander Mo, there is a disturbance outside the inn."

Long Ya Wei, who is on duty, suddenly enters the room to report.

This sentence interrupted the conversation between mu Qingge and Mo Yang, and made them curious.

Just after they arrived, someone came to make trouble?

Mo Yang's face sank. He turned to look at the Dragon teeth guard and asked, "who made trouble? What's going on? "

Long Ya Wei replied: "there is a team of about ten people outside the gate. They want to stay in the hotel. The innkeeper has already indicated that the inn has been contracted by us, but they refuse to leave. On the contrary, they hurt the innkeeper with a very arrogant attitude. The leading woman also said And said

"What else?" Long Ya Wei's sudden hesitation made Mo Yang frown.

Mu light song's eyes also slightly narrowed up.

Long Ya Wei secretly raised his eyes, looked at Mu light song, and quickly dropped. "She saw us guarding the door and recognized that we were dragon teeth, but she still said arrogantly that even if the master mu, the Lord of dragon teeth, met her, he would be polite to her. We are nothing."

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly knelt on one knee, as if he had made a big mistake.

Mo Yang looks back and looks at Xiangmu light song.

And Mu light song eyebrow tip, but when he said these words, picked up.

In her eyes, there was a banter and a light way: "I don't know what kind of big man it is. I have to be polite when I see it."

"She may not know that the young Lord is here before she dares to speak falsely." The kneeling dragon tooth guard is busy.

Mu Qingge's smile, with a trace of unknown meaning. She said to the Dragon tooth guard, "get up."

Long Ya Wei immediately stood up from the ground, but did not leave. He was waiting for muqingge's decision.

"Let's go and see what's sacred about this man who makes me be polite to three." Mu light song swing sleeve way.

"My Lord." Mo Yang stopped: "just some clowns, why disturb your rest? I will send her away

Mu Qingge smile even more, "since she carried out my name, how can you sell your face?"

"If it doesn't make sense, call." The road of Moyang is crisp and neat.

Mu light song eyes light sweep to him, suddenly smile up, "Moyang, you are always so overbearing in the layman?"

Mo Yang's whole body breath a Lin, immediately kneel on one knee to plead guilty.

"Get up, I didn't say anything about you. We dragon teeth, really do not need to bow to anyone. " Mu light song with a smile.

Then she went out of the room and headed for the door of the inn.

Moyang quickly up, with the previous dragon teeth Wei tail Mu light song.


Come near, mu Qingge then heard a woman shouting voice.

She frowned, and the voice was familiar, but she could not remember where she had heard it. I just felt that the sound was quite harsh and she didn't like it.

A voice let her not like the person, and what face, to let oneself comity three points?

Mu light song clear eyes, the expression of banter more thick.

She went over and heard the woman shouting, "do you know who I am? I am a miss of Han family! This is beizhou, not Xizhou. How dare you make trouble to me in beizhou

It's her!

Referring to the Han family, mu Qingge suddenly realized.

A figure that had been forgotten by her had entered her memory again.

Mu Qingge stopped and didn't go out immediately.

Mo Yang followed up and saw her stop suddenly. He asked in a low voice: "little Lord..."

"It's Han Caicai's sister." Mu light song light road.

"Han Shaozhu's sister?" Mo Yang frowned. He had a bad impression of Han Caicai, not to mention her sister.

Silence for a while, Moyang to Mu light song way: "that, subordinates let people vacate a few rooms..."

"Han Yi, what are you doing?" Mo Yang's words have not finished, a more familiar voice to Mu Qingge appears, interrupting him.

Mu Qingge raised eyebrows and said, "Han Caicai is here too."

She is more familiar with the voice behind this than Han Yi people.

"Second brother!" There was a surprise in the voice of the Iraqis.

Soon, mu Qingge heard her explanation, "second brother, I didn't know you came back these days, so I wanted to come here to wait for you and give you a surprise. I didn't expect that you would arrive today. "

"It's not the same way." Mu Qingge's heart is more clear.

Han Caicai's impatient voice came, "you don't stay at home, run here to make a fool of yourself."

"Second brother, I'm not for you." The voice of the Korean people is wronged. "You've come just in time. Look at them. They've packed the Best Inn in the city. How many of them can live in so many rooms? Don't you know their master? Talk about themHear this, Mu light Song Mou light micro motion, carry a step to go out.

When she saw Han Caicai, it happened that he looked at longyawei because of Han Yi People's words, and recognized the identity of longyawei.

"You are dragon teeth!" Han Caicai's long and narrow eyes suddenly widened.

Before his shock was over, he saw a figure that he had been thinking about day and night, and came out of the inn. He suddenly lost his voice: "light song!"

His gaffe made Han Yi people frown.

Following his sight, she saw the moqingge coming out and frowned deeper.

From the heart, she does not want her second brother and mu Qingge to go too close, in order to avoid the second brother's mistakes. However, she did not expect mu Qingge to appear here. Is it for the sake of her second brother?

This conjecture made the Han and Yi people on guard.

Mu Qingge goes over, and his eyes are swept over Han Caicai and Han Yi people. They are followed by some people respectively. It seems that they are subordinate to the Han family.

"Qingge, we haven't seen it for two years since we left the star city." Han Caicai's voice is murmuring.

Mu light song light smile, "and nothing important, see and not see what difference?"

"Then you come to beizhou this time..." Han Caicai blurted out, but immediately nodded: "I received the news that xuanyue, Bailian and Juling people all came to beizhou. You are also here for this matter."

Knowing that mu Qingge came to beizhou, he couldn't have done it for him, but his expression was still lost.

Mu light song a faint smile, no comment.

She put her eyes on Han Yi and said with a smile, "Miss Han, how do you want me to be polite to you?"

The last four words, she said particularly heavy, and with fun.

Without waiting for Han Yi people to open their mouths, Han Caicai immediately shot out a cold light in her long and narrow eyes, and looked at Han Yi and said, "Yi Ren, did you really say such a thing?"

"I..." Han Yi people are afraid that their second brother will show such an expression. She said so at that time, but she didn't know that muqingge was here.

"Don't make amends to the city Lord!" Han Caicai said in a sharp voice.

Han Yi people thought that they had made some mistakes, but when Han Caicai roared, they felt wronged and immediately called out: "why should we apologize? Who is he? Is he worthy of my Miss Han family? "

"You are presumptuous Han Caicai roared and raised her hand to fan her cheek.


The crisp clapping sounds, Han Caicai and Han Yi people are stunned.

"You hit me? Have you forgotten how I helped you when you came back to be the young master of the Han nationality? " Han Yi people cover their hot cheeks and look at Han Caicai in shock.

Han Caicai is also stunned. He twists his stiff neck to watch Xiangmu Qingge. But I saw her playful expression.

He thought that moqingge would stop him at the last minute, so he would put down his hand and solve the matter. But do not want to, Mu light song did not make a sound at all, and he this slap also so fell.

His face changed a few times. He looked at Han Yi and said, "enough! You help me, not just to help me. There are some things we know. "

"You Han Yi people are angry and angry. They stare at Han Caicai and stop talking.

Mu Qingge doesn't want to hear the dispute between their brother and sister.

She turned to Moyang and said, "make room for them." Then she returned to the inn. Let them stay here, is entirely to see the face of Han Caicai.

Seeing Han Yi, she remembered that this woman once thought about her man.

Well, if she's woken up, she won't care. If she still dares to dream, she doesn't care whether this woman is Han Caicai's sister.

When mu Qingge left, Han Caicai immediately stopped arguing with the Han Yi people. He rushed to her and said to her, "Qingge, I know you're going to Tianping city. Why don't we go the same way?"

Mu Qingge stops and looks at him.

Han Caicai said: "you don't have to misunderstand. To get to Tianping city from here, you need to pass the Fengyun city where the Han nationality is. We are indeed on the same road. In addition, we are still friends after all. When you are in beizhou now, do you have the truth that the Han family is not in? In any case, let me do my best as a host. "

Mu Qingge looks at Han Caicai's eyes. His long and narrow eyes are full of expectation and persistence.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that even if she refuses, they will have to go the same way for a period of time. It is better to be magnanimous.

"Good." Mu Qingge soon gave her answer.

Han Caicai was still in a state of uneasiness when she suddenly heard her answer and immediately showed a happy smile.

Mu Qingge did not pay attention to him, continued to walk forward, just left a sentence: "my people, tomorrow to start."


The next day, the people who admire Qingge left Jiuyang city with Han Caicai.The two teams left together, but it was beyond the previous plan.

Han Yi people follow behind, looking at mu Qingge and Han Caicai's back from afar. Their looks are always gloomy and terrible.

Although she and Han Caicai were not happy yesterday, it was a small matter after all. The interests of the two have long been closely linked, and it is difficult to separate them.

Therefore, she must prevent Han Caicai from making mistakes!

"No, I must let my second brother die." Han Yi said in their heart. She looked at xiangmuqingge again, and felt more and more uncomfortable in her heart. It seemed that everything was due to muqingge.

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