"Qingge, this is Fengyun City, which is also the city managed by the Han family. You have been in the middle ancient world for several years. Now you should also know that under normal circumstances, all ancient clans can independently take charge of a city, and there is no need to be like other cities. Several families restrict each other and manage in turn. " Han Caicai introduced mu Qingge.

Starting from Jiuyang City, in half a month, they finally returned to Fengyun city.

Fengyun city is still a month away from the destination of muqingge.

"Qingge, now that I have arrived at Fengyun City, I will stay in the Han family for a few days and have a rest before leaving." Han Caicai suggested.

Mu Qingge didn't reply immediately, but said to Mo Yang, "how long is it from the appointed time?"

Mo Yang immediately said: "there is still less than a month and a half."

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head, this just sees to Han Caicai way: "you also heard, I am in a hurry."

"Even so, it needs rest. If you stay in Fengyun city for two days, you will not be delayed. It's the first time you've come to my site. Why don't you give me a chance to entertain? In my cellar, however, there are still several jars of great wine waiting for you. " Han Caicai road.

"Good wine?" Mu light song eyebrow tip light pick, some move.

Although she is not good at wine, she also knows that the fine wines collected by Han Caicai are treasures, and many of them are out of print cellars. If you know, but do not taste it, it will be a pity.

So, Mu light song nodded, "well, then in Fengyun City rest for three days."

Han Caicai was overjoyed, "I immediately arrange people to go down and clean up a quiet and undisturbed other courtyard for you."

Mu light song gently jaw head.

Han Caicai turned to command, and immediately a servant left the procession and headed for the Han residence in the city.

Wait for mu Han Caicai to look back over, just on the Mu light song gaze eyes.

He was stunned and asked in surprise, "what's the matter?"

Mu Qingge suddenly said, "in fact, I still miss the days when I was fighting with you. The feeling of a match is not easy to take. But why do you give up what you have and go after what doesn't belong to you

After that, she stopped saying more, took back her sight and sighed in her heart.

Now Han Caicai is a little strange to her. When he was in front of him, he was no longer as confident and arrogant as he had been, and he was haggard. Instead, he became ingratiating, careful, and afraid of making her angry.

Han Caicai is always missing something.

But what can she do now? The only thing she can do is to wait for Han Caicai to really put down everything and become herself again.

Mu Qingge's words make Han Caicai's heart complicated.

He pursed his lips and remained silent. In his long and narrow eyes, the light of his eyes was constantly changing.

How did he not know the true meaning of muqingge? Just, his heart can't give up, can't put down that a touch of seductive red.

"Why did the man leave suddenly?" Han Yi people saw Han Caicai's attendants leave, and asked another Han family member.

The man looked back and said, "it seems that the little Lord invited the master of Mu city and they went to the Han family as a guest."

Han Yi People's eyes are bright and angry. "How could he have forgotten how the elder brother lost the position of the little master and made him superior?"

However, she thought about it for a second and then thought about it.

Han Yi People's mouth is covered with a calculated sneer, with a little bit of Han Caicai's similar verve between the eyebrows, looking at Xiangmu Qingge's back. He said in his heart, "since you delivered it yourself, don't blame me."

This time, she must be completely dead, the second brother should not have the mind, also want to take the opportunity to suppress the elder brother there, to prevent his resurgence. And The most important thing is that she wants to completely cut off the idea of collusion.

By the way!

Suddenly, in the eyes of Han Yi people, there is a faint blushing pink.

She suddenly remembered that the man who had made her heart beat at the beginning had never seen him since he appeared beside mu Qingge. She repeatedly inquired about Han Caicai, but she could not get the answer.

At the thought of this, a trace of resentment rose in her heart.

Looking at Han Caicai, she said in her heart, "since you don't let me be with my beloved, why should I let you do it? What's more, I do it for your own good and to help you! "

And Since she can't get information about the man from Han Caicai, she can find mu Qingge!

Han Yi People's eyes twinkle with the brilliance they are determined to get. They secretly swear in their hearts that they must cover everything in the mouth of muqingge, and then go to find her sweetheart.

She believed that with her identity and beauty, she could win his favor and become the most important woman around him.


"Here we are. This is the residence of the Han nationality." Before the team comes to a courtyard gate, Han Caicai introduces mu Qingge.Mu Qingge glances at the architecture of beizhou, which is slightly different from that of Xizhou.

However, these ancient houses are basically the same.

To the Han nationality, mu Qingge did not see the elders of the Han nationality. Han Caicai's explanation is that most of the elders of the Han nationality have already come to live in the ethnic areas. The younger generation and their parents are still staying in the residence.

As for the parents, the Han people are separated from each other. Generally, it is not a matter of great importance. The parents will not show up.

Mu Qingge can understand his explanation.

The simple understanding is that although everyone lives in the same mansion, they all have their own courtyard gates. As long as it is not a major event of the whole family, they all live in safety and do not need to get together all the time.

According to Han Caicai, there are tens of thousands of courtyards in this area of Han people's residence, which are all the places where the Han people live.

It can be imagined that the prosperity of the Han nationality.

Han Caicai took mu Qingge to a quiet yard and said to her, "I know that you don't like trouble or red tape, so I won't take you to introduce them one by one. This is my yard. You can rest assured that no one will disturb you. "

His arrangement is just like this.

She nodded. "I'm staying for three days. There's no need to make it known to everyone."

Han Caicai nodded with a smile, "as for my parents..." After a pause, he said, "my mother died early, and my father and I don't live in the same yard, so it's the same whether I see them or not."

Mu light song jaw first, she is a guest, naturally is with the host's will.

"Now you have a rest. I'll come to you later." Han Caicai finished, also no longer entangled, turned to leave.

When he returned to his courtyard, he found the Han Yi people in his room.

"What are you doing here?" In Han Caicai's narrow eyes, the cold light twinkles and looks at Han Yi's humanity.

When the Han Yi saw him coming back, he went to him and said to him, "second brother, you have arranged the master of Mu city in your place?"

Han Caicai said unswervingly: "she is my friend. Naturally, she is arranged here."

"Second brother!" Han Yi can't help but cry. "Have you forgotten your big brother's lesson? If he didn't have that hidden disease, do you think you would replace him so easily? If a man in the court knows you're hiding from him now

"Han Yi people, I will handle my own affairs. Just take care of yourself, don't worry too much." Han Caicai warns.

Han Yi looked at Han Caicai and said: "second brother, you have changed as expected! You and big brother are the same. You are confused by some charming men

"Shut up! If nothing else, get out now and go back to your yard. I'll tell you, don't make any trouble in these three days. Otherwise, even if you are my half sister, I will not spare you. " Han Caicai's voice is cold. His long and narrow eyes twinkled with penetrating cold light.

Han Yi looks pale and looks at him in shock.

I can't believe she said that for outsiders.

Forced by Han Caicai's eyes, she angrily turns to leave. However, the heart of unwilling but more and more increase, the disgust of moqingge is deepening.

Rushed back to their own yard, Han Yi people will be in the yard furnishings, all severely fell to the ground.

She was outraged for no reason, so that the slaves in her courtyard did not dare to approach.

When she was about to vent, she stopped the damage to the room and said to herself: "second brother, since you are stubborn, I will help you. I'm all for your own good. Now you don't understand that I don't blame you. Sooner or later, you will know my hard work! "

After Han Yi finished, the gloomy color at the bottom of her eyes became cold and fierce.

She beckoned to her trusted servant and whispered a few words in her ear, and the maid quietly withdrew.

"This time, all the troubles will be solved at once. After that, as long as the Han family and Ruan family get married, everything will be settled. "


Mu Qingge sits in the courtyard with her knees crossed. The quiet feeling around her makes her feel very comfortable.

She closed her eyes tightly, and there was a golden light around her body. The golden light, sometimes pale gold, sometimes pure gold.

Looking at Mo Yang in the distance, there is no expectation of her.

In the distance, the handmaid of the Han Yi people is approaching with a man with beautiful looks and evil spirits in his eyebrows. They climbed up a hill and saw the scene of the courtyard through the gap between the branches.

The servant girl said timidly, "eldest master, I saw that young master in red was led into here by the young master. I don't know anything else. Please let me go

Han Huo saw mu Qingge sitting in the courtyard at a glance, and was fascinated by her appearance. "There are such beautiful men in the world. Compared with the previous ones, this is the real beauty! "He was immersed in the beauty of moqingge, and when he heard the noise in his ear, he waved impatiently, "roll on, don't get in the way here. The influence of this little appreciation of beauty

The maid was relieved and turned away quickly.

But Han fire squatted in place, continued to peep in the distance. However, this distance is quite far, it makes his heart itchy and restless.

In the hospital, the golden light on mu Qingge's skin faded away. She slowly opened her eyes and vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas.

"Sir..." Mo Yang's excited way.

Mu light song but helpless shake head, "still did not break through." She picked up the pill bottle above the ground and said to herself, "if it wasn't for the God level pill that broke the world that I made myself, I would doubt if I had bought a fake medicine."

"Sir, you can't rush for a breakthrough." Mo Yang comforts a way.

Nod your head softly. "I'm just surprised that since I practiced according to the contents of the magic plan, every promotion needs a lot of power. This time, I have accumulated spiritual power for such a long time, and I have taken three God level pills to break through the golden realm, which is still a little short. This is just the case with the golden realm. When I get to the back realm, what should I take to practice? "

Mo Yang pursed his lips and said, "I have sent someone to follow the spirit eating beast, and let it continue to look for the spirit stone vein. As long as we have countless spirit stones, the young sir can always break through

Mu Qingge nodded his head, and his clear eyes showed a firm color. "This time, in any case, before arriving at Tianping City, I must break through the Golden State."

"Light song." Suddenly, Han Caicai's voice came.

Mu Qingge and Mo Yang looked at each other, converged her thoughts. She put away the empty bottle in her hand and stood up from the flat stone.

As soon as he finished finishing his clothes, Han Caicai strode in.

On the hillside, Han Huohuo sees Han Caicai coming in. His eyes reflect a sense of hatred. The beauty of the bottom of his eyes was destroyed and cleaned. He hid his body better and stared at them secretly.

"Are you well rested? I'll take you to my cellar. " Han Caicai sang to Mu Qing.

Hear wine, Mu light song eyebrow tip light pick, clear eyes is also a bright. "Yes," she said

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