Han Huohuo's internal medicine strength attack at the moment, the whole person has been muddy.

You can see how powerful this medicine is!

If it was really drunk by mu Qingge, Han Caicai simply did not dare to think about the consequences. Even if he knew in his heart that such a means was useless for mu Qingge, he would still be afraid.

At the moment, he wanted to kill Han Huo.

However, when he started, Han Yi people called out: "second brother! You promised your father that you would never hurt your brother! If you hurt him, I'm afraid your position as the little Lord will come to an end

Han Caicai's movements are sluggish, and the five features of the demon are ferocious. The spiritual power of his knife was entangled, and he would not let go for a long time.

"Second brother --!" Seeing that he still refused to put down the fire, Han Yi people called out again.

However, in her voice down, Han Huo fire hand knife, but suddenly out of a flame entangled.

He raised his hand and fell down hard. In the shock of Han Yi people, mu Qingge's indifference waved to Han Huo Huo's legs.

"Ah A shrill cry came from the cellar.

However, spread to the outside, but was swallowed by the night.

A piece of bloody meat fell from Han Huo Huo and rolled on the ground for several times, stained with dust. But the wound between his legs was burning with fire, and the pain made him wake up from the fierce effect and faint again.

That piece of meat rolling on one side, mu Qingge disdains to take a look at it, and puts aside the sight directly. She hated it and stained her eyes.

However, Han Yi people stay in the same place with pale face, and their lips tremble slightly.

She did not expect that Han Caicai would be so angry and cruel. When he was fighting for the position of the little Lord, he was suppressed by the forces of Han Huo, and he had never been so angry.

But today, he for a man, but so

Han Yi people gradually wake up from the shock, turn this stiff neck to see Xiangmu Qingge, suddenly the voice is sharp: "it's you! It's all you

"Shut up!" Han Caicai suddenly turns around and hits the Han Yi People's cheek directly with a magic power.

Suddenly, hit her mouth spit blood foam, teeth broken, rolling on the ground for several times.

The flame between Han Huo's legs gradually faded. There, it has been charred, even the gods are difficult to recover.

Han Caicai turned to look at Xiangmu Qingge. The ferocious color on the demon's face faded away. He said with guilt: "I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen. I want to kill him for you, but I can't... "

Mu Qingge looked at him calmly and slowly opened his mouth: "since you have dealt with it, I won't interfere. But don't let him appear in front of me again

Han Caicai nodded.

Mu light song suddenly said: "however, I am now very doubtful, he suddenly found this, who is behind the promotion." She never met Han Huo Huo again. Why did he prescribe medicine to himself?

Plus the expression of Han Yi people before, if you tell her that there is no relationship between the two, she will not believe it if she is killed. It is really her IQ arrears!

She would never let go of anyone who wanted to calculate her.

She doesn't have any Bodhisattva's heart, let alone that big belly.

As soon as her questioning voice fell, Han Caicai turned subconsciously and looked back at the Han Yi man lying on the ground, covering his mouth, and his face was pale.

"No It's not me... " Han Caicai's eyes are staring at, and the way of Han Yi People's panic.

However, Han Caicai didn't believe her for half a word. She walked towards her step by step, and the tall shadow covered her. "Tell me, does this matter have anything to do with you?"

In the face of Han Yi people, Han Caicai is not as cruel as Han Huo. Instead, he hides a trace of heartache in his cold and harsh voice.

Han Yi people never thought that Han Caicai would treat themselves like this.

All of a sudden, she lost control and yelled, "I'm helping you! You don't know what you're doing? I can't watch you walk on the old road of Han Huo Huo! Who do you like is not good, but like a man? Even if he is beautiful, he is just a man. Can he spread the branches and spread the leaves for the Han people and inherit the family? If you want to be the leader of the Han nationality in the future, you must not have an affair with a man

"That's my business!" Han Caicai roared.

Mu Qingge is said by her as a "man".

However, she will not explain anything, and there is no need to explain anything.

However, Han Yi people think too much, between her and Han Caicai, no matter whether she is a man or a woman, nothing will happen.

Han Yi people were drunk by Han Caicai, and their mind became more crazy. She looked at Xiangmu Qingge and yelled, "it's all because of you! Say what beauty disaster, I see you a man is also a disaster! How could my second brother fall into your hands? Not only my second brother, but also the adult, he only has you in his eyes

Her words, so that Mu light song eyebrow light pick, smilingly looked at her: "if you don't remind me, I have forgotten."

She walked up to the Han Yi people, regardless of Han Caicai's presence, looked down at her, smiling with a bit of cold, "my man is also you can covet?"The four words "my man" in her mouth made the eyes of the Korean people suddenly panic, which was mixed with some disgust. She disgusted to Mu light song way: "you are really a good man!"

"What's wrong with me Mu Qingge laughs playfully.

Han Yi people feel more disgusted. She looks at Han Caicai and says, "you pull him down from the position of little master with the hobby of big brother. How come now your own one is planted in it?"

Han Caicai's face turned blue with anger at her words.

However, before he opened his mouth, mu Qingge laughed, "I have nothing to do with your Han family's affairs, and I don't want to interfere. But you shouldn't, you shouldn't have provoked me

"Han Yi, what did you do behind my back?" Han Caicai gnaws his teeth.

Han Yi people are scared all over, and their looks start to panic.

Her reaction made Han Caicai no longer need to ask anything. A trace of heartache appeared in his narrow eyes. "You really did. I have reminded you many times. Why don't you listen?"

"I do it for you!" Han Yi people are eloquent.

If Han Zhi wins the mining position, she can't help her. Therefore, she must not let Han Caicai go wrong.

"That's enough! Stop making excuses for yourself. Do you think I'm still a teenager who was abandoned by the family and needed your help to barely escape the pursuit? I know exactly what I'm doing and what I should and shouldn't do Han Caicai exclaimed.

His words, so that mu Qingge will move his eyes to him, she heard the pain in the words.

"Light song..." Suddenly, Han Caicai turns to look at Xiangmu Qingge. On the face of the demon, there is a hideous ferocity. "Spare her life, and I promise to cut off all the thoughts she shouldn't have."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, did not speak.

Han Yi people, however, seized Han Caicai's clothes in a panic and pulled him hard, shouting: "why do you beg him! What qualifications does he have to let your young master bow his head? It's just a lowly person who serves people with sex. "

"Han Yi people!" Han Caicai suddenly turned to look at her.

The long and narrow eye bottom refracts the fierce light.

He shook his head slowly. "Your arrogance, sooner or later, will kill you. Instead of letting you die, I'd rather you stay in a daze for a lifetime

After that, he shot his hand abruptly and hit the head of the Korean.

Mu Qingge is also surprised by his cruel action. She thought that Han Caicai was just a small punishment and a big admonition to take good care of Han Yi people. Looking at Han Caicai's face, she will not really have to kill her.

However, she didn't expect that Han Caicai was so determined that she made a direct move.


Han Yi was stunned and her eyes widened. A drop of red blood dripped from her forehead.

When she was in a state of unconsciousness, she vaguely heard mu Qingge open her mouth, "why don't you directly tell her that I am a woman. What she worries about, whether it's whether you like men or not, or the relationship between you and me will not happen? "

Is muqingge a woman?


How could that be possible?

Han Yi people in front of a dark, fainted.

Han Caicai looks at the Han Yi people who have passed out in silence, showing a bitter smile. He said to Mu Qingge: "with her character, even if you are willing to bypass her today, sooner or later you will make a mess. Born in this Han family, I have to face too many scheming and frame ups. I don't want her to even take her life in the end, and I don't want the whole Han family to be destroyed because of her stupidity. This is the best for her. From now on, I will take good care of her just to live a simple life. "

Mu Qingsong is silent.

She has just arrived at the Han nationality, and as a result, she has two legitimate families of the Han nationality, one disabled and one stupid.

Han Caicai's palm would not have killed Han Yi people, but it would have made her lose all her memory. She could no longer remember all kinds of things she once had. Even her IQ might be affected to a certain extent.

Naturally, this is not the result of her active provocation, but if she is known by today's Han family master, she will not be let go.

"I'll take care of it. It won't involve you." Han Caicai suddenly said.

Mu Qingge looks at him and doesn't speak.

Han Caicai squatted down and looked at Han Yi: "I and I were not born by a mother. Her mother was very popular, but my mother was neglected because she didn't know how to compete for favors. Besides, my blood was not good at that time. It's the Iraqis who have been helping me secretly, which has saved me a lot of dangers. Later, my mother is also thanks to her care, to live in the right place. When I returned to the Han nationality, she also helped me to win the position of little Lord. However, compared with the help she once had, now she has more interests to help, because she does not want Han Huo to be the little Lord. I'm very grateful to her and miss her old love. However, she wanted to control me more and more, and even forced me to marry with Ruan family for the sake of interests. But in any case, I will pay her back if I owe her. I will not let her die. I will pay her back if I take care of her all her life. "

Mu Qingge still did not speak.Han Caicai suddenly stood up with a smile. His laughter was filled with a bit of melancholy.

He turned to look at Mu Qingsong and said to her, "you are right. What I love most is always myself. Today, it seems that I really want to hurt my hands and feet because of you. But who knows if it's because I feel that Han Huo is so irritating that I feel tired of being forced by the Korean and Yi people

Mu Qingge's lips were pursed, and he didn't intend to answer.

Han Caicai went to the wine rack, picked up a jar of wine, opened the seal, and poured the jar into his mouth.

Most of the wine flowed from his mouth, and his eyes seemed to twinkle and glitter. Just for a moment, muqingge can't be sure.

Han Caicai drank half of a jar of wine and poured half of it. He hung down his arm and lifted the finger of the wine jar. The empty wine jar fell on the ground and rolled to Mu Qingge's feet.

"Muqingge, let's be friends." Han Caicai looks at Xiangmu Qingge.

That pair of narrow eyes, seems to return to the time when they first met, so that people can not see through the thoughts in his eyes.

He stumbled to the low side to sit down, the body of the prosperous robe, now seems to have become a lot of dark. "I let go, I will no longer pester you, and I will no longer ask why you refuse to love me. I am too selfish and utilitarian. I can't love you wholeheartedly and give everything for you. I don't want to give up the position of the little master of the Han family. I don't want to give up everything I've got. Since I can't do anything, what qualifications do I have to ask for your love? "

"Han Caicai..." Mu Qingge finally opened his mouth.

However, he was interrupted by Han Caicai's hand. He looked at her, and his narrow eyes seemed to restore the original look. "I think the relationship between us, both enemies and friends, may be more suitable. I will continue to work hard and hope to catch up with you, surpass you and win you hard one day. "

"Are you really relieved?"

Mu light song in the heart.

Looking at Han Caicai, she suddenly did not know what to say.

Make it clear to Han Caicai that this is what she has always wanted to do. However, Han Caicai's reaction today made her a little confused about how to respond.

"You don't think I'm just saying this to you because it happened. In fact, I was going to say that to you before I was called out He glanced at Han Huo Huo and Han Yi people lying on the ground with a bitter smile, "who knows, it's their own sin that happened."

"That's what Han Caicai wanted to say to her at that time." Mu Qingge has a clear understanding in his heart.

"If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid that both of them, or the family they represent, would have disappeared in your character." Han Caicai points to the two people on the ground, joking.

"Yes." Mu Qingge nods.

She has always been a revengeful person and will never deny it.

Han Caicai laughed, "so, thank you."

"You're welcome." Mu light song deep voice.

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