The three days in Han's family, except for the first day, were quite ups and downs, and the remaining two days were particularly leisurely.

Mu Qingge stays in the courtyard arranged by Han Caicai. With peace of mind, he continues to accumulate spiritual power of breakthrough. Inside and outside, Moyang and Longya guard guard guard.

"Sir, something has happened to the Han family these two days." On the third day, Moyang appeared in front of her and said to her.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingge casually played the folds on his robe and asked.

Mo Yang said calmly: "these two days, the eldest son of the Han family seems to have been seriously injured. The Han Yi man seems to have been stimulated by something. He suddenly lost his memory and became crazy."

Mu Qingge's eyes slightly narrowed, what happened the night before yesterday, she did not say to Moyang.

But today, it seems that Han Huo and Han Yi people have been exposed.

Mu Qingge collected the light at the bottom of her eyes and asked, "what did Han family say?"

Mo Yang slowly shakes his head, "Han family private, to this matter's discussion is not much. It seems that someone secretly controlled the spread of the speech, but I heard that the Han family invited many pharmacists and Dan masters to come home to diagnose and treat these two people, but there was no effect. "

Mu Qingge nodded his head and said to him, "the Han family's affairs have nothing to do with us. Tell other people not to join in. Clean up and leave tomorrow. "

"Yes, sir." Mo Yang responded and bowed back.

Shortly after he left, mu Qingge saw Han Caicai coming with a jar of wine. The colorful brocade robe on his body, swaying with the wind, coupled with his evil face, can really bear the word "Enchantment".

Mu Qingge watched him go to sit down in front of him, open the seal of the wine jar, and then picked up the cup on the table and poured one cup each.

After putting down the wine jar, Han Caicai raised his glass and said to Mu Qingge, "tomorrow is going to leave?"

Mu Qingge also took up his glass and nodded: "it's almost time."

Han Caicai smiles. She can't see the real emotion in her long and narrow eyes. "Then I'm here to wish you a good journey and return home with a full load."

Mu Qingge picked up his cup and touched him lightly. He said with a smile, "what's the meaning of returning home with full load?"

Han Caicai drank the wine in the cup and said with a smile: "Tianping city is a city of Liuke, where there is no family, but is directly managed by the Liuke clan. And Tianping city is close to the leshui mountain, which is one of the barriers between Linchuan and Mesoproterozoic. There are many Lingshi mines there. Besides, there is an intermediate Lingshi mine belonging to Liuke clan in Yuyan mountain, a branch of leshui mountain outside Tianping city. If you tell me that you are just visiting Tianping City, I will not believe it. "

After that, he looked at mu Qingge with a smile and added, "it's time to calculate the time, and it's time for the day level flow team to divide the interests of the ore vein."

"You know very well." Mu light song smile way.

Han Caicai raised her eyebrows, shining in her long and narrow eyes, "don't forget, what is the Vientiane building of my Han family?"

"Know everything, know everything, say everything, just give money." Mu Qingge said the maxim of the Vientiane building with a smile.

Han Caicai smiles and fills their glasses.

Under the strong liquor, some things that have been released have also taken the opportunity to volatilize.

"I wanted to tell you some news about xuanyue, Bailian and Juling, but suddenly I think that you are not the first moqingge in the middle ancient world. You must have known what you want to know, and I will not sell it at a loss." Han Caicai said with a smile.

Mu light song suddenly eyes light a turn, smile up, "I pour is very hope and Vientiane building intelligence network cooperation."

Her words, let Han Caicai's hands a meal, long eyes in the light of calculation, "that depends on what price you can afford. As you know, the information of Vientiane building is not cheap. "

Mu Qingge leans on the back of the chair, looking lazy. Since Han's way of cooperation is to cooperate with each other, "naturally, she wants to cooperate."

"Talk about it." Han Caicai looks unmoved, just with a fox like smile.

Mu Qingge's fingertips tapped on the table top, his eyes half narrowed, and said to Han Caicai: "although I have my own intelligence network now, after all, it is too little to set up, and there are many places that can't get involved. What I want is to share information with Vientiane. "

"I have a big appetite. What do you want for it?" Han Caicai sneered.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "intelligence is not rare in your Han family. How about I exchange pills and weapons? "

"What kind of exchange?" Han Caicai continued to ask.

Mu Qingge raised his lips and said, "I won't lose you. Every year, I will provide a certain amount of pills and weapons to the Han family. What the Han family has to do is to provide it free of charge when I need information. Besides, the intelligence you collect every day, about me and about Dragon teeth, you must inform me immediately. The rest of the information is copied every month and sent to Luoxing city. "

"This business, it seems, is not a good deal for me." Han Caicai laughs jokingly.However, mu Qingge said with disapproval: "I will not rob you of intelligence business, so even if you copy those intelligence to me, it will not hurt.". But my pills and weapons are not available to ordinary people. "

"You say so, but I am the one who takes advantage of it?" Han Caicai sneered.

Mu Qingge raises eyebrows, "of course!"

Han Caicai said with a smile of unknown meaning, "I want to talk about your quota."

Mu Qingge leaned forward and looked at Han Caicai's long and narrow eyes and said, "every year, there are ten divine pills and one hundred precious pills. Ten weapons of God level. "

Han Caicai was about to speak when mu Qingge interrupted: "don't worry about bargaining. You've been to the first floor and should know the value of these things."

Han Caicai pursed her lips, and her long and narrow eyes looked at mu Qingge and did not speak for a long time.

After a short period of time, he slowly said, "double the treasure level pills and two more divine weapons."

Mu Qingge sneered and shook his head: "don't push your luck."

Han Caicai did not care about the way: "the price is discussed."

"You can't add it." Mu Qingge refused directly.

Han Caicai raised her eyebrows with a sly smile. "Then 180 pills of treasure level pills and 11 weapons of God level."

"One hundred and thirty pills of treasure level pills and ten pieces of divine weapons remain unchanged." Mu Qingge countered.

Han Caicai shook his head slowly, "add another 20."

"Good! A deal. " Mu Qingge claps the clap.

Han Caicai put out a coquettish smile and said to Mu Qingge, "if I had known you were so good at talking today, I should have raised the price a little higher."

"You can only blame yourself." Muqingge banter.

Han Caicai had no choice but to smile, "on the surface, it seems that I have won, but actually you have won. Muqingge, when can I win you once and for all? "

Mu Qingge nodded with a smile, "I'm always waiting."

Han Caicai took up her glass and said to her, "I have something else to do tomorrow, so I don't want to go to see you off. If you are not familiar with Northland, I can send a servant to show you the way

"Don't mind me. How can I be baffled by a beizhou when I can come from Linchuan? You go and do your work. " Mu Qingge also holds the glass.

After they finished drinking the wine brought by Han Caicai, he got up and left, his back was natural and unrestrained, without any hesitation.

When he left, Moyang came in and said to Mu Qingge, "it's better for you to talk about this negotiation."

Mu light song pick eyebrow to see him, smile scold way: "you follow me for many years, pour is more and more stingy."

Mo Yang was silent.

Mu Qingge stands up with his hands behind him and looks at the scenery outside the courtyard. He said slowly: "for me, it is a kind of harvest for Han Caicai to put down his obsession. In any case, I have taken advantage of him. What does it matter if I suffer from losses occasionally? "

Her answer, let Mo Yang cannot refute. Just silently looking at her, the bottom of my heart is unknown, extremely soft.

Outsiders can only see the strength of moqingge, her dazzle, and how can they understand the delicacy of her heart?

In her heart, what is important, what can be chosen, she has always been very clear, and will never be affected by anything.


The next day, mu Qingge left Fengyun city with Long Ya Wei. Han Caicai, as he said, did not appear. He just sent a valet to see him off. He always sent mu Qingge away from the boundary of Fengyun city before returning.

Mu Qingge and others continue to go on their way to Tianping city.

More than 20 days later, it was close to Tianping city. After nearly one month's accumulation, mu Qingge felt the barrier of breakthrough again.

This time, moqingge did not break through outside, but entered the space, inside the cultivation tower.

The aura there is the most abundant, can help her when she breaks through.

In the practice tower, mu Qingge sits cross legged, and the abundant spiritual power around her makes her more confident. She took out three bottles of pills and poured all the pills out.

The nine pills are all used to break through the whole realm.

Mu Qingge coagulated the nine pills in his hand and muttered, "this time, the breakthrough in the cultivation tower, plus the nine pills, should be no problem."

After that, she took a deep breath and took all the nine pills.

When all nine pills were taken, her body was immediately filled with spiritual power and ran into the barrier of the golden realm.

Muqingge converges the mind and enters the state of cultivation.

She controls the mental power surging in her body and constantly breaks through the barrier.

That layer of barrier, in her all-out impact, began to appear silk cracks.

In the practice tower, the originally calm spiritual power seems to be drawn by muqingge, and then whirlpool appears. It turns around muqingge and is inhaled by her.

Suddenly, all the spiritual powers in the cultivation tower were agitated, and even the sky of space appeared a little abnormal.When they stayed in the space to practice, they were disturbed at the same time. They came to the outside of the practice tower one after another. They saw a huge vortex on the top of the tower, which was like a funnel , the fastest update of the webnovel!