"What if someone raids the Lingshi mine and needs reinforcements?" Mu Qingge asked directly.

The commander of Juling was stunned and speechless.

It seems that he didn't think about it. After a short period of time, he bravely said, "who dares to be reckless in the territory of our customers?"

Mu Qingge shakes her head and smiles, but does not speak.

When she came, she already knew that in order to avoid suspicion, the three families had each sent a team to garrison in the mine, and the remaining two teams would rest in the city in turn. Every half a month, there will be a rotation.

This arrangement can be said to be very reasonable.

Mu Qingge didn't intend to propose any changes. Only when he got to the place today and saw that the road to the Yuyan mountain mine cave was full of thorns and weeds, and there was no way to speak of, he felt that there were some problems.

The spirit stone mined can be transported out by Xumi, but what about the people? If the mine is in danger and needs emergency support from the left behind troops in the city, this road will become the first obstacle and become the accomplice of the enemy.

Digging a post road from the mine to the outside of the mountain can save a lot of time and save a lot of accidents and losses.

I'm afraid the other three didn't think about it. Maybe they were confident enough that no one would dare to make a decision on the yuyanshan mine.

Mu light song did not continue to entangle, just looked at Moyang, the latter few can not check the nod, that has understood her meaning.

It takes time to change. Basically, all of Longya's affairs are handled by Moyang, and he will deal with the three giants in the future. Therefore, Mo Yang only needs to remember the questions raised by mu Qingge today, and then he can raise them again.

There is no way to travel, a day, just to the mine near the mine.

Mu Qingge sighs again that if there is a good post road, it can save at least two-thirds of the time!

"Mu City Lord, this is the mine cave of Yuyan mountain." The commander of xuanyue points to a huge cave on the mountain wall and sings to Mu light.

The hole is very deep, from the outside, you can only see a piece of dark. Near the cave entrance, many miners are busy inside and outside, carrying the excavated spirit stone outward.

The guards of the three migrant teams were all watching the miners carefully to prevent them from hiding the spirit stone.

"Every time the spirit stone is mined out, it must be weighed in the cave. If there is a weight deviation, the miners in this group will be implicated and punished." Said the steward of the Liuke clan.

Mu light song eyebrows a pick, management is really very strict.

"Let's go!" In the distance, there was a burst of drink, which attracted people's attention.

I saw, a clothes embroidered with a hundred Lian logo Liuke, raised his hand and raised his whip, mercilessly threw to a miner who fell on the ground.

The whip fell on the miner's back, and immediately the skin was raw and bleeding. The miners were afraid to get up and leave.

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed and asked, "where are these miners from?"

The governor of the Liuke clan replied, "Oh, most of them are people from Tianping city. In order to make a living, I came here to be a miner. Some of them were captives of the three major Liuke teams, who were sent here to work. The man who was whipped just now is a prisoner of practice

"Prisoner?" Mu light song some curiosity, turn eyes to see Mo Yang. Why has Longya Wei never heard of a prisoner?

Mo Yang immediately explained: "some of the tasks of the exiles are to exterminate some mountain bandits and bandits. These people do a lot of evil. When they are arrested, they will put on shackles and act as coolies or slaves in the group of travelers. "

Mu light song nodded to show understanding.

I also understand why Longya has never been captured. Because the Dragon tooth seldom takes on such a task, even if it does, it will kill all of them directly, and there will be no prisoners left.

For mining people, mu Qingge did not put forward any opinions. For her, this is everyone's own choice, and they must bear it by themselves.

In the light of the mine, you can see the situation of the mine.

Before, Bai has said a lot to her, now she comes to see, also walk a scene.

"That's our camp, Lord." The leader of Bailian points to the buildings built with local materials near the mine cave, singing to Mu light.

One of them is relatively new, and there is no guard outside. There is no flag on the wall. It seems that it is prepared for Dragon teeth.

Sure enough, the leader of the Liuke clan went to the building and bowed to muqingge and Moyang: "master of Mu City, commander of Mo, this is the new camp built for Longya. The layout is the same as the other three, even the room size and interior decoration are the same

Mo Yang looks at Xiangmu light song, it seems that everything is decided by her.

Mu Qingge raised his chin and said, "go in and have a look." As soon as her voice dropped, the Dragon teeth guard who followed her immediately stepped forward and entered the camp.

The remaining two men stood at the door, upright and upright as steel guns.The rest of the people, followed behind Jinghai, entered it and quickly inspected it.

These movements seem to have been trained for thousands of times. The well-trained appearance of the Dragon teeth guard shocked the leaders of xuanyue, Bailian, Juling and the officials of Liuke clan.

When they went in with mu Qingge, the Dragon teeth guards who went in first had already performed their respective duties and guarded the key points in the camp.

Jinghai went back to Mu Qingge and reported to her: "drillmaster, all of them have been checked. There is still a place for daily training. "

Mu Qingge nodded his head and turned his eyes to the steward of Liuke clan. The latter understood and immediately moved forward and asked cautiously, "Er, I don't know what Longya's requirements for this daily training site?"

At the same time, there was a murmur in his heart.

The vagabonds who come here to guard the mine are all on duty every day. What training do you need?

Don't mention him, even the other three giants are at a loss. In addition to their tasks, they eat, drink and enjoy life. As for the cultivation and other things, they are bound by their own restrictions. The venues for daily training are not set up in their own cities, not to mention that they do not have them here.

"Jinghai will tell you." Mu Qingge is in charge of that.

Finish saying, she then entered the room, Mo Yang followed closely.

Xuanyue commander three people did not immediately follow in, he looked at mu Qingge's back, as if thinking, "it seems that the Dragon teeth settled in, can also let us know how they are on weekdays."

The commander of the giant spirit snorted coldly and said, "I think it's affectation."

That night, mu Qingge did not return to Tianping City, but directly lived in Yuyan mountain. The other three commanders, unable to endure the loneliness in the mountains and were not accompanied by beauties like muqingge, returned to Tianping city before dark.

"After returning to Luoxing City, we will send a part of the Longyin army to garrison. Like them, they will be divided into three teams. Each team should have a dragon tooth." Mu light singer points to knock the table top, orders to Mo Yang.

"Yes, sir." Mo Yang answers.

Mu Qingge thought about it and said, "don't just keep your flying animals. When you should let them move, they should still move. They're all fat and become balls. I'm afraid you can't give up any more. They don't know how to fly. "

Mo Yang's face was red and he nodded in a dull voice.

The flying animals of each of them are treasures in their hearts. In general, they are well kept and not willing to ride.

After discussing with Moyang about the Dragon teeth, Moyang said, "Sir, we are stationed here and train every day. Are we not afraid to be watched by the other three schools?"

"What are you afraid of?" Mu Qingge did not care: "these training is not what can not be revealed, the precious thing is to adhere to. If they can imitate and persist after reading, it is also their own creation. I'm not so stingy. I have to tuck it in. "

Mo Yang nodded and said to Mu Qingge, "it's my subordinates who are stingy."

Mu Qingge laughs and scolds, "you are really more and more stingy, how did you not find this trait before."

Mo Yang is smiling and speechless.

He does not want to explain to Mu Qingge, as long as it is all about her, he wants to be careful to hide, do not let others spy.


In the night, moqingge finished his practice without sleepiness, so he went into the depths of Yuyan mountain and walked freely with him.

Unknowingly, he walked into a canyon.

On both sides of the canyon are steep mountain walls, towering as if in the clouds. In the middle, there is a winding shallow river, in which the rounded stones are clearly visible.

Walking along the river, mu Qingge suddenly sniffed and said in surprise, "where is the fragrance of medicine?"

The faint fragrance mixed in the mountain night wind is the fragrance of medicinal materials. As a god level alchemist, mu Qingge is naturally sensitive and familiar with the fragrance of medicinal materials.

So, she smelled it. But the two people around her did not feel it at all.

"Where is the fragrance of medicine?" Bai Gu sucked hard at the nose, but still didn't smell anything.

She looked at him, but she said with a proud face: "don't look at me. I'm not a medicine maker. I can't tell if there's any smell of medicinal herbs."

Mu light song did not pay attention to two people, the mind moved, then along the direction of the medicine fragrance floated in the past.

White and black also had to follow behind her, with her to the depths of the canyon.

Deep in the canyon, the more and more wide, the shallow river, also gradually become deep up, three people's ears ring is the sound of gurgling water.

Mu light song constantly sniff, those medicine fragrance more and more thick.

She even recognized the taste of some of the herbs and knew what they were.

After walking for a while, muqingge suddenly stops.

White and black also quickly stopped. However, in their eyes, the scenery around here is no different from that of other places. Isn't it all overgrown with weeds?However, in Mu light song's eyes, but burst out a burst of surprise.

She suddenly walked forward quickly and said excitedly: "I didn't expect to come out for a walk. There are also cheap delivery to the door. It's a good place to plant medicinal materials! "

As she said this, she had already wasted her time in the air and landed on the other side of the shallow river. She stood in front of a water-saving "weed" and squatted down.

By the night, white saw the action of Mu light song, and could not help but wonder: "those are medicinal materials?"

I can't answer this.

He only knows some precious medicinal materials which are useful to him. It is not like mu Qingge, who knows tens of thousands or even millions of medicinal materials.

Two people are about to leave in the past, Mu light song but suddenly said: "you don't come here, lest you spoil the good medicinal materials of this place."

He bared his teeth and seemed dissatisfied with the dislike of the light song. Ao Jiao's cold hum, turned to go forward, in the river to find a comfortable position, directly lay down.

White also stood on the shore, to Mu light song way: "there are a lot of medicinal materials?"

Mu light song happily nodded, but suddenly thought that she squatted here nodding white can not see. So he opened his mouth and said, "yes, there are at least a hundred kinds of medicinal materials here, and all of them are more than one hundred years old. They are very precious."

Finish saying, she no longer pay attention to white, but carefully began to collect.

"Hundred year old turtle and snake grass!"

"Zhifu flower!"

"Nine lines grass!"

"Zhu lingxu..."

Mu Qingge quickly classifies these herbs and slowly calculates them in his mind. Although these medicinal materials are not rare, they are superior to the old ones, and their efficacy is not comparable to those of the same kind.

As an alchemist, she really has a feeling of walking to find money!

Mu Qingge collects and goes inside. The more she goes, the more precious the medicinal materials appear. This makes her more surprised. She simply feels that she has hit the great fortune!

Gradually, the figure of moqingge disappeared in front of Bai.

Her eyes some anxious, want to catch up with the past, but also worried about the impact of Mu light song.

She opened a slit in her eyes, glanced at her and said, "snake, don't worry about it. In this square hundred miles, I'm looking at them, girl, there won't be any danger. "

The words of Chen, let Bai Xuan calm a lot.

Since the last moqingge in the cold Cun thing, her side of the public, are particularly nervous about her safety.

"There's Zhu Guo!" Mu Qingge saw the red fruit on a tree and ran two steps with excitement. "Zhuguo is a natural pill. If you take the first one, you can wash the marrow, and then you can increase your spiritual power again!"

Without much hesitation, mu Qingge feels that she takes out the jade box from the space, and carefully removes the red fruits on the trees and puts them into the jade box.

Just after picking the fruit, she lifted her eyes and saw that in the rock crevice on the other side, there were a few thin hair like grasses, which were swaying in the wind.

Seeing the grass, her clear eyes shrank!

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