The grass swaying in the wind, like hair, but also like some kind of insects. It looks like it's creepy.

However, mu Qingge in the moment of seeing, but burst out from the eyes of the essence of light, a flash of figure, people appear in front of the cliff.

"Sure enough, it's Cordyceps sinensis!" After re identification, mu Qingge finally determined the origin of the strange grass in his eyes.



Mu light song excited fingertip some light tremble, she really did not think, will find silk Cordyceps here.

With Cordyceps sinensis, the resurrection of Mulian city is just like the last!

"Blood of gods and demons!" Mu light song eyes light micro coagulation, deep voice said this last thing.

Taking a deep breath, mu Qingge calms down his mood, and then comes out a jade box, carefully picking off the silk worm grass in the cliff crevice and placing it in the jade box.

Although said, Si Mo said, will help her to find the blood of gods and demons, but mu light song does not want to rely on Si Mo for everything. It's better to solve things by yourself.

After carefully placing the box containing the silk caterpillar fungus, mu Qingge said to herself thoughtfully, "it seems that the next journey will change. It's time to go to the ancient battlefield of gods and demons."


Bai bi was waiting by the shallow river for an hour before he saw mu Qingge come back with a low eyebrow. She seemed to be thinking about something, and her expression was somewhat dignified.

To the shore, mu Qingge jumped in the air, jumped from the other side of the river, and fell on Bai Bi's side.

"Light song, what's wrong with you?" Bai Yu asked with concern.

When he heard the voice of Bai Xuan, he opened his eyes and changed from lying down to sitting. His pair of some fierce eyes, looking at Mu light song, also saw that she was a little absent-minded at the moment.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and walked towards him. He sat beside him and asked, "the ancient battlefield of gods and demons you told me last time, tell me more about it."

"Ancient battlefield of gods and demons? Qingge, you have been searching for information about it for nearly a year. You don't want to go in, do you? " Bai Lin came over, surprised.

Mu Qingge lightly nodded his jaw and looked at Bai Lin and said: "resurrecting Mulian city needs the blood of gods and demons. I can think of the only ancient battlefield that can get the blood of gods and demons."

"It's not a rumor. Ancient battlefields do exist, and they are in the middle ancient world. It's just that too few people know how to go. " It's the opening road.

Bai Bi frowned, "it's too dangerous there. Don't go there. I'll help you go."

"Do you know how to get there?" Mu light song raise eyes to see white.

Bai sighed and nodded: "in fact, this place was not a secret ten thousand years ago. Many people know where and how to go, but no one wants to go. It's a forbidden area. "

"Talk about it." Mu light song eyes light a sink, to two humanity.

I'll just say, "look at the boss."

However, he put his hands behind his head and raised his head to the hills behind him. He said to Bai Lin, "since you all remember it, I don't want to waste my breath."

White mouth a draw, see Xiangmu light song.

Mu light song this just reacts to come over, "your memory is restored again?"

White black nodded, "recover to seven seven seven eight." Said, she wryly smile, said a sentence: "should not think of, think of, think of, think of."

"Listen, how do you think there is a story in it?" Mu Qingge murmured in his heart.

Bai took a deep breath, looked at Xiangmu and sang: "the ancient battlefield existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is said that at that time, there was a very grand and tragic war between the gods and demons. In that war, countless gods and Demons died, the earth cracked, the river flowed backward, the sky was broken, the flames fell, countless worlds were implicated, all were broken and disappeared, so countless creatures were extinct. Later, after the war, the battlefield was sealed by the remaining gods and demons at that time. From then on, the ancient battlefield floated in all interfaces, just like a ghost. "

In Bai Lin's description, mu Qingge's eyes seem to have a picture, that is an unprecedented war, the two sides of the war, are strong enough to make the life tremble, the heaven and earth submit.

The mountains and rivers were broken and the lives were destroyed. It was not enough to describe the tragedy at that time.

"But with the passage of time, the seal of that year has become a bit loose. In some specific places in the interface, a gap can be opened to enter the ancient battlefield. The Mesoproterozoic is one of them White road.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, what did you guess.

Bai Lin looked at her, read the guess in her eyes, nodded and said, "you think right. Once you enter it, you may encounter people from other interfaces. You should be clear that your current cultivation is not the top in the middle ancient world. If you enter into it and meet people from other interfaces, and the cultivation of people on that interface is much higher than you, then you will be in danger. And it's not the only danger. "

"What else?" The sound of Mu light song is deep."You have to know, the gods and demons are the most powerful races, and their souls are also extremely powerful, especially some of them have advanced accomplishments. Although they died in battle, their bodies died, but their souls did not necessarily disappear. Those wandering souls, trapped in that space for hundreds of thousands of years, may have already suffocated. Seeing those who have entered, I'm afraid that they can't wait to take the house and be reborn and flee there. " Bai Lin followed.

Bai Bi mentions the word "seize the house". Mu Qingge's eyes squint slightly. The biggest secret she ever knew had nothing to do with it.

"All these dangers are only speculative. It has been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years. No one knows what changes have taken place in it. There are too many variables and there are too many hidden dangers. Don't mention you. I'm afraid that even if you go there in person, you won't be able to guarantee your own safety. So I don't approve of taking risks. " Bai Lin finished and shook his head.

Mu light song will say her words, in the heart of careful taste, slowly lift eyes to see white.

In her clear eyes, she is still firm and stubborn.

This makes Bai Gu sigh: "is not the blood of gods and demons? You let your man squeeze a drop on the line, if you are distressed, you can let him grab a hand, put a bowl of blood. Why do you have to take risks and abandon the near and seek the far? "

Mu Qingge suddenly laughed. She shook her head and said, "if I have to rely on him for everything, why should I stay here? It would be better to marry him one day earlier and hide under his wings. "

"That's good, too." Bai Bi nodded seriously.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "I paid attention to the ancient battlefield of gods and Demons because I wanted to get a drop of blood of gods and demons. Thinking, if you can't get out of it, and then go to him to help, the heart is more comfortable. But now I'm really interested in this ancient battlefield

"Well, didn't you hear me say it was dangerous? And it's possible to run into other interfaces. " Bai's surprised way.

Who knows, mu Qingge raised his eyes and asked, "is there a gap in the land of gods and Demons entering the ancient battlefield?"

Bai Lin was stunned and replied, "although I don't know how many planes have gaps to enter the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, I can be sure that there is no such thing as the land of gods and demons."

Mu Qingge doesn't know what Bai's affirmation comes from, but after hearing her answer, her eyes can't hide disappointment.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, Bai Bi could not help saying, "you don't think that you can meet that Mu Tianyin again after you go in? You're not his match yet. That space, but there is no realm to suppress. "

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and nodded: "I know. I'm a little anxious. I've never tried to hate a person so much. "

"Don't think too much about it. Sooner or later you will kill him and take revenge for Yuan Yuan and Jiang Li." White hair comforts way.

"Well." The tone of muqingge is affirmative.

This kind of confidence is not illusory, but a belief in one's own strength.

"Girl, you can go to the ancient battlefield." Suddenly, he opened his mouth.

As soon as he spoke, Bai Bi looked at him with wide eyes, ignoring his fear, and directly called out, "you are crazy! How can I go there? "

He took a look at her and said, "why can't she go? The ancient battlefield is a good training place. Since she wants revenge, she has to go to some extreme places for training. She stays in the falling star city all day long. No matter how high her accomplishments are, what's the use of actual combat? "

Mu light song deeply thought that ran nodded, her eyes light firm to the white, said: "I have been silent in the falling star city for two years, it is also time to start a person's cultivation."

"A person's cultivation? What do you mean Bai asked in surprise.

Mu Qingge said what he thought from the bottom of his heart, "taking advantage of this Meng Meng's upgrading, I'll cut off my own way. When I leave Tianping City, I'll go to the ancient battlefield alone, and you can go back."

"No! Yes, I will go with you Bai Lin objected.

"To stay with me, the first thing is to learn to obey." Mu Qingge looks at her way.

The space is upgrading. She can take things from it and put things in, but she can't get in or take people in. Maybe, after the upgrade is finished and Meng Meng wakes up, she can take people in and out freely.

But in this way, she had a desperate mentality to challenge the ancient battlefield.

In a word, he was speechless.

In a short time, she just choked out a sentence, "what if you die in it?"

"I will not die!" Mu Qingge is full of confidence.

She will save her life to find Mu Tianyin to avenge. Also want ten li red makeup to marry Si Mo back!

Looking at mu Qingge's unquestionable eyes, white can only compromise.

However, she said, "it's OK not to let me go in, but I'll stay outside and wait for you. If you come out black and blue, at least I can bring you back to star city

"No, I have a little color." Mu light song road. Xiaocai is the name she gave to the origin. Although the soil, but very worthy of the name!“……” Bai Lin stares at her, speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!