Interested in bodies?

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, feel at the moment his face seems to be some ugly.

Can this guy not make his words so attractive?

"I want bodies to make medicine." Mu Qingge grinds his teeth and explains.

She thought that her explanation would stop Ji Yaoyao's brain hole.

However, as soon as this sentence came out, Ji yaoxun's face became more ugly than her, and she even couldn't help retching.

His violent reaction makes mu Qingge frown.

Just want to care about two sentences.

Ji Yaoyao noticed that her feet moved and immediately raised her hand to stop her from approaching. "You Don't come here yet

"What are you crazy about?" Murmurong frowned.

Ji Yaoyao's face changed greatly and asked, "tell me, are all the pills you refined made from corpses?"

I was afraid of this!

Mu Qingge suddenly realized why Ji yaoxun had such a big reaction!

She had intended to make a few jokes with him, but she had not yet done her business and had no leisure. So, she said: "you think too much, I want to find the corpse of gods and demons, just because I want to refine a special pill."

"Really?" Ji Yaoyao confirmed it again.

Mu Qingge's face is black.

Ji Yaoyao immediately stopped his voice and made gestures to Murong. It means that he leaves first, doesn't delay mu Qingge, makes her pay attention to safety and so on.

After Ji yaoxun leaves, mu Qingge shakes her head in a funny way and turns to continue to look for her target.

Her clear eye light, in those corpses constantly swimming.

Finally, she took a fancy to one of them.

The corpse, riding on the sacred beast, points to the sky with a majestic sword. The armor on his body is also very gorgeous. At first glance, he is a great general of the Protoss.

The most important thing is that the kind of heroic spirit between his eyebrows makes mu Qingge feel very compatible with Mulian city.

"It's you!" Mu Qingge makes a decision in his heart, raises his hand and takes the corpse of the protoss general into the space, including his sword and armor.

Find a goal, which let mu Qingge heart have some confidence.

At least, one of her goals of entering the ancient battlefield of gods and Demons has been achieved.

She continued to find, along the direction of the protoss general before, she saw a demon general. The demon general was dressed in leather armor all over his body. His features were profound and resolute. His long hair was spread like waves. A hair band was tied between his forehead and was inlaid with a charming gem.

Mu Qingge looks at it carefully and finds that the people of the demon clan are more powerful and tall than those of the Protoss.

Moreover, the demons rarely use weapons. Most of them are unarmed.

Mu Qingge remembers that in the first volume of Shence, there was a description that said that the demons stressed their body and felt that their body was the strongest weapon.

Maybe it's because of this that the demons rarely use weapons.

Mu light song's line of sight falls on the corpse of that tall and burly demon clan general, nodded secretly. Raise a hand to close, will he also together in the space.

Have already got two gods and Demons corpse, Mu light song turns eyes to look at that hole place.

Yingze and Ji Yaoyao are still constantly uploading artifacts. Mu Qingge takes back his sight and murmurs: "it seems that there is still time to choose another one."

Mu Qingge began to look for the corpses again. After a while, it seemed that this was another battlefield. The two sides of the command were obviously not the two she had taken away before.

Mu Qingge looks at the general of the Protoss. He grows up to be delicate, elegant and beautiful, tall and thin. However, the anger between the eyebrows was not weaker than that of the demon general opposite him.

Mu Qingge can see that under his leadership, in this side of the battlefield, the protoss will suppress the demons to death. Even the demon general had an arrow in his chest and leaned back.

And the bow that shot this arrow is being held by the protoss general, with a pot of arrows on his back. There is also a crescent like machete hanging at the waist.

Mu light Song mouth a Yang, will this Protoss general income space, the same, she did not let his weapons.

"Light song, almost." At this time, from the mouth of the cave came the voice of Ji Yaoyao.

Mu Qingge turns to look, they have already picked up the artifact almost, is planning to go up.

Mu Qingge smiles and walks towards them.

The three men were also good. They knew that there were more artifacts in the cave, and they were sure that there was no danger. However, they were not greedy. They just picked up the artifacts piled up at the cave entrance.


When mu Qingge jumps up the cave, the three people have already begun to sort out the artifacts they picked up.

Three hundred. If it is divided into four parts, it will be 325 pieces per person. " After Xi Qianxue has finished counting, he has made an analysis of the three people.

Mu Qingge said: "I did not participate in the collection of these artifacts, do not count me."However, as soon as she said this, the three people objected.

"Since we are a team, we should have something together if we have something to gain." Xi Qianxue road.

Yingze also nods "um.".

Ji Yaoyao chuckled at mu Qingge and said, "if you feel bad about it, you can refine some pills for us in the future. What's more, although you are a saint level artifact refiner, you may not like these artifacts, but they are used by gods and demons. It's better to leave them to your subordinates on weekdays. "

Three people all said so, Mu light song as long as nod.

Xi Qianxue was very fair. He divided the similar artifacts into four parts, and the number was equal. If you encounter a special artifact, you will take turns.

If Mu Qingge, Ji yaoxun and Yingze have special likes, they will also be specially divided.

Ji Yaoyao already had fans made for him by mu Qingge. He didn't choose what he liked. These artifacts were also ready to be brought back to his family to please the old man, so he didn't care.

Mu Qingge has a delicate gun. She is also an instrument refiner. She doesn't care about it.

Therefore, in the end, only Ying Ze selected a long weapon which looked like a gun but not a gun and a halberd but not a halberd, which became his new weapon.

After dividing the artifact, mu Qingge raises his hand and takes in his own share.

So did the other three.

After these things have been done, they intend to continue on the road.

"Should this hole be plugged?" Before leaving, Xi Qianxue suggested.

Ji Yaoyao and Ying Ze both looked at xiangmuqingge, but muqingge slowly shook his head, "here, just like a tomb, what's the difference between blocking and not blocking? What's more, there are a group of people who are beating their bodies. If we block them, we will be disturbed and peaceful. "

So why waste that time?

Her words, let Ji Yaoyao and Ying Ze both agree, Xi Qianxue thought about it and nodded.

All of a sudden, Ji Yaoyao said, "Qingge, do you think those people will use corpses to refine medicine like you do?"

Refining medicine with corpses?!

Xi Qianxue and Yingze both changed their faces at the same time, which was very ugly.

Ji yaoxun gloated at the two people, and finally someone was as frightened by moqingge as he was.

Mu Qingge saw through Ji yaoxun's evil taste at a glance, and explained to them: "I need to refine some supernatural and demon blood essence to refine a special pill, but those who steal the body, I can be sure that their use is absolutely different from mine." She wanted blood essence of gods and demons in order to refine the pill that revived Mulian city.

Is it hard to say that those who steal bodies are also to revive the dead? If that's the case, why would they steal so many bodies? How many people are to be raised?

If you think about it, it's impossible.

Mu Qingge's explanation makes Xi Qianxue and Yingze look better. Xi Qianxue glared at Ji yaoxun and said to Mu Qingge, "let's go quickly."

Mu light song nodded, four people in accordance with the previous formation, and continue to move forward.

"How big is this battlefield? We have been walking for several days, but we still feel that we have not reached the center yet, and we have always been on the edge. " Xi Qianxue exclaimed.

They walked wearily and rested twice before they could walk out of the strange plain.

Under the feet, it is no longer a transparent soil layer, and we can no longer see the pictures of those wars. The ground has returned to its previous black, and the black hills around it have become clearer.

However, it is still far away from them.

Here, it is still dead.

The more you walk, the more tired you will be. It seems that the body becomes heavier and heavier, and it is difficult to lift your feet.

Breathing heavily, Ji asked, "do you feel more and more tired? It's like walking with a mountain on your back. "

"It's gravity!" Mu Qingge is no stranger to this feeling.

When she trained in the army in her previous life, she often went to the gravity chamber for training. At the end of each training, her physical strength, endurance, speed, strength and other basic qualities will be improved.

"What gravity?" Ji Yaoyao asked.

Xi Qianxue and Yingze also look at her.

Mu Qingge smiles bitterly in her heart. She doesn't know how to explain the principle of gravity to these three people. He said: "in short, it's a good thing. As long as you can bear the power and leave the environment, you will feel the improvement in all aspects. It can be said that, except that the spiritual power has not been improved, others will have a certain degree of growth. "

Mu Qingge feels that the gravity here is increasing, that is to say, a process of adaptation for the people entering.

Such a phenomenon shows that this place is not trying to kill people, but rather a test. As for what to test, and who set the gravity response, she did not know.

"Since the light song says it's a good thing, let's carry on carrying it!" Ji Yaoyao said.

The four continued to walk in. The more they went, the more they felt the gravity increased.Gradually, their bodies couldn't keep upright, they had to lean forward. Mu Qingge clenched his teeth, raised his head, and suddenly saw some golden light falling on this area.

It seems that these golden lights are the origin of gravity.

"You see what that is!"

Mu Qingge ear, suddenly came the sound of Ying Ze warning.

Mu Qingge takes back his sight and looks forward to the front. There are many floating shadows in front of him.

Xi Qianxue saw those shadows, his face suddenly changed, "it's them! The spirits of the gods and demons , the fastest update of the webnovel!