Remnant soul!

Those who are waiting for someone to throw themselves into the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, and then take them away and be reborn!

"That's a bad idea!" Ji Yaoyao couldn't help cursing.

They are under the gravity at the moment, even hands are difficult to lift up, but when they meet these remnant souls, how should they resist?

"You see, they don't seem to be affected by this space!" Xi Qianxue suddenly found out and reminded everyone.

Mu Qingge is silent. "Gravity works on the body, but it doesn't have any effect on these spirits. It's true that, as Ji Yaoyao said, "it's a bit of a back."

"Here they come!" The remnant soul quickly comes to them, Ying Ze's voice is low.

Those remnant souls, come over a bit hasty, seem to be smelling the breath of the stranger here, will be so crazy rush over.

"Ah All of a sudden, Ji Yaoyao gave out a roar.

Mu Qingge's three people turn their eyes to look at him. They can see that the blue veins in his neck and forehead are exposed, and a handsome face is also red. He grits his teeth, raises his hand forcefully, and takes out his fan, which he reluctantly opens to prepare for the battle.

At the same time, a sharp voice to Yingze and Xi Qianxue said: "you two's attack is useless to these remnant souls, just hide behind me and Qingge."

As soon as his voice fell, those spirits had come to his eyes.

This time, the level of the ghost is not high, which is the first black shadow Xi Qianxue saw before. However, there are a lot of them, and the dark one is just like a dark cloud. Roughly, there are thousands of them.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, right index finger a shot, low voice cries: "Linglong gun!"

The fingertip turns into a Linglong gun, which automatically flies into the air and kills the remaining souls.

On the other side, Ji Yaoji's fan came out of his hand and kept spinning around him, blocking the spirits who wanted to get close to him.

They were under the gravity, and now there are some spirits coming. It's just adding fuel to the fire! At this time, the speed of their spiritual power decreased a little bit.

Yingze and Xi Qianxue are protected in the middle, and their attack falls on the remnant soul, which is useless at all.

Around, it seems that there are more gusts of wind.

In my ears, there are wails and howls everywhere.

The voice of Jie and Jie, dense, thousands of voices intertwined together, into their minds, seems to want to tear their souls.

"Be careful!" Ji Yaoyao saw that a remnant soul was attacking Xi Qianxue. He was busy directing the fan to rescue him. However, there was a big space behind him. The ghost bit him, tore his clothes and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The pain made him gasp.

"What do they want to do? It doesn't seem to be for the sake of seizing the house! " Ying Ze saw the wound on Ji Yaoyao's back and looked at the wound on his shoulder and arm.

"They want to eat us and replenish their strength. At their present level, they can't take over the house at all. Only when they grow stronger can they take over the house. " Mu light song eyes light, calm and cold.

"Don't they eat each other up? Why eat us? " Xi Qianxue waves his sword to resist.

Mu Qingge said in a deep voice: "swallowing each other is just a way for them to be powerful. Now it seems that they can also be strong by eating fresh flesh and blood, and even... " Her eyes flashed and fell on the ghost who had eaten the flesh and blood of Ji Yaoyao. Her voice became colder and colder: "it grows faster than swallowing the same kind."

Hearing the implicit hint in her words, the three of Ji Yaoyao also looked at the ghost.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie --!"

The remnant soul showed arrogant laughter, originally chaos in the eye socket, but slowly appeared green.

"It's breaking through!" Xi Qianxue startled the way.

Ji Yaoyao's facial features suddenly twisted up and grinded his teeth and cursed: "Damn it! How dare you eat my flesh and blood to break through! " He directed the fan to fly towards the ghost.

However, as soon as I was close, I was directly beaten back by the broken spirit.

This scene changed Ji Yaoyao's face.

All of a sudden, a golden light shot at the remnant. The remnant soul suddenly became extremely frightened and wanted to flee, but was covered by the golden light, becoming smaller and smaller, and flying towards them.

This sudden change of scene, let the three people all look along the direction of the golden pill flying, but found mu Qingge's eyes are full of pure gold light, the whole person is like a God, with an air of immortality and other things.

The golden pill flew towards her mouth, but she raised her hand to block it. She held it in the palm of her hand and put it into a glass bottle.

Seeing three people looking at her, she opened her mouth to explain, that tone of voice and cold as ice in the eyes are incompatible. "A method of spiritual attack, handed down in the family."

Mental attack? Family?

Although there are still some doubts in their hearts, they also know that this is not the time to ask.

Mu Qingge's eyes continue to emit golden light, turning those powerful spirits into gold pills and putting them into the glass bottle in her hand. Those low-level spirits are handed over to Linglong gun and Ji Yaoji's fan.

However, even in this case, it still made the three people scarred. Only admiring light songs, those spirits seem to know that she is not easy to provoke, dare not easily approach her, and even have a tendency to hide from her.Finally, thousands of souls were wiped out.

Mu Qingge's eyes turn back to normal color and look at the other three people.

Their bodies are full of clothes torn by the remnant souls, as well as wounds. Ji Yaoji's face was also scratched with blood, which destroyed his beautiful image.

Mu Qingge took out three pills of pills and asked them to take them.

These three pills are the healing elixir often auctioned on the first floor. As soon as they take them, their wounds stop bleeding immediately and recover as before.

After a while, apart from the messy and tattered clothes stained with blood, they could not be seen to have been injured.

Three people have exhausted, mu Qingge is not good at the moment.

Fighting under gravity is a kind of extreme challenge.

She said to the three people: "we must leave here, or we will all die if we have another batch."

The three nodded heavily.

Four hands in hand, relying on each other, adhere to go forward, one mind just want to get out of this strange gravity space.


In the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, the cold air with the breath of death constantly rolled over the ground.

Here, empty, empty, lifeless. Here, it seems that it should not be the world of the living. It belongs only to the dead, to the dead and to the remnant.

Mu Qingge is stimulated by the cold wind and wakes up from the lethargy.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the hard black ground.

She stood up with her hands on the ground and noticed that there were three people lying not far away from her. However, it seems that they have not woken up yet.

Mu Qingge went to the nearest Xi Qianxue and shook her. He called softly, "Xi Qianxue, Qianxue..."

In her call, Xi Qianxue woke up, opened his eyes and saw the moqingge crouching in front of him.

Seeing her awake, mu Qingge goes to Ji Yaoyao who is close to Xi Qianxue and shakes him up.

After shaking Ying Ze up, the four people sit together again and look around.

They only remember that when they came to the end of the gravity space, they were completely supported by their will. They had only one thought in their hearts, that is, to get out of there.

"It doesn't seem to have the gravity you're talking about." Yingze feels it for a while and looks at Xiangmu Qingge.

Nod your head softly.

When she woke up, she felt relaxed, and the gravity had disappeared.

However, the gravity space was beyond her imagination, and the gravity behind her was almost tens of times the maximum gravity when she trained in the gravity chamber in her previous life.

She was surprised that she could come out.

However, on second thought, it is understandable that today's self is no longer the physique of previous life, and it is understandable to be able to withstand this kind of gravity.

"Ah! At last I came out. " Ji Yao was lying on his back, hands spread out, looking at the gray sky of the ancient battlefield.

Mu Qingge looked at them, and when they all recovered, he coughed a reminder, "don't you want to change clothes?"

As soon as she reminds, the three people think of their own distress.

Especially Xi Qianxue, she is the goddess of the temple, pure and pure, holy and flawless. Today, however, his clothes appear in front of the "three men".

Her face flushed and she went to the shelter not far away.

Who knows, she moved, the whole person actually flew up, in the air draw a long curved arc, just lightly fell.

Her feet fell to the ground, and she said in surprise, "what's going on? I didn't use much effort! "

Her words also made Ji Yaoyao and Yingze stand up, their eyes burning.

Mu Qingge said with a smile, "this is what we have gained after going out of the gravity space through thousands of hardships."

Ji Yao's eyes brightened and his body moved. The whole person turns into a wind, so fast that people can't catch a trace at all.

When he reappeared, he also said with great joy: "how fast, so fast! I have only one layer of force, but it is the same as the speed that I used to exert three forces before! "

After marveling at his speed, Ji Yaoyao urged Yingze again, "have a look at your strength?"

Ying Ze closed his eyes and experienced it carefully. However, he suddenly opened his eyes and burst out a surprise: "I feel the bottleneck of golden realm! A breakthrough is in sight! "

Ji Yaoyao was waiting for him to make a fist, but he suddenly heard him say this, and was stunned. He immediately said happily, "really? Congratulations

All three have gained, and moqingge is no exception.

However, her body and spiritual consciousness are constantly refined by the divine strategy, so the promotion is not obvious. However, she also found a big surprise, that is, under the action of gravity, her spiritual power is compressed more pure, that is to say, her spiritual power is stronger than that of people of the same rank, and has more storage.

The surprise of the unexpected harvest made the four people in a better mood.

At least, their goal of entering the ancient battlefield has been gradually realized.Especially Yingze, I don't know if it's mu Qingge's daze. He actually sees a faint smile on this iceberg's face.


Ji Yaoyao first changed his clothes and came out to Mu Qingge with a grin.

The brilliant smile reappeared on his face, and his smiling eyes seemed to restore his image of being an approachable gentleman.

"Ying Ze feels the breakthrough, which is also a knot in his heart." He sighs to Mu light song way.

Mu Qingge eyebrows a pick, look at him.

Ji Yao said, "that boy doesn't think I can see it? Bang ~! I always feel that I'm a drag on us. He is very proud, and he never loses. However, he is very rational. He can fight if he can, but he can't fight. He never gets discouraged and walks to this day step by step. Although he proposed to enter the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, he was the one who suffered the most. Now, his breakthrough can at least make him feel that he is not useless

"You are very concerned about him." Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and said with a smile.

"Of course! He used to be my brother, and then he may be my brother-in-law. Naturally, I care about him. For the sake of Pian Pian, I can't let him have an accident

Mu Qingge laughed, "so every time something happens, you take the initiative to be a meat shield, or explore the way?"

I don't know the danger of Da Ji every time she goes. Moreover, in the battle, he also plays the role of protector.

Ji yaoxun sighed and regretfully said, "I want to protect you too! But you are too strong to be protected by me! It's really unexpected that the guy who needed me to suppress the state was willing to fight me, but now he has left me behind. "

Mention that matter, Mu light song sneer, "don't forget who won in the end."

A little embarrassment flashed on Ji Yaoyao's face, and suddenly he said, "Mu Qingge, tell me the truth. After the competition between us, someone came to challenge me and beat me like a dog. Is that man specially revenge for you?"

Mu light Song mouth a Yang, of course, she knew who he said, but did not want to tell him the answer.

With a mysterious look in his eyes, mu Qingge goes to the front.

"Hello! You tell me Ji Yaoyao stamped her feet in anger. "The problem is I don't remember what the person who hit me looks like! Ben Shao seriously suspects that he has tampered with Ben Shao's memory! "


After the break, the four continued to explore.

This time, they did not continue to go forward, because they were not sure where they had penetrated into the ancient battlefield, so they decided to change their direction, head north and make a circle.

Time goes by.

This is their second month into the ancient battlefield, seven days.

There is still more than half of March left.

However, at the entrance and exit, there is a Wei muring waiting for them. I don't know how the situation is at the moment, whether he has woken up, and whether he has rushed out of the prohibition under the cloth of muqingge.

"Battlefield remains again." Ji Yaoyao stood on the fossilized corpses and glanced at them with regret.

During this time, they have passed several battlefield ruins.

"There seems to be someone over there!" Suddenly, Xi Qianxue whispered a reminder.

Mu light song raised eyes to look, eyes slightly one mi. Distant scene, immediately clear in the eyes. Seeing those "people" admiring light songs, their eyes were locked, and they said, "those green monsters!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!