"What's the matter?" Xi Qianxue looks at Xiangmu light song, in a daze.

Mu light song suddenly look at the eyes, let her some panic, heart rate.

"Tell me what happened to you at that time." Mu Qingge said.

Xi Qianxue was stunned.

Just react to come over, Mu light song is to ask them to fight with that little monster after. Knowing her purpose, Xi Qianxue looks at Xiangmu Qingge again, and finds that her clear eyes are clean without impurities.

And I just

"Oh! What am I thinking about? " Xi Qianxue said a word in his heart.

For a long time did not see Xi Qianxue reply, mu Qingge slightly frowned, came to her: "is there any discomfort in the body?"

Xi Qianxue quickly raised his head and shook his head in a hurry, "no, No. It's all right, thank you. "

Mu Qingge shakes his head slowly.

The eyes again staring at her, Xi Qianxue took a deep breath, just immersed in the mind, recall the previous fight with those green little monsters.

"Originally, I was dealing with only one. But when he rushed over, he was suddenly divided into several. When my sword pierced his chest, it felt like it was pierced empty. What's more, the monster I stabbed will split into another one, killing more and more. Moreover, no matter where the attack falls on them, they will continue to multiply... " Xi Qianxue will be at that time, carefully said.

She knew that mu Qingge was trying to find out the flaws in dealing with these monsters, so she said it very carefully, not only about her side, but also about Yingze's side, which she saw one by one.

Mu light song quietly listening, eyes light slightly heavy.

In her mind, she constantly infers that "these monsters have no gender. Do they all reproduce by this way like cell division?"

"Later, Yingze and I were surrounded. Fortunately, Ji Yaoyao arrived in time and shared a lot of money for us outside, so that we could rush out. Later, Ji Yaoyao controlled a strong wind and blew these pestering monsters into the sky, so that we could get rid of them. Those monsters, not only can attack our psychic sense, but also very fast. Their claws are extremely sharp and can easily break our defense Xi Qianxue said slowly.

"If it is really like a cell, how can it be eliminated?" Mu Qingge is thinking hard in my mind.

Xi Qianxue said, found that mu Qingge fell into meditation, also did not disturb, just quietly guard at one side.

"No! Wrong direction! " Mu light song slightly frown, before their own settings overturned, from the beginning. "Why do these monsters have different images? Why are those little monsters always shooting? The two tall monsters, apart from taking the cloth bag to take away the spirits, hardly touched their hands. They were just directing the short monsters to attack. "

Mu Qingge walked slowly for a few steps and stopped suddenly. He thought in his mind, "if these tall monsters can control the small monsters, can we make the small monsters out of control as long as they kill the tall monsters? It's like a robot. If you lose the command transmission, it will be still! "

This idea, make Mu light song's eyes light up.

Xi Qianxue has been paying attention to her, see her bright eyes, seems to have found, the heart can not help but follow happy.

Her happiness is not because mu Qingge may have found a way to deal with those monsters, but to see mu Qingge's look and follow her joy.

Mu Qingge thinks that this idea is feasible, and goes on to deepen it. "From the current contact and previous observation, we can see that the tall monster acts as a commander, while the short monster is the actor. The short monster's attack power is very strange, and very strong. So, will tall monsters not be so powerful? Not even aggressive? After all, they have a clear division of labor, and big monsters are mainly mental contributions! And, all along, those two tall monsters are surrounded by short monsters. They are protecting him! "

Mu Qingge's eyes gradually narrowed. "If this idea is correct, then if you kill that big monster, you can solve everything."

Mu Qingge frowns and walks up and down.

Theory is a theory, which can only be proved right and wrong through practice! At the moment, no matter how she conceives, it's all fantasy. I'm afraid she has to find those monsters to verify before she knows.

Mu light song thinking, Xi Qianxue see very focused.

She sat by the fire, one hand holding dry wood, the other hand holding cheek, quietly watching mu Qingge. All of a sudden, she felt this kind of feeling is very good, very peaceful, very calm, not to be disturbed, but she has a very happy feeling.

As if, as long as can look at Mu light song forever, she will feel very satisfied.

She knows she's stuck.

She indulges herself in degradation, because only after experiencing can she really let go.

However -

Xi Qianxue's eyes suddenly darkened, and her smile was gradually converging. She asked herself in her heart, "after leaving here, am I really willing to forget everything?"Xi Qianxue's eyes flashed a painful struggle, and she said to herself in her heart: "no! Xi Qianxue, you must forget, put down! Otherwise, you will only bring disaster to many people, and even he will be implicated... "

She raised her eyes and looked at the figure of Xiangmu Qingsong, and a color of absolute resolution flashed through the bottom of her eyes.

Hiding his mind, Xi Qianxue again showed a happy smile. Even if this happiness is only her own thought; even if it is very short-lived; even if it is only her self deception, she is willing to give everything for it.

Mu light song finished thinking, looked up, then saw Xi Qianxue staring at his appearance.

Embarrassed, she went to the campfire and sat down. She and Xi Qianxue are separated by the bonfire, the fire of the campfire is constantly jumping, the expression of the two people are reflected in the dark.

She hesitated to tell Xi Qianxue that she was a woman.

After that, she doesn't have to think about herself. But now, obviously not the time to talk about this matter, in case Xi Qianxue can not accept the fact that she is a woman, what should happen under the impulse?

Those monsters still don't know if they will continue to chase them. Ji Yaoyao and Yingze don't know what the situation is now. Now, it's really not the time to talk about the two of them.

After pondering over it in my heart, mu Qingge still gave up her confession.

"I'll talk about it when I leave here." Mu Qingge says to himself in his heart.

"What are you thinking?" It was too quiet between the two people, which made the atmosphere more embarrassing. Finally, Xi Qianxue broke the silence.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked at her slowly shaking her head.

Xi Qianxue didn't mind and asked her with a smile, "do you know what I'm thinking?"

Mu Qingge is stunned and shakes his head again.

Xi Qianxue smiles at her and says in a low voice: "I feel that I regret the original decision."

"The original decision?" Mu Qingge frowns and doesn't understand what her original decision is.

Xi Qianxue nodded, still looking at Mu light Song: "I regret entering the temple when the goddess."


Mu Qingge was shocked and didn't know how to take up this topic.

However, Xi Qianxue didn't seem to need her to say anything, but said to herself: "when I was very young, I was just born. My fate seems to have been decided by my family. Since I was sensible, everyone around me told me that I would like to enter the temple to be a goddess in the future. At that time, I didn't know what a goddess was. My mother told me that the goddess was the most noble and holy woman in this land... "

Xi Qianxue suddenly talks about his own affairs, which makes mu Qingge a little confused.

However, since she wants to say that mu Qingge does not mean to stop her, she should be a quiet audience.

Xi Qianxue laughed, "how can I know what is noble and holy when I am so young? My mother simply told me that this is what all women want, and I should be no exception. After that, I slowly grew up to know why I was chosen to be the goddess of the temple as soon as I was born. " She looked at Xiangmu Qingsong and seemed to be waiting for her response.

Mu Qingge grinned, "because of your innate water spirit root."

Xi Qianxue nodded slowly, "yes, because I am a natural water spirit root. When I was born, my master sensed it. So I became the goddess of the temple. "

"Your master is..." Mu Qingge asked.

Xi Qianxue replied, "my master is the God of the temple, and the most powerful person in the whole temple. If I take over his throne, I will not be able to control the whole land in the future

Mu Qingge took a breath.

She understood that Xi Qianxue's status as a goddess was equivalent to the crown prince of a country. If she had stayed in the middle ages, she would have become the most powerful leader in the middle ages.

"I officially entered the temple at the age of 13 and became a goddess. At that time, my master told me that to become a goddess, I would devote my whole life to God. Therefore, I could not have personal feelings, fall in love with anyone, or get married, and my body would be defiled. Even, at a certain time, I will give up my family Xi Qianxue this paragraph, is looking at Mu light Song said.

Mu light Song Silent, Xi Qianxue's fate, it seems that she did not give the opportunity to choose, let others give under.

"My parents said to me, it doesn't matter, even if I leave the family in the future, I will still be their daughter." Xi Qianxue light smile, "but now, I have some regrets."

“……” Mu Qingge is speechless.

Even if she is insensitive to emotional things, she can also clearly feel that Xi Qianxue said this is related to her.

"Unfortunately, it's too late to regret. I'm already the goddess of the temple, and I can't change it. So, I can only say these words to you in this closed space. After that, I won't admit to leaving. " Xi Qianxue said and laughed.

Mu Qingge has never seen such a smile on her face, smiling like a girl next door, without the kind of holy and noble goddess.Suddenly, Xi Qianxue stood up.

Mu Qingge looked up and saw her step by step towards himself.

Mu light song raised eyebrows, do not know what Xi Qianxue wants.

I saw her go to her, and squat down, kneel in front of her, her eyes with the color of the water looking at themselves. Mu Qingge felt his body slightly stiff, some at a loss.

Fortunately, Xi Qianxue didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He just buried himself slowly and put his head on mu Qingge's knee.

She leans on mu Qingge's legs, like a coquettish kitten, curling up her body.

Mu light song is to sit cross legged, at the moment by Xi Qianxue such a lie, pour is also dare not move.

"So that I can sleep." Xi Qianxue explained his behavior in a low voice.

“……” What else can mu Qingge say?

"Muqingge..." Suddenly, Xi Qianxue called out her name.

This lets Mu light song body a Zheng, whole body guard up. It was as if she was going to fight in the next second.

"I mean if Just if If we had known each other earlier, would you have liked me Xi Qianxue summoned up the greatest courage to ask mu Qingge the question that she did not want to give up.

"If we knew each other before I became a goddess, I would refuse to be a goddess at all costs and try my best to stay by your side. In that case, will you like me Xi Qianxue said in a very slow and light voice.

Mu Qingge's back is stiff and her lips are tightly pursed.

Xi Qianxue waited for a while, did not see her reaction, also did not reply. With a relieved smile on his face, he said, "OK, I know the answer."

Her smile gradually disappeared, even though she was forced to bear it in her heart, a tear fell from the corner of her eye and soaked mu Qingge's trousers.

Feeling the obvious wet, and the back of the dejected, mu Qingge sighed in his heart and said, "what is my point worth your liking?" They didn't have much contact with each other, or even met a few.

And Those who treat her like Xi Qianxue, she felt that she had done nothing, why would she provoke them to do so.

Qin Yilian, Qin Yiyao, Wei Guanguan, as well as the young lady of Huajia, the young master of Wugou villa There are also Xie Ya, and now Xi Qianxue.

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