"What do you like about me?" Murmurong sighs in my heart.

She always wondered why Xi Qianxue, Qin Yilian and Qin Yiyao, and the women who had fallen in love with her all had a heart on her.

At this moment, she even has a helpless mentality: "where do you think I am good, I can't change it?"

"I don't know." Xi Qianxue quietly gave his answer.

However, this answer, but let Mu light Song mouth corner mercilessly.

"Maybe It's because it's comfortable to be around you. Or maybe you don't look at me the way other men look at me. And maybe it's because I feel at ease and safe by your side. " Xi Qianxue murmured.

She did not know whether she liked her feelings in her heart. She had never liked a person, but mu Qingsong was special in her heart.

Since meeting with her, Xi Qianxue always thinks of her inexplicably, and even appears to be distracted.

Every time I see mu Qingge, she is trying to control her heartbeat. No one knows, more than two years ago, she didn't have to go to Star City in person. At that time, she heard that the city master of Luoxing city was after mu Qingge and invited her to go.

For, just look at the city that belongs to Mu Qingge, look at her from afar.

Xi Qianxue's answer makes mu Qingge speechless.

She doesn't look at women in the eyes of other men because she's not a man at all. But I don't want to let so many women think she is special.

In fact, mu Qingge doesn't understand.

She didn't know that what she really obsessed with these women was that she could give them a strong sense of security. It seems that as long as there is moqingge in the place, even if the sky falls, it will be OK.

Moqingge's aura of safety attribute is not only for women, but also for everyone who is close to her and recognized by her.

Perhaps, it has something to do with her previous career or her own character.

"Mu Qingge, what I regret most and don't regret most is to meet you." Xi Qianxue's low voice.

Her words are very light, but let mu Qingge's heart beat hard.

Mu light song droops to see, Xi Qianxue has closed his eyes and entered the dreamland. She pillows on her legs, perhaps this posture makes her feel at ease, sniffing the breath of muqingge can make her sleep at ease.

Mu Qingge sighed in her heart and didn't move her.

Her mind closed and she began to think again. "Those green skin monsters are means of attack and spiritual attack That is to attack psionic consciousness. And the second volume of my cultivation of divine strategies is mainly about the refinement of spiritual consciousness. Can those defensive and offensive means work? "

Mu light song clear eyes bottom, flash a trace of light.

As soon as the idea came out, she couldn't wait to try.

Mu Qingge hands together, empty grip in the chest, close his eyes, into the practice. She is practicing the volume of Shence and studying its defensive and attacking means.

The biting cold wind of the ancient battlefield rolled over the black land. At this moment, it was very quiet.


"Should we get rid of it?" Ji Yaoyao holds Yingze with one hand and his knee with the other, panting.

Yingze looked at his sweating appearance and nodded: "it should be thrown away. Have a rest."

Ji Yao looked up at him, pursed his lips and nodded.

He was short of breath, and his physical and spiritual strength were overdrawn. However, he carefully looked for a suitable place to rest. After carefully placing Yingze, he went to the ground and was unable to spread his hands and feet.

The oppressive sky is full of lifeless feeling.

After Ji Yaoji breathed his breath well, he turned his face and looked at Yingze. "Is your injury OK?"

Yingze took out the pill, swallowed it, then shook his head, "it's just some skin trauma, and then it's too much blood loss. It's OK to cultivate for a while."

Seeing that he took the golden pill, Ji Yaoyao said with a smile: "fortunately, before, in order to be in case, Qingge gave us some god level pills for healing and replenishing spiritual strength, otherwise we would be planted this time."

Of course, they also prepared pills themselves, but God level pills did not. Most of them are treasure level or spirit level.

This level of pills, of course, can not be compared with muqingge refined God level pills.

Yingze nods silently, and this feeling is recorded in his heart.

"How are you?" Ying Ze looks at Ji Yaoyao on the ground.

Ji Yao chuckled and said, "it's OK. It's just out of force." At the moment, his legs were almost unconscious and heavy as if they had been filled with lead water.

However, he still showed a relaxed expression to Yingze.

"Your wound is serious. Breathe quickly. I will guard it for you." Ji Yaoyao said to Yingze.

Yingze shook his head, "or you first breath, you recover quickly, if those monsters catch up again, you rest well, we have the possibility of continuing to escape."Although he didn't want to use the word "escape", this is the fact today. Those monsters are so weird that their attack methods are useless, only escape.

After listening to his words, Ji Yaoyao no longer insisted. He gritted his teeth and sat up on his knees from the ground, took out the pills and took them. Before he began to practice, he turned his eyes to Yingze and said, "I don't know how Qingge and Xi shennu are now."

"They should be OK." Yingze thought for a while and answered in the affirmative.

Ji Yao was stunned and then laughed, "yes! Muqingge, that monster, can not be treated with common sense. With him, Xi should be safe. Maybe at the moment, Qingge is already thinking about how to kill the enemy, and we are still running for our lives. "

Yingze was silent.

Muqingge has indeed created too many miracles. The more you contact, the more unfathomable you will find this person.

Often you think her limit has been reached, but she quietly "bang" and rushed to another realm.

Ying Ze remembers when he and mu Qingge first fought.

In a short period of more than three years, he was able to jump from the second tier of silver realm to the first tier of golden realm, which was beyond the description of genius, but a monster!

What's more, this period of time, she is not only spent on the cultivation. Now that she is a master of alchemy, she still has another level. She also built the Star City, more than three years, she has been busy, but still can go ahead of everyone.

Now, even Wei Mo Liang on the second floor of the golden realm is no longer her opponent

Yingze's lips pressed involuntarily. He knew in his heart that moqingge's strength could not be described with a simple realm.

"Maybe it's only through three levels of gold that we can reach a tie with her." Ying Ze estimates in his heart. "But the winner must be mu Qingge."

I don't know why, Yingze has this feeling in his heart.

At the end of his thoughts, Ying Ze looks at Ji Yaoyao, who has entered the practice.


Xi Qianxue wakes up from sleep, this sleep she sleeps very heavy, this kind of feeling has not had for a long time. She was reluctant to leave mu Qingge's legs and sat up beside her.

She looked at Xiangmu light song and found that she was practicing.

What makes Xi Qianxue strange is that she doesn't know what kind of skills mu Qingge is practicing, which will make her skin seem to be plated with gold.

Xi Qian Xue coagulates the facial features of Mu light song, and depicts her eyebrows and eyes with her eyes and her expression.

She has never seen mu Qingge so carefully. At the moment, she finds that mu Qingge is so handsome. Her beauty lies between yin and Yang. Less is soft, more is just right.

Xi Qianxue focused on looking at Mu light song, suddenly, she on a pair of quiet clear eyes. All of a sudden, she was scared, flustered down her eyes and looked around.

The expression was like stealing something and being caught by the owner.

It's both guilty and shy.

Xi Qianxue's cheeks quickly red up, but also embarrassed to sit in place, dare not to see Mu light song.

After the previous "open your heart" moqingge, now I dare not speak disorderly, so as not to cause any misunderstanding. She ignored Xi Qianxue's embarrassment and directly said, "we can't stay here for a long time. If we have a good rest, we will leave immediately."

Xi Qianxue's blush on her cheek quickly faded away. She raised her head and nodded to Mu Qingge. In the eyes, there is no shyness.

She was not an ordinary woman, and naturally knew what was going on at the moment.

Will stay over the traces of elimination, mu Qingge and Xi Qianxue continue to go forward.

They didn't go back. At that time, they were separated from Ji Yaoyao and Ying Ze. They went in the opposite direction. If this area is normal and there is no fracture in the middle, then if they continue to walk like this, the four of them are likely to meet again.

On the contrary, if they go back the same way, they will be far away from Ji Yaoyao and Yingze.


"Battlefield remains again." See in front of the petrified layers of corpses, Xi Qianxue frown.

Mu Qingge looks around for a week, but there is no sign of those green skin monsters. She said to Xi Qianxue, "keep going."

Xi Qianxue nodded, followed by Mu light song, also pay attention to the movement around.

Going to the depth of the battlefield ruins, suddenly, mu Qingge stopped. Her eyes, staring at the far ahead, in the bottom of her eyes, there is a continuous green.

"Coming!" Mu light song see those green figures, a heavy heart.

Green skin monsters appear again, and this time there are a lot of them. Xi Qianxue also saw the green that kept approaching, his face changed and he lost his voice: "when did they go around in front of us?"

Hearing her words, mu Qingge's eyes moved and said in a deep voice: "maybe, it's not the same group."Xi Qianxue looks at her in shock.

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