As soon as Ying Chuan's face changed, he couldn't help shrinking behind the winner's elder.

This makes the winner of the elder, the discontent in the heart of the spread more and more. He took a step forward and stood in front of Yingchuan and said to Mu Qingge, "master of Mu city! The little Lord has dealt with the matter of cutting off the two little tongues of my family. Naturally, we will not investigate it again. Now, why do you mention the old thing again and insult my family? What's more, if you have such a gap with my second youngest, my youngest has already given up and sincerely come to marry Miss snow dance. If you are so aggressive, it seems that there is something wrong with you! "

The winner's elder is justified. In his opinion, moqingge is extremely impolite as soon as it comes out. However, their winner still doesn't mind, which is enough face.

Mu light Song mouth light hook up, that smile with a bit cold. "As you say, I'd also like to thank you for bringing up a marriage?"

The winner's elder facial expression is stiff, frown, do not know how to answer.

Yingchuan hides behind the elder, drooping his eyebrows and eyes. His eyes are in the angle of no one to see. His eyes are cold and vicious.

He didn't expect that moqingge would be in the Sang family, and he didn't expect that moqingge would not give the winner face!

Mu Qingge walked forward slowly, step by step, to the edge of the steps, she did not go down the steps, but looked down at the winner, eyes jokingly: "my sister can't get married, or how, do you need your winner to propose marriage? Said not to marry is not married, but you do not know how to entangle again and again. Yes? Want to put the winner on us? Or do you think that you are the winner of this high branch, everyone would like to climb up, muxue dance do not marry, you feel that you have to be forced to marry

Finish saying that, her eyes light a Li, body momentum greatly increased, have a word not to fight on the posture.

The original winner elder, who was still plausible, was forced by her momentum and stepped back a step. He was shocked: "Mu City Lord, is it unfair for you to speak like this? It is well-known that my second youngest has admired Miss snow dance for many years. Now I also sincerely want to marry, but for no other reason, it's hard. The city Lord is too strong to allow my younger brother to like snow dancing. Can't you

Who knows, Mu light song but crisp back a sentence, "good! I won't allow it. "

"You Ying's parents are so old-fashioned that their beards grow up. They hate each other and say, "arrogant! Rude! Arrogant! overbearing! It's nothing! "

"Yingchuan." Mu light song suddenly eyes light light light shift, directly fell in hiding behind the winner elder Yingchuan body.

Eyes in a haze, heart constantly fantasy how to torture moqingge Ying Chuan, suddenly heard this drink, suddenly surprised, pale raised his head.

When the winner elder saw this picture, he felt more unbearable.

How could they have been treated and humiliated like this?

Around, gradually surrounded by a number of floating sand city people. For the Sang family, they are very clear, for the West Island winner this big family, they are also well aware.

At the moment, the two ancient clans face each other directly outside the door. How can they miss such excitement?

"For the sake of Ying Ze, get out of the floating sand city for me immediately. From now on, I can't step into it any more, and I don't want to snow dance any more. Otherwise, I can cut off your tongue once, I can dig out your eyes again, cut off your ears, and even... " Mu Qingge's voice is cold and sharp warning. She coagulates in the eye light of win Chuan, suddenly appear a disdainful sneer, "take your life."

"Muqingge!" The naked threat made the winner's elder finally unable to resist and wanted to make a move.

However, his breath just moved, and mu Qingge's eyes drifted to him with a sneer and a reminder: "this elder, don't forget that this is the floating sand city and the mulberry family. Do you think you have the ability to kill in the Sang family? "

Her voice just fell, from behind the Sang home, suddenly appeared a strong incomparable momentum, directly fell on the winner of the elder body.

As soon as the face of the winner's elder changes, the spiritual power coagulated in the palm dissipates in an instant.

"Not bad! This is the territory of the Sang family. Fighting here will only make their winners even more embarrassed. It seems that today we have to go back and tell the master what happened here, and then we can make plans. " The winner's elder has a gloomy face, his eyes twinkle, and his mind is calculating.

The momentum he had just mentioned suddenly disappeared.

All of a sudden, a burst of BOO came from the crowd.

This made the elder, who was respected in the winner, pale and blue.

Mu Qingge raised a sarcastic smile, continued to look at Yingchuan and said: "Yingchuan, why do you come to marry, you and I all know. Don't make a fool of your children's tricks in front of me. If you want me to believe you, at least swallow the hate in your eyes

Finish saying, Mu light song clear eyes, flash a trace of disdain.

Does Yingchuan think he disguises well? However, in front of muqingge, it is a kind of naive embodiment.

Such a clown can't stir up any trouble.For such a dandy, the winner will not break up with the Sang clan, the only sacred weapon refiner in the middle ancient world, or even fight for such a dandy!

First of all, Yingze is not so stupid!

Being uncovered by mu Qingge, Yingchuan no longer conceals it. He suddenly raised his eyes, the strong hatred in his eyes was no longer covered up, and the light in his eyes was like being poisoned, shooting at mu Qingge.

Mu light song but Hun does not care about the pick lip ridicule, "how, finally decided not to camouflage? It's true that your poor performance can only coax stupid people

Who is the dull person in her mouth? She didn't make it clear, but the winner's elder understood.

He looks at Yingchuan and is frightened by the hatred in his eyes.

He never thought that there was any other meaning behind Yingchuan's move.

Now seeing his expression, can you say, "the second young master has never forgotten the Revenge of cutting his tongue. He wanted to marry muxuewu because he was not in the family, just for revenge and torture?"

This speculation shocked the winner's elders.

At this time, Yingchuan pulled over the boy who spoke for him and retreated him to the front.

The boy didn't stand firm and fell on the ground. Before he got up, he got a foot on his butt. He turned his eyes to look, on the Yingchuan ferocious facial features, as well as cruel eyes.

There was no need for Yingchuan to express any more. He immediately understood what he wanted to say.

So he stood up from the ground and bravely called out to Mu Qingge, "what if you see through it? When you cut off my tongue, now you are going to give me your sister! I'm not afraid to tell you that when I marry her, I will torture her day and night, so that she can't survive and die! And let you watch your sister being abused, tortured, and helpless

"Gaga --!" With that, Yingchuan's tongue free mouth gave out a terrible laugh.

Without his tongue, he couldn't even pronounce normally. He could only utter some syllables that even he could hear. And all this is due to the light song of mu.

The flame of hatred in Yingchuan's eyes keeps burning.

At this time, he had already forgotten that in the boundless mansion, it was he who first wanted to defile muqingge and muxuewu by dirty means. It was he who first used insulting words to hurt mu Qingge and muxue dance. Mu Qingge cut his tongue, which was a small punishment and a great admonition.

And therefore, she also took three moves to end the matter.

"How vicious

"What a sinister thing

"The winner, said to have come to ask for a marriage, was actually in such a dirty and despicable mind."

"We miss snow dance, but we are the first beauty in Xizhou. We are also God level weapon refiners and people on the list of young phoenixes. We are gentle and kind-hearted. We have never looked down on people like us. How can such good people be tortured by such animals?"

"Yes! Don't let Miss snow dance be wronged! "

"The winner, never marry!"

Among the onlookers, although they didn't understand what happened before, they all stood by the side of muxue dance when they heard that Yingchuan's mind was so and so.

Seeing this, the elder of the winner was very anxious and wanted to take Yingchuan away. But now that they are leaving, are they not running away with their tails?

However, Yingchuan has admitted that his intention of seeking marriage is not pure. How can they refute it?

"He's a guy who can't accomplish anything but fail!" The winner's elder cursed in his heart.

What about muqingge?

Hearing the boy's voice from Yingchuan, the sarcasm in his eyes was more serious. She was not irritated by Yingchuan's words at all, but looked at him sarcastically and said, "Yingchuan, who gave you your face? Think everything will be as you wish? Originally, you can live well, can continue to be your winner second young master. However, you just put a good day, but come to me to die. Since you hate me so much and you care about how to torture my sister, I'm always in a bad temper, and I can't tolerate people who hate me. It seems that I can only take some measures for once and for all. "

"What do you want to do?" The elder of the winner was shocked. No matter how dissatisfied with Yingchuan, he could not let him have an accident here. Therefore, he immediately blocked in front of Yingchuan.

However, Yingchuan is very hard at the moment, pushing aside the elder's hand, standing in front of Mu Qingge, looking up at her neck.

"I'm standing here, dare you kill me? If you kill me, you'll wait for the winner to pursue me endlessly. "

Yingchuan's eyes show madness and arrogance.

He wanted to see fear and hesitation in Mu Qingge's eyes.

But there was nothing. Mu Qingge's eyes are still calm. The finger cover on her right index finger has a trace of golden power twining, and the cold killing intention starts to condense in her heart.

"It turns out that you are still winning." Mu Qingge's voice is full of sarcasm.

Killing intention, in her eyes.

However, at this time, a voice suddenly fell from the distance. "Asshole! Get down on your knees and , the fastest update of the webnovel!