"Asshole! Get down on your knees and apologize

A sharp drink, interrupted Mu light song eyes condensed from the killing intention.

She knew the owner of the voice, and she had just left.

"Is Yingze here?" Mu Qingge's spiritual power around his right index finger gradually dissipates.

Yingchuan's death is Yingchuan's business. She will not vent her anger on Yingze.

As soon as the killing intention on her fingertips dissipated, Yingze fell from the sky and fell in front of Yingchuan. He turned around, raised his hand and gave Yingchuan a slap, directly overturned him to the ground.

"Little Lord!" The winner's elder, seeing Yingze appear, is simply happy to run, excited to tears.

Ying Ze's face is cold. His fierce eyes are lying on the ground and covering his face. He gouges out a few eyes on his Yingchuan. His anger is hard to suppress.

He had only been away from home for a few months, and his good brother dared to do such a thing behind his back.

Ying Ze clenched his fist. If the person in front of him was not his brother, he would have killed him with a fist.

"Kneel down." Yingze spoke coldly.

Yingchuan's body trembled, and the hatred in his eyes did not retreat, but rose to disobey.

However, he did not dare to resist Yingze.

Because, he knows very clearly in his heart that he can take the winner to threaten mu Qingge and the Sang family. However, in front of Yingze, he is nothing!

The resentment in his heart is suppressed by Yingchuan. He looks humiliated in his eyes, but still under the gaze of Yingze, he gets up from the ground and kneels on the ground.

He bowed his head and did not want to see the ridicule around him, nor to face mu Qingge.

He can guarantee that mu Qingge will laugh at him now!

If he turns around to win, he can't get into a double win with Murakawa

"It was he who came to die himself." Mu light Song mouth raised a light irony, the same voice to Ying Ze.

Win Ze Mou light a dark, pass on a way: "I return home, hear this matter, a moment dare not delay to rush over."

Mu Qingge raised her eyebrows, "and then?" Her smile began to play.

She would like to see how Yingze would deal with it.

Ying Ze frowns and promises to Mu Qingge: "after Yingchuan is brought back, I will imprison him from now on in the family, and will not let him be born outside, let alone provoke you again. The winner will also come forward and make an apology to the Sang people. "

The winner's position in Xizhou is much higher than that of the Sang family. Now, the conditions offered by Yingze have been regarded as a great concession, which has also cast aside the face of the family.

It can be said that if today's incident, the other party is not moqingge, Yingze will not give in so much.

At most, he will only take Yingchuan back.

For muqingge, both public and private, Yingze doesn't want to be hostile.

Yu Gong, mu Qingge is both a saint level craftsman and a god level Dan master. Today, her accomplishments are even more outstanding among the younger generation. The influence behind her seems to be no better than that of the ancient people with profound knowledge. But don't forget that her dragon tooth is the heaven level Liuke team of Liuke realm, controlling one fourth of Liuke realm. It's not good for the winner if the relationship is frozen. Even, there will be other families who have gaps with the winners to take the opportunity to bring moqingge to the opposite side of the winner.

In private, they did not fight and did not know each other. Later, they went through the ancient battlefield together. After several times of tacit understanding between life and death, and the sacred tomb agreement five years later, Yingze did not want to turn against mu Qingge.

Therefore, he gave the greatest sincerity, hoping to calm down mu Qingge's anger, hoping to save this matter.

He looked at muqingge, and muqingge was looking at him.

The idea of Ying Ze, mu Qingge can guess.

In her heart, Yingchuan is just like a clown, without any threat at all. Just, such a mouse excrement, from time to time to disgust their own, will also make people irritable.

"What if he doesn't give up? The hatred in his heart is not so easy to eliminate. " Muqingge preached to Yingze.

Yingze did not hesitate, promised her, "if he does not want to die, I will personally kill him."

This guarantee, let Mu light song look slightly moved. In the same way, if Han Caicai says it, or Ji yaoxun says it, mu Qingge may only believe five points. However, according to Yingze, she can believe seven points, and the remaining three points should be regarded as face saving for him.

It's not about trust, it's about the different personalities of the three of them.

Han Caicai's character is full of calculation. Even if it is a promise, when it comes to a critical moment, he will still subconsciously calculate clearly and adopt a way that is most beneficial to him.

But Ji Yaoyao is too emotional. If he really wants to kill his own hands and feet, I'm afraid he can't do it.

Only Yingze, which has its own bottom line and principles, has always been a promise. Although Yingchuan is his younger brother, if he really continues to persevere, Yingze will fulfill his promise no matter how."I want the winner to return what he got from the Sang family." Mu light song eyes light a flash, and modified the conditions.

At the beginning, because sang lanruo, the Sang family paid a lot of compensation to the winner, which has always been a criticism of the family. If we can take the opportunity to bring back the lost, let alone the others, but the face lost by the Sang family will be taken back.

"Good." Yingze promised happily.

The two men's voice will discuss everything well. For outsiders, it is just a few seconds.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yingze and muqingge just looked at each other for a while.

"Come on Yingze opens his mouth, but the object is Yingchuan, who kneels on the ground.

Yingchuan looks at Yingze, opens his mouth and utters simple syllables.

"Little master, the second young master said that he is your brother. Why do you want to help others bully him? This man cut off er Shao's tongue. If you don't revenge him, why do you interfere with him now? "

Yingchuan looks at Yingze and nods hard.

Yingze's sharp eyes narrowed dangerously and said to Yingchuan, "if you want to die, don't bother others. I can do it myself."

This sentence made Yingchuan's eyes shrink and shocked.

Yingze didn't explain too much. He had to take Yingchuan back and make it clear to him.

However, in order to win Chuan that ignorant character, I am afraid that said also do not understand. From then on, it was better to be under house arrest among the Ying clan than to let him go out and provoke the wrong people!

It doesn't matter if he hates or understands. Because he can only stay in Yingzu all his life, and he can't go anywhere.

"Come on, kowtow and apologize." Yingze talks again.

Yingchuan wants to resist, but he can't resist in front of Yingze.

In the ridicule around, he slowly kneels forward and comes to Ying Ze. He raises his red eyes and looks at Xiangmu Qingge.

The unwilling and humiliation in his eyes was seen by mu Qingge and Yingze.

So what?

Even if Mu Qingge stands there, waiting for Yingchuan to revenge, I'm afraid he can't kill himself, but will tire himself.

A second generation ancestor who can't reach the second floor of the gray world wants to find Tianjiao in Jinjing for revenge? If you die, there will be no pity.

"Kowtow." Yingze has a strong pressure on Yingchuan.

The winner's elder is smart at the moment, standing quietly aside, watching the nose, mouth and heart, no longer involved in this matter.

Yingchuan felt that there was a heavy stone on his shoulders. When his shoulders collapsed, he knocked his head to the ground.


There was a lot of laughter all around.

Yingchuan's face has been twisted ugly, but nothing can be done. He hated it, but he was ignored. The enemy in his heart didn't take him seriously at all, even despised him!

What else is more cowardly than that?

When the second kowtow, Yingchuan no longer wanted to make mu Qingge painful, but thought about how to let himself die, better than disgrace.

However, he did not have the courage to commit suicide.

He is afraid of death, let him die, he would rather live a cowardly life.

So, the third head, knock.

Xiangmu Qingge kowtowed three heads to the sangzu and apologized.

Ying Ze once again said, "this is Yingchuan's recklessness. If you have offended the master of Mu City, the Sang nationality and miss snow dance, please forgive me. In a few days, my winner will bring a big gift and personally come to the door to apologize and make amends for today's incident. "

"You are welcome." Mu light song light road.

Yingze micro jaw head, to the winner's command, "take the second young master away, careful care, without my permission, where can not go."

"Yes, little Lord!"

In front of Yingze, the winner will not hesitate and disobey his orders.

Yingchuan sits on the ground, his forehead is blue and dirty.

All his hatred had been shattered in those three heads. He knew that there was no hope of revenge in this life. Because the only family he could rely on no longer helped him.

He was carried away by the winner. Before he left, Ying Ze walked forward and stood in front of Mu Qingge in a low voice: "if you have time, do me a favor."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, waiting for his below.

"Can the artifact I brought out be upgraded to sacristy?" Yingze asked.

When mu Qingge Dun understood, Ying Ze gave her enough face in the floating sand city, the face of Sang family. However, after he went back, he had to explain to his family and his father to ease the relationship among the three parties.

Therefore, he also needs muqingge to help him face.

If he goes back and says that mu Qingge is willing to help him refine a sacred vessel, no matter how much face the winner loses, their hearts will be happy.

"Find the right spirit and come to me at any time." Muqingge also gives its own commitment.Since she has helped Ji Yaoyao refine a sacred vessel, she will not be stingy to Yingze. Even if there is no today's matter, Yingze put forward this request to her, she will not refuse.

Yingze nods and turns away.

The farce made by Yingchuan was finally solved by Ying Ze.


"Well, this is the best solution. If it is for the sake of a dandy, it will be very uneconomical to make the mulberry family and the winner fight each other again. " King sang Shun was very satisfied with the result.

Mu Qingge stood up and said to him, "I'm going to meet some elders of the Supreme Court."

"I'll go with you." King sang Shun stood up and said to Mu Qing.

They went to the clan land and entered the place where the elders of the Supreme Court were closed.

In fact, mu Qingge knows almost everything from Xi Qianxue about the divinity, the sacred tomb, and even the robbery period.

Now I'd like to find some new harvest.

"It's so fast to enter the golden realm! Indeed, he is a gifted monster. " When the elder saw mu Qingge's first glance, his eyes lit up and said her accomplishments.

King sang Shun was also surprised. He didn't expect that his granddaughter had gone from the third floor of the silver realm to the first level of the golden realm in two years.

"I thought..." King sang Shun shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

He wanted to use a message to stimulate mu Qingge and let her seize the time to practice. Now, it seems that there is no great need.

"Now that you have entered the Golden State, we will keep our promise and tell you everything you want to know but don't know."

Mu Qingge sits cross legged in front of several supreme elders and quietly listens to them.

She didn't interrupt, she didn't say some of the information she already knew.

When several of the elders had finished speaking, she did not seem to have any new harvest in her heart.

"Some time ago, I have received a message from the temple. Five years later, the tomb will be opened." King sang Shun suddenly said.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes to him and said in his heart, "Qian Xue is right. The temple has already spread the news of the tomb."

"What? The sacred tomb is about to open at last Several supreme elders were excited.

The elder Taishang said to Mu Qingge: "there are still five years to go. Qingge, you must not let us down."

To this, mu Qingge just nodded calmly.


On the 10th day of Mu Qingge's stay in the Sang family, the list of young heroes changed once every three years.

Among the prefectures of five continents, the old and majestic voice sounded almost at the same time --

"the number one in the list of young heroes, Xizhou, luoxingcheng, muqingge!"

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