Beizhou, xipucheng.

This is the only way from beizhou to Dongzhou, because there is a transmission array to Dongzhou.

In a teahouse in xipucheng, there is a lot of excitement. The stage is full of singing and the audience are all drinking tea and chatting with each other. The most talked about topic is the latest green Ying list.

"To say that, the leader of this youth league is really a genius! After her first battle, she became the top of the list in just three years, which is just what people can imagine

A middle-aged man dressed in the appearance of a prostitute, chatting about the rise, jumped onto the stage directly and drove all the performers down. He began to talk with his mouth full of foam.

However, no one stopped him from doing this recklessly, just because the topic he talked about was exactly what people were interested in, which was more attractive than the drama that he had heard so many times on the stage.

Soon, there was someone standing up and shouting: "it is said that the master of Mu City fought with the winner and Ji family three years ago in the hunting of the sunset grassland and the Liuke community. They were only three levels of silver. How could they be the top of the list after three years?"

"Yes! The mysterious Wei Mo Liang, has she ever been beaten? "

"Yes, that's right. The results of the Youth League list are really surprising. If you know the inside story, you may as well tell us about it."

The middle-aged man on the stage, hearing everyone's words and expressions, made his face smile even more. He raised his hand, looked proud and said to the crowd, "it's easy to say, I really know some inside information."

"Inside! What's the inside story? Tell me

"Speak quickly, speak quickly, don't betray the truth!"

"If you have to grind haw, be careful we'll throw you off the stage and blow you out!"

This half joking threat caused a burst of laughter in the teahouse.

The middle-aged people on the stage didn't care, and they were still smiling. He cleared his throat and said in a loud voice: "to tell you the truth, I was there three years ago when I was hunting in the grassland. Although the distance is far away, it can be regarded as a witness to the two battles between the master of Mu City, the master of Ying Shao, and the master Ji. The scene, tut tut... "

He began to talk excitedly, and the people on the stage also listened with great interest, but did not interrupt him.

After he had said it, someone urged him, "what we want to hear is the inside story of the leader of Mu city who has become the top of the list of Qing Ying. Who wants to listen to you about these old things?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted other people's agreement.

The middle-aged man on the stage was hissed for a while. "If you don't want to listen to me, why didn't you say it earlier? Only when I had said it almost, did I face it. The typical one is cheap and good! "

Then he said, "OK, don't rush. I'm going to tell you what you want to hear. " After saying that, he also "hey hey" a smile, hanging the human flavor of the mouth.

"Say it, say it!"

"Tell me quickly

"Are you just fooling us here?"

The people at the bottom could not help but urge.

The middle-aged man on the stage saw that the public's reaction was almost the same, and then he said: "before the publication of the Youth League list, I happened to be working in Zhongzhou, so I heard something you don't know."

"What is it?"

Someone cut in.

The middle-aged man on the stage suddenly pulled his face and stopped talking.

The people around him immediately responded, blaming the man who interrupted, and then comforting the middle-aged man on the stage. After saying something good or bad, the middle-aged talent snorted arrogantly and continued: "there are two things that are related to the Youth League. The first one, which has disappeared for a long time, was sent back to the Wei family by the goddess Xi. According to people who witnessed it, Wei murian was carried in a coma and was badly injured and his clothes were stained with blood. Tut tut. "

"Ah! Did Wei Mo Liang get hurt? "

"Who did it?"

"Don't make any noise. I'm just going to say it." As soon as the middle-aged man on the stage stared, he immediately stopped the voice of the audience and continued: "the second thing is, it is said that the goddess Xi saw how Wei Mo Shen was beaten like that, and the person who hurt Wei Mo Liang is the new leader of our youth league, the city master of Luoxing city!"


There was an uproar.

Then, the person who reacts takes a breath again. There are so many mouths under the stage that they are all chattering.

In a corner of the elegant seat on the second floor of the teahouse, beside a table opposite each other, the banished immortal man in plain white robe has a calm and calm temperament.

It seems that the noise outside is incompatible with him.

He looks picturesque, eyes because of the hot topic of those people, and a faint smile, ridiculed to look at the man in red robe opposite him, "light song is now so famous, if the people below know that they are talking about the top of the Youth League list, sitting here drinking tea, I don't know what the general scene will be."

Mu Qingge put down his teacup and said to him, "elder martial brother Mei also believes in these rumors? That person may really know something, but it's too exaggerated. Wei Mo Liang is only suffering from spiritual damage and needs to be restored. How can he be so bloody as he said? Even if there is, it has nothing to do with me. "Mu Qingge shows his hands and looks innocent.

She didn't know how Xi Qianxue explained Wei's affairs after he went back. But the truth is certainly not what the middle-aged man said.

However, she can also be sure that Xi Qianxue told the temple that she had a hand with Wei moling, so that she became the top of the list of young heroes.

She swore that when the news reached her ears, she was more surprised than anyone else!

Because, she has never been rare in the Youth League, more on the top of the ranking, the slightest interest.

"No matter whether you admit it or not, you are already the top of the list of young heroes. Senior brother has not officially congratulated you. It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Today I'll take tea instead of wine to celebrate for you. " Meizizhong picked up the tea cup in his hand, looked at Xiangmu light song and said with a smile.

Mu Qingge had no choice but to pick up the teacup with a funny smile, touched Mei Zizhong lightly and said, "I have become the top of the list of young heroes. There is nothing to celebrate. We should celebrate that we are about to reunite with senior brothers Zhao, Shang and Zhu. "

Mention this matter, plum Zhong Mou bottom deep also spread a layer of light miss.

After leaving Linchuan and coming to the middle ancient world, they were separated from each other and walked along their own tracks. Now they are finally reunited, which is indeed worthy of celebration.

The excitement under the stage is still continuing. Mu Qingge can hear his name from the crowd downstairs from time to time.

However, she did not have any feeling, just drink tea and chat with Mei Zizhong.

Almost, then left the tea money, quietly left.

After leaving the teahouse, mu Qingge said to Mei Zizhong, "elder martial brother Mei, what we bought is tomorrow's transmission position. It seems that we have to find an inn to rest overnight."

"Good." Mei Zizhong nodded slowly.

From Luoxing City, there are three roads to the Dandao courtyard in Dongzhou.

The first is to make a detour from Nanzhou to Dongzhou. The second is from Zhongzhou to Dongzhou. However, these two roads are too far away, especially the second one, which is a very time-consuming thing to cross the whole Zhongzhou. Therefore, mu Qingge did not hesitate to choose the third way, that is, through beizhou, into Dongzhou.

This is the shortest and more convenient way among the three. After all, although falling star city is at the junction of Xizhou and Zhongzhou, it is also close to beizhou and far away from Nanzhou.

In the middle of the middle of the river, they went to find a place to live in.

The two rooms, next to each other, were the most quiet places in the inn.

Mu Qingge returns to the room and sits on the bed with her knees crossed. She wants to enter the practice. However, before the practice, there was some uneasiness.

It's not the first time that I'm in such a state of mind.

Since she contacted Simao with a messenger and didn't get a reply, this uneasy mood has been bothering her.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you return my message? How can I find you? " Murmuring murmur song, clear eyes light, can not help falling on the waist of the palace bell.

Every day, she is extremely eager to hope that the palace bell can ring, just one sound.

However, I was disappointed every day.

Slowly shaking his head, mu Qingge forced himself not to think, slowly closed his eyes, into practice.

"Master silver!"

However, as soon as she closed her eyes, a cute voice rang out in her mind. She immediately opened her eyes again, and her eyes burst out with light.

In an instant, she disappeared into the room and into the space.

"Meng Meng?" As soon as muqingge entered the space, before looking at the upgraded space, she saw a graceful and graceful beautiful woman standing in front of her in a colorful skirt.

This woman's eyebrows, vaguely have a cute appearance, but more mature.

"Lord silver, it's me!" As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she ran to the light song with joy.

Mu Qingge confirms that she is indeed Mengmeng.

"You..." Mu Qingge opens her eyes and looks at her.

Meng Meng holds her skirt in her hands, turns around in front of Mu Qingge and asks, "Lord silver, you see, I'm growing up at last."

Muqingge was affected by her mood and showed a happy smile. She nodded, "it's not a little bit at all."

"Bad master silver, people have long been no longer small." Meng Meng stamped her feet and said with her mouth.

"But still love coquettish." Mu light song smile way.

Meng Meng smiles and takes mu Qingge's arm and says to her, "Lord silver, come and see our new home."

Mu Qingge is also curious about the upgraded space. She raised her eyes and looked around. She felt that the space today is much bigger than before, and there are all kinds of attics in the palace.

If she had not known about space, she would not have thought that such a world actually existed in space.

Mu Qingge is about to ask Meng Meng what good place has been unsealed in this upgrade. Suddenly, she feels that someone has broken into her own room.She frowned and disappeared into space. , the fastest update of the webnovel!