Mu Qingge retreats from the space and sees two more people in his room.

Seeing these two people, her beautiful eyes shrank.

When they saw her, they immediately saluted her and said in unison, "I'd like to see you on the lonely night and on the lonely cliff."

Mu light Song Mou Guang a Li, directly asked: "what happened to him?"

Her words, so that the lonely cliff and lonely night at the same time, look at her in amazement.

Shaoqing, lonely cliff then wry smile to Mu light song way: "as expected is to hide from the little Lord."

His reaction, so that mu Qingge's heart suddenly pulled up, the last trace of luck in his heart, also disappeared. She could not help but pinch her fist and looked at them like a knife.

Lonely night pursed lip deep voice way: "Lord, disappeared."

What! Si Mo missing?

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the exquisite and beautiful facial features were also instantly cold. "What is missing?" Mu Qingge tries to control his emotions and asks them in a calm tone.

However, even though she tried to restrain herself, the cold and sharp feeling of her body also made the lonely cliff and night feel that the temperature in the room was much lower, and her breathing was also difficult.

They were shocked in their eyes.

How long have they not seen muqingge? How could she have grown up like this?

The strength of muqingge makes them feel that their helpless decision is correct.

Resisting the indignation of Mu Qingge, he opened his mouth at a lonely night. "I wonder if you still remember that in Linchuan, the Lord, in order to save him, initiated a curse against heaven and was cut down for thousands of years?"

"Nonsense." Mu Qingge flings out two words without politeness.

Si Mo pays so much for her, how can she forget? She not only remembers that his accomplishments were cut, but also that he detonated an old disease and needed to be treated with Holy Level pills.

And she has never stopped practicing alchemy. Now, although her alchemy is still at the divine level, it is only one line away from the holy level.

Soon, she will be able to refine a saint level pill for Simao to take, and then solve the old problems in his body, so that he does not have to spend half of his daily cultivation to suppress the old wounds.

Mu light song not polite words, lonely night did not angry. He just went on: "does the little Baron still remember that when we said that the Lord's curse against heaven changed the fate of so many people, he would suffer a lot."

Good! They did.

Mu light song eyes light become sharp up. The meaning of lonely night is obvious. "Do you mean that his disappearance has something to do with the reversion of the curse against heaven?"

The lonely night was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "the curse against the heaven has saved the people who should have died. Although those people were later killed by the young Lord and the Lord, many of them survived. Therefore, the curse against heaven will not bite the Lord. Gu Ya and I have calculated that the most likely way to eat back is the life and death disaster. "

Life and death! Life and death again!

After returning from Han Cun, mu Qingge was disgusted with the words "life and death robbery".

She never confessed to her life or believed in robbery. Anyone who wants to kill her must be ready to be killed!

Mu light song eyebrow Yu is all sharp color, she to solitary cliff and solitary night way: "continue to say."

She wants to know clearly, what happened to Si Mo in the end.

"About a year ago, the Lord received a secret report." The cliff opens.

"More than a year ago, it was more than a year ago." Murmur in the heart of murmur song. Si Mo more than a year ago did not contact her, he had an accident more than a year ago.

And she knows nothing!

This result makes mu Qingge's heart seem to be stabbed.

She did not interrupt the words of the lonely cliff, listening quietly.

"That secret report is related to the stability of the situation in Taihuang devil kingdom. In the letter, he asked the Lord to go alone and meet him in Archaean wormwood. The LORD was very concerned about what was mentioned in the intelligence, so he went on his own. Later, there was no news. " A short road on the lonely cliff.

Lonely night immediately went on: "after the LORD left for about two or three months, we realized that something was wrong. They secretly went to investigate, but all the people sent out failed. They didn't find any clues. They didn't see the Lord. The two of us went there in person. However, the Taikoo wormhole is so big that we have been searching for it for nearly half a year, but we haven't found anything. We don't even know whether the Lord is trapped in it or who has taken it away. "

"The devil Kingdom The Archean wormhole... " The murmur sings and murmurs.

These place names are strange to her. But now it is the most important thing. From the words of solitary cliff and solitary night, it is not difficult to judge that Taihuang devil kingdom should be the scope of demon kingdom in the land of gods and demons. And that Archaean insect yuan, just listen to the name is not a good place, but with the disappearance of Si mo.

Too wild devil kingdom can be put aside, mu Qingge is most concerned about Si Mo's whereabouts. "Where is the Archean wormhole?" she askedThe solitary cliff and the lonely night looked at each other and explained by the solitary cliff. "The Archean wormhole is a crack that existed in the Archaic period at the junction of the gods and Demons..." Speaking of this, the lonely cliff suddenly stops and looks at Xiangmu light song.

Mu light song way: "you continue to say, if you do not understand, I will naturally ask you." She knew what solitary cliff was worried about. She was worried that she could not understand what he said.

However, she is no longer the Linchuan Wu Xia Amun who doesn't know anything. For this world, she has gradually understood.

The lonely cliff nodded and continued: "the Archaean wormhole is always mysterious, and it belongs to the place where the gods and demons will not govern. The crack is very deep, but the bottom is very wide. It is the territory of Zerg. "

"Zerg?" Mu light song slightly frowns.

Solitary night explained, "Zerg is a race other than the two independent gods and demons. They are not gods but demons. They are born to control countless insects and are very good at exploring information. Fortunately, the Zerg have always stood aloof from the world and never participated in the affairs of the gods and demons. They have always lived in the Archean wormhole, so neither the protoss nor the demons will offend them easily. "

"Tell me about your exploration in the Archean wormhole." Mu light song deep voice.

In her heart, she had a general understanding of the Archean wormhole, and now she wanted to know the results of their exploration of the lonely cliff and the lonely night.

Gu Ya said: "the disappearance of the Lord is related to the devil's Kingdom, so we dare not publicize it. After entering the wormhole, they are all searching in a low-key way and making secret inquiries. However, in any case, we couldn't find out any information. We didn't even know who appointed the Lord there. The only clue is that some Zerg people mentioned that during the days when the Lord disappeared, they heard a fierce fight on the daze in the Archean wormhole. Many Zerg people sent insects to inquire for information, but not one of them came back. After that, everything subsided, and they went to daze to investigate. There was nothing but insect corpses all over the ground. "

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slowly. She felt that the fighting sound was the key. The coincidence of time and place must have something to do with Simao.

It's a pity that no further information can be found from the lonely cliff and the lonely night.

"You want to come to me when you can't find it?" Mu Qingge thought of these two guys, has been waiting for Simao disappeared for more than a year to think of looking for their own help, the heart can not help but angry.

Her tone is very bad.

The lonely cliff and the lonely night lowered their heads, and their hearts were also somewhat empty.

Shaoqing, lonely night just way: "subordinates originally thought that can find the Lord, dare not easily disturb the young Lord."

Mu Qingge's anger rose in his heart and couldn't help cursing: "do you know that the longer you disappear, the harder it is to find it? In the beginning, it was the best chance to find it! "

Now, it's useless to say that.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said to them, "take me to the Archaean wormhole immediately!" She will go to see Si Mo in person.

However, the lonely cliff and the lonely night looked at each other and did not speak.

Mu light Song Mou son one MI, the eye seam shoots out cold awn, cold hum way: "how? Are you going to let me know about it and let me wait for your news? "

"No!" Lonely cliff busy road.

Lonely night sighed and said to Mu Qingge, "we are here to invite you to visit the desolate devil kingdom. However, it is not to go to the Archean wormhole, but to enter the palace of taihuanggu. "

"Speak clearly!" Mu Qingge squeezed these words from the teeth.

Her patience has reached the limit, if these two people still don't say things clearly, she doesn't mind teaching subordinates for Si mo.

Lonely night raised his eyes, looked at Mu light song one eye, the corner of his mouth gently took a look at the lonely cliff. But the lonely cliff buries his face deeply in front of his chest, unwilling to answer this question.

Just when mu Qingge was about to get angry, Gu Ye had to be brave enough to open his mouth, "too wild devil Kingdom, since the last war between gods and demons, has been in a split. After the succession of the Lord, it took only ten thousand years to suppress the rebellion and reunify the demon kingdom. However, these people are subject to the Lord, without the pressure of the Lord, the ambition of these people will be gradually exposed. We have tried our best to conceal the disappearance of the Lord, but now there are still many voices of speculation. "

"Hum, those guys, the Lord hasn't been found yet, and the breath of the master in Zichen palace has not been eliminated, so they want to establish a new master. But the Lord has no children, and has never been close to women. These people have an absurd idea... " The lonely cliff couldn't go on and looked at the lonely cliff.

Lonely night then said: "each generation of the king of the too wild devil Kingdom, when taking over the throne, will leave their own efforts in the Zichen palace. There is an ancient method in Taihuang devil Kingdom, which can be used to put this painstaking effort into a demon woman's body for bone and blood reconstruction. They are going to use their master's efforts to create a puppet king. "

Mu Qingge's face turned black, "what is this? Surrogacy? "

"These guys are not pure minded. So, in order to get rid of this idea, we told the story of the young sir At night, he finished.

The lonely cliff struggled for a while, and bravely said: "still And lied that The young Lord is pregnant with the son of the , the fastest update of the webnovel!