Mu Qingge's face suddenly turned black, and his heart was angry and funny.

She walked a few steps in the room, pointed to the tip of their noses and scolded, "are you two brains funny? When they say that they conceived in October, your Lord has been missing for more than a year, but you say that I am pregnant with his son? " Is it Nezha that employers and employees are pregnant with?

Or is she wearing a green hat to Simao?

Mu Qingge is going to be cried by these two guys.

However, after she scolded her, Gu Ya explained strangely, "that Sir We demons give birth to children for three years

Nima! What a Nezha!

Mu light song expression amazement, Leng in situ.

Three years? Suddenly, mu Qingge's heart rises a fear of pregnancy.

However, the two of them didn't want to let her go. The lonely night continued: "so, although the Lord has been missing for more than a year, in the devil Kingdom, the young Lord is still in the early stage of pregnancy, which can't be seen from the outside."

“……” Mu Qingge is speechless.

She took a deep breath and understood the meaning of lonely cliff and lonely night. "You want me to pretend to be pregnant, and enter the too wild devil kingdom as Simao's fiancee and his mother of flesh and blood, and stabilize those ambitious guys."


The solitary cliff and the lonely night are the same way.

There is no way to do it. If not, I don't know what trouble those guys will make. They can't make the devil's land disordered in the absence of the Lord.

"Sir, you are a alchemist. There are ways to make false pregnancy. We will protect you to the death and find the Lord as soon as possible Lonely night see Mu light song not language, afraid she would not agree, and open mouth to persuade way.

Gu Ya also said: "today's Taihuang ancient palace needs a decent master to frighten those guys. We are just the servants of the Lord. We are not qualified at all. "

When they start off, what do they do

Although, what she wants to go most is Archaean insect yuan, looking for Si Mo's whereabouts. However, she could not watch the chaos of his hard work.

"Go into Taihuang devil's land first, get rid of those who have different ideas, and then go to Taikoo Chongyuan. Mo, you must wait for me! " Mu light song in the heart.

Mu light song words, make lonely cliff and lonely night big joy.

They looked at each other and said from the cliff: "if you don't need to prepare anything, we can start early tomorrow morning."

Mu Qingge nodded slowly, "OK, we'll start tomorrow morning."


The next day, as soon as Mei Zizhong opened the door, he saw mu Qingge standing in front of his own door.

"Light song? Will you call me? Just a moment. I'll be ready in a minute Mei Zizhong was surprised for a moment, thinking that mu Qingge was to urge him.

"Brother Mei, wait a moment." Mu Qingge stopped Mei Zizhong who turned to enter the room.

Mei Zizhong stopped and turned to look at her.

Mu Qingge said: "elder martial brother Mei, I suddenly have something urgent to deal with. I can't go with you to Dan Taoist temple for the time being. You go ahead. When I'm done, I'll go to Dan Daoyuan to find you. "

Mei Zizhong heard this, frowned lightly and asked, "what's the matter? Can I help you? "

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "no one can help this matter, I have to deal with it myself. Elder martial brother Mei only needs to go to the Dandao courtyard to meet with elder martial brother Zhao and wait for me there. If dandaoyuan registration started, I have not come back, please help me to sign up. As soon as I take care of the business here, I'll be there immediately. "

"And when will you leave?" Mei Zizhong did not continue to ask.

"Now." Mu light Song said a word, then turned to leave.

Plum Zhongmu sent her back disappeared in the corner, just sighed, took back the line of sight.

Farewell to meizizhong, mu Qingge and lonely cliff and night quietly left Xipu city.

"Where are we going now?" Mu Qingge follows two people, in the heart some curiosity, how to go to the too wild devil kingdom. We should know that Taihuang devil Kingdom exists in the land of gods and demons, and the land of gods and demons, for the middle ancient world, is a very mysterious existence.

"Sir, let's go to the langu forest first. When we came, we set up a temporary entrance there, from which we can return to the wasteland." Gu Ya explained.

"It seems that they have arranged everything." Mu light song nodded, did not ask again.

She always worried about the whereabouts of Simao, has been more than a year, she does not know what Si Mo is experiencing, and why has not come back.

If it wasn't for Gu Ya and Gu Ye that Simao was still alive, she would not follow them to taihuanggu Palace first, but would go directly to him.

Langu forest, near xipucheng, connects beizhou, Zhongzhou and Dongzhou.

But half a day, with three people's feet, came to the langu forest.

Mu Qingge followed Gu Ya and Gu Ye into LAN Gu forest, and was soon taken to a secret cave."Sir, it's too wild for outsiders to enter. We didn't tell you your real identity. We just said that you are the fiancee of God's sweetheart, living in the devil's land. Therefore, after entering, you need to cover up carefully Lonely night to Mu light song way.

Gu Ya also continued: "when the Lord comes back, he will announce the identity of the little Baron to all the people in the demon kingdom."

Mu Qingge didn't mind and nodded.

At this time, take out a bottle of Mu Song. "Young Lord, this pill, one pill in three days, can change the color of your spiritual power into the black of the devil kingdom. No one can detect it."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, took the bottle, immediately took out a grain, swallow into the stomach.

As soon as the pill was taken, mu Qingge felt his whole body's spiritual power stagnated, and became a bit violent, but it was still under his control.

She raised her hand and released her psychic power.

Originally pure gold spirit power, but turned into a strong and mysterious black.

Mu Qingge's eyes shrunk slightly and recovered the spiritual power released.

"You go out and wait for me." Mu Qingge gives orders to Gu Ya and Gu Ye.

Without any objection, they turned around and walked out of the cave.

After they left, mu Qingge took off her purple earrings and restored her appearance as a woman. He took out a woman's dress and replaced the man's red robe.

The hair crown on her head was also taken off by her, and her hair was tied up at will.

The handsome young master is no longer there. Instead, she is the most amazing woman in Qingcheng.

When the lone cliff and the lonely night get the order to come in, as soon as they enter the cave, they will see the enchanting red clothes and the amazing Mu light songs.

Two people can't help but a Leng, by Mu light song's appearance to suppress.

Although they had known that she was a woman, they had watched her all the way to the present, but Maybe it's because moqingge rarely wears women's clothes. Every time they see the muqingge in women's clothes, they will feel very surprised.

"Sir, are you ready?" Asked the solitary cliff.

Mu Qingge nods silently.

Lonely night said: "young Lord, after entering the too wild devil Kingdom, don't walk around without our guidance. And no matter who wants to see you, we must follow. "

Mu Qingge understood that they were worried about their own safety, so they did not refuse.

I have explained what should be explained and what should be prepared. The lonely cliff and lonely night finally opened the channel leading to the too wild devil kingdom.

The so-called channel is a deep vortex.

The light inside is constantly rotating, just like the whirlpool of stars.

Lonely cliff first step into, turn around to see the light song. Without hesitation, mu Qingge steps into the whirlpool. As soon as she enters, lonely night follows her.

The three figures in the cave for an hour, the vortex will continue to shrink, the moment will become a glimmer, disappeared.

The shuttle of space barrier makes people dizzy.

Fortunately, muqingge's spiritual sense is stronger than that of many people, and she has only slight discomfort.

After the scene is clear again, mu Qingge finds that he has already stood in a world completely different from Linchuan and medieval world!

"Is this the land of the great wilderness?" Mu Qingge was shocked.

What she saw was a magical sight.

The trees here are bigger, the leaves are greener, the flowers of all colors are very large, the color is bright and dazzling. The sky, also more blue, like gem like crystal.

It's totally different from the place where Simao lives in her imagination!

She always thought that the devil's land was a black and desolate place full of black fog and bloody violence.

However, the scene in front of me is colorful and dreamy.

"Young Lord, this is the garden behind the ancient palace, and it is also the forbidden area of the imperial palace. Most people don't come here." The words of the lonely night ring in the ears of Mu Qingge.

Mu light song convergence of mind, slightly nodded.

Lonely cliff way: "young Lord, we will take you back to the ancient palace of Taihuang, and other brothers are waiting to meet you."

After coming here, Gu Ya called mu Qingge unconsciously with honorific words.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at him, and doesn't quite understand the meaning of his words.

"Other brothers?" Mu Qingge asked.

Gu Ye explained, "Gu Ya refers to the guards who serve the king like us. There are a thousand people in total, all of whom are the confidants of the king. We will protect him to the death when he is in the wild devil kingdom. "

"Now there are 200 people who continue to search for the king's whereabouts in the Archean Chongyuan. Therefore, only 800 people remain in the realm of Taihuang. There are also guards in the palace, all of which belong to the king. But the young Lord doesn't have to see them. They will also take protecting him as their first duty. " Gu Ya added.

I understand.

That is to say, what she wants to see now is Si Mo's most direct lineage, the most intimate subordinate."There are also four great lords. The young Lord also needs to see him. They are also loyal to the king. When they come up to the deserted palace tomorrow, and they support the young Lord to take over the king's office, the others will not say much Lonely night again.

Mu Qingge looked at them and said slowly, "it seems that you have arranged everything."

This sentence, seemingly insipid, but people can not guess whether mu Qingge is free to say, or to be held accountable. Lonely night and lonely cliff are silent, do not know how to answer.

Two people suddenly quiet, make Mu light song Turn eyes come over, immediately understand what they think in the heart.

She said, "you did a good job."

Solitary cliff and lonely night bow salute, guard around the Mu light song.

Led by the lonely cliff and the lonely night, mu Qingge walked out of the forest and saw the huge palace group outside the forest. The palaces here, different from other places, are more conspicuous. The dark green glazed tiles, black buildings, purple decorations, and gold and silver ornaments are mysterious and solemn, noble and indifferent.

Even, those clouds hovering on the top of the palace are all with noble purple, and the distance is also covered with a light black fog.

"Young Lord, that's the ancient palace. It's the place where the masters of the devil Kingdom lived. The sleeping Hall of the king is in the Zichen hall. " The lonely cliff points to those countless buildings and introduces to Mu Qingge.


In the Zichen hall, eight hundred demon guards stood in line, waiting in silence.

Before them, there were four handsome men with different styles. They were dressed in colorful clothes and looked different. I don't know what they were thinking about.

The only thing that is the same is that they have a kind of strange beauty in their beautiful appearance, and there is more or less arrogant color between their eyebrows.

The magic, the cultivation is to follow one's heart, the earth shatters and one's own.

Therefore, frankness is almost the common characteristic of the demons!

"I don't know if the king's sweetheart can hold the scene and stabilize the situation." One of them, beautiful as a demon, the narrow Phoenix eyes half squint, you said.

Another looked at him askew and closed his eyes as if he were keeping his eyes closed. His outline is deep and three-dimensional, sharp as a knife cut, with a brilliant air in his beauty.

The remaining two people, identical in appearance, are actually twins!

However, one of them has a tear mole at the moment, which is very charming. However, his eye light is very fierce, people dare not easily approach.

On the contrary, another person who looks like him has a very easygoing and approachable look.

These four people are the four governors who are loyal to Simao.

"If you want to be a king's woman, you don't have any skills. You'd better leave as soon as possible." At present, there is a drop of tear mole of the handsome man, a cold voice sneer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!