"In Taihuang devil Kingdom, the vassal is the city, and the vassal master is equivalent to the city Lord." Lonely cliff in Mu Qingge behind, a low voice about the situation of the too wild devil kingdom.

Mu Qingge listened silently, but he thought, "this is the place where Si Mo lives. Is this his world?"

"The four lords you will see are all the Lords of four big cities in the devil kingdom. They are loyal to the king and have strong ability. But... " The cliff suddenly stopped.

Mu light song eyes light light shift, look at him.

His clear eyes fell on him, making the lonely cliff avoid the burning sight. He coughed softly and said, "these four people may be embarrassed about the identity of the young Lord."

"Embarrassed?" Mu Qingge raised eyebrows.

Solitary cliff nodded.

Lonely night said: "these four men have been fighting with the king since they were young. The worship of the king is invincible. In their hearts, there is no woman worthy of the king in the three thousand worlds. Now the appearance of the young Lord may cause them to be unhappy and make trouble on purpose. "

"Deliberately difficult?" Mu light Song mouth low Muran, the corner of the mouth emerged a flash of irony.

Mu light song attitude, so that solitary cliff and lonely night to see a look, all stopped talking.

Two people with Mu light song, into the palace too wasteland. Walking into the building in person, mu Qingge feels magnificent.

The palaces here seem to be suspended in the air. Occasionally, some palaces are located on the ground, but they also give people a dreamy feeling.

The whole Taihuang ancient palace is surrounded by lilac smoke, which makes the whole area mysterious and noble.

"The highest palace over there is Zichen hall." The solitary cliff raises a hand to point to the highest palace in the ancient palace of Taihuang and introduces to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge looked around and asked, "this is too wasteful. There are few people in the palace." She didn't see a maid or a bodyguard all the way.

"The king didn't like to make trouble, so after taking the throne, some people were dismissed from the ancient palace. Later And then because... " Lonely cliff lift Mou secretly looked at Mu light song one eye, and hang down again, looking to the lonely night for help.

His hesitation aroused mu Qingge's curiosity.

She turned her eyes and looked at the two men. At last, a maid in the palace wanted to seduce the king. In his rage, the king drove all the maids out of the palace, leaving only the old and old ones responsible for the daily cleaning and washing

Mu Qingge's mouth was drawn, and he said in his heart, "it turns out that someone wants to climb Simao's bed!"

"The road leading to Zichen hall has always been guarded by us, and no one is allowed to get close to it without permission. Now other people are waiting for the young Lord in the Zichen hall, so the little Lord will not be able to see people from this road." Solitary cliff interpretation.

Mu light song a few can not be checked nodded, she raised her eyes to see the palace suspended high.

On the top of the palace, there is a strong purple smoke, but also inlaid with a huge night pearl, day and night emitting a cold light.

When he came to his highness Zichen, the mist around him gathered slowly towards the middle, forming a floating ladder, connecting the ground and Zichen hall.

Mu light song raised her feet to step up, a faint cold breath, instantly shrouded her.

Fortunately, she had a strange fire in her body, and the chill could not defeat her. Stepping on the floating ladder is like stepping on the clouds. You don't feel down-to-earth.

"Sir, those who advocate using the king's heart and blood to rebuild their bones and blood all want to cultivate a puppet king to come out, and then slowly separate their respective territories, so that the whole demon kingdom will return to the period of their own affairs and wars. We must stop it. " The lonely cliff whispers in the way behind the Mu light song.

Lonely night also said, "in fact, as long as the king appears, these people will shrink back obediently and dare not act rashly. But now the king has not found them, so he can only rely on the young Lord to stabilize them. " Then he asked tentatively, "Sir, the child in your womb..."

Mu light Song mouth a draw, light cough a, slowly way: "rest assured, anyone to check, all can not find clues."

Her reply made the lonely cliff and the lonely night feel relieved.

For the whole too wild devil Kingdom, mu Qingge's identity is unknown. The only qualification that can make her stand in front of the demons is the "child" in her belly!


In Zichen hall, eight hundred demon guards and four great vassal lords were waiting in silence.

When the footsteps came from the outside, the eight hundred demon guards could not help but turn their heads and look at the place where the footstep came. At the same time, the four great vassals also exchanged a look secretly, and they all had a tacit understanding in their hearts.

People expect, a red dress, the first into their line of sight.

"What's the red coat? The whole devil Kingdom, who doesn't know that the most annoying thing on the king is red? " As soon as he saw the red dress, the prince frowned with displeasure.

For the first time, the vassal master with profound and resolute facial features said, "who can really understand the king's mind? Lonely cliff and lonely night accompany the king all the year round. They won't find a woman to make up the number. "The two great vassals looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The conversation of the four has just fallen, and through a thin layer of purple fog, they finally see the moqingge.

She was dressed in red, tall and graceful. Her hands were behind her, her back was straight and her momentum was not weak at all. The delicate and beautiful facial features are as beautiful as the sun, moon and stars, shining on all things. The most important thing is, walking in this Zichen hall, she did not show a little timidity, clear eyes with calm, but also fierce and arrogant.

The beauty of the face, the heroism between the eyebrows, are attracting people's attention.

"Is this the woman the king likes?"

"This is the future mistress of their demon kingdom?"

It's really gorgeous. But their hostess is more than just a vase full of beauty. "

The sight of eight hundred demon guards moves slowly with the pace of muqingge.

The lonely cliff and night behind her also restored the coldness of the demon guards. They guarded around muqingge, just like her own guards.

Mu Qingge's eyes slightly swept over 800 demon guards. They were all dressed in uniform black armor, purple with golden embellishment. The helmet obscured their faces, revealing only a pair of cold, rational corners of the eye.

At the beginning, they were still astonished.

Just a glance, mu Qingge's heart on the eight hundred demon guards gave a high evaluation. After that, her sight fell on the four beautiful men standing in front of the magic guard.

"It seems that these four people are the four loyal lords of the lonely cliff and the lonely night mouth." Mu light song in the heart.

She was looking at four people in the dark, and they were also looking at her in the dark.

Like the eight hundred demon guards, moqingge's amazing appearance makes them impeccable.

But --

"woman, are you the woman in the king's eyes? Do you know that the most annoying color in the king is gaudy red The vassal lords with beautiful appearance like demons were the first to denounce them coldly.

"Lord lingjiu, don't be rude." Mu Qingge has not yet opened his mouth, the cliff on the sharp maintenance.

Mu Qingge's mouth is light, and he doesn't pay attention to his comments. Instead, he asks in a very slow, light and cold voice: "who are you?"

The other three lords could not help but look at her.

It seemed that the reaction was beyond their expectation.

Lonely night came out at this time, respectfully introduced to Mu Qingge, "little Lord, these four are the king's confidant generals. The one who has just opened his mouth is the Lord lingjiu who is stationed in the north. This is the Lord of halberd Fu stationed in the West. " He pointed to the man with deep and resolute features.

Mu light song's eyes light sweep and pass, the bottom of the eyes without waves and waves.

This lets halberd Fu frown slightly, see to Mu light song's eye light in a bit more ponder.

"These two..." Lonely night also introduces the two twins. He pointed to the man with a tear mole and said, "they are brothers. My brother has a tear mole now. He is the Lord of Qing Yan who is stationed in the East." He moved his fingertips and pointed to another person, "this is Qingze vassal master stationed in the south."

Four people were introduced one by one, muqingge was recorded in the heart, but there was no mood fluctuation at the bottom of the eyes.

The four lords were displeased by her attitude. The little woman did not flatter them in the face of their four lords, nor did she express such emotions as admiration, fear, alarm, and surprise.

Calm, as if the four of them in her eyes, and the general bodyguard is no different.

Even the woman who wanted to stay in Shanhai palace all day long, even though she was a vassal Lord, would fawn on the four of them.

In front of this unknown woman, why put on a calm appearance in front of them?

"Four lords, this is the king's love. As for her identity, Wang Shang is not in. It's not convenient for me to say. We can call her Princess when she is in the old palace of Tai Huang The lonely night said to the four.

"Princess? Can she afford it? " Lingjiu sneered jokingly.

Mu light song's eye light moves slowly, falls on his body, light said a sentence, "words are too much."

The sneer on lingjiu's face is stiff, and the beautiful facial features become ferocious in an instant, and the powerful potential is crushed by mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge stood in the same place, without any evasion and panic.

The solitary cliff moves forward quickly to block all the potential of lingjiu and dissipate it into the invisible.

Lingjiu looked at him with gloomy eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "who gave you courage on the lonely cliff?"

The lonely cliff said: "Lord lingjiu, the king has entrusted the safety of the princess to me from a long time ago."

His reply made lingjiu's face haze.

Mu Qingge looked at him sarcastically, and moved away from him. He said to the four people, "what am I here for? We all know it. If you still focus on this boring trial, don't blame me for leaving. For me, the safety of Simao is much more important than the stability of your too wild devil kingdom. "www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!