"Alive! These aliens! These animals! How dare they The original seal eyes Yi want to crack stand up, eyes are red.

However, his words, but attracted the attention of moqingge.

She turned her head and looked back at him. "Make it clear."

The big body of the original seal was stunned, lowered his head and pressed his lips tightly.

Mu light song slightly frowns.

The lonely cliff came to her in time and whispered in her ear, "the alien race feeds on the corpses of the gods and demons. It seems that they can gain strength from it. However, in the past, they were all killed in the war, but now they are... "

Mu Qingge was surprised in her eyes.

What kind of race does this race eat the flesh and blood of the gods and demons?

Just why

Mu Qingge frowns again, always lingering in her heart a sense of familiarity, as if this strange alien, she should not be unfamiliar.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and mu Qingge's sight fell again on the corpses covered with white cloth, and told the original seal, "stay down and bury them. Since it is not clear who is who, they are buried together. They live in the same robe and die in the same cave, which is a kind of destination

Yuanfeng nodded heavily and told others to act according to the orders of muqingge.

After dealing with these things, mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked outside. She said to the four great vassals who followed her and the general of Yuanfeng: "go up to the wall and have a look." She wants to see what kind of alien race it is that she can entangle the two clans of gods and demons for hundreds of thousands of years.

"The princess has just arrived. Don't you have a rest?" The original envelope has been recovered, hear Mu light song words busy way. Isn't it that the princess is pregnant with a little prince and can work so hard?

"No need." Mu Qingge shakes his head and refuses.

Qingze and lingjiu look at each other, and Suo Sheng and she Yin also exchange a look in the dark, without opening their mouth.

A group of people, led by the original seal, went up the high wall.

This wall, spread in the Bank of Menglan River, along the flow direction of the river, closely guarded the boundaries of the too wild devil kingdom.

"What's on the other side of the river?" Mu light song overlooks, the other side of the river is surrounded by black fog, can not see the real and virtual.

Lonely night understood her meaning and replied, "it's a broken place. It's also the gap between the gods and demons. The space there is chaotic, and it's easy for alien races to enter and invade. "

Mu Qingge nodded slowly. She had not described that piece in detail in the map of too wild demon territory.

In this way, she can't see any other people.

Mu Qingge stood on the wall, one hand on the cold and hard wall. Behind her stood solitary cliff and lonely night, while on her left and right stood Qingze and lingjiu, Suosheng and Sheyin.

The original product grade was squeezed to the outside.

"Princess, the alien army is in the thick fog on the other side of the river." The original cover points to the thick fog and explains to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, her eyes light fell in the rush of the river, the black river can not see the end, the spray is fierce, seems to take violent.

With the river blocking, how can the alien army attack?

Is it a bridge or a flight?

Mu Qingge asks himself silently in his heart.

Menglan river bank, is advantageous to defend the terrain, the day gully land danger, is the very good barrier.

Just as she was meditating, there was a shrill scream.

The voice made her look stunned and her eyes burst out with frightful light.

"The voice is..."

When she was shocked, Hara had already made a response and yelled at the left and right magic soldiers: "quick! The alien race is about to launch an attack, and everyone immediately enters the battle --! "

"Princess, the alien race has begun to attack. You'd better avoid it first." Suo Sheng looks at Xiang Mu's light song, and his tone is indifferent.

Mu Qingge, however, gave her safety to them. If something happened to her, wouldn't it be that she would die with her?

"Good! We are here. The princess should avoid rest first. " Qingze also said.

For the four of them, it is very important to keep the Bank of Menglan River and to protect the safety of muqingge.

The intention of Qingze and lingjiu is naturally due to Simao. However, Suosheng and Sheyin were forced to take good care of her because of Mu Qingge's command.

However, four people's advice, Mu light song but shook his head: "no, I'll stay here, you hit your, don't worry." She wanted to see if the alien was what she thought.


"A princess can't be willful

"Princess, go back to rest!"

"Princess, this is a battlefield, not a place for children."

All four frowned.

However, mu Qingge is stubborn and determined not to leave.

When the four were angry and anxious, the harsh voice came again.

And mu Qingge only heard the original envelope shouting, "put on the sound insulation cover!"

"Acoustic enclosure?" Mu Qingge's puzzled eyes turn to look around the demon soldiers. They all wore a black semicircle to protect their heads.Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and the light gold appeared from the bottom of her eyes.

She found that there was some kind of black energy around it, which blocked the mental attack from the outside.

"The demons have such means!" Mu Qingge was shocked.

It seems that the four lords are not affected by their normal voice.

It's not only them, but also lonely cliff and lonely night.

Mu Qingge is curious, but others are also curious about her.

Because, the other side's mental attack, seems to have no effect on the princess.

At this time, there are dark green figures, from the other side of the river from the black fog. They line up in line, hand to foot, and actually form a floating bridge in the air, connecting the two opposite banks of the Menglan river.

As soon as a dozen "floating bridges" are connected, countless green skin monsters gallop from the bridge. The scene is very spectacular and frightening.

"Come on! Interrupt them The voice of the original command rings in Mu Qingge's ear.

Then, from the corner of her eye, countless flames were thrown down, and after pulling out a series of curved arcs in the air, they fell on the "floating bridges" connected by hands and feet.

"No!" Mu light song eyes in a Lin, dead staring at those by the fire light, fall into the water, into the green liquid of the small monster.

"They will not be killed by physical means, but will more and more be killed?" Mu Qingge is shocked in my heart.

At this time, she has been completely sure that the alien in the mouth of the demons is the green skin monsters she encountered in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons!

However, once again, what she saw before her eyes seemed to overturn her previous established cognition.

"Why? Why are demons' attacking methods effective? " Mu Qingge is shocked in my heart.

One after another, the firelight, falls unceasingly, interrupts those floating bridges.

Small monsters continue to die, but also continue to have small monsters rushed to the shore, quickly toward the hundred Zhang city wall.

The soldiers of the demon clan are ready to fight, and those in their positions are preventing those monsters from attacking the city.

"Princess, be careful!" Suddenly, mu Qingge's elbow was yanked, and the whole person retreated.

Behind her, there was the sound of a knife drawing.

And Suo Sheng is in front of her, in front of a flash of black light, a small monster jumping up is divided into two, screaming into green liquid fall.

Mu Qingge looks serious, and her eyes fall on her elbow. She finds that the person who pulls herself back is Qingze standing beside her.

When she looked over, Qingze also quickly released his hand and said to her, "just now my subordinates were impolite."

Mu Qingge slowly shakes her head. At the moment, there are too many things in her heart that she can't understand.

"Princess, I think you'd better avoid it first." Suo Sheng turns his eyes to the cold way of Mu light song.

If it wasn't for the order of muqingge, he just didn't bother to move.

Mu light song eyes light quiet, tight lips finally open, she on the lonely cliff and lonely night way: "you come with me." Then she turned and walked into a fortress on the wall of the city.

This kind of Fortress will appear every certain distance on the wall. It is closed all around, leaving only one entrance and exit door, as well as two ventilation windows on the wall.

As soon as the three men came in, the door of the fort closed tightly.

Looking at the closed door, Sau Sheng's eyes raised disdain.

However, there was not much time for him to continue his discontent. Soon, the four great vassals joined the battle.

"I ask you, how did you kill these aliens?" In the fortress, mu Qingge turns to look at the lonely cliff and the lonely night and asks in a low voice.

Lonely cliff and lonely night look at each other, eyes are some inexplicable.

Finally, or lonely night asked: "the princess has seen these alien people?"

They have been watching moqingge, and saw the expression of muqingge when they see the appearance of a foreign race. It's not the first time I've seen it.

Mu Qingge nodded slowly, "we have met in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, but our conventional attack means only make them kill more and more."

Lonely cliff and lonely night suddenly realize.

Solitary cliff way: "these alien race, do not have spirit empty state three levels above strength, is unable to kill."

"Spirit empty state!" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed.

Lonely night said: "this is the cultivation level on the land of gods and demons. Now we say that it is hard for the princess to realize it."

"That's how it works." Mu Qingge understood.

It's not that these monsters can't be killed, but that they can't get home.

"If you use the strength below the third level of spirit void realm to kill these alien races, you will only kill more and more. In fact, the fire that the original seal ordered his men to throw was not real fire, but a weapon. It was sealed with a full blow above the fifth level of the spirit void realm, so that the floating bridge composed of alien races could be interrupted Lonely night continued to explain.

Mu Qingge is walking slowly in the fortress, thinking about the words of solitary cliff and lonely night. I've come to a conclusion——In other words, if she attacks with psychic power, there is no limit to her realm. If you want to attack with spirit power, you must reach more than three levels of spirit empty state.


Mu Qingge has noticed that even if she can kill these aliens, she can only kill them one at a time, as usual, and she can't do a large amount at a time like the means she uses.

"What about the tall aliens? They're directing these little alien people Mu Qingge asked again.

The solitary cliff replied, "usually, they hide in the thick fog."

Mu light song eyes light a light, mouth light Yang, in the heart already had the plan.

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