"Let's go out!" Mu light song suddenly opens a way.


Lonely cliff and lonely night looked at her in surprise.

The lonely cliff didn't understand: "princess, they can deal with the outside things, so don't take risks. Although you have been in contact with these foreigners, your strength is still... "

He didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was obvious.

Mu Qingge did not care, just looked at two people and asked: "by the way, can you have people who can resist the wind?"


Lonely cliff and lonely night don't know why, but they still nodded truthfully.

Mu light song satisfied smile, to two people command: "very good, call them over."

Then she opened the door and went out.

"What does the Baron want?" The lonely cliff pulls the lonely night to ask.

Lonely night shook his head, pulled out his clothes and went out.


On the wall, there are more and more small green monsters. On the other side of the river, there is a steady stream of small monsters to support.

Although the attack on the side of the demon clan is effective, it can only play a certain role in hindrance.

Those little green aliens are too fast and quick to hit.

Moreover, if they do not die, they will be able to split more, so that the demons' Generals and soldiers can not defend.

Therefore, in the introduction of solitary cliff and solitary night, although it is stated that it is necessary to have three levels of spiritual power in the spirit void realm to kill a small alien, there is also a prerequisite: one hit.

For example, as before Suo Sheng, he directly divided the small alien who attacked muqingge into two.

Another example is that the fire light emitted before the original seal directly blasted the small alien into pieces.

"These guys! Is there anything new about them? It's the same every time. I'm bored! " She Yin cut off the small alien, cast off the green liquid on the weapon, hate the way.

Suo Sheng was also killing the enemy. When he heard the complaint of Sheyin, he sneered: "although we always use these little scum as the vanguard of the siege every time, it is effective every time."

"Pooh! It's just puppets. These crafty aliens dare to hide in the fog on the other side She Yin is dissatisfied with the way.

"This is their strategy. Those controllers, who have no ability to attack or defend, naturally dare to hide among the armies and in the thick fog. If you can't get angry in your heart, why don't we two take people out and rush to the other side and take the head of those controllers among the armies? " Suo Sheng joked.

She Yin's face changed, and she snorted, "I won't." He felt numb at the thought of going to the hundreds of thousands of alien armies across the country, looking for the figures of the controllers and killing them.

Even if he is good at cultivation, he doesn't dare to take the risk.

"You two are still in the mood to talk, but don't kill soon!" Qingze killed a small alien in front of him, turned his head and looked at Suosheng and Sheyin, frowned.

Voice down, he waved, and killed a small alien.

More and more small alien race rushed to the wall to fight with the demon soldiers in the wall. The demon soldiers did not have time to conduct long-range defense, which also made more small aliens successfully cross the river.

The battle inside and outside the city wall has entered a sticky state.

No one thought that this time the alien attack would be so fierce that they were not prepared at all.

The feint attack of a few days ago seems to have led to the real attack of today.

Today, under the Baizhang city wall, stretching to the Bank of Menglan River, are dense green small alien. They stepped on each other's bodies, constantly climbing up the wall.

When he saw this scene, he was shocked. He ran to lingjiu, and said in a hurry: "these odds and ends are too fierce. I'm afraid the city wall can't be defended here."

With a wave of black power around the body, five or six small alien species within three feet of him were turned into green liquid.

His beautiful facial features were covered with a layer of ice, and he said to Yuanfeng: "send someone to guard the wall. In any case, no alien race is allowed to break through it!"

Haran's face flashed a little embarrassed, but without hesitation, he immediately turned to leave.

As soon as the original seal left, lingjiu's face suddenly collapsed and became more and more ugly. He looks for Qingze's figure in the battle space, and then leans towards him.

When they got together, lingjiu said to Qingze: "this attack came unexpectedly, which made us unable to defend against it. It was really too subdued to fight."

Qingze took a look at him and said in a deep voice: "it's not unexpected. Today, without feint attack, it's already a reminder. It's just that we missed it. "

Speaking of this, he frowned and complained about his failure to check.

Today's abnormal situation, if they put more thought into the fight, they would not be so passive at the moment.

"Don't think so. We just arrived yesterday. The princess and they just arrived. Who would have expected that the alien would attack at this time The Spirit Dove comforts.Qingze nodded silently, "anyway, we must win this war. Otherwise, no matter whether the victory or defeat is related to the princess, she will be criticized. If she wins them, she will have an excuse to live in the future. "

"I think the best way is for the king to return as soon as possible."

As long as there is a king in charge, what are the fears of those clowns? The risk the princess is now taking will be gone.

"The demon guard has been looking for it, but there is no news yet." Qingze frowned.

Lingjiu sneered. "So, Wang's woman can only be protected by us. I don't know where in the devil's land the princess is looking for. Her accomplishments are so low that I think she has no accomplishments at all. "

Green Ze Mou Guang a flash, guess a way: "perhaps because had Wang Si's sake."

"Will pregnancy of our demons lead to lower accomplishments?" The Spirit Dove is stunned. It was obvious that he had not heard of it.

Qingze mouth a pull, "the blood of the king, is not ordinary people can compare?"

The two men were talking as they killed the enemy.

At this time, lingjiu's eyes were covered with a touch of seductive red shadow. Suddenly, her eyes were cold and she bit her teeth and said, "isn't this woman hiding? Why did it all pop up again? "

Qingze followed his eyes and saw that mu Qingge reappeared on the wall with a solitary cliff and a lonely night.

Not only did he see it, but so did Susheng and Sheyin.

Two people color change at the same time, speed up the killing speed, toward the side of Mu Qingge.

"Damn it! The women want to die, and they want to hold us back? " She hates the urgent way.

Suo Sheng's face was not good, and he snorted, "add chaos."

"I heard some of her analysis before and felt that she was different from other women. Now, she does not know how many people will be killed? It's just to add to the chaos! " The way of haze in lingjiu's eyes. The facial features that are beautiful as demons are somewhat hideous and ferocious.

Qingze saw that Suo Sheng and she Yin approached mu Qingge's direction, and said to lingjiu in a deep voice, "let's go."

Four great vassals, in two different directions, constantly want to get close to muqingge.

But the lonely cliff and the lonely night, also will the Mu light song firmly protects, unceasingly will nearby small alien to kill.

At this time, there are four magic Wei Teng such as the air, the wind around the body.

With a big drink, the four people controlled the huge wind whirl together and went towards the thick fog on the other side of Menglan river.

Mu Qingge took out a sniper gun out of thin air and put it on his shoulder, aiming at the other side of the river. This sniper gun is the one she refined for xuankui.

It's a super long range sniper gun. Here, its effective range is enough to reach the alien army on the other side of the river.

Although mu Qingge's eyesight is better than that of dazzle Kui, it is much better than that of ordinary people. So, she can use this gun, too.

Mu Qingge stands on the city wall with her feet on both sides, and the lonely cliff and night are protected by her. There are more demon guards rushed to the center of the Mu light song to prevent those small alien groups from approaching.

However, they can stop the small alien on the wall, but they can't stop those who are climbing up the wall.

On the city wall where mu Qingge is located, countless small alien races have been crawling all over the place.

Those harsh mental attacks, constantly toward the city wall cover.

Fortunately, the army of demons has its own means of defense, and moqingge is not afraid of such attacks.

The huge wind whirled across the Menglan River, stirring the waves on the river. The waves rolled up swept the small alien people who built the floating bridge into the air and brought them back to their base camp.

Hurricane, the fog will be blown away, showing the whole picture of the alien army.

The four magic guards on the wall did not stop. They continued to make a second hurricane, a third hurricane, a fourth hurricane, and headed for the opposite bank.

The evil spirit in the body seems to be spilled without money

The order the princess gave them was to keep up the wind and blow the fog away.

Dense foreign army, hundreds of thousands of troops, shocked the mob army by the Bank of Menglan river.

However, Mu light song has been aiming at the eyes but slightly squint, the corners of the mouth hook up a bloody sneer.

She saw it!


The trigger in my hand rings.

The bullets whirled, shot from the barrel, mixed with her spiritual power, and directly rushed to the alien army on the other side of the river.

In the blood of the hidden big man, the blood of the big man in the dark is also pouring out of the dead.

As soon as he fell, the little monsters around him disappeared in an instant. At the same time, some of them were being sucked into the air and some of them were climbing up the wall.

Through the sniper mirror to see this scene, mu Qingge mouth raised the sneer more obvious.

"These little monsters need more than three levels of spirit void state to kill them. These big aliens don't need them!"The sniper gun of MuQing singer is aimed again -

BAM bang!

The sound of gunfire kept ringing.

Every big gun can harvest a life. What disappeared was the little alien they controlled.

Mu Qingge shot cleanly, the opposite alien did not respond to what happened.

However, the demons on the side of the wind in the air magic guards can see clearly, a large number of alien were destroyed, it is simply exciting.

They worked harder to resist the wind and blow away the fog.

Bang bang!

There are fewer and fewer alien tribes on the wall, and they disappear in front of their own eyes almost when the demons' Generals and soldiers just wave their weapons.

The soldiers of the demon clan were shocked. They didn't know what happened.

Without the hindrance of the little alien race, the four lords finally rushed to Mu Qingge.

However, when they see mu Qingge overbearing sniper gun, shooting constantly. Although, they did not understand what weapon the princess was holding, although they did not understand what the princess was doing.

But they knew that every time their princess's fingers moved, countless little aliens would disappear. The number of green aliens that have covered the city walls has been reduced at a very rapid rate.

No matter how stupid, they also know that this is related to muqingge!

The demons on the city wall are shocked to see the red, upright figures, unknown weapons and the strange disappearance of those small alien races

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