Hierarchy in alien armies?

The original envelope in the brain once over the Mu light song question, understood her meaning.

He said to Mu Qingge: "tell the princess that in the past hundreds of thousands of years, there have been three kinds of war between alien and demon clans. Two of them were seen by the princess herself in today's war

Big and small green skin!

Mu light Song Mou bottom flash a light, the heart is clear.

"There is another kind of..." She said silently in her heart.

The voice of the original seal then sounded: "there is another kind of monster about ten feet high. The whole body is dark, such as dark iron, thin but very strong, half man and half beast. They hold a sledgehammer in their hands, and their strength is very strong. The most important thing is that they are very difficult to kill. They will recover instantly when they are attacked. They can't really die unless they are crushed by one move. "

"It's big and powerful, and it's super restorative!" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and grasped the characteristics of the monster.

"Generally speaking, the number of such monsters does not account for a large proportion of the whole foreign army. In the previous campaign, three appeared most frequently. However, only three can cause great casualties to our soldiers. This is because our demons focus on physical training and physical strength. According to the news from the protoss side, every time the alien races appear such monsters in the battle there, almost all of them will suffer heavy casualties and the war situation is very tragic. "

"It seems that this kind of alien is at least a little boss." Mu light song in the heart secret way.

"These three kinds of arms are the three kinds of arms that have appeared when the alien tribes attacked us. But there is no guarantee that they will have only these three kinds of arms. However, their commander-in-chief is very mysterious. He does not show up in every battle, but hides in the army to command. " The original road.

He said this, see Mu light song has begun to think, then stopped.

The four lords also looked at Xiangmu Qingge and did not disturb her.

They would like to hear what kind of surprising plans the princess, who has been so impressive for many times, will put forward.

However, after a long time, mu Qingge did not mean to speak.

Looking at the others, he couldn't help but try to open his mouth: "princess, why don't we organize a team of people to sneak to the other side and kill their commander-in-chief quietly so that they can retreat without fighting?"

"Stupid!" Mu light song has not yet opened his mouth, she Yin is not polite to reprimand.

As soon as he said that, the original seal lowered his head.

However, she Yin did not let him go, and continued to say, "all the spies you sent out before have been torn to pieces. You tell me, how many men and horses do you need, and how many masters do you need to kill their commander-in-chief among hundreds of thousands of alien races? "

"I'm afraid the people you sent out will die clean before they get close to the commander of the alien race," he said with a sneer

The original seal was said by two people blush, eager to find a hole to drill in.

Qingze and lingjiu did not open their mouth, and obviously did not agree with the original idea.

However, at this time, Mu light song but light mouth, "is not so stupid."


The four lords looked at her in surprise, and even doubted if there was something wrong with their ears. The original envelope is also shocked to look up at her.

Mu light song slowly raised his head, clear and calm eyes staring at several people. "I don't know if you've ever heard of a Trojan horse."

Trojan horse?

What the hell?!

The four lords were confused, and Yuanfeng was also confused. Even the lonely cliff and lonely night behind mu Qingge showed a look of doubt.

Mu Qingge eyebrows light pick, of course, she knows that these people can not have heard the story of Trojan horse.

"It is said that in ancient times, a country wanted to attack an enemy country. The city of that enemy country is too strong to be conquered. After being unable to attack for a long time, the attacking army was falsely defeated, leaving only a hollow huge Trojan horse. The soldiers in the city thought it was booty, so they carried the horse back to the city. That night, the soldiers lurking in the belly of the Trojan horse came out quietly, opened the gate of the city, and joined forces outside to attack the city

Mu Qingge admitted that she did not have the talent to tell stories. She told her such a classic military case, but it was so bland that after she finished her speech, the four lords, including solitary cliff and solitary night, were staring at her.

Mu Qingge's mouth was hard, there was a sense of frustration.

In the strategy room, it's terrible quiet

Shaoqing, Suo Shengcai frowned and said, "the man in this story is a bit smart. However, we are guarding the city and they are attacking the city. Isn't the metaphor of the princess inappropriate? "

Mu Qingge looked up at him in surprise, and said, "it turns out that someone still understands her story, although it is not well understood."

"The princess means that we can also use this trojan horse strategy to get close to the foreign commander?" Qingze thought for a while and tried his way.

Mu light song eyebrows raised, moved in the heart.Finally, there is an understanding person!

"But what are we going to do?" Lingjiu frowned.

She Yin ran out of patience and said directly, "princess, please make your words clear. Don't let us guess. If you have a good plan in mind, speak it out and let's listen to it. If it is possible, we will all listen to your arrangement. "

His words won the approval of others.

Mu Qingge stood up slowly with his hands on the edge of the table. His eyes were clear and looked at the crowd. He said faintly: "master Qingze is right. We can use this trojan horse."

Seven people in the room have a bright eye color and listen carefully.

"Whether this attack will succeed or not and whether the war can be solved as quickly as possible depends on the strength of the four great vassal Lords." Mu light song's eyes slowly swept from the four.

This sweep, make four people involuntarily straighten up.

Mu Qingge waved to several people. They all surrounded and stood around the sand table. Mu Qingge pointed to the sand table and said to several people: "we can do this and this..."

She has rehearsed several plans in her mind and said it in detail.

The more you listen, the brighter the light in your eyes.

When mu Qingge finished the last word, the seven people in the room could not help but take a cold breath.

Who would say the princess doesn't know how to fight?

Who dares to say that the princess can only talk on paper?!

Damn it!

This princess is just against the weather! They have lived for tens of thousands of years and have never seen a woman more capable of fighting than their princess!

The strategy to control the enemy is simply at your fingertips.

Moreover, one plan is linked to another. I'm afraid that even if the commander-in-chief can't hear the same situation, they can't feel the same.

Qingze after listening to Mu Qingge's plan, he began to deduce in his heart.

However, after several rehearsals, he could not help but smile and shake his head. No matter how he breaks the plan, it seems that he can't escape from mu Qingge's palm.

"Where did the king find the princess?" The murmuring way of lingjiu. Beautiful as a demon face full of shock!

Qingze took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said in his ear: "this question, I am also curious. If you have a chance, you must ask the king clearly. "

They are all people who don't have a real wife, so they can go to the princess's hometown to find a daughter-in-law!

Mu Qingge didn't know what they thought in their hearts. After finishing his plan, he asked, "can there be anything you don't understand?"

"No," they said in unison

Mu Qingge nodded, "since there is no more, we should carry out according to the plan."

"Yes, Princess!"

This one promise, do not feel a bit oppressed, on the contrary, let a kind of pride rise in the hearts of several people.


Woo Hoo!

However, one day, the sound of the horn on the Bank of Menglan river was blown to.

On the hundred Zhang wall of the demons, the figures are graceful, and the sound of rapid steps is coming.

Mu Qingge stood on the wall bravely in a battle suit. The lonely cliff and the lonely night were still around her. The four lords were also dressed in military uniform and looked cold.

On the other side of the broad Menglan River, the thick black fog was blown away, revealing the outline of an alien army.

Hundreds of thousands of troops appeared in front of the demons, and the scene was very shocking.

The green skin of the alien race is particularly obvious against the background of the black river. There were five half beasts standing in their ranks, which were exactly the same as the image of the third branch of arms mentioned by Yuanfeng.

"Five came!" Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly shrunk, surprised way.

"I'm not afraid of one more." Mu Qingge looks so, "lonely night, you join them and share one."

Lonely night silent jaw head, body fierce Qi began to climb.

"You see, what was flying that day?" All of a sudden, a cry of surprise came from the demon soldiers.

This is what mu Qingge noticed from the dense fog that there were 134 people with meat wings on their back, hovering in the air.

They look like human beings, but their facial features are ferocious. Their tusks are long, their eyes are slightly convex, and their forehead is covered with bone thorns. They have only a few hairs on their heads, and their hands and feet are sharp claws.

"What is this? Is it a service they have never shown? " The original seal is surprised way.

Mu Qingge took a look, took back his eyes, and used a calm tone to several people: "no matter what it is, we will carry out according to the original plan."


After hearing this, they all nodded in silence.

"The demon on the other side, listen, if you don't want us to step down in your country, you can promise two conditions! Otherwise, we will attack the whole army and you can't stop it! "

All of a sudden, on the other side of the Menglan River, there came the outcry from other nations.

"They have people who can speak the world language here!" Mu Qingge is a little surprised.

Qingze explained in her ear in a low voice, "among them, those of high quality can almost speak our language."Mu Qingge understood.

At this time, the voice continued: "the first condition, hand over your princess! Tell your king that he wants to replace his woman with 100000 people! "

"What! Do these aliens want to die? "

"How dare you say that to our princess!"

"It's unforgivable!"

Mu light song slightly frown, she did not think that the other party actually hit the idea on her body.

Lingjiu snorted coldly, took a step forward and was about to fight back. Mu light song but raised his hand to stop him, calm way: "listen to his words first."

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