"Listen to him first."

Mu light song of calm, let the spirit of the bottom of the heart to suffocate back.

At this time, the voice of the opposite side continued: "the second condition is to prepare 100000 people and send them together with your princess."

"How shameless

"We're just not in the eye!"

"How dare these alien people bully us here?"

The other side of the call finished, the demon side has been a big disturbance. The demons' emotions have been pushed to an outbreak point, and the anger in their hearts almost burns themselves.

The four lords were ugly, and their words were a kind of naked shame to them.

Demons, in front of the protoss, have never bowed their heads, and how can they beg for mercy from other tribes?

Suddenly, mu Qingge began to laugh.

Her laughter was light, but it caught the attention of several people.

They looked at her in surprise, not knowing why she was laughing. Are you scared to be stupid?

Feeling several people's surprised eyes, mu Qingge said with a light smile: "I have to say that the alien race is a big help to us."


A few people are stupefied, some do not know why.

Mu Qingge looked at the demonic soldiers standing on the wall, full of anger, and said to several humanitarians: "they all say that the mourning army will win, which means using the grief of the officers and men to forge ahead and achieve a state of unity of mind.". In fact, every emotion to the extreme has the same effect. The shouting just now has aroused the anger of the officers and soldiers, and they are eager to fight against other nationalities. With high morale, we have a 30% more chance of winning. Do you want me to thank him

Qingze, lingjiu, Suosheng, Sheyin and Yuanfeng all looked at her in shock.

What kind of woman is this?

Even if she doesn't panic, she won't cry. It's so cool to analyze such a lot of truth. It's just That is

Several people suddenly found that they could not find the right words to describe their princess.

"Princess, do you need to continue to deal with them?" Qingze calms his mood and asks for instructions from mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge asked, "how are we going to prepare here?"

"Everything is ready according to the princess's plan," he said immediately

Mu light Song mouth hook up a smile, "since all are ready, that also revolves what?"

She held her right hand in vain, and the sniper gun reappeared in her hand.

She straddled her feet back and forth and raised her sniper gun, one of the wingers hovering in the air on the opposite bank. In the sniper mirror, after locking, she pulls the trigger steadily.


Gunfire, on the side of the demons.

On the other side of the river, a winged man hovering in the air and constantly shouting, but he didn't even have time to scream, so he landed vertically. In the center of his eyebrow, there are more blood holes the size of fingers.

The fall of the winger made the alien side fall into silence.

Good! This bird flying in the sky, at least can kill!

Mu Qingge's lips are light, expressing satisfaction.

After a short while, the alien reaction, those familiar green skin monsters of moqingge just bared their teeth and roared, launching an attack from the opposite bank.

Hundreds of thousands of small monsters poured out, the scene is extremely spectacular, like a green river to the Bank of Menglan river.

Move on the opposite side, the demon clan side in accordance with the established plan, immediately launched a counterattack.

Long range weapons, began to constantly throw out, and mu Qingge still stood in place, the sniper gun in his hand kept aiming at those wingers who flew towards her.

Bang bang!

Archery, just mu Qingge's hobby, sniping is one of her major!

Every time mu Qingge pulls the trigger, the body of a winged man will fall from the sky. After the sound of the gun ten times, only two winged men flew outside the city wall, close to Mu Qingge.

The two winged men are ferocious, and they are grabbing at mu Qingge.

They also issued a mental attack, rushed to Mu Qingge, as if to stop her from pulling the trigger.

However, when their attack arrives, mu Qingge has a transparent gold shield outside, which directly defeats their attack. Before the winger had time to react, he saw that the dark muzzle of Mu Qingge had been aimed at one of them.

Fear wrapped them up in an instant.

Almost subconsciously, the two wingers turned their direction, gave up the plan to catch mu Qingge and flew into the air like a fugitive.

Unfortunately, they want to run, but mu Qingge is not willing to give this opportunity.

Bang bang!

Two shots were fired, and the last two wingers were also killed by her.

The bodies of the two wingers fell from the air and hit the wall, pushing down the green monster climbing the wall and rolling down.

Mu light Song Mou Guang sharp sneer, holding a sniper gun, walked forward a few steps, aiming again.This time, her target is those big green monsters hiding on the opposite bank to direct the attack of small monsters!

On the Menglan River, the five ten foot high orcs, holding a huge hammer, walked directly on the river, step by step, like a mountain close to the demon camp.

The Menglan River, which was panting, was only submerged in their thighs.

The four lords, together with five lonely night, looked at each other, nodded, and rushed out, one by one to solve these ten foot high orcs.

Muqingge, the Lord of the demon Kingdom and the king's bodyguard, is very confident to deal with these orcs.

She kept shooting and harvesting the lives of the green skin monsters.

Every time you kill one of them, there will be less of them.

However, even so, there are still small monsters constantly joining the fight.

Gu Ya leads the demon guard, has joined the battle beside mu Qingge. Mu Qingge each shot, can lead to a small monster disappear, but does not mean that the disappeared small monster is close to her.

When she found that the little monsters close to her did not decrease, she responded. The commander-in-chief of the alien race must have hidden some big monsters from her. And those small monsters controlled by big monsters are those who have climbed to the wall, fought with demon soldiers, and kept approaching her.

A group?

Mu light song eyes over the light swept, heart sneer.

There are at least tens of thousands of little monsters around her.

The other party really looks up to her!

Just, the commander of the other side thought She can't kill the big monster that controls the little monster, so she has to be captured?

Mu Qingge's mouth is covered with a smile of fun.

She stood still and continued to fire the big monsters that could be seen in the distance, ignoring the little monsters that were approaching her.

The solitary cliff is very powerful, and the magic guard is also very powerful, but it can not resist tens of thousands of small monsters at the same time.

Split a small monster's body, the lonely cliff shouts to Mu Qingge: "princess, withdraw first!"

However, mu Qingge seems not to hear the general, continue her task in hand.

Lonely cliff to see the heart of great anxiety, with the devil guard want to close the team to protect the safety of moqingge. However, the new climbing on the wall of those small monsters are still pestering them, not let them close to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's figure is going to be submerged by these little monsters, and the lonely cliff is eager to burst into the Savior.

Suddenly, a voice like the ancient gods and Demons sounded --

"ong --!"


Tens of thousands of small monsters surrounded by moqingge, when the first sound appeared, all were fixed in place. And when the second sound sounded, the demon soldiers, the lone cliff and other demon guards made the other side of the river think they are going to catch the foreign commander of Mu Qingge.

Tens of thousands of small monsters, in the eyes of the public, were all broken into drops of green liquid dripping on the ground.

Mu light song side, instantly emptied a large area.

Her clear eyes looked at the other people on the other side of the river, showing a crazy smile.

"Princess!" The lonely cliff reacted and quickly led the demon guard to surround her.

At this time, those scattered attacks of the small monster, seems to have received the order, all give up their opponents, toward the Mu light song rushed.

Above the city wall, all the little monsters rush towards mu Qingge.

At this scene, the palm of the lonely cliff and the demon guard all perspired slightly.

Tens of thousands of small monsters, the mouth issued a piercing scream, ferocious expression, toward mu Qingge.



The two ancient sounds were sent out again, and tens of thousands of small monsters disappeared again, turning into green liquid dripping.

On the city wall, we can't see a little monster.

And under the wall, there are still countless small monsters climbing towards the wall.

"Princess, are you ok?" Looking at Xiangmu Qingge from the lonely cliff, she found that her cheek was extremely pale and her forehead was covered with fine sweat.

Mu Qingge purses his lips and shakes his head.

She's just a psychic overdraft. I'm afraid she'll faint again.

"It's almost time." To see the light song of the sky.

These little monsters, kill no matter how much. I've been fighting until it's getting dark.

At the moment, they just need to convince the foreign commander on the opposite side that they are defeated and defeated!

Solitary cliff secretly nodded, and the magic guard hugged Mu light song to withdraw from the wall. Other demonic generals and soldiers have also retreated, it seems that they have to abandon the city and flee.

At this time, the four lords against the ten Zhang orcs, as well as lonely night, all used their life-threatening moves to smash the orcs they were fighting against.

A successful move, the five also quickly retreat towards the direction of the wall, instantly disappeared in front of the alien race.The sudden retreat of the demons stopped the action of the alien side.

They want demons, not an empty city.

The little monsters become quiet and climb to the wall and search around. The figure of a demon was not found, but four giant puppets were found in the city wall.

The puppet, like a statue worshipped by demons, stands quietly in the wall.

The little monsters gathered around the statue and sniffed. The smell of demons is very strong, which is what they like. Soon, they reflected the situation here and immediately received new instructions.

Four giant puppets were carried up by the little monsters and brought back to the alien base camp on the other side of the Menglan river.

They are going to dedicate the four statues to their commander-in-chief, who will judge what they are.

After they left, mu Qingge, with the hidden demonic soldiers, began to take advantage of the darkness and thick fog, along the dense road to the opposite bank.

This secret passage was originally opened up for spies.

Now, it's a large army.

In the army, there was no sign of the four vassal Lords.

Four giant puppets were sent to the alien commander's tent.

The foreign commander looked at the four giant puppets, a little curious. His pale skin has no blood color, his red eyes are very violent, and his ears are sharp, which is different from ordinary people.

However, his facial features at least can be called beautiful, compared with his subordinates, it is just like the posture of heaven and man.

In the tent, in addition to him, there are also standing tall monsters, they are curious to look at the four statues.

All of a sudden, four statues burst, and many demon fighters jumped out of the statue's belly.

In each statue, there are hundreds of people jumping out of each statue. Each hundred people are led by a vassal. Without warning, they appear in the base camp of the alien race.

The four lords sneered at each other, and without a moment's delay, they attacked the shocked foreign commander.

And they brought 400 demon fighters, one after another to attack those Zhang Gao monsters who have no resistance ability.

In the alien army, the number of green skinned monsters decreased rapidly.

When mu Qingge arrived, it was almost the end of the battle

Lingjiu holding the head of the foreign commander, appears in front of Mu Qingge, the sky has begun to shine.

Though fighting all night, the Spirit Dove is full of energy. He looked at Xiangmu Qingge with excitement in his eyes, and said from the heart: "princess, have a good fight! The alien race has never been wiped out by us like this! "

Mu light song light smile, beautiful face, look honor or disgrace is not surprised.

Menglan River things have been, she has also established a position in the heart of the demons, it is time to find Simao!

"Princess!" All of a sudden, Gu Ya ran towards mu Qingge.

When mu Qingge looked back, he said excitedly: "there is news from the king!"

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