The glow, lasting for a long time, slowly dispersed.

The dean of Dandao hospital, slowly out of the door, on the steps, there are many masters of Dandao waiting for him.




As soon as he appeared, the crowd cheered.

"Did someone understand the twelve elixirs?" He spoke faintly.

The dean of Dandao academy is a fairy with elegant white hair. His broad clothes and robes are blown up by the breeze. It seems that he has to take advantage of the wind at any time.

The master of Dandao standing under him, both inside and outside the Dandao academy, are respected masters.

However, at this time, in front of him, they were all respectful

hearing his words, one person stood up and saluted: "back to the president, yes."

"Oh? This is the happy event of my Dandao hospital. Among the disciples of this generation, there is no one who can understand the twelve elixirs except Xinghai. " The dean of Dandao Academy was kind and smiling, and his eyes were swimming on them, "which of you is the master under the door?"

However, he this question, but let these Dan masters become faltering, look also slightly embarrassed.

Their reaction made the dean of dandaoyuan frown strangely.

Finally, the one who opened his mouth before, gritted his teeth and said, "yes He is a new disciple. "

"New disciple?" At the bottom of the eyes of the dean of the Dandao academy, a look of great interest appeared. He said, "it's not time for the inner court examination, but there are new disciples."

With a smile, "is it the master of the fallen star city? Or his companion? "

"The dean is wise, and the one who understands the twelve elites is the master of Mu city." The man arched his hands.

The dean of Dandao academy, with a smile on his mouth, "it's very good. I remember that he was admitted to the hospital for less than four months. "


"In more than four months, I have been able to understand all the twelve elixirs. This understanding is much higher than that of Xinghai! Moreover, he is still the first person in the Qing Ying list and the only Saint level craftsman in the medieval world. " Dandao hospital president said slowly. His eyes, fell on these people, suddenly joked: "you all come to me, is moved to recruit the mind?"

This sentence made many people embarrassed.

When they came here, they really moved the mind of recruiting students and wanted him to be the president.

However, the dean of Dandao academy shook his head slowly and sighed: "I heard that he came in as a god level Dan master. Xinghai has also said that he has the perfect realm that our Dan teacher dreams of. Now, he has set a new record in Dandao academy and has realized the twelve elixirs. What do you think you can teach him? Even I dare not mention the word "master and apprentice" in front of him

These words, hit a lot of Dan division.

Indeed, the starting point of muqingge is too high, even if they want to accept this rebellious apprentice, they have not taught the skills.

"Put your mind away. For him, dantaoyuan is just a passer-by. He's not in the pool. He's not destined to stay here for long. If you like, you can make a good relationship with him while he is still here, and give more help. Maybe there will be unexpected results in the future The dean of Dandao Academy said so.

Dandao masters, collective silence.

"That President, I don't know if I should say something. " Those who have spoken before have hesitated.

The dean of Dandao courtyard, calm eye light falls on him, jaw head way: "what is wrong to say?"

The man looked up and looked at the dean of the Dan Taoist temple and said, "when this mu light song comprehends the Dan Road, the old ancestor does not know why, and has been guarding by his side."

"Well?" Finally, the calm expression of the dean of Dandao hospital was broken by the news, and there was no calm before.

However, he did not say anything in depth. I just told other people, "I know this. I have a sense of propriety in my heart. No one should disturb her."

"Yes, Dean."

They bowed.

The dean of Dandao courtyard raised his hand and waved to all humanity: "all scattered."


In front of the twelve screen walls, the towering rays finally converged slowly.

The smooth wall of the screen was calm again, and the color became deep again.

Among them, the light of Mu's heart is gradually restored. She stood up from the 12th screen wall, upright and upright, giving people a sonorous and resolute feeling.

She brushed her sleeve and turned to Yao Xinghai.

Seeing her coming, people around her were all moving away. Their shocked faces were full of unbelievable worship.

Forsythia quietly follow the moqingge, she does not care whether the moqingge has realized the Dan Dao, only cares can see the muqingge is good.

Mu Qingge stops in front of Yao Xinghai.

Yao Xinghai looked complicated: "congratulations." In his words, he was sincere. He belittled mu Qingge, but he would not envy her."Thank you." Mu light song light road.

Yao Xinghai's lips wriggled for a moment and asked, "you have all realized the twelve kinds of Dan Dao. What conclusion have you got?"

"And you?" Mu Qingge asked.

"Me?" Yao Xinghai chuckled. "It took me three years to understand the alchemy in the twelve screen walls, and it took me about half a year to come up with an answer. Why don't we come together

"Good." Mu light song jaw first, crisp agreed to come down.

The conversation between them made the disciples around them prick their ears and want to hear their experience clearly.

"Only when you understand your own way can you become a saint."

"Only when you understand your own way can you become a saint."

Eight words, no difference, respectively from the mouth of Mu Qingge and Yao Xinghai.

The same answer, like a stone, was thrown into the calm pool, which raised waves to the hearts of the disciples around.

Only by understanding one's own way can one become a saint.

Mu Qingge takes a deep breath, and she finally knows why she has been unable to break through the holy level, because she does not have her own Dan Dao.

"I'm not wrong about you. You are the best opponent." Yao Xinghai eyes burning road.

Mu light song hook lips a smile, asked: "your Dan Dao, became?"

However, Yao Xinghai did not answer this question positively. He just reminded him: "there is still one month to go before the Dandao conference. If you and I fight, we will be in the Dandao assembly. "

Then he turned and left.

The back, full of high morale.

After watching Yao Xinghai leave, mu Qingge looks at the place where Mei Zizhong, Zhao Nanxing, Shang zisu and Zhu Ling are standing and smiles. She knew that she worried them again.

She walked toward the four people, forsythia originally wanted to keep up with, but suddenly wanted to feel something. She frowned slightly and left quietly.

Mu light song did not pay attention to Forsythia leave, even if attention, will not care.

When she came to the four, Zhao Nanxing and Zhu Ling extended their thumbs to her.

"Great, light song!" Zhao Nanxing said with a smile.

Zhu Ling also Jiao smile way: "if light song when not fierce, I just feel strange."

"It's a pity that no one plays today." All of a sudden, a sentence from Shang zisu made everyone stunned.

After being surprised, all five looked at each other and laughed.


In the magnificent courtyard, forsythia is sitting on the broad chair. It's not because the chair is big, but because she's too small.

Back here, her face is no longer innocent smile, but to restore that kind of does not match the vicissitudes of life.

"What did you call me back for?" Forsythia eyes light gloomy look to stand in front of her Dandao hospital president.

In front of forsythia, the dean of Dandao academy showed a respectful look and asked tentatively: "I heard that the old ancestor was very interested in the new disciples in the courtyard?"

Forsythia cold hum a, discontented way: "who told you, right?"

On the face of the dean of Dandao hospital, a helpless bitter smile appeared.

Forsythia young face, is full of lost emotions. She said quietly, "don't you think she is very similar to him? The look, the momentum, the pride. "

In her eyes, there is a deep yearning.

The dean of Dandao academy sighed in his heart and said to forsythia, "the ancestor, the master, he has already..."

"No! You don't want to tell me. He promised that I would come back. " Forsythia interrupts him loudly.

"Mu Qingge is not a master, and he will not stay here for a long time," said the dean of Dandao Academy

"Then I'll leave with her!" Forsythia without hesitation. "Looking at her, I don't feel so hard."

However, the dean of Dandao courtyard was shocked and stopped, "Laozu Zong, you can't! Only if you stay here, I can protect you. If you leave and are found by those above, you... "

With that, he even knelt down on the ground and begged: "ancestor, I promised my master that I would never let you be captured by those people. Please don't be headstrong and stay in the Dandao courtyard. "

Forsythia looked complicated. She didn't go to see him, regardless of her identity, and begged the dean of his Dantao Academy. She just whispered: "this Dandao Academy was founded by him with painstaking efforts. You are also his only disciple. I won't embarrass you. Go away. "

"My ancestors!" The dean of Dandao hospital raised his head and looked at her.

However, forsythia closed her eyes and covered up the painful color of her eyes.

The dean of Dandao Academy had no choice but to retire.

After he left, the doors of the room were automatically closed, and the light in the room was suddenly dimmed.

Forsythia curled up in her body, huddled in the corner of the chair, buried her face in her knees, and began to cry.

"How long, how long, how long do you want me to wait?" Forsythia cry, sounds heartbreaking.That kind of vicissitudes of life waiting, has not experienced the person, is unable to understand.


On the way back to his residence, Zhao Nanxing asked, "Qingge, who is the little girl who has been following you all the time?"


Mu light Song mouth corner a smoke, she nearly forgot this person.

But, her identity, she can not tell several friends. She thought about it and said casually, "I don't know that it's the master's disciple who came across me by chance."

"It's hard to resist the charm of light songs." Zhu Ling chuckled.

Mu light song looks strange way: "also not. She seems to... " Frowning, mu Qingge then went on: "it seems that I have something in common with one of her relatives, and she seems to have never seen that relative for a long time, so she will be like this."

Her explanation is reasonable and satisfies the curiosity of others.

"Qingge, there will be another month for Dandao conference. What are you going to do next?" Mei Zizhong asked.

Today, he saw Yao Xinghai. He felt that he was not a simple person. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with.

Mu Qingge is a school of indifference, "no plan, the rest of the time, I'll close the door and have a good aftertaste of the harvest of this period of time."

She wants to realize her own Dan Dao, break the bottleneck and become a saint level alchemist.

"Well, we won't disturb you for a while." Shang zisu nodded.

The five people had dinner together and then dispersed.

Mu light song back to the room, was Si Mo caught into the space.

As soon as she came in, she saw the man's gloomy and indifferent face.

"Er, when I was outside, I realized the way of Dan and forgot the time for a moment." How can a man not know what he is angry with?

Her words, make Si Mo's gloomy face a receive, sigh, pull her into his arms, buried in her neck, stuffy voice way: "xiaoge'er, have I ever been like this, helpless to you?"

This is like a child like accusation, that full of grievances, let mu Qingge heart some unbearable. She raised her hand and stroked the man's long, supple hair.

Si Mo raised his head, mu Qingge looked at the handsome face close at hand, could not help but pecked at his lips.

This makes the eye light of Si Mo Po color suddenly become dark, the mood that has been forced to endure is easily stirred up by Mu light song. "Xiao Ge'er, if you don't want to, don't do it."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, the corners of the mouth also follow the playful Yang up.

Her fingers hook up Simao's chin, eyes jokingly way: "now you are my gold house hidden here, I want how, not to see my mind?"

"Xiaoge'er..." Si Mo was made dry by her eyes. Does his little song want to torture him again?

He jumped into the song. Si Mo busy hands will catch her, some joy in the eyes.

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