One month is a flash.

With the passage of time, the sensation caused by that day in front of the twelve screen walls has gradually faded away. When I think of the wall, I can't help but feel the shock.

In a day No, it should be less than half a day. The legendary master of Mu city has even realized 11 screen walls and understood 11 kinds of Dan Dao!

People can't help but wonder whether she deliberately slowed down after more than ten days' understanding of the first screen wall.

This record is more shocking than the record left by Yao Xinghai.

When people pass by the list of the Enlightenment of the Dan Road, they can only look up to the three characters "Mu Qingge" on the first line and the time followed by the description.

However, the protagonist of this incident, in this month, completely silent.

This mystery makes the legend about her more and more magical in the inner courtyard of Dan Daoyuan.

In a restaurant in the inner courtyard and outer city, four people in the box were listening to all kinds of discussions coming from the hall.

"I heard that the falling star city is mu city master's experience. When she went through a magic space, she was attacked by a monster. After killing the monster, she split the sky with her sacred utensil and broke the space. Then she found the star city!"

"So it is? I said, "why didn't I hear of the place of the falling star city before the appearance of the master of Mu city?"

"The city master is so fierce! It's a city

"Don't you see who it is? Is the master of Mu city a common person? "

In the box, Zhao Nanxing looked at Mei Zizhong teasingly and asked, "elder martial brother Mei, is the falling star city really so born?"

Mei Zizhong shook his head slowly and laughed bitterly. "I don't know what happened, but it's certainly not as bizarre as they say."

"Well, I heard that! When he was born, he was destined to be extraordinary. "

Hall, there's another discussion.

"Oh? What do you say? " His words immediately attracted the attention of others.

"It's said that the birth of the Lord Mu was caused by lightning and thunder, which affected the whole sky of Xizhou. Then, there was the splendor of the sun, the birds were singing in unison, the flowers were in full bloom, and the clouds were full of colorful light. In a word, you can tell at a glance that great people have been born! "

"Ah! Is that great? "

"Even if he was born so different, I don't blame him for being such a monster!"

"Perhaps it is the turn of a great God in the land of gods and demons?" Someone guessed.

However, this conjecture immediately ushered in a lot of people deeply believe that the recognition. "Well, it's possible!"

"It's very possible."

"If not, how to explain this evil spirit against heaven?"

"I thought that our elder martial brother Yao was a dazzling star in Dongzhou, but now the appearance of the city master of Mu has made his light dim."

"Well, not the same. Elder martial brother Yao is mortal no matter how powerful he is. He is the reincarnation of God

The four people in the box were speechless.

Zhao Nanxing spread out his hand and said with a smile: "as far as I know, Qingge was born in Mufu of Qin State in Linchuan. When she was born, there was no auspicious or auspicious sign. Where on earth did these people hear these rumors? "

Zhu Ling covered his lips and chuckled, "didn't you hear that they all said light song as reincarnation of God?"

"That's what makes it ridiculous." Zhao Nanxing road.

Mei Zizhong said faintly, "the scene they said should be the time when Linglong gun was recast." Although, that time, he had already arrived at the Star City, but later, from the mouth of the Sang people, he learned that the sky and the earth changed.

"It's fun." Zhao Nanxing helplessly said: "these people actually confuse the birth of Qingge with the scene of the birth of sacred vessels."

With that, he sighed with some sigh.

He murmured: "they only see the glory of light song, and who can see the efforts behind her? She is now everything, is not easy to get, every success is accompanied by perils, blood and sweat

Zhao Nanxing's words moved the three people.

They are accompanied by mu Qingge all the way along the way, see not only her dazzling, but also see what she paid behind the dazzling.

"Qingge doesn't seem to refuse. Every time a challenge comes, she always relies on her strong will, gripping her teeth and insisting, desperate to complete the challenge. I've never seen her think about giving up or escaping. " Zhu Ling's smile on her cheek converged, and her tone implied heartache.

Shang zisu then said: "it is just like this that she will be heartbreaking."


Heartache, people who really understand moqingge will feel heartache. Love her strong, her back is more straight, the more wild look, they are more distressed, want to work harder, shoulder with her, shoulder with her.

Zhao Nanxing took a deep breath and said seriously, "we should also work hard!"Shangzisu and Zhuling have the same maxilla.

Mei Zizhong said at this time, "I don't know, this month, whether light song has realized his own Dan Dao."

This problem makes the other three frown slightly, and their eyes are tinged with a layer of worry.

Zhu Ling bit his lip and said, "after that day, I inquired in secret. Elder martial brother Yao has been understanding his own elixir after he has understood the twelve elixirs. Half a year ago, he was refining pills in public. At that time, he was still refining divine pills. I just don't know whether he has made a breakthrough in the past six months. "

On that day, the dialogue between mu Qingge and Yao Xinghai was heard by several people.

If Yao Xinghai has already realized his own Dan Dao, he is likely to be a saint level Dan master. And moqingge? Although she has an amazing understanding, it is not easy for her to understand her own Dan Dao?

In just one month, it's really

The four people are silent, as friends, they all know that moqingge time is urgent.

Dandao conference, they naturally hope that moqingge can beat Yao Xinghai to win the championship!

"We have to believe in light songs." Finally, Shang zisu said this.


In the space, mu Qingge sits on the top of a mountain. Instead of meditating, she looked languidly at the view on the top of the mountains.

Clouds and fog, mountains such as sword, continuous.

In the distance, there are still higher green mountains rising, straight into the sky.

Everyone thought that she was in her own courtyard to understand her own Dandao and prepare for the battle with Yao Xinghai at the Dandao convention.

In fact, she has been quietly on the mountain for a month, watching the clouds roll up and down, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the clouds change.

Si Mo, dressed in a black robe, came from behind her.

He did not disturb, but sat quietly beside her. After sitting down, he looked sideways at Xiangmu Qingge's side face, deep in the eyes of Po se, showing seriousness.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at him with a calm smile.

She leaned over and put her head in his arms.

Si Mo also dotes on her chair back to protect her from the wind and rain.

"What do you see?" Si Mo hangs Mou asks a way.

Mu light song lip Cape light hook, light way: "see The scenery here is excellent. Unfortunately, I have never been in the future before. " Her days, always live in a hurry, where will have the time to let her good in her world tour?

Si Mo low smile, "you know clearly, what I ask is not this."

Mu Qingge picked up her eyebrows and laughed. She left his arms, looked at him and said, "Tao, is not a word of enlightenment? Is not one's own Tao an epiphany that depends on one's own vital chart and spleen? "

Her answer, make division Mo Mou in a bright, smile: "it seems, you gain a lot."

Mu Qingge really surprised him. How easy is it to understand Tao? No matter how good the talent is, no matter how high the savvy is, you can't get anything in a short month.

The only possibility is that this enlightened man has experienced life and death, and has endured countless things that ordinary people can't The more you experience, the deeper your understanding of Tao is, and the more you can see through the essence of a thing.

Smile, still on Si Mo's face, but at the bottom of his eyes, there is a heartache for mu Qingge and anger for whom I don't know.

"My little song, what have you experienced? Who on earth dares to treat you like this! " Si Mo said in the heart.

He did not know that mu Qingge really experienced life and death.

In the past life and this life, she is wandering between life and death, against the sky.

In her previous life, she was blown to pieces and crawled out of the sea of corpses and blood. Which step was not a step-by-step thrilling and many times a desperate life?

What else can she not see through her previous life, this life and her experience of being a man for two generations?

I can't see through it.

Just like the relationship between her and me. Even though she has already seen through everything, she still can't let go.

The way of heaven told her that no emotion, no matter, could last forever.

Thousands of years later, it will only turn into a pile of bones, a vain. However, she must go against the sky, to live with Si Mo, never leave!

"Xiaoge'er, I'm looking forward to your performance in the Dandao conference more and more." Si Mo to Mu light song road.

The meaning of his words seems to be asking that he go to see moqingge's Alchemy in person that day.

Mu Qingge "puff" a smile, "if you can hide yourself, do not let anyone find out, I can let you out."

Simao raised his eyebrows and played with the taste: "is xiaoge'er jealous? Don't want me to be seen? "

Mu light song eyebrows pick higher, smile rather than smile way: "you so understand it!"


The day of Dandao assembly is approaching.

This is a prosperous time for the whole Dongzhou and even the whole middle ancient world.

All the big families began to come to Dongzhou Dandao courtyard. Even the temple sent messengers.Dongzhou, because of this incident, became the focus of attention in the middle ancient world.

On this day, three people came to Dandao hospital.

They knocked on the door of the outside of Dandao hospital. One of them, with smiling eyes and cynical expression, said to the humanitarianism of opening the door: "we want to see muqingge, please inform us!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!