Sharp air, from his neck across.

The leader of the temple killer, instinctively wants to avoid. However, he found that his body couldn't move, and even his thinking seemed to become sluggish.

In his eyes, the last scene is the satirical smile on mu Qingge's beautiful face.


What is she sarcastic about?

Satirize oneself can't kill her, be killed instead?



The last sound in his ear was the scream of his subordinates. He didn't have to look. He knew the whole army was destroyed.


What was cut?

The hot liquid seems to flow from the neck.

He opened his eyes wide and suddenly felt that he saw everything. He felt himself turning in the air and finally falling to the ground.


A head, from the sky. It landed on the pure white ground.

Mu light song slowly and down, the hand of the exquisite gun, toward the ground a stab, sharp gun tip, stabbed into the head.

All around, suddenly pour out a cold breath, issued a "hiss --" sound!

The eyes of her, the light in her eyes. People in the middle ancient world never paid attention to spiritual cultivation. Even though the person is strong and highly cultivated, how can she resist the spirit attack she learned from the book of divine strategy?

Death Dead?

The onlookers in the distance slowly straightened up and looked at the battlefield in shock.

All the people who came to hunt down mu Qingge have died here. A corpse on the ground and a piece of blood red color prove that they have no eyesight and have not read wrong.

The most important thing is -

"the master of Mu City killed the fourth floor of Jinjing? Isn't she the first floor of Jinjing? "

"What a monster! How can you jump the level to fight! "

"The point is, the fighting power is too strong! They can actually win the four layers of gold territory, and they can also cut off their heads. "

"No, you are all wrong! The most important thing is, how can a woman be more handsome than a man

This sentence, make innumerable man mouth corner a draw, in the heart mercilessly despise oneself.

They can't do it.

"Light song."

At the end of the battle, Ji Yaoyao and his four men came to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge pulls out the Linglong gun and shakes off the blood on the tip of the gun. With a flash of light, the Linglong gun is changed into a fingertip and is worn on the index finger of her right hand.

After that, she looked up and looked at the four people, smiling at them.

"No, no, no, don't laugh at me. I'm afraid I can't control it!" Ji Yaoyao blocked his eyes with one hand and lifted it with the other to stop mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's smile is stiff, knowing that he is using this kind of joke to break the embarrassment. So, she raised her eyebrows and followed his words: "can I help you pick it out?"

This word a, Yao Xinghai can't help but smile. Yingze's tight mouth also raised an inconspicuous arc. Even Wei Molun, who was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, had a free look at Ji Yaoyao.

Ji Yaoyao's back was stiff. He flung his hand angrily, staring at mu Qingge and saying, "you a woman, do you want to be so cruel and cruel?"

Mu Qingge asked, "is it the first day you met me?"

Yao ji was speechless.

He found that even if Mu Qingge is a woman, he is also the guy who dare not to be provoked by others!

"Who are these killers and why are they chasing you here?" Yao Xinghai points to the corpse on the ground and asks mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge looked up at him and did not answer his question. Instead, he said, "when you leave here, go back to the Dandao courtyard and tell your master about today's affairs."

Yao Xinghai eyes flash, a few can not be traced nodded, no further questioning.

Suddenly, the pure white space, there was a tremor.

This sudden change made Ji Yaoyao's smile on his face converge. If he wanted to ask, he went back and observed with others.

"What's going on?"

"Why do you suddenly tremble?"

"Is the space going to collapse?"

"How could it be?"

"It's impossible. It was so hard just now."


In the pure white world, the shaking is more severe. Many people, are unable to stand firm, stumbling.

Looking up at the white sky, Ji asked in a voice, "what's the matter? It can't be collapsed. Who of you has ever looked up the information about weak water, but talk about it. "

At this time, Yingze, who was silent, opened his mouth: "this is the place for people who ask questions to be quiet. Only when you are calm can you see something hidden. As soon as the time comes, it will begin to askAsk?

Mu Qingge looks at Yingze, "do you see any description in the records? How do you ask?"

Yingze slowly shakes his head.

At this time, a cry of panic came from the distance, which attracted five people's side eyes.

They saw many people, sucked away by inexplicable forces, and disappeared in their places.

All of a sudden, Wei felt a suction coming from his feet, as if he had an invisible hand and grasped his ankle. As soon as he thought of the sound, he noticed that his body was being sucked away uncontrollably.

Wei Mo is sucked away, standing in front of him mu Qingge, immediately aware of the turn. When she saw that there was no one in Wei's seat, her eyes shrank.

"What about Wei Mo?" Ji Yaoyao was surprised.

"Sucked away." Ying Ze, who witnessed all this, replied. He wanted to help, but before he could do something, Wei Mo was sucked away.

It can only be said that everything happened too fast!

Yao Xinghai said, "we..."

However, before he finished his words, people disappeared in place. It seems, is also inhaled by that force into the unknown space.

Two of the five people have disappeared, which makes the remaining three people alert.

Suddenly, they found that there seemed to be silence around them.

The three men looked at each other at the same time, but found that those who came to ask questions in the weak water had disappeared.

"Where are the people?" Ji Yaoyao was surprised.

Mu ran, three people at the same time feel their ankles, there is strength to pull.

Subconsciously, they looked at their ankles. They only had time to look at each other. They were directly sucked away by the inexplicable force and disappeared in place.

In the white space, there is no one alive.

Only a few dozen bodies were left lying on the ground. The pure white world also calmed down again, as if nothing had happened.

All of a sudden, there were silver lights on the bodies.

When the silver light disappears, the bodies disappear. When it reappeared, it was already outside the weak water, which was hanging in the gap, outside the silver waterfall without head and tail.


"What is this place?" Mu Qingge looks around, full of vigilance in his eyes.

She seemed to be in a colorful world, surrounded by colorful lights from the top to the bottom. Like a rainbow, orderly arrangement, each color, showing a halo.

Mu Qingge stands on the smooth ground like a mirror. The clean floor reflects her figure clearly, just like stepping on the mirror.

Mu light song on the spot, step light move, turn a circle.

The sound of her footstep, which sounds particularly obvious here, should be an echo.

"Ask, how?" Mu light song frowns. She looked up and saw a pure white sky. Taking back her sight, she looked at the colorful rays and asked, "what is Tao?"

This is a question she asked casually in a daze, but actually there is a voice to answer her.

"Tao is the heart."

"Heart?" The murmur of murmur. I was surprised at the appearance of the voice.

That sound, sounds, with a kind of vicissitudes. It was a woman's voice, and it had something in common with her own.

Mu Qingge frowned and asked, "you say it is the heart, but everything in the world has its own way, but everything in the world does not necessarily have a heart. Do you have any intention of changing the situation? Do you have a heart in autumn? What is the heart of rising sun and falling moon

"This is the rule, not the Tao."


Mu light song in the eyes, flashed a light.

"The essence of Tao lies in the heart, and its means are rules."

The voice said again.

"The essence of Tao lies in the heart, and the means of Tao are rules?" Murmuring in the mouth of murmur song, can not guess the meaning of this sentence.

Tao is a mysterious and mysterious thing. How can we understand it by asking and answering?

Mu light song purses lips, no longer open mouth.

However, the voice appeared again: "you are too weak. Go ahead and see what is Tao and what is heart. "

"What do you think?" The subliminal muse.

The voice immediately replied, "see those colorful beams? Each color is a kind of red experience. When you enter it, you can see the nature of the world and understand the heart of Tao as a bystander. "

Mu Qingge's eyes brightened, and he said in his heart, "it turns out that these beams still have this ability!"

"But I want to remind you. If you're lost in the world of mortals and can't wake up, you'll be trapped here all your life. " The voice reminded.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and his eyes were on the alert.

She hesitated and walked towards the beam.

Surrounded by colored beams, she didn't understand the speaker very well. Every color she said was a kind of earthly experience.With the feeling, moqingge goes to the red beam. This color, has always been her favorite color, now, her world experience, also from this color.

She raised her hand, and her fingers dipped into the red beam. All of a sudden, she felt the red light beam spread from her fingers, along her arm, wrapped her whole body and pulled into a world.

"What is this place?" Mu Qingge found that he was standing in a garden full of flowers. There were butterflies flying in the flowers. Not far away, there were warblers singing and swallowing.

"This is one of the billions of worlds. You can walk around here without worrying about who will see you. Of course, you can't do anything. Remember you're just a bystander. " The sound, it reappears, then disappears.

In the colorful space, mu Qingge sits cross legged, eyes closed, as if into meditation.

The voice reappeared, "asked the weak water, usually for one year, or two years for a gifted person. And how long can you ask? I'm looking forward to it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!