"Young master, I am here."

"Young master, come after me

"Young master, this way, this side..."

Surrounded by warblers and swallows, in the flowery garden, beautiful and delicate maids, like colorful butterflies, run around in the garden. No, they run past mu Qingge, but they don't realize her existence at all.

Mu Qingge looks at them, as well as the young man who is blindfolded by silk ribbon, dressed in silk brocade clothes, wearing golden crown and jade Jue, is full of jewels.

"Where are you? I can't find him! "

The noise caused the housekeepers and servants passing by the garden to see them, but their expressions were all used to it, just a happy smile.

The tone of youth is not half frivolous, but full of innocence.

Obviously, there was no such unspeakable relationship between him and these maids, but more like playmates.

Mu Qingge is in place, watching quietly. She doesn't understand. What can she see when she looks at it like this? What's the connection between such a rich and noble family and the Tao and mind she needs to understand in her practice?

Don't understand, then continue to read!

Mu Qingge is calm in her heart. She is like the ghost of this mortal world, and like a celestial being in the heavenly palace. She stands outside the world and looks at this world.

After spring and autumn, how old is it.

In a flash, ten years have passed. In the past ten years, mu Qingge has not changed at all, just as she just came in. However, the family is no longer prosperous.

At the beginning of the carefree youth, has grown up, but is no longer the rich and well-off childe brother.

His family was destroyed by a piece of emperor's list. In the fall of the family, all the people died. He sacrificed a family just to keep his blood.

In the snowy day, he was so frustrated that he had already lost his appearance of noble childe. At the beginning, the maid who accompanied him frolicked and played with him, but now either heaven and earth are far away, or life and death are two boundless.

He was dressed in ragged clothes, his hair was disordered and his beard was dirty. He stepped down from the boat with his eyes blank. His feet were wrapped in rags, and he staggered step by step in the snow.

Mu Qingge followed him and wanted to know what he was going to do.

Several times, he fell in the snow, and he used his hands, holding the snow, stuffed into his mouth, step by step continue to climb forward.

The cloth under his feet had been damaged, his feet had been cracked by cold, and the blood under his feet was dyed red all the way, just like plum blossoms blooming in winter.

After walking for three days and nights in the snow, he finally came to a Taoist temple and knelt down and begged.

He said: "immortal, people all say that there are immortals. I don't want to live forever. I just want to be able to jump out of this world of mortals and not to be a boat in the bitter sea any more..."

Mu Qingge stood behind him, and his heart was filled with emotion.

In the first half of his life, he really set off the bright red. His birth, his family background, his experience, in many people's eyes, is so dazzling.

At the end of the day, however, all he wanted was to get rid of the pain and seek peace of mind.

He was eventually led into the Taoist temple.

Just as mu Qingge continues to want to see it, she feels that her figure is drawn by giant force, leaving the mortal world and returning to the colorful space.

Sitting cross legged, she opens her eyes and remembers what she saw before.

What does that mean? She doesn't understand.

Mu light song slightly frowns. No, she didn't think about it. She raised her eyes and looked at the other beams of light, and said in her heart, "since there are so many kinds of them, I'll see them one by one, and then think again."

And then she went back into the orange beam.

When she reappeared, she found that she was standing in a family of scholarly families. Standing in the courtyard, she could hear the melodious sound of reading. Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said in his heart, "what kind of life will it be this time?"


In the colorful space, moqingge has forgotten the passage of time. She shuttles between different mortals, feeling other people's lives, and realizing what is Daoxin. And the time outside has also passed for a year.

Lonely cliff and lonely night stood outside the weak water, hiding their bodies, looking at the people who were spitting out by the silver waterfall suspended in the air. Their expressions were very serious.

About half a year ago, weak water began to spit people out.

After they found the bodies that had been vomited out, they arrested the living people and tortured them. They also knew what happened inside.

They want to kill women inside?

Unexpectedly, the female master son's phantom, was broken, restored the female body?

No matter what the news is, it is definitely not small.

Therefore, they did not dare to delay and sent the news back to the devil Kingdom and told their king!

After mu Qingge entered here for half a year, Simao received the news and came to visit. He looked at the weak water, told the lonely cliff and the lonely night, after guarding here, went to the falling star city again.What for?

They do not know, because they have been here for a year, and they have not left.

"A year has passed. When will the young sir come out?" Asked the solitary cliff.

Lonely night pursed his lips: "the legend of weak water, you don't know. The better the talent, the longer he stays. With Sir Alex's talent, at least he has to stay at the limit of two years

"That's a year to go." The lonely cliff frowns.

"Well, very likely." Lonely night nods.

Muqingge is in it. It's safe. However, they are afraid that during this period of time, there will be changes when there is something about muqingge outside. Even if they have told those who have already come out, they are not allowed to talk nonsense, but there will inevitably be some fish caught in the net.

I'm afraid that after mu Qingge came out, the whole middle ancient world had already known that she was a woman.

"It's supposed to kill everyone." At the bottom of my eyes, I feel cold.

The lonely night family member looked at him and said, "you are making trouble for the little Lord."

If all the people who come to ask questions are dead, but mu Qingge is still alive, how can she explain it to the world? Isn't this pushing her to the top of public opinion?

"Maybe it was because of this consideration that the king didn't give the order to kill the mouth when he left." Lonely night thought in my heart.


In the color space, mu Qingge sits cross legged.

This time, instead of continuing into the beams, she looked at the beams and asked, "how long have I been here?"

"A year and a half." The voice answered her.

"A year and a half..." Mu Qingge droops her eyes. In a year and a half, she saw hundreds of mortals and experienced hundreds of different lives as an onlooker.

These are the lives of ordinary people. They look ordinary, but they are just a drop in the ocean.

However, she still can't understand why to show her this? What does she need to find out from it?

"Go on." Mu Qingge calmed down and entered a beam of light again.

She wanders in the world.

Unconsciously, it has been two years.

"It's been two years, but I still feel it?" In the space, the voice is surprised.

At this time, in addition to the weak water, the last people to come out were Ji Yaoyao, Wei Mo, Ying Ze and Yao Xinghai. The four of them looked at each other as they stood outside the weak water.

"Light song?" Ji asked.

Beside them, there is no figure of moqingge.

Yao Xinghai thought for a while and then replied, "with her talent, she can't come out earlier than us."

"Not to say, weak water asked for two years at most?" Yingze frowns.

"She's very human." Wei Mo Li left four words and left.

Looking at his back, Ji Yao was stunned, and then nodded: "I think what he said is very reasonable. How can light songs be measured by ordinary people's standards? "

"How long will she stay? Will it delay the opening of the tomb? " Yingze asked uneasily.

Yao Xinghai said: "don't worry, she certainly won't forget this matter."

Ji Yaoyao nodded with approval and looked at the two humanists: "since we are going to the Shenmu, we need to be together. What are your plans for the remaining two years? "

Yao Xinghai said: "the weak water asked for two years, the harvest is quite rich. I'll go back to the gate first to see if I can be promoted, and then I'll go to some place to experience the rest of the time. "

Ji Yaoyao looks at Yingze, and the latter nods.

"It seems that everyone agrees," he sighs. That's it. Let's go home and shut up. When we come out, we will contact again. If the time happens, we can experience together. If we can't get together, no one will delay. We will go to experience separately. Then we will meet again in Zhongzhou when the tomb is opened. "



The three hands, stretched out, folded together.

Ji Yaoyao looked at them and said with a smile, "cherish each other and fight for it."

Finally, they left the weak water.

They didn't waste time waiting for muqingge here. However, Ji Yaoyao sent a letter to Luoxing City, telling them that someone wanted to kill mu Qingge. He also reminded them to send someone to wait for muqingge in weak water after investigation, so as to avoid ambush outside.

Hidden in the dark lonely cliff and night, watching three people leave.

The solitary cliff sneered, "with you and me guarding here, who dares to do harm to the young Lord? If you dare to ambush here, kill as many as you can. "

Lonely night laughs: "they are also some kind intention."

"It won't be long. It's estimated that people will come from the star city." The solitary cliff frowned.

"No Lonely night but affirmative way: "did you forget that the king went up to the falling star city? It is estimated that he will arrange some emergency measures for the young sir during her absence. The king will certainly tell the people in the star city that there are two of us here to guard them, and they don't need to rush hereAfter listening to Gu Ye's analysis, Gu Ya nodded in agreement.

He narrowed his eyes and sighed, "now in the weak water, there is only the young sir."


In the colorful world, mu Qingge opens her eyes again. Deep in her eyes at the moment, she is as quiet as a deep pool, flowing with colorful luster like glass.

"How many years?" She spoke slowly.

"Three years." A sharp answer. Even if it tried to cover up, it still shocked mu Qingge.

"Three years..." The murmur of murmur.

"For three years, you are the longest person ever to be here. Do you understand? " The voice asked eagerly.

Mu Qingge nods slowly and shakes his head slowly.

All of a sudden, she burst into a relaxed smile, "I'll ask you a few questions."

"You ask."

"You said that Tao is the heart, and rules are just the means of Tao."

"Not bad."

"In the past three years, I forgot my practice and immersed myself in the mortal world. As a spectator, I saw all the prosperity and vicissitudes of the world. I see, as if it's just a certain person, a certain paragraph. However, after seeing thousands of people, I found that what you want me to see is actually the world? "


Mu Qingge looked up and sighed: "Tao is the heart, the heart of heaven, time, space and infinity."

All of a sudden, her eyes pricked up and she spoke faster --

"you are my heart!"


"The so-called asking is actually asking my heart, what is Tao?"


"Tao is the essence, the source and the hand to control the laws of all things."

"Not bad!"

"Tao can be transformed into thousands of things, and it can also return to its original nature. We should grasp the origin, understand the rules of all things, master where Tao lies, and understand the essence of the universe. Tao is the original heart, nature, and nature..."

Mu light song words, faster and faster, and her space, also began to shake violently.

However, space is like a lens, breaking and collapsing.


Outside the weak water, solitary cliff and lonely night have been waiting for three years.

In three years, Simao came five times, each time waiting for three days outside the weak water, and then left. Every time, there was no word left.

However, they know that their king, worried about the princess, just repressed everything in his heart.


All of a sudden, the lonely cliff frowned, the corner of his mouth began to sneer, and his eyes were full of killing intention. "There's someone who doesn't know what to do."

Lonely night said with a smile, "it's estimated that the little Baron has not been out for a long time. I can't sit still."

"Kill?" He raised his eyebrows and asked.

In the lonely night to nod, suddenly, weak water to both sides separate, out of a shadow.

The woman was red, dazzling and picturesque, exquisite, and hard to describe. She strolled out of the room, each step under the foot, will rise in the foot of an illusory Golden Lotus.

And her momentum, is also constantly climbing.

Lonely cliff and lonely night are shocked to see her. In their perception, her accomplishments are constantly changing.

A lotus blossom, two layers of gold.

Two lotus blossoms, three layers of golden realm

The fourth floor of Jinjing!

The fifth floor of Jinjing!

The sixth floor of Jinjing!

At the foot of her feet, the golden lotus bloomed, and her accomplishments actually broke through from the first floor of the golden realm to the sixth floor of the golden realm!

This scene, stunned lonely cliff and lonely night, also shocked to come to ambush the killer.

The breeze passing by, mixed with a faint sense of killing. Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, his mouth lifted a smile of evil, and slowly opened his mouth: "kill --!"

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