"Since I can't stop your decision, I can only accompany you."

Si Mo's words directly hit the softest place in the heart of Mu light song. A kind of emotion called moving overflows from the crack in his heart.

"Why are you so stupid?" Thousands of words congested in Mu Qingge's heart. In the end, she can only say this sentence.

Si Mo is showing the smile of flourishing age beautiful face, raised a hand to lightly point the nose tip of Mu light song. "Am I stupid? This is the wisest decision I have made

"But, Millennium..." There is a trace of anxiety in Mu Qingge's eyes.

Si Mo but will her into the arms, let her cheek close to the position of his heart, chin gently rub her hair. "Is this not good?" he said? You and I can't live at the same time, but we can die on the same day. Also save a thousand years later, you leave me alone, suffer alone. You don't have to be afraid of the fear after a thousand years. I will always be with you. "

Mu Qingge felt her throat choked and her eyes slightly wet.

She always felt that she was a merciless person, never easily moved, nor sentimental. But at this moment, she was defeated.

She took off all the pride of a warrior, like ordinary women, quietly nestled in her man's arms, feeling the shelter and warmth from men.

Si Mo's words, let her speechless.

Even, she was bewitched by his words and felt that such an ending was the best.

Blue light, shrouded in two people. From Si Mo appeared, too first Zun did not speak to Mu Qingge again. He seemed to be suddenly silent and disappeared.

The blue light directly affects their souls.

That kind of pain is more than the strongest physical pain, but also thousands of times the pain, let mu Qingge can not help but issued a light "Oh" voice.

As soon as she made such a sound, Si Mo hugged her more tightly and whispered in her ear: "no pain, no pain."

Men's soft voice comfort, as in placating children. The indulgence in the tone makes mu Qingge feel funny. He was suffering the same pain, but he could comfort her as if nothing had happened.

All of a sudden, the blue light, like a flame, was burning.

The pain of soul tearing came without warning. This makes Mu light song and Si Mo can't help but hum. However, they held each other closer, unwilling to let go.

The two people in the blue light, so that the tomb of the public to detect the wrong.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

At this time, mu Qingge and Si Mo both felt that their souls were burning and sacrificing.

A clear and crisp sound suddenly rose around them.

The blue light that enveloped them was broken like a lens and disappeared. And the place where the two men stood, issued a very dazzling light, from the border spread out, shrouded in the whole tomb.

In the blink of an eye, the light disappears.

Both the two in the border and the hundreds in the tomb disappeared.


Mu Qingge staggered for a while, then fell into a familiar and warm embrace.

"Be careful." Si Mo's voice, rings in her ear.

Mu Qingge stood firm after lifting eyes, found himself back to the previous tomb heart, too first respected coffin storage place. The illusory figure is still sitting on the throne in front of the coffin, and in the palm of his hand, he holds the spirit of chaos.

"Congratulations, you've passed." Taiyi revered opening his mouth.

It's over!

Mu Qingge was a little surprised. She quickly checked it and found that there was no sacrifice mark in her soul. Even, the damaged souls were all restored, which was condensed a little bit compared with before.

She is shocked to see Si Mo, and Si Mo is a few can not check nodded.

Obviously, he has also checked his soul, and the situation should be the same as muqingge.

Their two souls were not damaged, too first Zun told her, she passed the customs?

"I don't understand. It's very respectful." Mu Qingge looks at the empty shadow of Tai Yi's first reverence and says frankly.

"Tai Yishi Zun?" Si Mo hears Mu light song words, the line of sight also moved to that empty shadow, Po SE's eyes slowly narrowed up, seems to be thinking of something.

In his eyes, he knew who the shadow was!

He is the first and only master of chaos in the records.

"Don't ask me, I don't know why. This is chaos's own decision. " At the beginning, he respected the direct way.

Chaos's own decision?

Mu Qingge is a little surprised.

She couldn't believe it.

However, Tai Yi Zun gently raised his hand, chaos God slowly toward Mu light song and flew directly into her eyebrows. It was not until the chaos entered her brow that she believed it was true.Up to now, she has to express her emotion that the process of getting the chaotic divinity is really She didn't know how to describe it.

"No one knows what chaos is. In those days, we didn't rely on this kind of thing. But when you start to use this talent, you can improve it. Gradually, the offspring of reproduction, with this thing. What is it? I prefer to call it a realm. " Tai Yi respected the slow way.

This words, said Mu light song and Si Mo are some inexplicable.

Si Mo, in particular, is the Lord of the devil Kingdom and has existed for tens of thousands of years. In his understanding, both the deity and the devil are born from the two families of gods and demons. He has never heard of this remark made by taiyizun, let alone seen it in any ancient books.

"Realm..." Mu light song whispers these two words, eyes full of thinking.

She also did not understand what she had said at first, but it did not prevent her from writing it down.

"You two, good You can do it yourself. " When taishizun finished speaking, the shadow on the throne turned into nothingness and disappeared. In the whole tomb chamber, the brilliance seemed to fade down.

"It's a great honor!" Mu light song light cry way.

She felt that she still had a lot of questions and wanted to consult taishizun here.

However, her voice dropped, but her hand was caught by Si Mo and said to her, "he has gone."


Mu Qingge has some loss in her heart, which seems to be caused by too much unknown. Although, she is not sure now, this kind of unknown tracing the origin, what does it mean. However, since she had doubts in her heart, she wanted it very much.

"Let's go." Si Mo to Mu light song road.

"Wait a minute." Mu Qingge holds Si Mo's wrist with his backhand and puts his fingers on her pulse.

This exploration pulse, her face a heavy, lift eyes to look at him, blame way: "you are really hurt, you can't do nothing about it?"

Is it so easy to break through the tomb of Shizun?

I don't know if it's the boundary between Shizun and chaos. Is it easy to enter?

This man, who was obviously injured, pretended to be innocent. If she did not know how to make alchemy, he would deceive him.

"Take it." Mu light song took out a healing pill directly into the mouth of Si mo.

Si Mo did not resist, but obediently took the pills in the mouth. Her eyes were full of tenderness.

"May I go?" Take pills, Si Mo asked again.

He didn't want to continue to stay here. After all, it was the place where the dead stayed. The people who were alive had better not stay here too long.

"Wait a minute." However, mu Qingge refused.

In the man's puzzled eyes, mu Qingge looked at the stone that looked like jade but not jade, and asked, "do you know what this is? I feel that it contains a kind of power similar to spirit stone, but different from spirit stone. "

"It's called Shenyu. It's the currency of the four seas and gods in the land of gods and demons, and it's also a training resource. Its use is similar to spirit stone. After entering the land of gods and demons, the spiritual power in the body will be transformed. The supernatural power is in the land of four seas and the magic power is in the realm of too wild demons. The stone in Taihuang's devil Kingdom, called magic jade, is black Si Mo smile to Mu light song explanation.

"Magic jade and magic jade!" Mu Qingge murmured.

Si Mo nodded his head and said: "in the records, there are spiritual veins in the mountains and seas. The veins produce black and white stones, which contain the yuan power of heaven and earth, and can be cultivated."

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, heart thoroughly understand.

"Since it's such a treasure, there are so many here. It's a waste to leave it unattended. I and taiyizun, how to say also intersect a scene, we can see that he is not a extravagant and wasteful person. When I leave, I will take them away and let them make the best use of them. It is better to stay here and spend my time in vain. " Mu Qingge's serious nonsense gives him a good reason to "steal a tomb.".

Simao was amused in his heart, but he was willing to cooperate with him. He nodded and said, "well, xiaoge'er is right. It's also a waste to stay here, and it's a merit to take them out. "

"You think it makes sense, don't you?" Mu light song eyes light flashing, the way of cheerful expression.

Simao nodded with a smile, a pair of eyes doting on her.

"In that case, I'm not polite." Mu light song finish, raise a hand a wave, the God jade floor in the tomb chamber all draw out, into the space.

When she pulled out the floor, she found that the floor spread in the tomb room was not a thin piece as imagined, but six feet thick and as high as one person!

"Developed!" Mu light song eyes burst out of the hot essence, speed up the speed to put away these God jade.

All of a sudden, the tomb of Shizun began to shake violently.

Mu Qingge's face changed and he lost his voice: "it's not because I took away these floors."

Si Mo shook his head and said with a smile: "it has nothing to do with you. It is the end of the overlapping time between the tomb and the devil tomb. Now the two places should be separated again.""The seperation of the tomb and the tomb? That is to say, Shizun's tomb will disappear again! " Mu Qingge muttered.

Then the two of them were shrouded in two beams from the sky, which took them away from here.

At the same time, in the overlap of the sacred tomb and the magic tomb, every place, where there is a human figure, will fall from the sky and absorb people.

Previously, in Shizun's tomb, mu Qingge and Simao were brought into the tomb chamber in the center of the tomb, while others were sent out of the tomb and scattered around the overlapping places.

They were still in a daze and were sucked away without knowing what had happened.

When they get down to earth again, they find that they have returned to their own places.

However, with some of the previous companions, also separated.

For example, Xi Qianxue is with Ji Yaoyao at the moment. But Ying Ze, Wei Mo and Yao Xinghai were not there.

Mu Qingge and Si Mo are hand-held and reappear.

"God's tomb." Si Mo see the scene in front of him, good-looking eyebrow gently raised.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes to see him and joked, "is it the first time that you have come to visit the sacred tomb?"

Si Mo Mou in smile nods, "Tuo princess's blessing."

Although it was just a blink of an eye, both of them had a feeling of survival and cherished each other more.

"Stinky girl, you are here Suddenly, a discordant voice, inserted in.

The tone is obviously aimed at moqingge.

Si Mo mouth corner still contain smile, the eye is a cold. He turned his eyes slowly and looked at the three legged golden crow standing in front of them, clutching a crutch and limping one leg.

"Who is he?"

Mu Qingge sneered and sarcastically said, "an old bird that can't be thrown away."

Three feet of gold black smell a change of face, breath gloomy down.

Si Mo light a smile, if nothing happened to Mu light song way: "since can't throw off, directly killed."

"Yes, but I can't beat him." Mu Qingge nods and smiles.

Si Mo pet drowned with a smile: "it doesn't matter, there is me."

Two people as if no one else talking, angry with three feet, five features ferocious.

"You two are just


Unfortunately, before he finished his words, the whole person burst out and turned into a cloud of blood mist, dead without warning. And Mo song is still not moving, and the division is not moving.

Mu light song smacks tongue, envious looking at him way: "when, I can be as powerful as you?"

"Si Mo smiles comforts," very quickly, my small Song son is very strong. "

"You go back. You are always the Lord of the devil kingdom. If you are found by the protoss, you will have a reason to attack you." Mu light song to Si Mo road.

Si Mo did not refuse, nodded: "good, you are all careful."

Si Mo left, three days time flash demerit. As soon as the time came, everyone was sent out of the tomb

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