After mu Qingge was sent out of the tomb, when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had been sent to the outer city of sky city.

Sky city is like floating on the clouds and standing on the floating boulders. It seems that there is a vast field outside the city. In fact, when you go to the edge, you will be a cliff. Once you fall down, you will be broken into pieces.

There was no one else around her.

She stood alone on the ground, with grass at her feet and a breeze around her fingertips. In the distance, the outline of the city wall of sky city looms, and there is no trace of shelter between them.

Mu Qingge raised his hand to empty play on his clothes and robes, carelessly stained with grass foam, raised his eyes to look around.

There's no one left.

"Qingge, where are you?" In my mind, suddenly came the voice of white.

They had already entered into a contract with each other in the name of master and servant. As long as they are not too far away, they can communicate through spiritual interaction.

"White tiger!" Mu Qingge's heart move, immediately respond.

At the beginning, she went into the tomb and ordered them to return to Luoxing city. After they returned to Luoxing City, she sent Bailin and Zhuo to meet her. It seems that she has arrived now.

Where is she?

Mu Qingge looked around for a week and responded in his heart, "I have left the tomb, and now I should be outside the sky city."

At this time, a red sun slowly fell, the afterglow on her body, as if plated with a layer of Orange gold. She looked up and saw the setting sun slowly falling towards the sky.

"I'm in the West." Muqingge gives the exact position.

"OK, wait for us. We'll be there soon." White immediately said.

At the end of the exchange, mu Qingge stood in the same place with negative hands, enjoying the beautiful scenery of sunset. The trip to Shenmu was finished in a hurry. What happened during this period was unexpected.

Simply, her goal is to achieve.

It's just

"Why didn't you find the ancestor's divinity in the tomb? Did you not find it or did not? " A little doubt flashed in Mu Qingge's heart.

This silk doubt, did not pester her for too long, then was put down by her.

She wondered if the old man Longsheng had finally found the colorful divinity? Huangfuhuan and their return to the tomb safely, and can they find their own demons?

Separated from Ji Yaoyao, where are they now?

The grass under her feet was knee length, thick and luxuriant. As soon as the breeze passes, the grass bends down neatly, layer by layer, like waves on the sea.

The setting sun, the golden light, everything here is plated with a layer of gold, magnificent and gorgeous, dazzling.

Mu light song mood, also with the ups and downs of the green grass, and more calm.

She seems to suddenly enter a state of emptiness, can feel the direction of the wind, the lines on the grass, the veins of the earth, the law of the sunset

This feeling is so mysterious that she seems to forget herself and become a cloud, a gust of wind, a blade of grass, or a ray of sunshine, and blend into the surrounding scenery.

She was immersed in this mysterious state, trying to understand the growth of all things, the way of movement, the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty.

Suddenly, however, an invasion broke this mysterious feeling.

Originally, mu Qingge's eyebrows are comfortable and comfortable, her mouth is light, and she integrates herself into it. Those who do not conform to the current state of force, suddenly burst in, so that her eyebrows light frown, the corner of her mouth curved arc also slightly coagulation, the beautiful outstanding facial features, gradually become cold.

Clear eyes, slowly out of the ethereal state, was wrapped by cold.

Her red lips light open: "since already came, why sneak?" Her voice, like the ripples of the waves, advanced layer by layer and reached the farthest place.

In her voice behind, from a very far away place in the grass, majestic jump up a line of figures.

They were black, with black cloaks on their shoulders, and half Eagle dove masks on their faces. They looked fierce. In their hands, they hold the long knife tightly, hold their shoulders high, and the back of the knife is shining with cold light. Even the glory of the setting sun can not dispel the coldness above.

There are three or four hundred of these people. They are all shining with pure gold. They are all high-level masters in the Golden State! And all the way to her was blocked.

After these three or four hundred people, there is still a person standing in the four sides. The four men were as motionless as a mountain, and their momentum was not weak. Even, compared with the momentum brought by the hundreds of Golden State, people can not ignore it.

Their faces, with half masks, are different from those before. It outlines the mysterious and magnificent patterns, which are more delicate.

"A strong man in the period of robbery!" Mu Qingge's eyes are shining, and the lotus seal on her brow flashed a lustre of enchantment. The lotus seal appears on her forehead, adding to her charm and charm.

Three or four hundred people are in a high-level Golden State, and four old monsters in the robbery period have finished their work.

Mu Qingge's heart gave a cold smile, "the temple has been entangled again and again, and its capital is getting bigger and bigger."Three or four hundred people came to Mu Qingge in an instant and surrounded her with a distance of more than 20 Zhang.

The dense crowd blocked her sight. However, she could feel that the four old monsters were approaching quickly.

Four empty shadows flicker, divided into four directions, standing in the surrounding circle, facing mu Qingge.

"Mu Qingge, hand over the incinerator, maybe you can still save your life." One of the robbers spoke. As soon as you open your mouth, go straight to the point.

Mu Qingge sneered and sarcastically said, "the temple is really shameless."

Originally, she planned to calculate the debts of pursuing and killing with the temple after she came out of the sacred tomb. Now that they come to the temple, how can she give up?

"Five spiritual roots!" All of a sudden, on her right hand, came a surprise.

The old queer who stood on her right side, noticed the lotus seal in Mu Qingge's eyebrows, and his face suddenly changed.

His casual reminder made everyone pay attention to Mu Qingge's eyebrow, the faint, but seductive lotus seal.

Sure enough, the perfect integration of the above five spiritual roots shocked them immensely!

In the world, there are five kinds of spiritual roots at the same time, and the five kinds of spiritual roots are so perfect?!

They are really hard to believe!

Greed, desire, began to emerge from the eyes behind many masks.

"Ha ha ha ha! God help me too! I didn't expect that there would be extra gains in this mission. I'm not greedy about these five spiritual roots. Just one kind is good! " On the left side of Mu Qingge, the old weirdo during the robbery period opens with a strange smile.

He was frank and frank, and said his greed directly.

And in the Mu light song behind that, also light smile, open a way: "in this case, I am not polite. I want one of these five spiritual roots. "

"If you both want it, how can I get nothing?" The old monster who first discovered her five kinds of spiritual roots also grinned grimly.

However, the words, these people, as if nothing happened to Mu light song of the spirit of the root.

Mu light song heart sneer unceasingly, look at these people's talk with banter in the eyes. In my heart, I was communicating with him and asked where they were now.

Knowing that they would arrive soon, mu Qingge said to the five people, "shut up. I won't hand in the incinerator. And my spiritual root, you have no share of the blessings. "

Her words, so that the four people's expression, instant convergence, laughter also stopped.

Four pairs of eyes, looking at her gloomy.

"Well, that's a big voice." One of them is humanity.

"Young, but arrogant. If you are so arrogant, you will only suffer from the consequences. " Another man followed with sarcasm.

"I don't know how to flatter you. I want to die!" One sneered and sneered.

"A little mole ant, but also delusional? Joke

The four old monsters, as they had agreed, took turns to satirize and admire light songs. If these words can be turned into sharp swords, they may wish to use them to poke holes in muqingsong.

Mu Qingge slightly raised his chin, under their verbal attack, the expression remained calm and indifferent.

She spoke slowly. "I thought the temple represented the most holy place in the middle ages. It turns out that the temple represents the dirtiest area in the medieval world. In it, a group of greedy, selfish, vicious, dirty rats are kept. In the shadow of the sun, they do things like crowing and stealing. Don't respect such a temple! Disrespectful! Don't accept it! "

Three do not accept, she said sonorous, firm, very imposing.

In an instant, mu Qingge's image is tall and tall, her straight back, proud in the sky, regardless of the boundaries of heaven and earth, want to rush out of this piece of heaven and earth.

The Golden State of three or four hundred yuan, under her momentum, actually rose a little timid in her heart and stepped back a step.

Seeing this, the four old monsters at the time of crossing the river looked at each other, and at the same time took a step forward to resist the natural momentum of Mu Qingge.

Mu light song takes back the eyes light, the clear eye light falls on them four people, disdains a smile.

"You really don't do it!" One of them, the voice of the road.

"No!" Mu Qingge refused without hesitation.

"Well, if you are, don't blame us." The old monster raised his hand and seemed to order the killers of Jinjing to rush in.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly he began to sing.

Hundreds of people who were ready to move were stopped.

One of them sneered, "what? You know you're scared? "

Mu light song but a light smile, the corner of the mouth hook up the curved arc, with sometimes no smile. "Now that you've torn your face, you should put your name in the newspaper, too? Do you have no name in the temple

"Don't provoke!" Drink it hard.

Smart, but you should know what is the consequence of another person? But it's nothing. You're destined to die here today. You don't have to know our name. ""Who dares to hurt her --" All of a sudden, a burst of drink came from the distance, like thunder in the sky, shaking people's ears to be deaf! , the fastest update of the webnovel!