"Who dares to hurt her --" In the distance, came a burst of drink.

The sound, like thunder in the sky, shocked people's ears to be deaf. The elixir field was surging, and the spiritual power in the body was almost uncontrollable.

Then, two figures, with a very fast speed, appeared beside mu Qingge.

How did they break into the siege?

The speed is amazing!

"Who are you! Don't mind your own business An old monster during the robbery period drank. It seems that he wants to use such words to prevent the sudden two people from interfering.

However, as soon as his voice fell, he showed a ferocious smile, and the tattooed face on his lips was even more terrifying. He asked mu Qingge, "girl, did you kill me?"

Naturally, the people who come here are Bai Lin and Yu who come to meet the light song.

At this time, white guard in Mu light song side, pretty face full of killing and cold.

And she is standing in front of two people, the figure of Mu Qingge completely blocked. His eyes are full of sarcasm. Although he is asking about the meaning of Mu Qingge, his killing intention in his body is already ready to move.

Mu Qingge stood behind him, hearing his words, the corners of his mouth outlined a faint, but extremely cold smile.

She slowly way: "kill, then kill." The casual tone was almost like gossip.

"Hum, ignorant little man, arrogant!" As soon as she opened her mouth, one of the old monsters during the robbery period sneered. He admired the calm of light song, hated her for her ignorance of heaven and earth, and ridiculed her arrogance.

He did not understand that he had met many people in his life. Arrogant young people are not uncommon. Why, why is he only angry with mu Qingge? It seems that what she said is not a matter of speaking fast, but a fact.

Mu Qingge came out from behind, shaking his head and smiling.

Surrounded by hundreds of people, she did not show any timidity or panic. With her clear eyes, she looked directly at the four old monsters who surrounded her during the hijacking period and said slowly: "arrogant and ignorant? No, it's not that I'm arrogant and ignorant, but that you are so stupid. "

"What are you talking about?"

"Say it again!"

"Hum! Sharp teeth and sharp mouth

"You want to die!"

The four said at the same time.

Obviously, they didn't understand the meaning of the words.

Mu Qingge's eyes appear a bit dull, she has no patience with them to continue to entangle. "Kill it, clean up the action," she said to Bai Lin and Lin

Already impatient to wait for two people, hear her this sentence, immediately move up.

However, what they rushed at was not the four old monsters who had passed through the robbery period, but the killers of the golden realm! All of a sudden the scene was in confusion.

"Ridiculous, you think you three can stop so many of us?" One of them snorted coldly.

Mu light song but smile strangely, calm response: "who said, we only have three people?"

After that, she raised her hand and two magic puppets appeared around her.

These two magic puppets, however, had higher cultivation than all the people in the middle ancient world. As soon as they appeared, the momentum of crushing everything immediately reached the extreme, which made the four people suddenly feel panic.

"They are..."

They did not find that their voices were shaking.

Mu light song eyes a squint, deep voice orders, "kill them four people."

When the two magic puppets heard her command, their indifferent eyes had been replaced by killing intention when they raised their eyes. Without any hesitation, they rushed to the four.

One man and two are more than enough.

And Mu light song at the moment, also took out the exquisite gun, joined the battle.

Just now, she laughed at the four people's stupidity. It was not a lie, but a fact. Because, in front of the strong during the period of plunder, no matter how many golden territory, there is no fear.

Did the four of them come to surround her with so many golden realms just to make up her head? To look more aggressive?

Mu Qingge's heart is funny.

I'm afraid that the people in the temple have not had time to know that she has already broken through the Golden State in the divine tomb, entered the robbery period, and successfully passed a thunder robbery.

Otherwise, how to explain their shocked expression when they saw the lotus print on their eyebrows?

Therefore, they thought that it was necessary for them to surround her with four old monsters in the period of crossing the river with hundreds of gold territory. However, every move is lost.

In the face of Mu Qingge, Bai Lin and Yu, Jin Jing is as fragile as porcelain.

One by one, the killers fell down, and the four old monsters during the robbery period were looking at each other, but they could not help it.

They can't protect themselves. They can't help at all.

Mu Qingge's Linglong gun directly penetrates the defense of the two killers. From the position of the heart, it pierces them and puts them together. They were killed in an instant.

On the other side, she is more cruel than her. She will not leave a whole body. Baijina, the most artistic kill, does not see a bit of blood, but under the skin, there is no intact bone.The screams before death came one after another.

I'm afraid they don't understand that it's a very simple task with a good chance. How could it be defeated?

For mu Qingge, the end of the battle has been doomed, and the result has already been in her heart.

Even if Bai Xuan and Yu didn't arrive, she would have worked hard at most. The battle was a bit hard, and the outcome would not change.

"This is the outskirts of SkyCity. It's too close to the temple. We need to make a quick decision." Mu Qingge and Bai Lin Dao.

If the news came back to the temple, I'm afraid they would send someone to help and even put some hats on her!

White and black heart in the light, hand action also accelerated a few minutes.

On the other side of the battlefield, an old monster was crushed to death, even unable to fight back.

"Ah A man was killed by a sharp arrow made by the magic power of the puppet and pierced his chest directly.

Seeing the death of his companions, all of his subordinates became the soul of the sword one by one. One of the tough old monsters during the robbery period wanted to blow himself up in order to turn the situation around.

However, as soon as his action was made, he was detected by the magic puppet!

The magic puppet rushed to him and instantly came to him. He was scared to breathe in his chest and his eyes widened. The next moment, the magic puppet stretched out his palms and directly crushed him.

The old monster in the puppet's hand is like a doll. It will be broken in the blink of an eye.

There were only two left in the moment.

The two men, seeing the tragic death of their companions, but mu Qingge's side did not hurt, and their hearts were greatly shocked. Look at each other, they will tacit understanding of the two sides to escape.

However, as soon as the two fled, the magic puppet pursued them closely and pursued them respectively.

Mu Qingge three people, cooperate with each other, the great kill special kill, even let these killers have no chance to blow themselves up.


Two loud noises came from two places.

This sound, through the clouds, to the sky in the empty city.

In the heart of sky city, in the temple, God Zun was meditating with his eyes closed, waiting for the news that the people he sent out triumphantly.

The two loud noises, coming from afar, floated into his ears and made him frown slightly.

"Well?" He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and calculating.

"Somebody." If there is a God's servant, please come forward and listen.

"Send someone to find out what happened." The LORD commanded.

I'm afraid the people he sent out have already succeeded in making such a big noise. But it must have disturbed the people of other families in the sky city. As a temple, it is natural for them to act like gods.

"Yes." The messenger was ordered to step down.

In the suburbs west of sky city, after the big bang, mu Qingge three people also killed all the remaining killers in Jinjing, and none of them left.

The magic puppet quickly returned to Mu Qingge. She waved her hand and collected them into the space.

Just finished, they safely felt the distant sky city, rising several terrible breath, is approaching this side.

Mu Qingge gazed at the direction of the sky city, and said to Bai Lin and Lin, "the fight here has already attracted the attention of sky city. We can't give the temple an excuse to catch me. Let's leave first."

After that, she released the small color in the space. The small color grew with the wind. Moqingge and Bai Dan and Yu jumped on its back together. Xiaocai fluttered its wings and flew into the clouds, and left in the distance.

returns to the fastest way of falling star city, leaving behind the battle in the sky city, but now she dare to conclude that the sky city is already full of eyeliner, so long as she appears, she will be known by the temple.

Therefore, simply leave, go to other cities, and then go through the transmission array.

Mu Qingge stood on the back of Xiaocai and stood with a negative hand. The breeze swept away the haze in her heart. There was only one between her and the temple.

"Light song, next, do you want to play big?" Bai Yu asked. She followed mu Qingge for many years, accompanied her all the way from Linchuan, watching her from the bottom to the top.

In her eyes, moqingge has already been omnipotent, and no one can beat it down. Isn't it like playing in a temple?

Mu Qingge's mouth is light, his eyes are half narrowed, "if you want to fight, you can fight. The temple has touched my bottom line many times. Before, it was because of the most urgent matter of the tomb that they were ignored. Now, in my last days in the middle ages, I have a good fight with this force which has existed for many years! The wind, when it comes, is always going to be up! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" He burst out laughing. He looked at Xiangmu light song and said, "girl, I just like your temper and my appetite. If you fight, you can break the temple. It's just the running dogs of the Protoss. A group of servile things, still want to bully? I've been so bored these years that I'm just killing time with the temple. "

His words make mu Qingge show a faint smile.

"Chuo --!" Xiaocai Qingxiao, with three people away from the sky city.Not long after they left, the strong men who came from the sky city came in a hurry. When they saw the blood in the grass and the corpses all over the ground, they were surprised.

One of them sighed a long time and said in a meaningful way: "the middle ancient world, it will be windy again."

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