"What! All are dead! "

In the sky city, in the temple, the deity was furious. His eyes, which were peaceful and noble, were full of Yin sting at the moment.

However, this look, seems to be more suitable for him, and will not make people feel incompatible with his holy appearance. As if, before his image, is disguised.

In the hall, a group of people knelt on their knees.

Look at their clothes. They are all from the temple.

In the wrath of God, no one dared to gasp or even make a little noise.

In the distance, a graceful figure came and saw the scene in the palace from afar. Her heart moved, but she did not continue to move forward after the pillar hidden in one side.

She came to report her achievements to her master after she came out of the sacred tomb.

However, the present situation does not seem suitable for her to go out, so let's wait here for a while.

"Bucket! Bucket! It's all rice God roared, the momentum of his body was not polite to the people kneeling on the ground.

Kneeling on the ground, he was overturned momentum, but did not dare to say a word.

Xi Qianxue hid in the dark and carefully restrained his breath. He didn't want to be found out. However, he was very surprised. He didn't know why his master suddenly became so angry.

"Again and again! I believe you again and again, what is the result? The whole army has been destroyed again and again! Now, just outside the sky city, right under our noses, sending so many experts still can't change this result? Who of you can tell me why! " With a wave of his hand, the lampstand beside him suddenly fell apart and scattered on the ground.

The loud noise made people shiver on the ground, buried their heads lower, and tried to reduce their sense of existence.

God Zun's face was gloomy and terrifying. His dark eyes swept the people on the ground and said in a sharp voice: "say! Why can't a mole ant be killed! "

Ants! Yes, ants!

In his eyes, moqingge is just an ant, unable to compete with the temple.

However, it is this mole ant who has repeatedly encountered a wall and suffered the greatest humiliation in his life.

God told down the task, see that there is hope to complete, he can also in front of God. However, a few years later, he sent a batch of people, all of them failed. The most important thing is that he lost many of his staff.

He has seen mu Qingge in person, and he uses both hard and soft.

He didn't understand. It was just a woman. Why could he be defeated at the expense of others?

"Don't be angry

"Don't be angry

"Don't be angry

They all went to their knees.

Today's Mu Song doesn't care whether they can save their lives.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when you are here However, God did not stop his anger. Instead, he said angrily, "you are all useless people."

He pointed to one of them and asked, "you! I asked you to arrange someone to go to Linchuan and capture all her family members. What's the result now? "

The person named, shivering, cautiously said: "back Report back to God She She seems to have expected that God would do so, so she specially arranged for people to stay with her relatives and friends. The people we sent could not get close to them. "

"A bunch of rubbish! What can you do from the barren land of Linchuan God reveres the angry way.

The man raised his head trembling with fear in his voice: "but But The people around her family are too strong. Our people, after going down, the realm is suppressed in the purple realm peak, is not the opponent of those people at all. All the people we sent down are already The whole army The whole army is destroyed... "

With that, he quickly lowered his head and did not dare to face the angry and ferocious twisted face of the God.

"You are useless! Damn it After that, shenzun raised his hand, five fingers into claws, grabbed the man in the void, and the man was immediately absorbed into the air, as if he had been pinched by the neck, struggling desperately.

"God forgive me! God forgive me! Give me another chance! God, spare your life The man was desperate for mercy.

However, God Zun was indifferent and did not move at all.

The man did not want to give up, and said in a hurry: "God, God, I have served for many years, and there is no merit or hard work. Please give me another chance!"

The holy face of God is full of grim smile. His voice was not as warm as sunshine, but as gloomy as a ghost. "Opportunity? You don't have a chance. "

When he caught his neck in the air, his eyes suddenly widened and filled with horror and reluctance.


God, he didn't have a chance to ask for mercy.

His body, in the middle of the hall, suddenly exploded, blood spilled all over the ground, like a blood rain fell on the kneeling people's body, the smell of blood, filled the whole space.Holy as jade palace, those blood color, especially dazzling.

Hiding in the dark Xi Qianxue was stunned. She opened her lips slightly and her eyes were filled with disbelief.

She knew the man killed by her master. Moreover, since she was very young, she has been working for the temple for a long time. She has always been loyal and kind to her. Every time I see her, she is smiling and respectful.

However, this man was killed by her master without hesitation.

"Linchuan? Go to Linchuan to arrest people? Who is it? Who are you going to threaten? " Xi Qianxue's mind, constantly emerging just heard the information, her heart suddenly inexplicably jump up.

It seems that she knows something she shouldn't know.

However, she did not immediately leave, but continued to stand in the same place, feet as if injected with lead water general, motionless.

"See? This is the end of no use God Zun killed people, but did not feel guilty. He was as proud as a God and looked down at his subordinates on the ground. They were covered with blood, but no one dared to erase the blood and meat on their faces.

"Now tell me, how many times have you dealt with the guy who acted secretly and wanted to ask for credit behind my back and died in Jiuquan Grottoes?" God reveres cold hum.

His eyes, like knives, fall on the back of each.

No one dares to resist that momentum. He can only open his mouth, "once in Jiuquan grottoes, twice in weak water, once in Shenmu, once in Tiancheng Sky city once... "

"One Five times... "

Kneeling in the crowd, there are two slightly higher status people uneasy to speak.

The more they talk about it, the less it will be.

But, still hear clearly by Xi Qianxue. In her heart, she was shocked. What Jiuquan Grottoes once, weak water twice, God tomb once, sky city once These words made her thinking clear gradually.

"The man they want to kill is mu Qingge! Those who want to catch are the relatives of Qingsong! Light songs come from Linchuan, not from the middle ages. " In an instant, Xi Qianxue understood everything.

However, to her surprise, she did not expect that muqingge was chased once in the sky city just after they came out of the tomb.

"How is Qingge now? Did you get hurt? Is it safe now? Have you returned to Los Angeles? " Xi Qianxue asked himself quickly in his heart.

At this time, she listened to her master: "you know five times, but you can't finish the task five times! Today, just under my nose, I still let her run away! What do you say? "

What to do?

Kneeling people, you look at me, I look at you, do not dare to easily squeak.

God did not seem to place his hope on them. He sneered and the calculation light in his eyes became more and more obvious. "Since she doesn't know how to flatter her, let her have a good look, what will happen if she offends the temple. An announcement was immediately issued that the Lord of Luoxing City, mu Qingge, had an ambiguous relationship with the evil cult in the tomb. In order to stabilize the peace of the middle ancient world, the temple decided to attack Luoxing city and arrest muqingge! "

Xi Qianxue suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't believe to look at his master.

Today's master, to her, is really too strange!

Kneeling a person, uneasily raised his head, carefully said: "God God, such a crime, I'm afraid Not enough... " Not enough.

God's eyes narrowed and sneered: "how to do, do you still need me to teach you?"

His point immediately made the kneeling people realize.

Yes, do you need to be more specific? It's not that they haven't done such a thing. They have already experienced it for a long time.

"If you still make mistakes this time, you'll all show me your head!" God put down his cruel words.


Hearing these facts quietly, Xi Qianxue was shocked and retreated quietly. However, what she didn't know was that when she left, the God's eyes seemed to have glanced at her hiding place intentionally or unintentionally.


It is night. It is said that in the sky city, a demon monk appears and secretly breaks into the temple. He is found by the God servant and killed on the spot.

It's night. It's said that many families in the sky city have traces of magic cultivation. As a result, they are all killed one by one.

In the night, the four continents in the southeast and Northwest were full of evil figures, burning, killing and looting. They committed all kinds of crimes, which made people panic and anger hard to calm down.

All of a sudden, there are so many magic cults, and the spearhead points to the falling star city.


The wind is rising.

When mu Qingge was ready to move in the temple, when the wind and cloud were surging, he finally returned to the falling star city with Bai Yu and Yu.

However, as soon as she arrived at the city Lord's mansion, she noticed the solemnity of the atmosphere and the seriousness of people's expressions.

"What happened?" Mu light song eyes flash, pick eyebrow to ask a way.

"Qingge, you are back. Look at these things. This is our intelligence network, which has just been collected from Wuzhou. It seems that this time, the temple is going to change its strategy and not to use it secretly. " Silver dust will have been ready in the hands of the information, directly delivered to the Mu light singer.Mu light song took over, looked down quickly.

She has always read at a glance and read very fast.

But in a few minutes, she had all the above content, word for word in mind. She gave the information back to Yinchen, with a sneer on her lips, and her clear eyes swept over the men standing in front of her, such as Moyang, Youhe, Huayue, Fuya, xuanya, the high priest, xuankui, Muchen, and mupeng. Slowly way: "the temple can't sit still, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" Mo Yang's crisp answer.

Youhe and Huayue looked at each other with a smile, and said in the same voice, "we are not afraid of anything if we have the little Lord here."

At the same time, she and xuanya also said: "swear to fight with the little Lord!"

"Shao Zhu, xuankui is willing to be a vanguard general and fight for Shao Zhu in all directions!" Xuankui states that he carries his sniper gun behind him, which makes him more powerful.

Everyone is expressing their own attitude, without hesitation, reluctance or timidity.

Even the white and the silver dust, who followed mu Qingge, told her with their eyes that they would accompany her and would not leave in any case.

The high priest finally said, "I will write a letter now, let duledo send troops to enter the middle ancient world and help the little Lord."

"I'll fix the books immediately, too!" Xuan Ya also immediately said.

Mu Qingge nodded, his eyes half narrowed, and whispered: "it's time for the adherents of the two places to gather. This war should be the running in between us. If we can't pass this level, we don't have to dream about returning to the land of gods and demons for revenge. "

We must fight.

She didn't know how long it would take. Maybe soon, maybe for years, or even longer. This is a good opportunity to break in, whether it is the bitter sea or desert survivors, have been unfamiliar with each other for too long.

We need an opportunity to get to know each other and get to know each other again.

At present, the opportunity is very good!

"Silver dust, Moyang." Mu light song eye light one Lin, to two humanity.

Yinchen and Moyang immediately stood in front of her to listen.

"To release news to wuzhoutianxia, just say After a moment's pause, she sneered: "the temple is holy and merciless, conceals evil and conceals filth. It regards all the people in the world as cudgel dogs. It's for one's own personal gain that I've never been afraid of Luoxing city! From now on, I will fall into the Star City, and my moqingge and the temple will be irreconcilable, and the war will officially begin

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