Outside the falling star city, the old queer who came from Linggen and divinity is like an insurmountable barrier on the post road outside the city gate.

They secretly agreed to surround the star city and cut off all the entrances and exits. They wanted to trap mu Qingge in it and force it to compromise.

In the city Lord's house, Mo Yang walked with a dignified face and saluted the muqingge who was sitting on the city Lord's seat. "Sir, those people are all around the city. They want to isolate the city."

Mu light song a few can not be checked nodded, hand to read the file, the tone of calm and indifferent way: "follow them."

"But, sir, it's no way to go on like this." Mo Yang frowned.

Mu light song's eye light lifted from the file in his hand, his clear sight fell on Moyang, and inexplicably smoothed the impatience in his heart. "Can't we be self-sufficient in falling star city?"

Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang pursed his lips and shook his head: "no, falling star city can be self-sufficient."

So, Mu light song takes back the eye light again, at will way: "that you still worry about what? It's a good thing that there are so many watchdog dogs for free

"They're not trying to help us, they're trying to help you, sir." Mo Yang hated the voice. "Damn it, I don't know who leaked the news that the LORD was carrying five spiritual roots, which attracted the covetous people's salivation."

Mu Qingge raised his hand and touched the lotus seal on his brow. His mouth was light, and he said calmly and without anger: "this matter, sooner or later, will be known. Now it is just ahead of time."

Mu light song of calm, so that Mo Yang's mood also gradually calmed down.

Finally, mu Qingge finished reading the file in his hand and said to him, "how are the preparations for the mobilization of the army before the war?"

Mention this matter, Mo Yang also restrained the heart resentment. He nodded and said, "over the years, the star city has become their home. The young Lord treated them very well. They all knew the reason and expressed their willingness to fight with him

"Good. Among them, make a list of those who perform well, and those who deserve merit should be rewarded. " Mu Qingge points the way.

"Yes." Moyang wrote down the order of muqingge.

Now Linchuan and Mu Ya take him back to fight against the dragon

"No need." Mu Qingge denied his proposal. She looked at Mo Yang's puzzled eyes and explained: "this matter, I don't want to let my grandfather worry about it. I can only concentrate on dealing with the temple by leaving them in secret protection."

Moyang eyes flash, suddenly become fierce. He said in a deep voice, "is the little Lord afraid that the temple will attack Mu Fu again?"

Mu Qingge didn't hide it. She nodded and said, "rabbit will bite when it's urgent. What's more, it's a temple? " This, with a bit of irony, but Mo Yang sounds, but very agree.

If it's medium, the power of Wang Mu will be increased by several hundred times.

However, for the sake of his family, mu Qingge would rather cut his wings and weaken his strength.

"That lonely cliff and lonely night..." Mo Yang asked tentatively. He always felt that if these two people stayed with mu Qingge, she would be much safer.

Outside, after all, there are so many old monsters staring.

However, mu Qingge still shook his head, "they stay in Linchuan, I feel more at ease. Moreover, once they know about it, ah Mo can't hide it. I don't want to trouble him with such trifles. "

Little things?

It's a small matter to fight against the temple, which was regarded as a sweet cake by the old monsters in the middle ancient world?

Moyang sighed in his heart and lowered his eyes. He knows muqingge and knows her. In her heart, is too much care, will be able to shoulder all the things.

Mo Yang retreated.

After he left, from muqingge's back, the city master's position, drill out a jade white, very beautiful snake. The little snake fell down the chair and fell to the ground, turning into a beautiful woman.

Bai Bi squeezed beside mu Qingge and sat down with her. Her arms were soft and boneless, naturally intertwined with mu Qingge's arms. She rubbed her head on her shoulder.

"Light song, I don't understand. Why are the old things surrounded and not fighting? " Bai Bi's baby voice is very cute, but she can't laugh because she knows her temperament.

Mu light song light smile, response way: "because, they do not want to be a sheep."

"I don't understand." Bai Bi shook his head honestly and frowned.

Mu Qingge jokingly explained to her, "they seem to be working together, surrounded by the falling star city, but in fact they are restraining each other. After all, there is only one mu light song, and no matter how many spiritual roots there are, there are only five kinds of them? Everyone is worried that someone will come first. Therefore, they secretly restrain each other. If anyone dares to do so, they will be attacked by all. "

"Then why do they do it? Isn't it a waste of time? " Bai Yu is more puzzled.Sometimes the human mind is not understood by a snake. Even though this snake has lived for many years!

"They're waiting." Mu Qingge replied.

"Wait? What are you waiting for? " He was stunned.

"When I can't stand it, I'll walk out of the city myself." Mu light song smile way.

Bai Bi stared at her for a long time, or helplessly shook his head, "don't understand, don't want to understand, can't see clearly."

The way she looks for knowledge makes mu Qingge have to explain patiently. "They thought that if so many people put pressure together, I would live in fear all day long. One day, I can't bear it. I want to escape from the star city quietly. At that time, no matter which direction I choose to escape, the people who guard in that direction will win the first chance. What they want to compare with me is patience

"Then why don't they rush into the city and take you away?" The way of Bai's incomprehension.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "as I said before, there are more monks and less atherosclerosis. Even if they broke the Star City, broke into the city master's house, and captured me, how would they distribute it? What's more, if I'm in a hurry, I'll take them to the end, what should I do? They come here for the spirit root and the Godhead, not to die. "

Mu Qingge explained a lot, but Bai didn't understand.

Finally, she gave up, shook her head and said, "the human heart is too difficult to understand!"

"Yes! So, it's hard to predict. " Mu Qingge sighs the way.

"My Lord!"

Young lotus and flower moon come in a hurry from outside. In their hands, each of them held a volume of files, with an expression of There was a little excitement.

Mu light song eyebrows a pick.

Bai Gu looked at the two women and muttered, "what is it that makes them so excited?"

Mu Qingge this time, but did not answer her, but looked at the young lotus and the flower moon and said: "got it?"

Huayue and Youhe look at each other with a burning light in their eyes.

Hua Yue said, "here you are, and there are many unexpected gains."

After that, they held the files in their hands and put them on the table in front of Mu Qingge.

There are thirty or forty volumes in these files. The desk table in front of muqingge occupies the whole table.

"Sir, take a look first." Young lotus steps back and sings to Mu light.

Muqingge lightly click the head of jaw, pick up a file at will, open it, and quickly browse the content above. Bai Xuan was curious and looked at her head.

Gradually, her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock.

Mu light song but look calm, read a volume, and change a volume.

"Among them, Han Shaozhu contributed a lot." Young lotus said in time.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes and glanced at her, then took back her eyes, and said faintly: "so, part of the information is from the Vientiane building?"

"Yes, sir." Youhe nodded.

Asked this sentence, mu Qingge will no longer continue to ask, but continue to look at those files.

When mu Qingge finished reading the last volume, put it on the record. "These things are just There are too many books

"Sir, what are we going to do next Hua Yue asked.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes.

She returned to Luoxing City, but five days later, the temple's slander against her is still spreading among the five continents. It is said that there are still many self-organized protest teams coming towards the falling star city.


Hum, denounce her!

Mu Qingsong's eyes, flash a cold light. He said to Youhe and Huayue, "transcribe all the things you have collected and hang them outside the gate of Luoxing city. By the way, let Longya Wei ride their flying spirit beasts to wuzhouzhou mansion, and let the people who go to Zhongzhou follow them." She wants to, scatter the flyers!


A day later, some teams gathered from different directions and headed for the star city.

Falling star city that huge city outline, close in front of us, immediately let them excited.

"I still regard her as a good man! I didn't expect to collude with the demon Xiu, intending to plot against us! Bah, it's a mistake

"I used to admire her! Now I feel like eating a fly. I'm sick to death! "

"This time, we must expose her true face and let the world know what kind of person she is!"

"Hum! In vain, I have loved her secretly and regard her as the goddess in my heart! But it turned out to be a wolf hearted, hypocritical villain


In these teams, every day, there will be such a common argument.

Relying on these discussions, they strengthened their morale and finally got out of the star city.

Just when they arrived, there were two large rolls of cloth and silk stretched out from the wall of Luoxing City, which were covered with many words."What does it say?"

For a moment, the above content attracted the attention of the denouncer team and those old monsters who besieged Luoxing city.

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