"Fifty years ago, a hundred families in Xizhou were destroyed overnight. The reason is Yin Xiuping, an apprentice of the Xizhou temple, failed to molest a hundred girls In his anger, he led the temple killer and pretended to be a mountain bandit to destroy his family At that time, someone witnessed it and was assassinated at home... "

“…… Forty eight years ago, in Furong City, Dongzhou, the three big families were fighting for no reason. On the same day, all the senior members of the family died miserably. After that, the three ethnic groups were all destroyed, and the three tribes in Furong City shared the most precious treasure, and the Jiuqu Furou fell into the hands of Dongzhou temple... "

“…… Thirty eight years ago, in the cities of beizhou, nearly a thousand women disappeared within three months. A year later, some people in the temples of various continents saw a similar missing woman. His family went to the temple to look for it, but they were excused. Three days later, the family members died suddenly. There was no reason for that... "

"Thirty seven years ago..."

"Thirty three years ago..."

“…… Thirty years ago, the Kong family was a famous family in Nanzhou. Show off the family treasure, leaving the soul light flower bell One month later, the whole clan disappeared Away from the soul light flower bell disappeared It is hidden in the treasure house of Zhongzhou temple


"Twenty seven years ago, the temple intended to marry the Zhongzhou Hua family and the Ying family. However, the young lady of the two families had their own sweetheart and would not compromise. His sweetheart was taken away by the temple, the man was cut off the roots of his descendants, humiliated and died, the woman was trampled and ruined, and she committed suicide with shame and indignation... "

"Twenty five years ago, the Shangguan family got a treasure by chance, but it led to the extinction of the whole family. However, this strange treasure named Shenglong Xiuyin bottle was welcomed into the temple as a treasure given by the divine family..."

"Twenty two years ago..."

"Twenty one years ago..."

"Nineteen years ago, the temple of Xizhou took a fancy to a piece of land and occupied it on the ground of being favored by God. The original owner didn't want to. He suddenly died at home that night. The whole family members were inexplicably regarded as slaves and their faces were tattooed..."


"Ten years ago..."

"Seven years ago, the temples of various continents seized countless family treasures for the sake of offering sacrifices, and ordered all people to pay a spiritual stone to redeem their sins. Otherwise, they will no longer be favored by God and abandoned by God. Some people refused, and they died one by one in a few days. The method of death was cruel, which once caused panic among the people... "

"Five years ago..."

"Four years ago, in Jiuquan grottoes, mu Qingge, the Lord of Luoxing City, was attacked by a killer. After fighting, he killed all the killers Four years ago, in the first battle of weak waters, he was pursued again A year ago, the master of Mu city came out of the weak water and was ambushed again Three and a half months ago, in the tomb, the temple sent killers to encircle Half a month ago, he came out of the Shenmu tomb and was ambushed again in the western suburb of sky city... "

“…… Half a month ago, the sacred tomb was closed, and the five continents highlighted the cultivation of evil spirits. All sorts of evil deeds were committed in all parts of Zhongzhou. The temple pointed the spear head at the fallen star city city Lord, Mu Qingsong. Little did you know that the killers in the five continents all came from the temple. They are Ji Yingwu, Jiang Lianggong, Hao Feizhang, Zeng Yichun, Nie Xiangrong Jideyuan, Wenyuan, Yongping, Wuchang... "

Every pile, every piece, has time, place, character, and the evidence listed doesn't seem to be fabricated out of thin air.

These crimes, it can be seen that the people who come to denounce mu Qingge are stunned and at a loss.

Those old monsters who had passed the robbery period just gave a cold smile and closed their eyes. In their current cultivation, their greatest wish is to enter the land of gods and demons. What about the temple and what is it to do with them?

"This I've heard about these things. Is there such an inside story when it didn't work out? " In the line of denounce, some people are surprised.

"Are these true or false?" Some people wonder.

"If it is, isn't this temple deceiving the world all these years? If it is false, how can it be so clear? Once some of the details were not right, now I want to combine these evidences, and all of them have been passed. "

"Damn it! Who should I trust? "

"Is the temple really so dirty? Is the temple really deceiving the world? "

"Maybe it's the falling star city rumor?"

"Rumor? Think about it calmly. Why didn't you think there was something wrong with the master? Why, all of a sudden, that's it? Is she so stupid that she will reveal herself? "

"Now, do you want to denounce

"What a shame! We can't be stupid enough to let people take advantage of it! Since this is well founded, we might as well go back and investigate it secretly. If after the event, it is found that the falling star city rumors deceive us and insult the temple, we will certainly come back and cut off the city! "

"Yes! Go, let's go back! "

"Go, go back!"

After staying outside the walls of Luoxing city for a while, the powerful denouncers turned around and left.

Mu Qingge stood in the wall, standing with his hands, looking at this scene calmly.

Hua Yue stood behind her and asked in a low voice, "Sir, will they turn against the temple?"

With a faint smile, mu Qingge shook his head and said, "in this war, we can only say that we are equal to the shrine. If we really want to win or lose, let's get a little better. After all, we've all found out what he was like 50 years ago. They're rumors, and I'm talking about the facts. As for these people, they will not be against the temple, because they dare not. At most, it's just that you don't believe in it anymore. ""That, at least, reduces our troubles. Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to deal with those who are used by the temple. " Flower Moon road.

Mu light song a few can not check the nod.

A flash of light flashed at the bottom of her eyes and said with a sneer: "this is the first confrontation with the temple. He has another move and it's time to crack it."

"Another way?" Hua Yue's puzzled way.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and looked at her with a smile rather than a smile: "do you think that the news that I bear five kinds of spiritual roots is coming out, and at such a fast speed, the performance is more and more intense, which startles those old monsters hiding in the mountains?"

"Temple!" By mu Qingge this reminder, the Flower Moon immediately clear. "This abominable, damned temple!"

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "the temple has arranged two hands for me to use other forces to suppress me and destroy my prestige. How can I make them happy?"

"What are you going to do, sir?" Hua Yue asked curiously.

Mu Qingge showed a mysterious smile. His eyes went up and looked at the sky. He said faintly, "wait a few more days, and let everyone know what the temple has done. Then I can start." She had to wait for the event to ferment and let the temple be too busy to clean up the mess, so that she could concentrate on dealing with the old monsters who were ambitious to her.

The crimes of these temples will not touch these old monsters. Mu Qingge is very clear about them.

She doesn't need these old monsters to touch her. What she wants is that they don't dare to make her mind again.

"Little Lord, there are letters from Xizhou, beizhou, Dongzhou and Nanzhou." Mu Chen took some letters to Mu Qingge.

Muqingge open a look, are from friends and family care inquiry. Ji Yaoji, Yingze, Yao Xinghai, and even Shengjia. King sang Shun wrote to tell her that she would directly let the elder Taishang out of the mountain and bring his family disciples to Luoxing city to fight side by side with mu Qingge.

These concerns, let mu Qingge heart warm.

At this time, she also came to Mu Qingge and said, "little master, Wei Mo Chu is here. Longya received a message, the strong song Liuke team is also heading for the falling star city. "

Wei Moyu actually appeared in the falling star city?

This makes mu Qingge quite unexpected, but after thinking about it, he thinks it is reasonable. After all, this guy always felt that he owed her and wanted to pay back.

As for Liege Wei

"Qin Yiyao." Mu light song eyes light. As a matter of fact, she didn't want Qin Yiyao to come to the muddy water.


Zhongzhou, sky city, temple.

"That's not true!" God's face was full of anger and his eyes were gloomy and terrible.

At his feet, kneeling a person, and in front of that person, also scattered a piece of paper.

The contents of these papers are the same as those of the two silk pieces hanging outside the city of falling star. The only difference is that the handwriting is much smaller.

"Tell me, how do they know about this?" God respected the way of anger.

The kneeling man did not dare to speak and trembled.

"What's more, they ran to the sky city to scatter these things. You're even more stupid. You didn't even catch anyone!" God really wanted to kill the people in front of him a hundred times before he could relieve his anger.

"God! The big thing is bad! "

He is scolding people, at the moment, there are people look flustered running in. As soon as I came in, I fell to the ground. I didn't know whether I fell down unintentionally or deliberately. He also simply knelt all the way forward, and said in a hurry: "God, great things are not good! All the four continents in the southeast and northwest have received such reports... "

He was stunned before he had finished speaking.

Because he found that the paper scattered on the ground seemed to be the same as what he held in his hand. Looking at the look of God, he could not help shrinking his neck and closing his mouth, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

He seems to be It's not the right time to come in!

"Waste! A bunch of rubbish God Zun couldn't bear it. His Qi burst out from his body and shattered all the furnishings in the hall.


It is night, a dark shadow, from the star city quickly flash out, toward the distance to escape.

As soon as this figure appeared, it was discovered by the old rogue who was hiding outside the falling star city. With a cold smile on his mouth, he moved and followed up.

He moved, as if the air around him had been pulled. Those old monsters around the star city moved one after another and chased after the figure in the direction of leaving.

Everyone, in the heart is sneering.

Everyone wants to monopolize, everyone wants to seize the opportunity, but is it so easy to take the first opportunity?

In the night, one after another of the figures, chase and go, toward the star city after the deep mountain into. They chased each other, and the old monster who was in front of him during the robbery period was deeply resented in his heart.

It was originally the fat of his population, but now it has to be shared by people!

He had no doubt that the figure running very fast in front of him was not moqingge. Because, he has already locked in the breath of moqingge, a person can disguise the appearance, but can not camouflage his own breath.He flashed a fierce light in his eyes and looked back at the people who were chasing after him. He gritted his teeth, accelerated his speed, and chased the figure in front of him.

He thought to himself, "how could she be so fast?"

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