"You What do you want to do? "

Mu Qingge suddenly appears in front of him, which makes Jilun panic for no reason.

Clearly, they also planned to teach mu Qingge a lesson and kick her out of the game. Clearly, his realm is higher than muqingge, but he just doesn't know why, when muqingge appears in front of him, he will be entangled by a kind of inexplicable fear.

Mu Qingge, with a smile, said to him, "competition! Didn't you say it started? "

Ji Lun was stunned and looked around subconsciously. He found that a scuffle of two hundred people had begun. What's more, he also found that the main targets of those disciples who changed Yueyu's domain were their turbid Yuyu's.

No, no, No Not only did Zhong Yuyu's disciples attack Yu Yu Yu one after another.

On the huge challenge arena, they became the only target to be attacked!

This What's going on?

Jilun was stunned again.

All of a sudden -

there was a crackle in his ear. All of a sudden, a burning feeling rose on his cheek, which made his eyes burst into tears.

Mu Lun's face was almost puffed up with a hand.

Under his glare, mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, "your opponent is me, so distracted?"

"You want to die Jilun was angry.

Since he entered the Zhuoyu region, has he ever suffered such a humiliation?

I was slapped in public! It will be a disgrace for him to live in dongshenlu in the future. The only one who can wash away this disgrace is to severely trample the person in front of her and torture her to death.

"Looking for death?" Mu Qingge laughs playfully, "I never look for death, all send people to die." After that, she waved her hand without warning, and a magic power hit the other half of Jilun's face again.

Caught off guard, Jilun was slapped again.

All of a sudden, the other side of the cheek is also high bulging up, red and swollen.

"You Jilun hands over his cheek, shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge.

He can't believe that mu Qingge really dare to beat him.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jilun's heart was burning with anger, and he wanted to break up the Mu light song in front of him.

He covered his cheek with his hands, and finally put them down, revealing a red and swollen piece on both sides, like a pig's face. "Die!" He roared, his hands filled with magic power, and came to Mu Qingsong.

Mu Qingge stepped back two steps and quietly murmured: "trapped dragon tied!"

As soon as her voice dropped, a few green vines sprang up from Jilun's feet. The vines were not real, but the power of law. They twist up and trap Jilun's feet, making him unable to move half a step.

What's more, sharp thorns grew on the vine, which penetrated into Jilun's skin. A paralytic toxin quickly penetrated into all his limbs. However, his whole body gradually became stiff, but his head could rotate freely.

"Ah! What have you done to me? " Jilun angrily roared to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song pick eyebrows, hands negative behind him, smile: "don't you see is the power of the law?" Her trapped dragon only showed a little, which fixed Jilun's feet. Therefore, if no one noticed this side, no one would find Jilun trapped by her rules.

"Mean! Who used the technique in the beginning? " The way Jilun gnaws his teeth.

Mu Qingge laughed, "I'm on the ring, and the power of using the law is called despicable? You mean to say mean to me? Who has stipulated that in this competition, you can't use magic

It's not that you can't use it, but you won't use it in the first place!

This is a protracted war. Who will consume at the beginning?

Isn't that what everyone knows? Isn't it a hidden rule?

Why does muqingge not follow the rules? But we must do the opposite!

Jilun wanted to cry without tears in his heart. He felt that he was too oppressed at the moment. "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Mu light song lips hook up, "of course, is to send you down the arena." It's just that she doesn't want to be so cheap. He is.

"You are a sneak attack! It's a conspiracy Ji Lun was in a hurry.

Mu light song nodded and admitted generously. "Each other. I learned these two moves from Zhuo Yuyu. Today, I'll ask brother Jilun for advice. "

Jilun was so angry that his eyes turned black. He didn't expect mu Qingge to have sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

At the moment, mu Qingge showed a big smile. His hands stretched out from his back, turned his wrist, blinked, and said to Jilun, "brother Jilun, then I will start? If there is something that is not up to standard, you should tell me more and give me more advice. "

That expression, really hate teeth itch.

Jilun glared at her. Some of them wanted to ask for help, but they found that the people in Yuyu district were dragged by the people from other three God regions.Yan Quan, who he relied on most, was also held back by Li Chao at the moment. They fought fiercely and had no time to separate themselves. It's impossible for someone to save him.

"I'm so angry!" Jilun roared in his heart.

Originally, he was not so passive. However, the thorns on the vine, without knowing what toxin, actually hardened his limbs and trunk, and his divine power and consciousness could not be mobilized, so heavy as to add lead. He was exhausted by the slightest movement.

Mu Qingge ignores Jilun's angry eyes and, of course, his cheek, which is swollen like a pig's head.

She raised her hand, the palm gathered the power.

Looking at the magic power gathered in her palm, Jilun couldn't help being afraid.

"I started." Mu Qingge blinked and looked innocent.

After that, she left and right together, and constantly waved to Jilun, and the palm print condensed by the power fell on his cheek. After a while, he was beaten seven orifices bleeding, a head swelling into two big.

"You The medicine is too noisy Dr. Sun Yat Sen It's hard for you to regret your death... " Jilun's head was so swollen that he couldn't speak clearly.

However, mu Qingge still understood his meaning.

He said, "don't be too arrogant. If you go out of Zhongshan, you'll die ugly." This has no weight threat, Mu light song is just a cold smile, the hands are still not stopped.

On the huge challenge arena, they fought in disorder and each was the enemy.

Two hundred people were fighting together, which made people dazzled and didn't know who to watch. There is only one battlefield, which is fresh and refined.

They saw that one of them stood still and let the other fan his ears. Even if he was a pig's head, he did not step back, let alone fight back.

Hidden in the crowd of Si Mo, from the beginning, saw here. His eyes, from the beginning to the end are staring at Mu Qingsong, how can miss any of her actions?

Her means to Jilun, make Si Mo mouth up.

The little song that suddenly rises to play heart, also let him very like it.

At this time, there was another person who noticed the music. It was the emperor of Zhongshan who was sitting on the ice lotus. When he saw mu Qingge cleaning up Jilun, he could not help but feel a sense of interest in the bottom of his ice blue eyes.

"You Goulemei... " Jilun was beaten to be unable to see the facial features, his breath weak way.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, "almost. I have also practiced a set of boxing and martial arts recently. Please give me more advice. "

Then she punched and kicked Jilun again. It's just like taking Jilun as a stake to practice. His fists are deep into his bones.

Jilun was beaten to death, and his skin and flesh could not bear muqingge's fist power.

The most terrifying thing is that he doesn't know at the moment that mu Qingge pours a trace of divine power into his body with every punch. How strong is the power of moqingge?

After entering Jilun's body, these powers, as thin as hair, are secretly destroying Jilun's realm, and then quietly lurking down, waiting for the opportunity to break out.

"The last punch!" Mu Qingge turns and kicks.

She yelled, and Jilun closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, trying to resist. However, did not see Mu light song is out of the leg, that foot, hard kick to his abdomen, drill the pain, from the abdomen rise.

At the same time, the vines, which had been binding him under his feet, also instantly went back to the ground. Jilun's body, accompanied by his scream, flew out of the ring and smashed into the snow.

"Ah! You liar! You said it Jilun fell to the ground and his stiffness had not yet recovered. Can only use force to raise the head, see Xiangmu light song to scold.

Mu Qingge stood on the challenge arena, raised his hand and flicked his robe. His chin was lifted and he said with a playful smile: "I said you believe it?"

"You I will not let you go! " Jilun said hard, and then passed out.

After solving Jilun, mu Qingge immediately looks at the other people in the challenge arena. At the moment, many people have been left the arena and eliminated.

However, there are still a lot of people in the region.

Mu light song frown, again use trapped dragon tie.

However, this time, she used a different trap than the previous one against Jilun. This time, the trapped dragon was no longer forbearance. He rushed out of the challenge arena directly. When he saw the wind, he grew into a long vine. He entangled the legs or waist of those disciples of Zhuoyu region and threw them out.

Those disciples of Zhuoyu region were fighting hard, so they were thrown out. They didn't know what happened until they stood under the challenge arena.

On the huge challenge arena, the power of green law rushes to the sky.

The illusory vines, like the shadow of a snake, are in confusion on the challenge arena.

A dozen people were eliminated with one move. Just as mu Qingge wanted to continue to come back, the voice of awe Yan suddenly rang out: "fifty people have arrived. Enter the second stage

Mu light song eyes light flash, instantly recovered the force of the law of wood.On the huge challenge arena, calm was restored.

All the people in the battle stopped and separated temporarily. At this time, there were less than 50 disciples belonging to Zhuoyu domain in the arena.

However, this number is still the largest among the four gods.

Therefore, in order to compete for the limited number of places, we must continue to eliminate them!

Yan Quan felt the power of the law dissipated on the challenge arena. His eyes narrowed, and the cold light reflected from his eyes. He said in a deep voice, "law."

"The power of the law! It's really interesting. At the beginning, I used the technique. "

"It's OK. It can be finished earlier, so we don't have to look bored."

"This time, the turbid Yuyu area has made people angry! Do you see, in the first stage, the disciples of the three gods unite to deal with the people in Zhuoyu

"Hum." After hearing the discussion around, the elder of Zhuoyu region could not help but snort. In his eyes, the same cold.

When have they been oppressed and oppressed by the disciples of the three gods? When did they suppress Yu Yu so much?

However, fortunately, at the moment, the most remaining people on the stage are still their disciples of Zhuoyu region, which makes the elders of Zhuoyu area feel a little relieved and proud.

Those who let him listen to unpleasant remarks, right should be jealous of their turbid Yuyu.

Such a thought, that turbid Yu area of the elderly back can not help but straighten out a few points.

"Well done, third." For him five little, crowded to Mu light song side, said to her.

Mu Qingge looks back at him and sees his eyebrows.

Li Chao also stood beside mu Qingge and said in a low voice: "the people in the turbid Yuyu region are now expected to be completely infuriated. Next, be careful. "


His advice, for Yue domain people think deeply, few can not check the nod.

The second stage of the competition, is the individual competition, as long as you win 10 games, you can get a place to bathe in Daoguang. The comparison is speed. Whoever gets the first ten consecutive wins will win the place. If the 100 were robbed, even if they won ten games in a row, they would not be qualified to bathe in Daoguang.

"This time, let's make a quick decision and ensure our quota as soon as possible." From Chao to the disciples of Yueyu.

In Weiyi domain, Zhongshan domain, the same words, are also constantly spreading.

In the Zhuoyu region, the remaining disciples of Zhuoyu domain, surrounded by Yan Quan, coveted the people in the other three God regions, with evil spirits on their faces.

Yan Quan stares at mu Qingge and raises his sword in his hand, which points to the direction of Mu Qingge. His voice is cold and harsh way: "you use the technique unexpectedly!"

Mu Qingge smiles and asks, "what? Is there a rule that says no? It doesn't mean that I don't dare to use martial arts, because you are afraid to consume your power and consciousness. "

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