"What? Is there a rule that says no? It doesn't mean that I don't dare to use martial arts, because you are afraid to consume your power and consciousness. " Mu light song smile banter way.

Yan Quan's face was gloomy and ugly, and his hand pointed to Mu Qingge's sword. The cold light suddenly appeared and was very fierce.

However, Mu light song words, but blocked let him have nothing to say.

Yes, the rules have never said that you can't start with a technique. However, over the years, in order to be able to carry the whole game, at the beginning, no one will use the technique, for fear of causing excessive consumption in the early stage, and finally losing at the crucial moment.

Gradually, such a habit, has become a hidden rule, everyone is like this.

Who would have thought that there would be a song of admiration and lightness in this discourse?

Completely unruly. It's nonsense.

Yan Quan sneered. He said sarcastically, "do you think you are very smart?" The irony in his eyes is very strong. It seems that he is laughing at the complacency of Mu Qingsong at the moment, which will eventually defeat her.


Sarcasm Mu light song, Yan Quan heart is not happy.

His eyes light slightly heavy, dignified looking at the light song of Xiangmu. Because, if Mu Qingge continues to use magic methods, they will have to use them in order to resist. As a result, they will quickly consume their divine power and divine consciousness. At that time, the outcome will be unpredictable.

This thought, Yan Quan's eyes began to flash.

After a while, he said with a sneer: "don't say I don't remind you. If you use the technique so early, you can't carry the normal competition. I'm afraid that before you win three games, you'll be exhausted and have to withdraw from the game. Why do you want to be happy and lose the game? "

"Thank you very much for reminding me." Mu Qingge's smile has an ambiguous meaning.

Zhuang Shan, close to Mu Qingge, whispered in her ear: "although Yan Quan is not a good man, he has another purpose to say this. But it can't be denied that he said the truth. "

Mu light song a few can not check the nod.

"The cost of the technique is too large. This is a protracted war. You can't be a hero for a while." From Chao also whispered to remind.

The two of them, of course, want to admire the light song.

But Yan Quan is different. He said this just to prevent her from using the technique, forcing her to use it.

"I have a sense of propriety in my heart." Mu Qingge whispered back a sentence.

With that, she looked up at Yan Quan.

Yan Quan's originally gloomy eyes light, because Mu light song's reply, but some improvement. He showed a smile and said to Mu Qingsong, "that's right. Everyone should obey the rules and treat each other well."

Mu light song hook lips a smile, no comment.

As soon as their conversation fell, many of the deacons of Zhongshan region had already appeared, surrounded by the huge challenge arena.

In their hands, each holding a jade card, it seems that they are responsible for recording each person's ten consecutive wins.

When everything is ready, the atmosphere on the challenge arena suddenly becomes subtle.

Originally, it was the three gods who united to deal with Zhuoyu.

At the moment, it has become a personal battle. Whoever wins the first ten consecutive wins will be able to qualify and get a place to bathe in Daoguang. Gradually, the people of the three gods also separated and became alert to each other.

Looking at this scene of change, Yan Quan sneered in his heart, and the sarcastic light in his eyes was stronger.

His banter seems to be laughing at the fragile alliance between the three gods in front of personal interests. However, he never thought that before the three God regions, there was no discussion to unite to deal with Zhuoyu.

Everything, just because of their previous cheating and conspiracy, caused public anger, so that the three gods of people, subconsciously United.

Even if it has become an individual competition, the three gods will not be merciful in the face of turbid Yuyu domain, but will be ruthless.

In the challenge arena, all the people of the four gods are on their guard, and none of them is the first to take the shot.

The standoff of the situation made the outside observers impatient.

"Why don't you start yet?"

"Get started. Don't waste time."

"That's right. If you don't dare to fight, you can get off the challenge arena by yourself, and stand on the challenge arena without fighting. What's that

The noise of the surrounding discussion made many disciples in the arena feel fickle.

Originally, they were already very nervous about the people in the arena. Now they are very tired of these comments.

They looked left and right, watching in secret, to see who would take the first shot and who was easier to beat.

Si Mo stood in the crowd, without showing any impatience. He just looks at mu Qingge, and other things have nothing to do with him.

The emperor of Zhongshan, who was sitting on the ice lotus, was still so indifferent. He just looked at everything in the arena with a smile in his mouth and his eyes narrowed slightly. He neither urged them to start nor stopped the discussion around him.

"In this competition, we'll try our best." From Chao Mou light swept ten people, a low voice charged."The top ten disciples in front of the hall are very embarrassed. If we want to win, we will find those whose strength is not as good as ours. If we win, we will give people a story. If someone is waiting to be delivered to the door, who will be so stupid and take the initiative to deliver the door to be abused? If you find someone with the same strength, I'm afraid it will delay time, and the chance of winning ten games in a row will be reduced. Moreover, there is a problem of speed Four little low voice way.

"There is no way out. If we continue to hold on like this, it will be bad for us. In short, no matter which opponent we meet, we should solve the battle as soon as possible, and it is the most important thing to ensure that we are qualified. " From Chao road.

Mu light song a light smile, the eyes light cold congeals opposite turbid Yu domain person, "that is simple, directly uses the technique to surprise, as long as the line, at least 100 places, is to keep."

Her words, so that the other nine eyes in a bright, heart.

"In other competitions, we only think about the lasting problem and always worry about consumption. But we have never tried this method of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife. Maybe, if we implement it according to the method of the third senior, we can really seize the big opportunity. " From Chao road.

Xuanyi frowned and hesitated. "However, once we use the technique, other people will also use it. Isn't everything back to the original point? On the contrary, excessive consumption increases the risk. "

Her words are not unreasonable.

There are risks in both. How to deal with the enemy makes people hesitant all of a sudden.

Mu Qingge was silent for a while, pursed his lips and said, "it depends on whether you dare to bet. Don't forget that the first four players have a chance to compete for the top three

Everyone's eyes are shining.

Yes, they almost forgot about it.

Although the top 100 have the qualification to bathe in Daoguang, only the front noun can be bathed for ten days.

From Chao's eyes constantly changing, it seems that the heart is doing intense thinking.


At this time, before they could finish thinking about it, a disciple of weiyiyu had raised his weapon and chopped it at a disciple in Zhongshan area nearby.

Finally, someone broke the stalemate and started to move in the arena.

All the disciples of the four gods fought together, and the scene was once chaotic.

"Let's make our own decisions." Li Chao said a word and rushed to a disciple of Wei Yiyu Hall who came to him.

Mu Qingge's right leg strides backward, the right hand lifts, five fingers empty grasps. A light of gold and silver suddenly appeared in her hand, and the light disappeared. She held the Linglong gun in her hand.

She turned her eyes to a disciple of Zhuoyu region who rushed to her right. The disciple's facial features were ferocious and fierce. It seemed that the disciple was not for competition, but for killing.

Mu Qingge has a cold smile in his heart, and the power of the wooden rules appears again. The unreal vine, once again drilled out, bound the Zhuoyu disciple who came to her.

In his stupefied, a startled face, mu Qingge has come to him, the gun tip of Linglong gun, directly picked his lapel and threw him hard.

The illusory vine quickly retreated, and the man was shot by mu Qingge and smashed to the outside of the challenge arena.

This accident, however, is in a flash, so fast that he did not have time to make any response, was eliminated.

Mu Qingge has won a game.

Yan Quan repulsed one person, turned to look at Xiangmu Qingge, and felt the power of the law around her. She not only changed her face, but also shrunk her eyes. She said in a voice of hatred: "you still use the technique!"

Mu light song pick eyebrows, eyes light straight, very innocent way: "can't it?"

Then, without waiting for Yan Quan to respond, she quickly used the techniques of the wood system to tie the five Zhuoyu disciples who were fighting against each other in the arena and brought them into the air.

The five men were inexplicably tied up, and only had time to look down at the illusory vines on their waists, and they felt their feet were empty and they were suspended in the air.

A red light flashed before their eyes, and then they felt that they had flown out and smashed out of the arena.


This hit, mu Qingge won five games in a row, plus the previous one, has won six games. If she wins four more games, she can be promoted directly and keep 100 people.

The most important thing, the fastest man at the moment, won only two sets.

If it goes on like this, there is absolutely no problem for her to get into the top three of the four contests.

Moqingge doesn't play cards according to common sense, but the effect is very good, which makes other people itch up.

Isn't it a technique?

Who won't stand on this challenge arena?

All of a sudden, a corner of the challenge arena, the light of the technique rises again, and suddenly two screams come. People look back and see that they fly out of the challenge arena.

This unexpected scene made people in shock wake up.

All of a sudden, what consumption does not consume?

All people begin to call on the power of the law and use their own skills.

In an instant, all kinds of rules were shining on the challenge arena. People on the challenge arena abandoned the original close combat and adopted this quick and effective method.In any case, at this time, whoever's skill is powerful and whose speed is fast enough can easily win.




Bang bang!

Many slow and slow reaction disciples are directly left in the arena.

The onlookers were immediately stupefied. They have never seen such a quick elimination game

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