The great famine of the universe, the beginning of life, the origin of Tao

Mu Qingge was immersed in Daoguang, and felt that his divine consciousness was taken away from his body. He was brought into the river of time by Daoguang and returned to the early time.

At that time, the universe had not yet formed, all things had not appeared, heaven and earth had not been separated, and there was no life, no flowers, trees, birds and animals.

Everything, like Hongmeng, everywhere is endless darkness and gray.

That boundless, so that the God of light song feel small, a sense of dust, from the bottom of her heart, constantly washing her world view.

She did not know how long she had been wandering and where she had been taken by Daoguang. She only felt confused and saw a red light flashing in the endless darkness.

Seeing the red light, Mu Qingsong subconsciously goes to the red light. The closer she gets to the red light, the faster she feels herself.

Just as she was about to reach the red light, suddenly, there was a violent explosion with that strange red light flashing. The explosion was a real destruction of heaven and earth. She felt as if her divine consciousness had been transformed into countless and became a part of the universe.

She's not dead, she's still sensing, feeling all the changes around her.

What's more, that kind of perception is so profound that she has an illusion that she is the change itself. Everything is her evolution.

Mu Qingge doesn't know what those steps mean at this moment.

In fact, those steps mean that the strange red light is close to the distance. The higher you climb, the closer you will be to the red light, the deeper your perception will be, and the clearer your empathy will be.

When the red light explodes, the universe is not destroyed, but thousands of changes have taken place. Those changes are the origin of the Tao.

Mu Qingge felt the beginning of heaven and earth and the reproduction of all things. She turned into a dust, into a drop of water, into a piece of grass, into a gust of wind, a stone, a flower, a cloud, a land, a tree, a mountain, a fish, a deer, a leopard, a lion

She has evolved all things, as if all things were her. She can clearly feel the changes of all things, from that kind of law, from that cycle, to explore the path of Tao.

She was shocked by this perception.

Different from all her previous understandings, she seems to be able to touch what Tao is. Tao is no longer an ethereal thing, but is actually felt and understood by her.

"There are thousands of roads, but we can't escape the cycle of life and death." Mu Qingge summed up her feelings in her heart.

Life and death!

People have life, everything has life, even a mountain, a sea, there are vicissitudes, will disappear, will regenerate, become a new landscape.

This is a kind of reincarnation, is a kind of life to continue the samsara.

Every death is for life.

Every time I live, I can't escape death.

Mu Qingge sits quietly on the steps, just like a settled old monk with beautiful facial features and no expression. Just like the thousands of lives she has evolved, in the process of continuous reincarnation, she has seen through life and death, and despised impermanence.

Three days passed in a flash.

Three days later, people from the fourth to the hundredth withdrew from Daoguang and left with some regret.

They did not expect to be able to sit so high, even far beyond the original North Yan. However, there is a rare chance that they can only stay for three days.

Before they left, they all looked at the light, only three people left.

What they couldn't help looking at more was the enchanting red sitting on the fifty second floor. Among men, the figure of the back might not be tall. However, in their eyes at the moment, it is extremely tall and great.


In the spring city, Zhuoyu's temporary residence and the eliminated disciples have all returned. The elders who accompanied them also returned.

They wait here for the disciples who have bathed in Daoguang to return, and then return to Zhuoyu.

As for the abnormality of the elders in Zhuoyu area, the disciples of Zhuoyu region were puzzled, but they did not dare to ask each other.

Ji Lun, half dead by mu Qingge, wakes up from a coma. Open already detumescence eye, see a fuzzy figure in the room is moving back and forth, as if busy with something.

"Cough." Jilun coughed gently and got up on the edge of the bed.

He made the movement, let another person in the room hear, suddenly turn around, see Jilun a face gloomy looking at himself.

"Brother Jilun, you wake up! Drink some water The man in the room immediately picked up the glass and sent it to Jilun.

Jilun took a deep look at him, but he didn't know how funny his face, which was not completely swollen at the moment, looked in other people's eyes.

After taking the cup, he drank the water in it and threw it to the man. Then he said coldly, "how long did I sleep? How about Tao? Elder martial brother Yanquan avenged me and killed that bastard named MuSpeaking of Yan Quan, the Zhuoyu disciple in the room trembled and his face turned white. "Yan Elder martial brother Yan quan He He... "

His hesitation made Jilun frown, and his heart was not good. "Well? Don't hesitate

"Elder martial brother Yanquan, he is dead!" Zhuo Yuyu's disciple bit his teeth and told Ji Lun the truth.

"What! What do you say Jilun was so excited that he jumped up and pulled his disciple's Lapel in his hands to draw him to himself, regardless of his injury.

"Elder martial brother Yanquan, he He's dead. " Zhuo Yuyu disciple, I have to say it again.

Jilun was shocked.

He was just in a coma for a while. How could he wake up and die?

"How did he die?" Asked Jilun, biting his teeth.

Then, Zhuoyu disciples told Ji Lun what happened in the arena.

After hearing this, Jilun's swollen face was covered with cyan, which was very ugly. The eyes are gloomy and full of deep hatred.

Yan Quan wants to kill mu Qingge, but is killed by mu Qingge?

"What about the elders in the domain? They will let go of Mu so easily Jilun asked bitterly.

When it comes to the elders in Yuzhong, the disciple also gnawed his teeth and said, "hum, I don't know what the elders in Yuzhong are thinking. Elder martial brother Yanquan died miserably. Not only did they not avenge elder martial brother Yanquan, but in front of the emperor of Zhongshan, they said that elder martial brother Yanquan was responsible for his own fault and did not blame others. In vain, the moqingge was not punished at all. "

"How could it be!" Jilun's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

Don't he know the temperament of those elders in Yuzhong? How can we let go of muqingge?

"But that's the truth! We are also very strange. " The disciple of the turbid Yuyu region spread out his hands, innocent way.

Jilun thought about it, shook his head and struggled out of bed: "no way! I'm going to go to the elders and ask for it myself! "

"Elder martial brother Jilun, you'd better cultivate yourself before you recover." The disciple advised.

But Jilun didn't listen. He forced himself out of bed and rushed out the door. He was stumbling and stumbling, as if he would fall or hit the furnishings of the house at any time.

Seeing this, the disciples of Zhuo Yuyu wanted to help him.

However, changmou thought that changmou was going to stop him, but he wanted to stop him.

What he didn't know when he mentioned the divine power was that the ten or so thin miracles that had been hidden in his body, which had been infiltrated by mu Qingge, were suddenly agitated when he mobilized his own divine power.

They, like the wires that ignite Mars, burn fast.

And the bomb is Jilun's own magic power!

Caught off guard, the disciple was slapped, flew backwards, hit the wall and vomited blood. And Jilun staggered out of the door.

However, after only a few steps, he felt his chest was stuffy and his body temperature was rising. The whole person was in a trance, as if he had been roasted in the hot sun.

After a while, he felt his body swell.

He was staggering, too uncomfortable to say, and his eyes were full of ghosting. Jilun looked down at his body, but found that his body was inflated like a ball, and Still growing bigger.

This change made his eyes shrink in horror.

That fear wrapped him up in an instant. He opened his mouth and let out a cry, as if to ask for help. However, his body expanded more rapidly.

Hearing his cry of panic, the wounded Zhuoyu disciple in the room covered his chest and dashed out. Jilun's voice also attracted the attention of other disciples and came to his residence one after another.

Jilun's body grew bigger and bigger, and his eyes were full of panic.

He saw that there were people out here, which was the hope he could see. However, before hope came, his body exploded in situ with a loud bang. The divine power in his body rushed out, directly destroying this large house and affecting the disciples of Zhuoyu region who rushed to him.

All of a sudden, in the spring city of Zhongshan City, the sound of explosion resounded from heaven and earth, and the place where Zhuoyu lived was also razed to the ground, which shocked all the people in the spring city, and the news quickly passed to the snow city

Spring City, turbid Yuyu area, such a major change, the news soon spread to the ears of Zhongshan shenhuang.

However, when he received the news, he looked pale and didn't care at all. He didn't even worry about the trouble that might arise because of this. He said to the Deacon who came to report the news: "well, tell the emperor Zhuo Yu truthfully. In addition, see if there are any people alive, send them to him together. "

"God Emperor It's gone? " The deacon was surprised.

Zhong Shan shenhuang's eyes, which were covered with ice blue, fell on him and asked with a smile, "otherwise what else?"

"Yes At his glance, the deacon was awe stricken, lowered his eyes and , the fastest update of the webnovel!