"It turns out that this is the source."

Mu Qingge quits that magical state and wakes up slowly from meditation. When she opened her eyes, she was still sitting on the steps, surrounded by golden and silver colored Daoguang.

She looked down and found that Chao and yulv also slowly woke up from the empty state.

Look at the following. There are no other people except the three of them.

"It seems that the 10th has arrived." Mu Qingge's heart already knows.

Sure enough, as soon as she thought about it, she heard the voice of a reminder: "it's time to leave here quickly."

Outside Daoguang, the deacon of Zhongshan District raised his head and said to them, "the time has come, come out."

The three people came out in response to the sound. After a blink of an eye, they all stood outside the Daoguang.

"You three, go out." Zhong Shanyu's deacon said a word and turned away.

Leaving three people, they looked at each other, and all turned their eyes to see the light behind them. Daoguang is the same as before.

But what they get from it is immeasurable.

Looking back, the jade law looked at Xiangmu light song, and laughed: "this time, it is the blessing of three little. To be able to feel Daoguang so close, the jade law should owe one less favor, and it will be returned to each other in the future."

"Yulv, you are welcome." Mu light song jaw first smile.

Yulv shook his head slowly and said seriously: "when I entered Daoguang, I once said to brother Li Chao that it was the right choice for me to retreat to the third place. Although it is the third, but I got even North Yan can not get

After that, he bowed to Mu Qingge and left calmly.

Watching him leave the back, mu Qingge looks at Chaoli in doubt, "who is the North Yan?"

From Chao said with a smile: "North Yan, known as the small God Emperor of Zhongshan region. He is the most likely candidate to enter the sage realm in the future to replace the present emperor of Zhongshan. "

Mu Qingge suddenly realized that the so-called little God Emperor is equivalent to the role of a prince.

See Mu light song don't understand, leave Chao in a good mood at the same time, explain. "The sage realm is not accessible to everyone. Even if they enter the holy land, not everyone can become the emperor. Disciples of the four gods It should be said that among the four seas and gods, each divine region will choose a recognized person among the excellent disciples to become the little God Emperor. This little God Emperor not only represents good talent and high cultivation, but also is a person, as well as quality and so on. For the outside world, the little emperor is the fastest and most likely to become the emperor. "

"So, there are little gods in other gods?" Mu Qingge asked curiously. In her heart, however, she wondered, if the status of the little God Emperor was so high, why did she stay in the area of Yue for so long, but did not hear anything about the deeds of the little god?

From Chao nodded, "the North Yan in the mouth of jade law is the small God Emperor of Zhongshan region. However, Yan lie is the little God Emperor in the turbid Yuyu region, and Qiuli is the small shenhuang in Weiyi region

"Well?" Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at Chao, and asked, "shall we change Yue domain?"

Although, before opening his mouth, Li Chao guessed that mu Qingge would ask. However, when she really asked, his step was still a meal, and his expression showed a trace of bitterness.

His reaction is very strange, make mu Qingge light frown.

"Let's change Yueyu..." After a while, Li Chao sighed: "this matter has become a taboo topic in our Yueyu district. Thousands of years have passed, but there is no trend to be forgotten."

"Thousands of years!"

Mu Qingge was shocked.

"These little gods How old are they? " Think about it carefully, she is really a cute new girl! After all, she's not even 100 years old.

"We changed Yueyu 3000 years ago, there was still a little God Emperor. His name is Yu Ya. Elder martial brother Yu Ya at that time was a model in the hearts of all of us. His talent and quality were both admirable and highly valued by the emperor. Even, at that time, in the east god land, elder martial brother Yu Ya was known as the head of the four little gods. " From Chao Xiangmu light song to say that period of secret.

“…… Later, for the sake of that demon girl, elder martial brother Yu Ya defected from the area of changing Yue, the east god land, and the Shenzu. For three thousand years, there has been no news. This incident had a great impact on our whole territory and the emperor. Therefore, we had been silent for thousands of years. " From Chao's sigh.

After listening to Mu light song, his expression was a little stunned.

She didn't expect that the story happened on Yu Ya was so bloody!

However, even with dog blood, she had to admire Yu Ya's courage. In his position at that time, not everyone had the courage to give up everything for the sake of love.

"Since Yu Ya betrayed the protoss, is he in the devil Kingdom now?" Mu Qingge is curious about Yu Ya's story and even wants to find a chance to ask Simao.

How did Yu Ya fall in love with the demon women and betray the protoss? This one of the stories, from Chao also said the language is not detailed, estimated to know not much.

"However, after three thousand years of silence, it's time for us to cheer up." Finish Yu Ya matter, leave Chao suddenly to Mu light song show mysterious smile.That smile, make Mu light song some inexplicable, but not easy to ask.

Out of the small world, moqingge and Li Chao appear in the snow city.

Two people just came out, from Chao received the news from four little. The messenger, unable to enter the small world, could only linger at the entrance outside the small world. As soon as Li Chao appeared, he immediately flew into his hand.

Li Chao catches the messenger, extracts the information inside, and frowns.

He looked at Xiangmu Qingge and said to her, "we quickly return to Chuncheng, have a rest for one night, and then start back to change Yueyu."

"What happened?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, ask a way.

Li Chao said to Mu Qingge: "Zhuo Yuyu had an accident in his residence in Chuncheng, and many people died. In order to avoid trouble, we should go back as soon as possible. "

A lot of people died?

Mu Qingge's eyebrows are raised higher. Jilun's divine power was planted by her, and her mind naturally knew what would happen.

It's just, she didn't expect, it wasn't just Jilun who died.

"Third?" From Chao see Mu light song trance, shout a word.

Mu Qingge turned his eyes and said, "we had some friction with Zhuo Yuyu before. We need to go back as soon as possible and tell the emperor everything, so that we can make plans early."

"Will emperor Zhuoyu come to trouble?" Mu Qingge asked.

From Chao shook his head, "hard to say. However, we will solve it. You don't have to worry. It's not our fault. What's more, what's more, they have nothing to do with us. "

Mu light song a few can not check nodded, and leave Chao together, returned to the spring city.

Fortunately, the people who change Yueyu leave after a night's rest, which also gives mu Qingge time and opportunity to meet Simao after returning to Chuncheng.

Make sure that there is no tail behind, mu Qingge entered the remote courtyard where Si Mo introduced her.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the man waiting for her.

"Those are you, Yuyu." Mu Qingge asked directly as soon as he entered the door.

Si Mo also does not conceal her, nods to smile, beckons to her. "Xiao Ge'er, I just want them to get out of trouble."

"I know." Mu Qingge came to him and nestled directly in his arms, with his hands around Si Mo's waist.

Her initiative, make Si Mo surprised asked a: "small Song son?"

"Don't talk. Let me have a hug." Mu Qingge leans on Si Mo's arms, slowly closes his eyes, and deeply inhales the taste of his body. She really appreciate Si Mo's silent guard all the way. Even if she is in danger, she will still feel a kind of unprecedented peace of mind.

Simao does not allow her to say "thanks", so she can only hide this gratitude in her heart.

She is the person who Si Mo wants to protect with everything. Why isn't she the one who wants to exhaust everything and want to be close to and guard?

Beloved woman, quietly leaning in his arms, Si Mo mouth pleasant light Yang, also will her embrace. His broad sleeve robe, because of his posture, is wrapped with moqingge, which covers her dazzling red, which can only be seen by him.

When he was young, mu Qingge raised his head from his arms. His clear eyes held him and asked, "have you heard of Yu ya?"

"Yu ya?" Si Mo repeated the name.

Mu Qingge nodded and added, "three thousand years ago, the little God Emperor of Yueyu region betrayed the Shenzu because he fell in love with the demon girl." She didn't notice that Si Mo's eyes flashed by.

"I know." After she finished, Si Mo smiles and nods.

Mu light song eyes in a bright, curiously asked: "then tell me about his matter, and he fell in love with the demon woman who is? Now what about these two men? "

Her curious look is very rare. Si Mo can't help but stretch out his hand and gently touch the tip of her nose, doting way: "rare you also have such a curious time, I will tell you about it."

Mu Qingge nodded.

Si Mo will take her to the chair, after he sat down, he will Mu light song in his lap. He seems to love this, moqingge nestles in his arms.

"Yu Ya is not in the devil's land." Si Mo a mouth, let Mu light song surprised.

"Not in the devil's land? But the protoss said that he had betrayed himself into the devil kingdom Mu Qingge asked.

Si Mo nodded, "he is indeed out of the protoss, but, also did not join the protoss, and he likes that demon woman, also gave up the identity of the demon, two people left the land of gods and Demons together, now I do not know which interface to live in."

"How could it be? So That demon girl... " Mu Qingge asked again.

"She is the deputy commander of the secret guard in my hand. Her status is conceivable in the devil Kingdom, and her future is limitless. A diving mission into shenlu, she was injured, and Yu Ya met. Two people are isolated in the demon forest, maybe they have experienced life and death together, and love each other for a long time. At that time, I didn't understand it. At the end of the day, they were able to get rid of all difficulties and go away from home. " Si Mo's understatement of the way."It's like this Mu Qingge sighs. Suddenly, she stares at Si Mo, her eyes squint and says with a smile: "at that time, how could you allow the betrayal of your subordinates?"

Si Mo nods, "I do not allow. However, the pheasant has a death free token, which makes me have to spare her life. "

Mu Qingge eyebrows a pick, suddenly feel that this woman named Qing pheasant, quite character, but also brave and resourceful. "If I had the chance, I'd like to meet this pheasant."

Si Mo hugged her tightly, "if you want to see her, I can recall her. Although she left, she used to be my secret guard. There is a mark on her that she can never betray me. As long as I want, I can cross the interface and take her back. "

"No! Don't disturb people Mu Qingge quickly stopped. Otherwise, according to Simao's temperament, it is really possible to catch the pheasant back in order to meet her.

"Tomorrow, I will go back to Yueyu." Mu light song in the future this purpose, tell Si mo.

She was a little annoyed, Simao so risky to see her, but she did not have too much time to accompany him. Now, the discussion of Tao is over, but she will return to change Yue domain immediately.

"No problem. We'll see each other soon. " Who knows, Si Mo unexpectedly so says.

Mu light song eyes a light, asked: "is there any news of Mu Tianyin?"

Si Mo laughs: "know what can't hide from you."

"What is it?" The sound of Mu light song, unconsciously, sank down.

Finally there is the news of Mu Tianyin. She has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Mu Qingge's finger caresses the fingertip on the index finger unconsciously. She wants to avenge Yuan Yuan and Jiang Li. When Yuan Mu wakes up, she hopes to see her hand in Tianyin!

"He didn't show up, but he did." Si Mo will receive the latest news, tell Mu light song.

"Tianlu!" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and the light burst out in the eyes.

Si Mo said: "he appears, seems to be for the sake of divinity. He is not satisfied with the gods provided by the black market, so he seems to have placed an order for the people in the black market to specify the gods he wants. "

"Whose?" The breath of moqingge is cold.

"South God land, burning sea god domain small God Emperor, holy scenery." Si Mo Dao.

Mu light song's eyes shrunk, "actually made a small God Emperor's spirit idea!"

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