From Chao out of the room, directly to the outside of the Mu light song in front of.

He surprised way: "you don't go back with us?"

Mu Qingge nodded.

"No way!" From Chao directly shook his head and refused. He frowned and said, "although we have returned to the east god land, you have also dealt with the affairs of the Mu family. However, don't forget that there is another turbid Yu domain in dongshenlu, and Yan lie has already been staring at you. At this time, you'd better go back to change Yue domain, which is the safest

"Yan lie was seriously injured and was bitten by the law. Now he can only heal himself in seclusion and won't come to me again. I want to go back naturally, but not now. " Mu Qingge explained.

"Where are you going Li Chao asked.

Mu Qingge said: "is not that nameless land, there is a baby? I'll go and have a look

From Chao a listen, almost not by mu Qingge angry death. "When is it? You're going to see baby."

"Now that you meet me, go and have a look. Is there any problem?" Mu Qingge does not understand the way.

From Chao shook his head with a bitter smile, "I found that your courage is really not general big. Ordinary people, if you encounter this kind of situation, I'm afraid that they will return to the divine realm and stay in the divine realm honestly until the wind comes and reappears. But you'd better not only be afraid, but also hear some words, and you will run to seek treasure. "

"I'll go and have a look. Nothing will happen." Mu light song road.

From Chao shook his head, "I can't stop you, I can only accompany you. You can't go alone

"It doesn't have to be." Mu light song road.

"You don't have to say that. I will never let you go alone." From Chao road.

Mu light song eyebrows light frown, lips slightly pursed. The reason why she let Chao take the lead is that she didn't want Yao Xinghai and Xi Qianxue to delay their practice because of her affairs.

"Well, you and brother Zhuang Shan, as well as old seven, take Xi Qianxue and Yao Xinghai back first." Mu Qingge suggested.

Leave Chao way: "that you plan to let thousand water stay?"

Mu Qingge nodded. "I'll take Qianshui and Tongteng with me. When we're done, we'll return to Yueyu."

"No, you don't have enough people. Otherwise, you can take both Zhuangshan and Xuanyi with you. " From Chao road.

Mu Qingge shook his head and refused, "enough, but more people are bad. Besides, there is silver dust. "

"Well What about the mortal woman you know? " From Chao hesitated for a moment and asked.

Su Ming?

Mu Qingge frowned and said to him, "I will deal with her affairs."

Then she turned and left.

Forsythia, she is impossible to let her run around freely outside. Otherwise, once the breath of her supreme King Dan was leaked out, it would cause changes in the situation. The three people who had killed Dan God and other gods and emperors would start to be ready to move.

The Revenge of Dan God is not not to revenge, but not to act in a hurry.

"Then we can only put the forsythia into the space first." Mu light song in the heart.

What about Su Ming?

Mu Qingge has some headache. At the moment, Su Ming has left Tianya Ju for a long time. It would be unsafe for her to return to Tianya Ju by herself. But if you let her follow, she is a mortal, if you encounter trouble, it is also a burden.

Will her income space, with Forsythia?

Mu light song eyes flash, the heart has an idea.

Back to Forsythia's house, mu Qingge asks Yao Xinghai to leave first. After that, she said to forsythia and Su Ming: "you follow me."

"Tell me the answer I want to know." Forsythia looks at Mu light song way.

Mu Qingge still shook his head, "I won't say, at least now I won't say. If you want to be stubborn with me, you can check it yourself. Let me see, like a headless fly, you rush through the land of the four seas and gods. At last, which God Emperor catches you and swallows it

"You Forsythia eyes light a Li, was Mu light song gas chest ups and downs.

Mu Qingge sneered, "what? I'm not right? You ask me for everything now. What are you stubborn about me? Follow me and be obedient. "

“……” Forsythia speechless, can only ruthlessly stare Mu light song.

She looked at Su Ming again and said, "I don't have time to send you back to Tianya residence now. I can only let you go with me. When I'm done, I'll send you back to Tianya

Su Ming shook his head and said, "since I came out, I didn't want to go back. I'm going to follow her. " She points to forsythia.

Mu Qingge is a bit unexpected.

Su Ming explained, "my family has always believed in the kindness of dripping water, which is reciprocated by springs. We have not left tianyaju, in fact, we are waiting for benefactor. Now, when the benefactor appears, I will naturally follow her and serve her closely. "

Mu Qingge nodded.

Then, three people appear a shadow, disappear in the room.

When they reappear, muqingge three people have already stood in the space.

"Boss!" As soon as Yuan Yuan Yuan saw her, he ran over excitedly. Beside him, Meng Meng still follows him."Master silver!"

Meng Meng called out and found that mu Qingge didn't come back alone.

Without waiting for her to ask, mu Qingge explained directly: "they will live here in the future." Then she turned and disappeared in front of the four.

When she reappeared, she was already in front of the four girls, namely guaya, xuanya, Huayue and Youhe.

"My Lord!"

"Little Lord!"

At first sight, mu Qingge appeared, and the four girls were very excited.

Mu Qingge nodded and asked, "how is the practice going?"

The four girls looked at each other with a smile, and the young lotus said: "now, Hua Yue and I are on the ninth floor of the spiritual void realm, and both guaya and xuanya are the first floor of the Lingdong realm. There are also dragon teeth guards and dragon hermit guards, who are constantly breaking through and entering the spirit cave realm every day. Soon, we will be able to go out and help the young sir, and we won't drag on any more

Mu Qingge smiles with satisfaction, "well, you continue to refuel. When you two break through and enter the spirit cave, I have a task to tell you to do it together. "

Hearing the task, the four girls immediately restrained their playful expression and became serious.

Moqingge didn't stay in the space for long. After coming out, he had a rest for another night. As soon as it was light, she set out with Tong Teng and Qianshui.

As for silver dust, it is natural to go with mu Qingge.

Yao Xinghai and Xi Qianxue are taken back by three people from Chao. For the time being, Xi Qianxue was led by Xuanyi and asked to practice the basic skills of changing Yue domain. When Qianshui went back, she would naturally know how to understand the morality and morality related to water.

That place, no name.

For a long time, the people of dongshenlu were also called by that place.

And that place is on the land of Dongshen, a special unknown. It is said that the place is just the center of dongshenlu, like a heart.

Mu Qingge four people all the way to this side, finally in ten days, stand in this heart of the land. , the fastest update of the webnovel!