"This is it?" Mu Qingge looks at a piece of barren land in front of her. There is something unexpected.

Qian Shui nods.

He raised his hand to the distant hill and said to Mu Qingge, "strictly speaking, it should be at the back of the mountain."

Mu Qingge and Tong Teng, as well as silver dust, looked along the direction of his hand. There was nothing special except the continuous mountain peaks.

"Walk over and you'll see." Thousand channels.

Mu light song nodded, four people continue to move forward.

"Actually, it looks ordinary here. But, strangely enough, it's easy to find exotic treasures here. Some are exotic flowers, some are spiritual objects, and some are magic weapons that have disappeared for a long time Qian Shui introduced mu Qingge to several people.

"So strange?" Tong Teng's curious way.

Thousand water nods, "what is the reason, nobody knows, but this is it."

"What danger is there?" Tong Teng asked again.

"Danger?" Qian Shui thought for a moment and suddenly burst into laughter. When he smiles, the pear vortex on his cheek will deepen, making his baby face more beautiful and lovely. Just, his smile, but not as usual, at the moment, a little more sarcasm. "Danger comes from the heart."

"Danger comes from the heart?" Tong Teng is a little confused.

However, Yinchen looked at Qianshui and slowly drew back her eyes. She said: "people's hearts are dangerous. Under the interests, everything can be done. Compared with dangerous places and organs, I don't know how many times more dangerous it is."

Thousands of water to see silver dust, lips show a smile.

Tong Teng gathered his smile, carefully realized what Qianshui and Yinchen said, and nodded. Sighed: "it's true. More danger comes from people."

All of a sudden, Tong Teng noticed the silence along the way.

He asked curiously, "boss, what are you thinking?"

Mu Qingge's mouth slightly curved and said, "I wonder why there are so many foreign treasures here."

"Tong Teng scratched his head," this question, for many years, no one can know the answer. Boss, why are you persistent? Anyway, if we meet good babies, we'll take them all away. "

"You have ambition, and you take them all away." Mu Qingge laughs and scolds.

Foreign treasure, can get one, has been regarded as the luck to add body. Tong Teng still wants to take all of them away. Does he really think that the nameless land is full of exotic treasures and can be taken at will?

Tong Teng said with a smile, "the dream is still needed. What if it comes true?"

They talked and laughed, and kept approaching the nameless place. On the way, many people came from outside in a hurry. When they saw them, they hastened their speed.

In that case, it seems that I saw the competitors and wanted to take a few quick steps to seize the opportunity.

"So fast?" Tong Teng gradually saw the clue and got angry in his heart. He underestimated a sentence, looked at those who were in a hurry, and said to Mu Qingge: "boss, let's go quickly too!"

In the face of Tongteng's urging, moqingge seems very indifferent. "What's the hurry? You can't run away. Even if you don't have your fingers in the morning, you're not


After hearing this, Tong Teng felt very reasonable and nodded.

Suddenly, he found that he did not know when there was a person missing. He looked around and said in surprise, "boss, where's silver dust? Why is it suddenly gone? "

Most importantly, he didn't realize when silver dust left at all.

"Well, he went ahead to explore the way and feel the situation." Mu light song, calm and self-confident way.

Hearing this, Tong Teng almost fell and staggered. He looked up in amazement and looked at the leisurely Mu light song. He was speechless. “……”

make complaints about him. "Boss! What's agreed is that you can't run away? What's the matter with silver dust? "

He said how his boss did not hurry to walk, originally, dare to send silver dust early in the morning.

When Tong Teng was depressed, a silver light fell in front of them and turned into silver dust.

Mu light song eyes a light, look at him, waiting for his answer.

There are no waves in the eyes of silver dust and blood. Only when mu Qingge looks, can he show some true feelings. "I went a long way forward and found nothing for the time being. I just felt that it was very hot there."


Mu light song eyebrows a pick.

At this time, Yuan Yuan's voice rings from mu Qingge's mind, "boss, I smell the smell of strange fire!"

Strange fire!

Mu light song eyes suddenly shrink, become hot up.

Although Yuan Yuan is no longer a fire spirit, he still has a natural sensitivity to strange fire. Therefore, mu Qingge has no doubt about what he said.


Suddenly, the ground trembled violently.

A strong and tyrannical breath, emanating from the center, spreads rapidly around like a ripple.The breath, very hot, destroyed a lot of trees, so that before the green trees, instant combustion, into black carbon, and into powder, scattered on the ground.

The fire came from the center, like a wave, layer by layer, progressive, and continuous outward diffusion.

And the surrounding temperature, also rapid rise, hot unbearable.

"Run away!"


"So hot, so hot!"


Those gods who had surpassed mu Qingge four people before now all ran back in succession and became a pot of porridge. And behind them, the fire wave is still coming, it seems that they have to swallow them up before they give up.

Mu light song four eyes a Lin, they did not panic to escape, but by the thousand water quickly in front of them, erected a water wall to resist the impact of the fire.

However, when the flame came to them, countless tongues of fire licked the water wall and evaporated the white fog. After that, the fire tongues retreated back quickly.

As soon as the flames subside, the air around them will become much cooler.

Qian Shui took back the water wall and said in surprise, "what's going on? I quit myself. "

"It's not as hot as it was just now." Tong Teng pulled the lapel of his neck and sang to Mu light.

"It's a strange fire." Mu light song deep voice.

"Strange fire!"

"Strange fire."

Tongteng and Qianshui were surprised at the same time.

Mu Qingge purses his lips and doesn't speak. In fact, he communicates with yuan yuan in his mind.

"Yuan Yuan, do you know what kind of strange fire it is?" She asked

"it's too far. You have to be close to feel it." Yuan Yuan replied.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "can I swallow the fire?" Originally, it is Yuan Yuan's ability to swallow strange fire and use it for oneself.

But now, Yuan Yuan has become an artifact. He no longer needs to devour the fire to strengthen himself. But he used strange fire to stimulate moqingge's potential fire spirit root, but he didn't know whether the fire spirit root would have the ability of Hunyuan tianjiyan.

"You can try." The element gives an answer that is not quite certain.

However, it is this uncertain answer that makes mu Qingge's heart ready to move

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