"Boss, don't mess with me!" Yuan Yuan's vigilant way.

He felt that the nickname of moqingge should be called mubold! Only if there is a chance, she will try.

However, it is not so easy to swallow the fire.

If one is not careful, even ash will not be left. When the time comes, where will he go to find his brother-in-law?

"Don't worry about it." Mu Qingge guarantees the Tao.

“……” Yuan Yuan was silent for a moment, unable to help but Tucao: "obviously you love to make complaints about it."

“……” This hatred, let Mu light song have nothing to say.

It seems that she can not find the right language to refute Yuan Yuan's words to prove that she is not a random person. After a long time, she said, "I don't call it random, it's bold thinking and careful verification."

"Don't be careful, boss." Yuan Yuan couldn't help it.

The eldest son and mother of his family are just going up where there is danger.

Mu Song did not make complaints about Yuan Yuan's Tucao. She was just thinking that if she could swallow the fire and grow her fire root, or have more understanding of the law of fire, how would she do it?

"Yuan Yuan, how to swallow the fire?" Asked mu Qingge.

Yuan Yuan was not angry: "it's like eating."

“……” Mu Qingge's face changed, but he said: "Yuan Yuan Be serious. "

Yuan Yuan was very serious: "I am very serious! When I devour other fires, I just swallow them as food. If I take them one mouthful at a time, I can become stronger and have their abilities

Mu Qingge raised his head and choked.

What would she do, one bite at a time, and eat the fire?

"Light song, what are you thinking?" Silver dust to Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge converges his mind and slowly shakes his head. She said, "strange fire is good for me. Let's go."

With that, she quickened her pace and went inside. Before those who were forced to retreat by the fire, saw that there was no danger, they carefully went forward and continued to walk inside.

Child Teng a Leng, to Mu Qingge's back, shouting: "boss, calm down!"

Although the mouth cries like this, but he still hastily followed up. Qian Shui shakes his head and smiles. After getting along these days, he finds that he even envies the relationship between Tongteng and moqingge.

There is a long way to practice. Most of them respect each other and are polite to each other. There are very few children like Tong Teng, who cry all day long and follow mu Qingge, but they don't seem too flattery or rely on the help of others. Occasionally some jokes, but also added a bit of excitement, each other will not be too fussy.

Because there is no, so envy.

Qian Shui follows behind two people, looking at mu Qingge and Tong Teng's back, the corners of his mouth raise up unconsciously. All of a sudden, he felt that someone was looking at him, turning his eyes, and then on silver dust's beautiful blood eyes.

Qianshui is stunned. He is not familiar with Yinchen, because although Yinchen has been following them all the time, he seldom communicates with people except for moqingge.

At the moment, he looked at himself, thousand water in slightly a Leng, also just jaw head smile, is to say hello.

And silver dust, then turn the line of sight, light moved eyes.

The four speed up and enter the unknown land. When they climbed over the top of the mountain and saw the other side, they could not help but stand still.

In front of us is a basin.

It's really a basin!

Of the four, only one thousand water had come once or twice, so I was not surprised when I saw you again. But the other three, when they first saw the unknown place, were shocked.

"My dear, is this a cornucopia?" Tong Teng was shocked and murmured.


Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and he recognized Tong Teng's description in his heart.


Suddenly, a light fell from the sky and fell straight into the "treasure pot". The sound of landing was as loud as thunder, and a layer of floating dust was aroused, which attracted the attention of the people in the basin.

A group of people, toward the falling place, standing on the top of a few people, but have been staring.

Tong Teng turned his stiff neck and turned to look at Qianshui. His voice was somewhat dry and asked, "elder martial brother Qianshui, do you think foreign treasures often appear in this place? Is that how it appears?" Fall straight out of the sky!

It's no surprise that he has this idea.

Because, in this huge "basin", there are many "Dilapidated iron" is also one of the things that just fell.

Qian Shui nodded and said with a smile, "this is the mystery that no one can solve for tens of thousands of years. This place, from time to time, will appear just like that, falling something from the sky. Some things are useful, some things are useless, some things we have never seen before, and some things are familiar to people. "

Mu light song purses lip not language, she listens to thousand water words, in the eye suffused with contemplative color."Good How wonderful Tong Teng's jaw dropping way. Then, he murmured: "if I stay here, pick up some treasures every day, and then sell them at a high price, won't I be rich?"

His words were heard by Qianshui and said with a smile: "this method is very good, but someone has already done so."

Then he pointed to the people in the basin and said to Tong Teng, "look at those people. They all have the same idea as you. Most of the time, they stay here. Every time there are foreign treasures, they will arrive at the first time

"Alas! What a chance to get rich Tong Teng was annoyed.

"Let's go." Mu Qingge opens his mouth and interrupts the conversation between Tongteng and Qianshui.

She always feels a little strange, such a place, why can drop things easily? What did it fall off?

And --

"Yuanyuan, can you sense the location of the strange fire?" Mu Qingge asked in his heart.

Yuan Yuan immediately responded, "that guy is very cunning. After he made a powerful attack just now, he hid himself. Now I can't feel where he is."

"Are you hiding?" Mu light song slightly frown, thinking in the heart, how to stimulate the fire again.

"Sorry, boss." Yuan Yuan suddenly said.

Mu Qingge was stunned and asked in surprise, "why do you say I'm sorry?"

"Yuan Yuan is useless. I can't find the location of the fire." Yuan Yuan was very upset.

Mu Qingge Dun laughed, "what does this have to do with you? Don't blame yourself. "

When they communicated with yuan yuan, they had already entered the "cornucopia". In the eye, there are piles of "exotic treasures", some of which have been unknown for how many years, and some still have brand-new traces.

Suddenly, a thing appears in Mu Qingge's eyes, her eyes burst out with amazing light

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