Between mu Yu's soft voice, he saw no deep voice.

She had borne the power herself. At that time, she couldn't get in. Now If Si Mo all cannot enter, she does not need to think more.

Suddenly, Si Mo withdraws the hand, that blocks the strength to also vanish instantaneously.

"How?" Mu Qingge asked.

Si Mo pursed lip way: "this 99 layer is really strange, but not can't go in."

"How do you get in?" Mu light song eyes in a bright.

Si Mo pondered for a while and then said, "I feel that the ninety-nine layers are not entered by cultivation."

"Not by cultivation..." Mu Qingge frowned and murmured, raised his clear eyes and looked at him: "last time, I used God consciousness, but I couldn't enter."

Si Mo's cultivation is the first in the land of gods and demons. And her divine sense, in the refining of her divine strategy, is far beyond ordinary people. Even, Si Mo can't compare with her.

The two of them are already the strongest, but they can't enter the ninety ninth floor. Can't they really enter this floor? This time, she still can't go to the top?

Mu light song's eyebrows frown, heart unwilling.

Suddenly, a long finger reached into her eyebrow and gently smoothed the wrinkled trace between her eyebrows.

Mu light song heart a loose, to the side of the man show a smile.

"Don't worry. This time, you can." Si Mo comforts way.

They stood on the ninety-eight floor calmly, thinking about how to break the barrier of the ninety-nine layer, while the people outside Daoguang were in a hurry.

"Why are you standing still?"

"Can't you go up?"

"It's 98 floors. If you don't go up, you can't go up. Just turn on the light and we can get in. "

"But they don't seem to want to turn on Daoguang yet."

"Do you want to go to the ninety-nine floor?"

"Nonsense! Thank you for telling such an obvious fact. "

"Let's not be impatient. Daoguang will always open. Let's not disturb them."

There are different opinions and opinions.

And in the front, several gods and emperors are also discussing in a low voice.

They stand the nearest, naturally also see clear Si Mo just made a move, seem to be toward the ninety-nine layer, after a while, gave up.

"What's going on?" A little impatient, the emperor asked.

The God Emperor of Yue coagulated the two figures on the ninety-eight floor, and said slowly: "last time she came back, she said that there was a prohibition on the ninety-nine floor to prevent people from entering. This time, I'm afraid she's trying to break through the ninety-nine floor. "

"Another ninety-nine floors?"

"The ninety-nine floor is forbidden!"

At the same time, the emperor of Jinguang and the emperor of Zhongshan were surprised.

"It's OK to break through the ninety-nine floor, but since there is a ban, if you try to break through, will it backfire, and even Daoguang will be closed in the end? Let's make a living in vain Broken star emperor frowned.

"That won't do!" The emperor of burning the sea god was anxious.

"Don't worry. They're not reckless people. They won't be impulsive." The emperor of Zhongshan advised. After a pause, he said, "it's just that I didn't expect there was a ban on the ninety-nine floors. It seems that if you break in, what you see is not a secret that ordinary people can know. "

As soon as he said this, he immediately aroused the interest of several gods.

However, even if Mu Qingge really entered the ninety-nine floor, according to the rules, they could not enter.

All of a sudden, they even rise a kind of, hope Mu light song can not enter the idea.

However, on second thought, I found it wrong. Without muqingge, they would never have been able to step into such a high place in their whole life. Even if the ninety-nine floor has no chance with them, if Mu Qingge can see it, they may also know it by asking after the event.

A few moments later, they looked forward to it at the same time.

He didn't pay attention to other people's thoughts. He just pursed his lips and was silent at the moment. He looked up at the two figures standing side by side in the peak.

"I see!"

All of a sudden, mu Qingge cried with joy.

Si Mo looks to her, looks at her to turn the eye to come over the line of sight. She said, "maybe we can try to understand Tao."

The feeling of Tao!

Si Mo eyebrow tip a lift, pink cherry's thin lip, slightly upwarped, showed a smile.

"I'm a good singer He gave a generous compliment.

But he was admired by mu Qingge. "I haven't tried it yet. I don't know if it's right. How can it be so powerful?"

"Whether it's successful or not, xiaoge'er is the most powerful in my heart." Si Mo still smile way.

Mu light song teasingly way: "more than you?"

"Xiao Ge'er, of course, is the best." Si Mo nodded seriously.

“……” Mu light song to Si Mo open eyes to lie ability, again experience. Although, she also wants to be able to beat Si Mo one day. However, she is improving, and this guy is also improving. Up to now, she still has a long way to go."Come on, don't play tricks. Let's have a try. " Mu light song convergence mind, to Si Mo road.

Si Mo lightly points the jaw head.

They looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding in their hearts. At the same time, they reached out their hands, closed their eyes, and went to the ninety-nine floor.


Both hands, at the same time, activate that barrier.

However, this time, both of them didn't break through. Instead, they carefully presented the moral principles they had experienced in their divine consciousness.

With more and more morality attached to the two people, the original transparent and conflicting barrier began to emit light brilliance. The colorful halo enveloped them.

"Look at it

In addition to Daoguang, some people noticed the change.

All of a sudden, everyone began to be nervous again, even the few emperors were no exception.

At this time, mu Qingge and Si Mo's body suddenly turned into two glimmers and rushed into the 99 layers.


Just as they disappeared, the light suddenly opened and continued to the 98th floor.

"Come on! The light is on Burn the sea to shout excitedly.

Several deities rushed into Daoguang. Loulan Island boiling, all people into the Daoguang.

"Where is this?" Si Mo looks to body week, feel oneself as if place oneself in a starry sky.

However, this starry sky is different from what he usually sees. The starry sky in front of me, exudes a kind of ancient breath.

"Here is the world in Daoguang. Come with me! " Mu Qingge communicates with Si Mo with God's knowledge. She takes him to the deep place.

Here, she has been here twice. Naturally, she is familiar with the road.

In the sky, I will lead her. Soon, they arrived at the pillar that mu Qingge saw last time.

Just, this time, she no longer stay, but with the division of Mo forced into the column.

Mu light song and Si Mo, without hindrance into the interior of the pillar. However, what they saw made them look surprised.

"A seed!" Mu light song startled way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!