"A seed!" Mu light song startled way.

In front of her and Si Mo, is a green clear seed. However, the seed, like the picture she had seen before, was only an illusion, not a real object.

After entering Daoguang many times, she has gradually discovered the essence of Daoguang.

But, this essence, she did not know how to explain to others, even Simao, she could not explain.

In the past life, people have heard a word called "light year"! There is also a word called "speed of light"! These two words belong to astronomy.

Astronomy, of course, studies the sky.

It is because of this common sense that mu Qingge understands what Daoguang is.

The so-called light year refers to the distance that light travels in a straight line in the universe for one year. The assumption is that when you're faster than light years, you're likely to see the past year.

In other words, mu Qingge and Simao, their divine consciousness, entered the Daoguang, generated the speed of light, and then went in the opposite direction. It can be traced back to hundreds of millions of light years ago, when the Hongmeng world and the universe opened, they saw the scene at that time.

The so-called "Tao" is the power of the origin.

Tao changes all things and traces back to the source, which is the beginning of the universe, before everything happens.

With the help of Daoguang, people here can enter a wonderful state, where divine consciousness and the universe merge. When they see what happened a long time ago, they can also feel the changing laws and realize the original meaning of Tao. This is the true face of Daoguang.

But now, mu Qingge and Si Mo stand on the ninety ninth floor. At the highest point, they rush into Taichu and see a seed!

The seeds suspended in front of the two people are extremely green and crystal clear, which seems to contain a strong vitality.

"Is this the secret of the universe?" Mu Qingge asks himself in his heart.

She looked at Si Mo, and found the same shock in his eyes.

The two of them clenched their fingers more tightly. They looked at the seed together and waited for the next thing.

Gradually, seeds germinate and grow slowly under the influence of chaos. Every time it grows, it makes the nebula column that surrounds it even bigger.

And mu Qingge's last doubt about the eruption of the nebula column, now she can see clearly.

It turns out that these are abandoned seeds constantly erupting in the process of growing seeds into big trees. It seems that it is also carrying out a law of survival of the fittest.

Those substandard, inferior thing, by the star cloud column erupts, turns into a piece of starry sky. They also have their own cycles, but they are not as good as those left in the trees.

Gradually, the small trees grow into big trees, and the branches and leaves begin to flourish, becoming particularly spectacular and beautiful.

"Is the origin of the world a tree?" Mu Qingge was shocked by the picture.

Even before that, she had heard countless legends and hypotheses about the world tree. However, they were not shocked by what they saw with their own eyes at the moment.

Because, this completely subverts the existence of her inherent world outlook.

No! It should be said that since she entered this different world, her world outlook has been constantly changing, constantly collapsing and rebuilding, and then collapsing and rebuilding.

"Those who have been eliminated are probably hundreds of millions of worlds." Si Mo suddenly said.

Mu Qingge's lips are tight and there is no refutation.

Because she felt the same way.

Hundreds of millions of ordinary world, this billion, is just a description, the description is too many has been countless. They surround the world tree. Although they are eliminated, they still generate energy in their own operation to support the world tree.

The trunk and branches of the world tree represent a different world similar to the one she is now in. They form different systems and do not interfere with each other, but all come from the same place.

That's the main trunk, the legendary main world!

"The trunk is the main world, the branches are the big world, and the leaves are the small world..." Mu Qingge suddenly realized. She thought of her previous life, perhaps a blue star in a nebula. When her body was blown to powder, perhaps that kind of super strength, took her soul out of the track of the nebula.

She was in this chaos, I do not know how long she floated, by chance, fell into a small world with the land of gods and demons as the great world.

Linchuan is a small world!

Finally, with the help of Mu Qingge's corpse, he revived his soul.

In a flash, mu Qingge finally figured out why he was born here. Everything seems inconceivable, seemingly like a dream like things, the original in seeing the essence, everything has become so real and simple.

"The Tao is not complicated. The original meaning of Tao is one, that is, simplicity, which is the ultimate simplicity." Mu light song suddenly opened his eyes, clear eyes burst out of the essence.

She returned to the Daoguang steps, and she sat opposite, is Si mo.

At the moment, Si Mo also closed his eyes, it seems that he is still feeling. Mu Qingge doesn't know if he suddenly wakes up because his inference is correct.However, at the moment, she has already understood in her heart that the original perception of Tao has reached the acme, which is Jane! Don't be confused by foreign things, don't be troubled by twigs and twigs, see the essence clearly, that is the truth!

Mu Qingge looks back, and he sits on the ninety-eight steps. Under him, there are other gods on the ninety-seven floor, and then below

Dense, all human.

Originally crowded Loulan Island, but now it is empty, all people, crowded into the Daoguang, seize the opportunity to practice.

Mu light song takes back the light of the eyes, converges the mind and begins to practice.

Her understanding in Daoguang is just the same.

Time, slowly passing.

In Daoguang, both the Protoss and the demons are immersed in the cultivation. The Daoguang, just like the starlight, envelops them and gradually envelops them.

In a flash, half a month passed.

At this time, in the bottom of the Daoguang, people began to burst out the essence of light.


A light, then quickly spread around, the bottom of all the people, almost all issued a white light.

Then, on the upper layer, some people began to shine, one by one, constantly spreading from the bottom to the top.

The steps in Daoguang are like lighting up layers of "lights". The majestic magic power converges from all directions. Gradually, the power of the law also quickly gathered toward the Daoguang.

The two forces converged in the air and merged into one, forming a huge and incomparable whirlwind that shrouded all people's heads. But this hurricane did not bring danger, on the contrary, all people began to suck up.

They inhale the power of the divine power and the power of the law into their bodies and break through their own cultivation realm

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