"Sister, it's too hard and lonely for you to carry all this on your own! I will practice hard, and I will guard our family with you Mu Yichen's voice is firm.

Think about it, he is the only male of the younger generation in the family, but he only wants to live his own small life, and does not think of making progress, so that his elder sister to face all the external storms, it is really too ashamed.

Just like today, when danger comes, he doesn't even have the power to protect his family and reassure his sister. On the contrary, he has to be protected by others.

"I'm not alone!" Mu light song road.

This is not a comfort.

When she said this sentence, her mind, are the familiar outline, appearance. "It seems hard for you all along the way, but actually, I enjoyed it. Around me, there are like-minded partners, dragon tooth guards, close friends, and many people who accompany me and are willing to fight side by side with me. So, I'm not alone. "


"Yi Chen, if you want to be a strong man yourself, I will agree. But if you just love me and give up the life you want, it's not necessary

What else does Mu Yichen want to say, but he is interrupted by mu Qingge.

"Sister..." Mu Yichen's eyes were moist.

He is not really the kind of person who wants to become stronger and stronger. He just thinks that Mu Jiajun is suitable for him. He likes the feeling of military camp, training with Mu Jiajun and fighting in the battlefield together.

"Well, as I said, each of us has his own choice, and no one is wrong. As long as our hearts are together, it will be enough. Our family will never fall down and will not disperse. " Mu Qingge patted his younger brother and sister on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Song Er, did you sleep?"

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door.

The reflection of the man outside the door, appearing on the window, is the profile of a man.

"It's the father!"

Mu Xuewu and Mu Yichen share the same voice.

"No Mu light song open mouth to answer, but in the heart is surprised murian city so late to find their own to do.

"If you haven't fallen asleep, come out and talk to me." Murian city is also a road.

Mu Xuewu and Mu Yichen turn their eyes and look at Xiangmu Qingsong. The latter says to the two: "you go back and have a rest first." Then she got up and went to the door.

When she opened the door, she saw the Mulian city standing outside.

"Father." Mu light song called softly.

Muriancheng gently nodded his jaw and said to her, "let's go."

"Good." Mu Qingge did not refuse, jaw head left with his father.

They did not go far, just in the hospital under the moon, random walk. Occasionally, the patrolling bodyguards passed by and saluted mu Qingge and Mulian city one by one.

"Ge'er, do you blame your father?" Suddenly, muliancheng asked.


Mu light song a little surprised, puzzled to see Mu Liancheng. She did not understand why muliancheng suddenly said such words.

Do you complain?

Mu Qingge did not answer immediately, but thought in his heart.

And her silence, let murian city heart nervous up.

"If it's a real moqingge..." Mu Qingge laughs and shakes his head. In the waiting of Mulian City, the tone of voice is affirmative: "don't complain."

These two words, as if to unload the shackles on the heart of muliancheng, make his eyes hot, almost tears.

"In those days, my father was also a victim." Mu light song road.

Mu Liancheng laughed a little, "but, after rebirth, I, the father, did not fulfill the responsibility of a father, but let you a child, to protect the family."

"Father, do you have to worry about that?" Mu Qingge suddenly stops and looks at him with clear eyes.

This evening, her family, each of them showed a sense of guilt, and everyone felt sorry for her.

Mu Liancheng also stopped, and mu Qingge looked at each other, the mood in his eyes was complex and difficult to understand.

"This is my way. Why do you feel sorry for me? If I had not left Linchuan in those years, you would not have encountered these things. You didn't blame me, I would have been grateful

This is the truth.

If she had stayed in Linchuan at the beginning, she would have been the dandy little Baron of the Mufu, and would have been able to continue to dominate in Linchuan. Naturally, we will not be exposed to more things, we will not know about the medieval world, the land of gods and demons, nor will we know about the Fu family, and we will not be involved in all the events.

However, if so, even if she seems safe, but in front of the strong, she is still just a mole ant.

"Father, I'm glad." Mu Qingge seriously said to Mu Liancheng: "in the face of the threat of the Fu clan today, I am a master, I can control this fight. It is not just a mole ant that can drift with the tide and hand over the fate to others. Therefore, I am glad that I made the choice. At least, in this period, I can keep everything I want to protect in my heart. "Mu Liancheng was stunned by mu Qingge's words, and was speechless for a time.

"Father, you don't have to blame yourself for being a burden and loving me. It's none of your business. It's all my own choice. " Mu light song road.

Muriancheng did not speak for a long time, but finally sighed heavily.

He has been sleeping for more than 20 years, and has already missed the best time to practice. Moreover, after his rebirth, he lost his ambition. In his heart, his family was the most important.

"Ge'er, we adore the family, the starting point is low, but our character is not low. Do whatever you want to do. Don't worry about us. Don't worry, your father, your brother, are not random bullies. This home is not only for you to guard, but also for us. " After a long time in Mulian City, he sang to Mu Qing.

When muriancheng said these words, mu Qingge seemed to see a young general in the army of Mujia, who galloped on the battlefield with unparalleled bearing.

It is so high spirited, giving people a sense of incomparable security.

She nodded heavily.

This night, she untied the knot with her family.

This night, she had a very sweet sleep, but also a special peace of mind.

This night, originally should be her and Si Mo's wedding night, but now, Si Mo body in the devil's land.

The night passed, and as soon as it was light, mu Qingge took his family with him in an empty boat, returned to the middle ancient world, and then left in a hurry.

Before leaving, Mu Xiong said to her Let her remember that no matter who the enemy is, no matter where she is, she is the Mu family, and the whole Mu family is her support, waiting for her dispatch at any time.

King sang Shun also told her that although the power of the sangs is small, they are willing to help her. If there is a need for sang people, they will do their best!

With the family's deep care, muqingge leaves for the time being and returns to jiuchongtian!

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