Jiuchongtian, it seems unconsciously, has become the base camp for discussing the affairs of the Fu family.

After the wedding was interrupted, the emperor of the gods returned to their respective divine regions to arrange for it, and then returned here again, so did the emperor Feng and Yin Jue.

On this day, not only the gods and emperors of the Shenzu arrived in Qi, but also the leaders of Fenghuang, yinjue and GUI in the demon forest. Even Simao appeared with Qingze and solitary cliff in the demon kingdom.

In the palace of Jiuchong God, mu Qingge chose a side hall specially for discussion.

At the moment, all the people in power sit around the long table.

The one sitting on the throne is naturally the master of muqingge. Si Mo, then sat in the first place on her right side, the first on the left side was the emperor of Yue, the right side was Fenghuang and others, and the right side was other gods.

"What is the arrangement in your domain?" Mu Qingge asked.

"The investigation is all in the charge of the disciples in front of the hall and the little God Emperor, but this investigation takes a long time. As for those God Man cities and mortal cities outside the divine realm, they will also be investigated in the divine realm by the disciples who have no doubt about their identity On behalf of the people, the emperor of Zhongshan replied.

"Carpet investigation..." Mu light song murmured a word and nodded. "Although time-consuming, this method is the best way to prevent the fish from escaping the net."

"If there is really a rune spies mixed into the land of gods and demons, we can also think of a bait, lead it out, and kill them all in one net." The emperor also added.

Everyone nodded.

It will save a lot of time than such a large-scale investigation.

"A little more." Si Mo suddenly opened his mouth.

As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Since they can camouflage, they can sneak in at any time. They can't do this every time. They have to find a way to see through their disguises." Si Mo Dao.

What he said made everyone's eyes bright.

Mu Qingge nodded with a smile, "it really needs to be so, if we can see through their disguise, they will be exposed in front of us."

"But..." "If you want to find a way to see through the camouflage, you must want to catch the spies of the Fu family, and then you can have a breakthrough point."

Only by seeing the camouflage of the rune spies, can we know what their camouflage is and whether there are loopholes.

"So, this matter can only wait first!" Burning sea god Huang frowned.

"It's true." The emperor of Zhongshan nodded.

"Also, to find out how they sneaked into the land of gods and demons. Otherwise, they will appear and disappear, and we will not be able to do anything about it. " Yin Jue also pointed out the problem.

Mu Qingge clapped his hands, and suddenly, in front of the crowd, there appeared an illusory map. This map is a plane, drawing means, is commonly used military drawing, from the Dragon teeth guard and the magic guard.

"What is this picture?" Jin Guang asked curiously.

They have never seen such a military map.

In fact, military maps can't be understood by people without professional training.

"This is the map of the land of gods and demons. It's a plane. You can understand it as a straight line from the sky. " Mu Qingge stood up and introduced to the public.

Her finger shot out a thin light, fell on the map, to the people: "this is the devil's land." As her fingers moved, she said, "here, it's the demon forest."

Finally, her finger pointed to the Starry Sea, "this is the land of the four seas."

After everyone understood, she said, "I sent someone to check these places carefully." Her fingertips point in several directions on the map, marked by red arrows. "They are the places where the gods and Demons fought with the runes."

By her explanation, the form of the land of gods and Demons immediately became clear in people's minds.

"For hundreds of thousands of years, the Fu people have been fighting with us in these fixed places!" Broken star surprised way.

Mu Qingge nodded: "this shows that they can only sneak in through these places. I guess they may have taken advantage of the battle to make people disguise as Protoss or demons, and then follow the army of the gods and Demons back to the devil Kingdom and the four seas and gods land, and then lurk down. "

Si Mo's eyes suddenly shrunk, and a light flashed through his eyes.

Others may not notice, but mu Qingge has seen it. She turned her eyes and asked, "what do you see?"

Si Mo slowly raised eyes, Po se eyes in the deep difficult to understand. "It's just a hypothesis in my heart."

"If you have an idea, you'd better say it and discuss it together." For him, the emperor also turned his eyes and looked at him.

Simao lowered his eyes and said faintly: "if the Fu clan is taking advantage of the battle, disguised as the gods and demons, they must steal others' identities."

"Yes In the eyes of the emperor of thousands of birds, he stood up.

His excitement made people look sideways and made him sit down again in some embarrassment.

Si Mo's words, we all understand.Whether Protoss or demons, whenever they go to war, there will be identity verification. In order to count the number of people after the war, and identity. Know who died and who survived.

Therefore, in order to get involved, the Fu family can only steal the identity of those who died in battle, disguise themselves as them, sneak into the land of gods and Demons and wait for the opportunity to move.

"So, these Fu spies are all lurking in the great God regions and among the demon troops?" The emperor finally summed up a sentence.

"Very likely! After all, they must be close to the power center if they want to get information and know the important intelligence of the two clans of gods and demons. It's not very useful to pretend to be ordinary mortals or gods. " Zhongshan shenhuang road.

"Not necessarily. Sometimes, incitement among the people will have unexpected effects. " Mu light song but way.

They were stunned, but they could not refute it.

After a short while, the emperor of the burning sea god spread out his hand and said, "what is it now? Originally, I thought the scope was narrowed down. Now, I still want to find a needle in the sea. "

"Everything now is speculation. We can't do anything if we don't catch the rune spies, how they camouflage, how they deliver messages, and everything is completely unknown. " Mu Qingge looks at him.

This is their common dilemma.

The Fu people know them very well. But they knew nothing about the Fu family.

"What now?" The helpless way of burning the sea god.

There was silence in the palace.

The conspiracy of the Fu clan is in front of us. They are eyeing the land of gods and demons, trying to swallow them up. However, they did not know how to put their hands on it and put an end to the ambition of the Fu clan.

"The devil kingdom is headed by the demon king, and the whole people are soldiers. However, the four seas and gods are scattered around the world, and each god domain is the leader. This does not count the scattered cities Mu light song suddenly said.

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