Mu light song hugs Si Mo, the cry of forbearance faintly spreads from her body, that kind of depressed and despairing pain starts to spread from her body, as if infecting all around.

First read and change Yue God Emperor standing in the distance, looking at her.

In their eyes, there is the ultimate calm, quiet to people feel afraid.

All of a sudden, Chu Nian snorted and squatted down tightly holding his skirt. From her mouth, there was a dull hum with a look of pain.

Tears, uncontrolled outflow, eyes also filled with despair and pain.

"What's the matter with you?" For him God Emperor surprised to see her, also slowly squat down.

First read to bite the lip, slowly shake his head, look at the direction of Xiangmu light song with a complex look. Over there, it is still very quiet, even the sound of the wind can be heard. "Not me."

She murmured.

For he God Emperor silent down, Phoenix eyes that kind of lazy has disappeared, only a heavy complex color.

"I live and die with Qingsong, but I don't feel the same. But now, I can be affected by her, feel the pain. We can imagine how much pain she is suffering at the moment At the same time, I began to cry.

She could not tell whether the tears were affected by the emotion of moqingge, but could not be controlled, or because she loved muqingge and couldn't stop it.

"She didn't want to cry, so let me cry for her." The first time I read the word whispering in my heart.

"What else do you feel?" Suddenly, the emperor asked.

Chu Nian didn't think about the meaning of his words. He replied truthfully: "I feel Everything in my heart collapsed and all the colors disappeared. As if, what to do has lost the meaning, as if She has lost her reason to live. "

Change he God Emperor's eyes to a shrink, that pair of eyes bottom, the wind and cloud change.

"She's guilty, she's blaming herself." The first thought is another way.

For him, the emperor's eyebrows wrinkled and looked at the direction of Mu Qingge from afar.

"Sometimes, it's a great fortune to survive. But along with this kind of luck, it is a kind of unbearable pain. Light Song said, the road is merciless, so it must be fair. One gain and one loss is the final conclusion. I didn't understand before, but now I do. " The first time I read the whispering way.

"One gains and one loses, one gains justice, and the other gains all the time." For him God Huang deep voice murmur, slowly to Mu light song walk. "If you understand it, but you can't let it go, then you will suffer."

Calm wind, blowing from the earth, blowing the hair of moqingge, blowing her clothes to hunt.

She felt that her eyes were dry, and her sight was blurred.

She does not want to do anything, just want to sit quietly, holding Si Mo, has been sitting like this. "Ah Mo, it's so quiet now. It's hard for us to have such a time. The Fu clan is gone, and all the dust is settled. However, you have left me, what should I do in the future? You said, you waited for thousands of years to wait for my appearance. Now I appear, but you are gone. What's the reason? Will you wake up Wake up, we do not care about anything, we go to travel three thousand world, you promised me, you will accompany me to find Jiang Li. You wake up, don't you want children? We have a child, a son, like you, another daughter, miss me. It is said that both children are the most perfect. Shall we also have one

She murmured and said something that she didn't even know.

From the moment she saw this scene, her mind was in a blank state. Her insensitive emotion and touch broke out completely at this moment, which made her understand the seven emotions and six desires, but also tasted the pain of life and death.

What reason, what strong, have been forgotten by her.

"You don't like it." The God Emperor of Yue came to her in front of her and broke her self trapped calm.

Mu light song slowly raised his head, that pair of clean eyes bottom, but blood red.

That kind of calm, let him change the emperor's eyes, hidden in the sleeve of the hands, can not help but pinch.

Mu Qingge saw the change of Yue emperor, also trance to see in his back, to this side of the first read. However, at this time, the two of them, in her sight, are blurred.

"How can I be reconciled to you?" Mu light song peaceful way. In that calm, but suppress the storm.

Her state at this time is terrible, like a bomb in high temperature. If you don't pay attention to it, it will explode and explode into pieces.

For him, the emperor congealed with her and said slowly, "this is not a child's play, but a war between the two worlds. Either you die or I die. To win the final victory, sacrifice and cost are inevitable. You hurt, I understand, but you can't immerse too long. Hurt oneself, how can so many people who can't put you at ease? "

"Don't talk to me about these big things!" Murmurong roared out. "You have to sacrifice, you have to pay, so you have to take away the lives of people around me again and again? My parents, brothers, close friends and millions of Linchuan people are willing to die in order to repair Linchuan. You make me understand that when I come back here, my friends and subordinates are all killed. You make me understand? Now, even my beloved, died for the land of gods and demons. Do you still let me understand? And what about you? What have you done for the world? "Mu Qingge's accusation made him feel a pain in his heart.

He never cares about the external language, but mu Qingge's out of control words make him feel the pain of being misunderstood. He can make the world misunderstand, but he doesn't want moqingge to think of him like this.

"Light song, don't do this. It is not that he is unwilling to join the war. " Chu Nian ran over and explained to Mu Qingge.

However, mu Qingge is staring at him, the fierce blood eyes, scraping his cheek.

By her so hostile, even if know, at this moment is her grief under the vent, for he God Emperor or feel heartache. This heartache, not from oneself, but because of Mu Qingge.

He took a deep breath and said, "he left me to decide When you come back, even if you don't accept the harm, I will stop you from coming back. The foundation of the whole world has been damaged. It is not easy to recover? If there is no refiner to refine the Zhentian stone and stabilize the foundation, there must be someone who can do the major repair work and consolidate everything at their own cost. And I can't get there yet. In the whole land of gods and demons, he is the only one who can achieve this goal. He didn't want to choose, but he had to. He's not for anyone else, but for you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!