"The foundation has been destroyed, and no living creature has survived in the whole world. I'm not a fearless man of Dagong. I'm going because I want to protect the one I love. Even if the world is destroyed, it will be enough if I can protect her. "

Si Mo's words reappear in the ear of the emperor.

At that time, he didn't understand, he didn't agree. But now, seeing mu Qingge's appearance and being infected by her pain, he suddenly moved.

People think that men and women love, if love to the extreme, the original can be so strong.

The love between men and women despised by the practitioners is not disdain, but has not met the one who is destined to be.

Thousands of years ago, Yu Ya left for love and left in the name of a traitor.

Thousands of years later, he finally understood and relieved Yu Ya's choice.

"For me? I would rather die with him than live a life of idleness. " Mu light song a cold smile, but the heart is very painful.

Simao's powerful, let her forget, he will also face life and death.

What road, what morality, at this moment, all are thrown out by mu Qingge. Can the righteousness of these roads be exchanged for her relatives, friends and lovers?

Mu Qingge's eyes are more and more blood red, even the hair, began to gradually change to red.

"Light song!" Chu Nian exclaimed.

For him God Emperor also double eyebrow a wrinkle, big drink way: "Mu light song! Do you want to fall into the devil's way? If you are possessed, there will be no turning back! "

The murmur is full of ridicule. "What is magic? If enchantment can give me a chance to bring them back from the dead, what about being possessed? "

"Light song no!" "Do you know the difference between demons and demons? Demons are different in their cultivation methods, and being possessed by demons is controlled by heart demons. I know you are in pain now. You want to overthrow everything you thought before. You want to break the rules of the world. You want to defeat the road and save them. However, from ancient times to the present, people who are possessed by demons can not change anything in the end. They will only die of madness? "

"If you can't think about it, don't think about it. Do you have to drive yourself into the devil? Even if you are possessed, what can you change? " For Yue, the emperor of God yelled.

Since he is entrusted by Si Mo, he can't break his faith if he doesn't do stupid things.

In particular, breaking faith in a dead person!

See Mu light song don't listen to persuade, for he God Emperor eye light a Li, want to Mu light song attack, want to force stun her, let her calm down.

However, mu Qingge can be easily controlled?

Change he God Emperor to her attack, she one hand embraces Si Mo, single hand return attack. The two forces intersect and collide fiercely. She did not move, for he God Emperor but she kicked back a few steps.

This scene, make change him God Emperor and first read facial expression suddenly a change.

"Her strength!" Change the way that he God Emperor is shocked.

The first time reads the brow to knit tightly, "she is enchanted, this kind of power transformation, is too violent. You and I both know how strong the light song is. You and I know how tough her mind is. Now, if she is possessed, she will only become stronger. She will no longer believe in anyone, anything, but herself, until one day she will toss herself to death

"Something must be done to stop her!" For him, the divine emperor's expression coagulates the heavy road.

The first time reads the Mou light to struggle for a while, appears a silk Jue to decide the color. She said in a deep voice, "I have a way!"

After that, she incarnated as a nine color Phoenix, whistling toward the sky and flying toward the Mu light song. Mu light song raised eyes to see her, sharp eyes, Qingming no longer, only cold and tyrannical.

She grabs Chu Nian, and the power of the eruption in her palm catches the nine color Phoenix, and Chu Nian sends out a painful cry.

"You're mine. Come here!" Mu Qingsong's cold and harsh way took Chu Nian in his hand and drew her to himself.

This incident, so that the emperor of God for him was very surprised, just when he was ready to make a move, Chuniang sent a message to him. "Don't act rashly. She won't hurt me."

This sentence, stopped to change the pace of the emperor, looking at the nine color Phoenix, from the air was pulled down, fell on the side of Mu light song.

She turned into a human body and struggled to get up. Looking at mu Qingge, she said, "Qingge, don't worry. I have a way. I have a way to make you change everything. "

The eyes of the light, a little light.

"What way." Mu Qingge asked.

Her voice, however, became callous.

"Reverse!" First read the mouth to say two words.


Mu light song eyes suddenly widened, in the mind, by the violent gas filled memory, was awakened.

For him, the emperor's face is a change, looking at the first read, shocked in the eyes, full of disapproval. He was about to open his mouth, but was stopped by the first thought shaking his head.

"Do you know that the devil could have broken the void long ago?" The first thought is another way.

"What do you say?" Mu Qingge clenched her skirt.

There was no fear in the eyes of Chu Nian, but he turned his eyes and looked at the God Emperor.Mu light song suddenly look back, look to change he God Emperor, the expression in the eyes is fierce and cold.

Under her gaze, the emperor of Yue opened his mouth and said, "yes, this is the demon king admitted to me personally. He said that in the light of Taoism, he had already realized the key to breaking the void and entering the realm of first veneration. But he didn't break through. "

"Why?" Mu Qingge asked hoarsely.

"Because once broken, he will not be able to stay on the land of gods and demons for too long. In a very short time, he will be forced to fly into the main world. He can't let you go. He knows that he wants to fight with the Fu clan, so he can't abandon you at this time! He wants to break through and enter the realm of Shizun in order to obtain the comprehensive power to protect you. If he wants to leave you and let you face everything alone, this power is meaningless to him. " He said everything.

Mu Qingge is stunned, and the violent spirit in his eyes struggles.

Chu Nian took the opportunity to say: "if the demon king enters the realm of Shizun, then consolidating the land of gods and demons will not be so reluctant and will not die. You already know what's going on now. We'll use the reverse curse to return everything to before everything happens. You'll have a chance to change everything! So, you don't need to be possessed, you don't need to fight everything, just for that illusory chance, there's a chance in front of you, right? "

"Yes." After silence, mu Qingge said.

The blood in her eyes faded.

"Only you can convince the devil, only you have experienced everything, so only you can find the opportunity to change the ending." Chu read Dao.

Mu light song nodded lightly.

Indeed, with all her memories, she went back to the beginning and prevented everything from happening. Linchuan will not be destroyed, parents and friends do not have to sacrifice Linchuan blood, Si Mo also do not have to sacrifice themselves, all people will not die!

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