"Sir, use your strength

"Yes! Sir, do your best

"The little master is coming out soon. Try your best! Do your best

"Shut up A burst of forbearance stopped the voice of a group of people outside the tent.

Standing outside the tent, Youhe and Huayue, who are at the front of the tent, look at each other with worry and excitement in their eyes. Behind the two of them, there are chiya, xuanya, and other maids, each holding hot water, scissors, clean cloth, baby clothes and so on.

"Well..." From time to time, there were groans and figures in the accounts, which worried them.

"Master, let us in." He couldn't help it.

Inside the account, there was peace.

After a moment, came the sound of Mu Qingge biting his teeth. "No!"

Xuanya anxiously said: "master, how can you be like this? Deliver yourself? "

"Yes, sir, do you want to kill us?" The anxious voice of Huayue has already brought a cry.

Her master was very hard to get to this day. After a hundred years of marriage with Mr. Mo, she ushered in the birth of the first master son!

"I can do it myself." Mu light song with a trace of cold voice again.

However, everyone could hear that the chill in her voice was due to the pain of childbirth.

Mu Qingge's temperament, as her four maids, how can I know?

Helpless, also had to stand outside the account to do anxious.

In front of the curtain, there are many women's dresses. The closed gate of the palace is picturesque, different from the land of gods and demons.

However, standing outside the door waiting for a few men, but no appreciation of the mind.

"The princess has been born for three days. Why hasn't the little master come out?" Lonely cliff whispered to the lonely night around.

Lonely night raised his eyes and looked at the dark figure who had not moved a step in three days, and then quickly dropped his eyes. He said to the lonely cliff, "don't you think the master is worried enough?"

Lonely cliff expression a coagulation, tightly pursed lips, no more words.

Standing beside them is Moyang, who has not spoken a word for three days, and his hands have been tightly clenched. That pair of quiet eyes, full of worry.

He heard that when a woman gives birth to a child, it is very dangerous to go for a walk around the gate of the devil. Can he survive?

Thinking of this, he also raised his eyes to look at the back of the door, and his heart was full of hatred. It was this man that made his little Lord so bad!


Inside the door, suddenly came a cry of pain.

Several people outside the door were shocked.

Especially standing outside the door of Si Mo, the whole heart almost exploded. "Little song!" He called out the name of his heart, but found his voice with a very obvious tremor.

For tens of thousands of years, he had never been so afraid.

"No more! I don't want this child! "

An idea flashed into Si Mo's mind. He didn't even think about it. He just pushed the door in.

What offspring, what inheritance, what blood continuation, are not more important than his little song!


The tall black figure directly rushed into the palace and attracted the attention of a group of people outside the tent.

The girls turned their eyes and looked at him. The maids' faces were startled and they knelt down to greet him. And mu Qingge's four maids were surprised and looked at him.

"Uncle, why did you come in?" Young lotus comes to Si Mo, trying to stop him from getting close to the big bed.

After all, women are in labor and men should not be close to them.

However, when Si Mo saw a group of them all guarding outside the tent, the bottom of the eyes of Po se was suddenly angry and asked, "what are you all standing here for?"

In the past three days, is his little song just producing by himself?

These people who wait on the labor just stay here?

At the thought of this possibility, Simao felt heartache, heartache, his wife alone suffered so much pain.

"It's the little baron who won't let in." Young lotus face tangled explanation.

A listen is mu light song's idea, Si Mo more and more distressed. He went forward again, regardless of young lotus's obstruction. "Xiao Ge'er, we are not born any more. No more children

"You give me the rough!" Mu light song roared.

Then, a strong force, directly out of the account, toward the division of mo.

Si Mo's eyes suddenly shrunk, no hand to block, let the force, fall on his chest.


Just like the feeling of the huge stone hammer in the chest, the domineering power directly flies out of the hall with Si Mo's body. This scene startled the ladies.

The young lotus reacts, immediately runs up, closes the gate.

Mu light song that blow, natural won't hurt Si Mo, just push him out the door. Later, the sound of Murong followed.However, what she called is not Si Mo, but Mo Yang.

"Moyang, bring the Dragon teeth guard to the door. Who dares to get close to it will be unforgivable!"

This is a cold command, so that all the people outside the door in the Si Mo was hit to fly out of the shock, the corner of the mouth mercilessly.

Moyang immediately straightened his chest and roared in response: "yes, sir!"

Si Mo turns the eyes, in the eyes sharp eye light is like a knife, flies toward the dark sun.

However, he turned a blind eye. According to Mu Qingge's command, he summoned the Dragon teeth guard and formed a wall outside the palace to block all the people outside, including Simao.

Si Mo's face is gloomy and ugly, but also did not hand.

Because, he did not dare at this time, to challenge mu Qingge.

Lonely cliff and lonely night smile bitterly, look at each other, feel aggrieved and helpless for their Ye.

The sound from the lonely cliff to the lonely night: "Alas! Our princess is really extraordinary. Even if she has a child, she is so domineering. "

"I wonder what the master did when he went in and angered the princess?" The way of lonely night.

Two people tacit understanding of one eye, both with sympathetic eyes to see the cold lingering Si mo.


Inside the hall, a group of kneeling maids are also frightened by the order of Mu Qingge.

It's the first time they've met, they've had a baby, they've all had this. In the past, the women in Linchuan, as they knew, were not crying, shouting, complaining about their husbands, or crying to their husbands and being coquettish?

Why is it their turn to be the master of the house? The whole style has changed?

Sure enough, their master son, worthy of this hundred years, from the bottom of the blood, to become a overlord!

Mu light song's order, let four maids also can't cry or laugh.

However, they did not know what to say and what was going on in the accounts.

Today, we can only pray for mu Qingge's safety and peace.

In the account, mu Qingge is just wearing a gauze, his hair is messy, his face and body are all wet with sweat, and the bed is also a piece of mud.

Sweat, blood, amniotic fluid, all mixed together, stained a large area.

She sat on the bed post with her legs apart, supporting her body with one hand and caressing her high stomach with the other. Beautiful facial features, now some haggard, but more beautiful.

"Damn it! Is this a sequela of genetic modification agents? "

In these three days, mu Qingge can't remember how many times he swore in his heart.

Her own delivery, not her affectation, but special no way ah!

Her recovery ability is really too strong, a little wound, will immediately heal, do not give the child a chance to come out.

If she had not been able to feel the child's strong heartbeat, she would have been worried that the child would be suffocated in these three days!

"I've been tormented by you for three years, and now I've finally been able to keep the clouds open and see the moon bright. You've been tortured by me again But the problem is What's more, it's all labor and capital suffering! " Mu Qingge looks at his stomach and wants to cry without tears.

The child in the belly, desperately want to come out, but can not come out.

It seems that she was avenged for her three-year pregnancy. But it was not herself who suffered?

Proud of her self-healing ability, she has now become a stumbling block in her production!

I'm afraid she can't think of it!

Mu Qingge gasps for breath, and the little guy in his stomach seems to be impatient. His hands and feet begin to punch mu Qingge's stomach.

Looking at his little hands and feet looming on his stomach, mu Qingge's clear eyes are warm, and the resentment of being tortured for three days dissipates cleanly in an instant.

She showed a faint smile to her stomach and whispered, "don't worry, you'll be out soon."

After that, she had a sharp knife in her hand.

Mu light song's eyes flash a fierce color, the heart has made a decision. "No, I have to do my own caesarean section."


The main world, where legend is the birthplace of all worlds, is higher than any interface.

Here, it's so vast that there's no end to it.

Even, some people say, taking a breath here is equivalent to taking a holy pill!

In the sky, there are two silver lights passing by, towards the land, one of the ten biggest realms that have risen for a hundred years, the God demon world.

The world of gods and demons, strictly speaking, appeared 60 years ago. Another couple of husband and wife who have risen to the top ten and sixth in the main world in only 60 years. They have shocked the waiting list and overlord of the whole world.

Although ranked sixth, it is the place where any power in the main world would not easily offend when it comes to the God demon world.

Not only because of their super combat effectiveness, but also because, its master, is too cruel!The killing was decisive, which made the scalp numb.

The two silver lights, which rushed into the God demon world without any hindrance, fell directly in front of the palace which was heavily guarded and turned into a man and a woman.

"What's going on?" When he saw the battle outside, he was stunned.

Silver dust also frowned.

Si Mo turns to look at them two people, ask: "thing?"

When it came to business, they did not ask any more questions. Instead, they immediately poured all the things they had collected onto the ground. "It's all good for us to collect, to produce."


With Bai's voice just fell, a figure also rolled down on the ground.

Si Mo looks to that person, eyes squint.

"Midwife." Silver dust explained.

Lonely cliff and lonely night mouth corner a draw, strong hold back smile.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a loud baby cry, burst into the sky, breaking the slightly rigid atmosphere outside the door.

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