
Loud and amazing baby crying, through the clouds, broke the rigid atmosphere outside the door.

"Health Is it born? " The lonely cliff can't help but grasp the arm of lonely night, and his five fingers are trapped in his flesh.


Lonely night pain to take a breath of cool, turn eyes to see the lonely cliff, eyes stare round.


He was born with xiaoge'er's child!

The crying of the baby broke the calm of Simao. A new father's ecstasy, from the bottom of his heart, broke through the spirit, burning his whole person.


Si Mo's figure disappeared in situ, and he had entered the room when he reappeared.

Outside the door, five hundred dragon teeth guard used to have a cold face, also full of joy. Their little master was finally born, and their Lord would not suffer any more.

Mo Yang's heart is relieved, has been tight string finally relaxed.

"Close up!" He ordered in a deep voice.

However, although the five hundred dragon teeth have restrained the anger of the whole body, they still surround and do not disperse.

Moyang eyebrow tip a lift, this is the first time since the founding of the Dragon tooth guard to disobey orders.

"Head, let's stay here for a while and have a look at the master." Someone asked Mo Yang.

Mo Yang couldn't refuse this request. His expression slowed down and he acquiesced in the "rebellion" of the Dragon teeth guards.

"Yes! Born! I'll go in and have a look Bai Lin was so excited that he wanted to rush in.

However, as soon as she moved, she was caught by the silver dust.

"What are you doing?" Bai's dissatisfied look back at him.

Silver dust light way: "at this time, let them speak well. What's more, light songs also need rest. "

Bai Bi turned his lips and muttered, "what rest do you need to rest on the abnormal resilience of light song? Maybe she's already alive and well

Although so said, but white still gave up the idea of going in and having fun. She turned to look at the blank face of the midwife, as well as a large number of midwives collected from the corner of her mouth, pointed and asked, "what can I do with these?"

Silver dust blood Mou light sweep, open a way: "keep it."

White eyes in a bright, smiling nod. "Yes. I can't use it this time. I can use it next time. "


In the palace, the maids outside the tent, before they could wake up from the joy of the birth of their little master, they felt a kind of arrogant oppression.

They turned their eyes and found that the king of the world, who had been thrown out before and after the boundary, appeared again.

"Stop." The cold drink in the tent stopped the pace of Si mo.

Si Mo mouth a trace of bitter smile, Po se eyes, but also joy, is distressed, but also helpless. "Little song, let me in."

"When I clean up." This time, mu Qingge didn't throw him out again, but gave a reason that he couldn't refuse.

Si Mo in the heart sighed a tone, after the silent take back to step out of the foot, standing in situ waiting.

Hearing the sound of muqingge, Youhe immediately moved.

They carry clean water, clean clothes, and children's clothes, into the account.

"Ah! How lovely the Lord is

"My Lord, you are so beautiful! It's even more likable than yuan yuan yuan. "

"This pair of eyes is really water smart, so clever!"

After a while, the four maids' praise came from the four maids.

These words, drill into Si Mo ear, make his heart itch unbearably. A pair of proud star eyes of the world, showing the look of expectation, waiting eagerly.

Fortunately, he did not have to wait for long, a maid holding dirty bedding, as well as mu Qingge off the clothes came out of the tent.

See those bloodstain, Si Mo's eyes shrink, and my heart is aching.

The blood really hurt his eyes.

"King of the Kingdom, you may come in." Young lotus lifted layers of gauze curtain, from inside out, with a face of joy, to Si Mo road.

Finally approved, Si Mo heart big joy, into a virtual shadow, people into the account.

As soon as he entered, the rest of the family retreated in silence, leaving only three of them to enjoy the warm moment.

"Little song." Si Mo stood in the tent, a pair of eyes fell directly under the gauze curtain, that huge incomparable bed. On the bed, a woman in a clean snow lined dress is holding a baby. Between her heroic eyebrows, she is occupied by the soft color of her new mother.

This picture, fell into Si Mo's eyes, is simply beautiful!

He has never seen such a gentle song, wife and children's picture, filled his whole world.

Suddenly, he felt at a loss what to do next.

Those who come in have not seen anything for a long time. Mu light song's eyes do not give up from that piece of meat Du Du, pink carving jade carving small face move, eyes light lift.The man is stupefied appearance, make her eyebrow tip light pick, funny way: "what do you stand there to do?"

Be called to wake up by the voice of Mu light song, Si Mo this just strides to the bedside, sit down. "Xiaoge'er, it's hard for you."

Mu light song hook lips and smile, Hun does not care about the way: "I what big waves have not seen? But it's hard for me to have a baby. "

Behind her, she suffered for three days and two nights.

Even if she doesn't care, how can Si Mo turn a blind eye?

"We don't want children any more, just this one. I won't let you suffer any more. " Si Mo hugs mu Qingge into his arms to protect her.

However, mu Qingge said with a smile: "I feel that I can regenerate a few. For the first time, it's hard to avoid the lack of experience. It's not going to happen again. "

She was telling the truth, but the process was hidden.

According to her physical characteristics, just after the knife went down, the pain was so instantaneous. When she took the child out, the wound healed immediately, and there was no scar left.

It is unexpected that having children is as easy as digging the ground, which makes mu Qingge less resistant to the issue of succession.

"Xiaoge'er..." Si Mo looks at her with tears and laughter.

Mu Qingge stabbed him in the chest with his elbow and asked, "why don't you look at your son?"

Mentions the small fellow, Si Mo just suddenly remembered, this torment person's small thing, he also did not know what looks like. With his eyes drooping, he saw the "little meat ball" in his arms.

"It looks like you and me." Simao focused on the condensation of small steamed bun eyebrows, gave a pertinent evaluation.

Mu light Song mouth a draw, ask a way: "still really say good."

The little buns didn't care about their parents' conversation. He was still in debt with his small mouth.

"Take it out and show them." Mu light song will be the little guy, directly into the arms of Si Mo, he said.

Si Mo jaw head, bent down in her eyebrows fall a kiss, just don't give up the way: "have a good rest, wait for me."


She was feeling a lot of energy at the moment.

Mu Qingge's secret way in his heart. But still nodded acquiescence, did not refuse.

Simao holding a small bun, out of the palace.

His tall and tall figure, with a baby in his arms, was a bit out of tune. However, at this moment, all the people's eyes were excited to fall on the baby in his arms.

"This is your little Lord!" Si Mo gently raised the child, Lang voice way.

"See the little master!"

All the people outside the hall knelt down one after another, calling out a word that they were willing and had been waiting for for a long time.

In the world of gods and demons, the first good day of universal celebration has been ushered in.


A month later.

Mu light song and Si Mo's bedroom, the baby's "cluck cluck" laughter.

Si Mo went to the hall, depressed.

In January, he had a full sleep in the temple, but he didn't sleep there.

The reason -

is that he is so good!

Si Mo took a deep breath and held back the impulse to kill, then showed a kind smile and stepped into the palace.

As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of sucking faintly.

This voice, in this month, is no stranger to him. This is the sound of Mu Qingge in lactation. As soon as I think of that picture, Si Mo feels hot in both eyes.

At the same time, deep in her eyes, a trace of jealousy flowed through her eyes.

"Damn it! It was originally mine, and it was taken over by the boy! " Si Mo Temple blue veins burst out. "Not angry! That's his own son. I can't kill him. "

After comforting oneself some time, Si Mo just raises a step again.

When he walked to the front of Mu Qingge uneasily, he saw the way she arranged her skirt.

Mu light song complete dress, small guy a face satisfied hiccup, make Si Mo eyes rise a burst of disappointment. "I'm late."

"Ah mo." Mu's eyes turned to his smile.

"Little song." Si Mo Mou light a bright, quickly walked to Mu light song side, sat down, put her and the child in the arms. "Tonight we..." He whispered in her ears, whispering.

The ambiguous tone has been very obvious.

Mu light song ear root a red, but did not refuse.

At the moment of ecstasy rising in Simao's heart, a cry suddenly pulled him back from his dream to reality.

"Wow!" The steamed buns that had been full of food and drink suddenly burst into tears. Big big tears drop from the corner of the eye.

"Good, don't cry, don't cry." Mu light song busy coax children, before and Si Mo between the charming atmosphere, swept away.

Si Mo's face is black.

He knew it!In the past month, as long as he wanted to be intimate with mu Qingge, or to be more intimate with his behavior, the little monster would cry fiercely. He would have to cry until he left!

"Little song!" Si Mo stands up, aggrieved way.

Mu light song turned to look at him, directly sent a way: "you go first."

“……” Si Mo's heart is filled with grief and indignation. A feeling of being abandoned strikes my heart.

He stood still, his eyes fixed on the crying little bastard, I don't know what he was thinking.

"Tonight, you will wait for me in the front hall." Just as he was about to run away, thinking about whether to throw the little things out, the sound of muqingge made him ecstatic.

He looked up at her, nodded suddenly, turned around, and disappeared in the palace.

Suddenly, his mother stopped crying, and he just stopped crying.

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