In the chaos and darkness, in the boundless nothingness, everything seems to be still.

Here, as if everything is lifeless, a sense of destruction around.

In the depths of endless darkness, there is a glimmer of gold.

Looking for the light to find, as if falling into a more dark place.

"Who am I? Where am I? "

Deep down, the golden light wrapped around a faint outline of a human figure. Pull out the golden light to see a tall man lying quietly inside.

The clothes on his body, I don't know how many years have passed, the color has faded, and the fabric made of brocade is also in tatters.

Even the skin tends to wrinkle.

Strangely, his breath was still steady, as if asleep.

On his face, and on his exposed skin, there were all kinds of golden runes. These runes cover up his original appearance. Are they protecting him? Or are you imprisoning him?

The origin of these golden runes seems to be very complicated. They radiate a powerful force and block the space cracks around.

Here, it is an independent and special border, in which men are trapped and protected.

The unconscious consciousness gradually wakes up in the man's mind.

He seemed to have a long sleep January, a year? decade? No, it seems longer a hundred years? Or hundreds, thousands of years?

This sleep made him forget who he was and why he was here.

"Who am I..."

Sleep consciousness, gradually wake up, the man in the heart constantly ask himself.

Under his constant call, those memories, which had already been covered with dust, finally began to be unsealed, making him "see" his past -

it was a very beautiful world!

The sky is blue, calm, clear and peaceful.

The earth is vast and boundless, full of all kinds of strange scenery. It is a colorful world. He who doesn't want to be at the moment can only feel boundless loneliness.

"Disciple, can you hear what the teacher says?" The jade ruler fell on his head again.

This one foot, he drifted away thoughts to pull back, saw the scene in front of him.

He sat on his knees on the top of the mountain. Not far in front of him, there was a big bodhi tree. Under the tree, there was an old man in white with crane hair and childish face. He held a ruler in his hand. Although his expression was serious, he saw the care and smile in his eyes.

"Master!" Familiar in the heart of the address, inadvertently blurted out.

"Master It turns out that I have a master. " In the chaos and nothingness, the man wrapped by the golden Rune finds a piece of his missing heart.

The recovery of memory, so that his broken heart, to recover, warm blood, began to transport from the heart to the four limbs.

"You child, you are always stuffy. I really don't know whether you are listening or thinking about other things." The old man shook his head and put down his ruler.

That pair of loving eyes, reflecting a juvenile.

The young man is dressed in purple and looks like jade. In the Phoenix eyes on the corner of his eyes, he is full of intelligence and a bit lazy that others can't see through.

Grade is small, temperament extraordinary. As if destined that he is not a thing in the pool, he will eventually emerge into Jackie Chan!

"Master, it's the disciple's fault." The young man kowtowed respectfully to make amends.

This kind of humility is rare.

With a smile, the old man said, "you are gifted. I don't want to hold you down like other disciples. However, there is one thing that I have been worried about. After thinking about it, I'll tell you today. "

"Master, please say so." The boy is still respectful.

The old man sighed and nodded. "Your chart is strange. I have calculated it three times, but I still feel confused. You can only vaguely see a catastrophe when you are 58000 years old. If you can get through it, you can do more. If not Alas... "

The old man shook his head and sighed.

However, the young man did not care much and said with a smile: "no, the dust will return to the Earth naturally."

His free and easy, let the old man appreciate, but also very distressed.

This apprentice, most let him worry, also let him worry.

Because, his mind is always too deep, will all, all endure in the heart, show, always a look of indifference.

When he was injured, others saw him as if he was not seriously hurt. But I don't know, he was so hurt that he almost died!

"Master, what is a catastrophe?" The boy asked seriously. Anyway, 58000 years old, far from him.


The old man was stunned, but he did not speak for a long time.

He couldn't see through the robbery of his apprentice. It seems to have something to do with the love between men and women, and it seems to be related to life and death.

Looking at the bright Phoenix eyes of his apprentice, the old man finally said, "the so-called catastrophe is also accompanied by chance. Life and death are one, both positive and negative. Disciple, remember, no matter how desperate the situation is, don't give up easily. "A young man's half understood nod.

"Your life is like a cloud, not a fog, like a shadow. As a teacher, I can't see or guess. Everything, can only rely on yourself. From today on, my teacher will give you a name, cloud shadow. Remember, clouds and shadows are elusive things, but they are eternal things that never disappear. "

"Cloud shadow? Clouds in the sky, shadows on the earth Cloud shadow. " The boy whispered.


"Yunying, my name is Yunying! In fact, my name is Yunying. " In the nothingness, the man wrapped in the golden amulet is unconscious and sober.

The sealed heart has recovered the bright red color, and the blood is output. In his blood, there is a strange golden light. With the flow of blood, the dead gray dry skin gradually regains its luster and color.

Even the gold runes, which were clinging to his skin, were lacerated.

"Change him! What do you do? "

Suddenly, a sharp female voice, pierced into his memory.

"Who is it? Who is this? Why is her voice so familiar to me? Even if you feel nostalgic? " The man in a coma, the pulse began to beat hard.

With the woman's voice, another scene appeared in his memory.

It's burning all over the land.

There were many people standing together, and in his eyes, he saw only the tiny shadow which was dazzling like the sun and red like blood.

She is very beautiful, exquisite facial features, there is a common woman rarely have heroic.

Between the eyebrows and the eyes, the beauty of the distinction between male and female makes her fundamentally different from other women.

"She's different. She's special." The man said in his heart.

Seeing this woman, he seems to feel very trustworthy, reassuring and caring

"Give me the chance. I can't say that, in this life and death line, I can also understand the key to enter the first Zun state... "

"Is that what I said?" The man is asking himself.

He felt the worry and refusal in the woman's eyes, and also saw the man in Xuan clothes standing beside her.

"It turns out that I'm late." When he saw the man, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

"Besides, I don't call him. My name is Yunying This is what he said to the woman. When he finished this sentence, he felt as if he had been sucked into a deep cave by a strong suction.

In the cave, there is a huge golden rune.

That rune, full of mystery, that power, frightening.

In an instant, his eyes were covered with gold.

However, he still remembers his mission. With a full blow, he tore open the space gap and rushed into the crack with his arms holding the golden talisman.

"Despicable creature, you are looking for death!" Jinfu's angry way.

Its anger, into countless gold. Those golden lights are made up of various runes, which pour into his body together, eroding and devouring everything he has!

"Ah He couldn't help crying out the unprecedented pain.

However, even so, he still did not release his hand, but held the golden amulet more tightly!

"Damn it! Since you want to die, my ancestor will use your skin to parasitize! Ha ha ha ha or --! " Angry words, with rampant laughter.

All the golden light poured into his body, forming a layer of subtle runes on his body surface.

He fell into the depths of nothingness together with Jinfu!

"Is this the robbery the master said? If so, as long as she is good, I'm happy. " Before his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, he left in his heart the last glimmer of hope to wake up.

Sealed memory, gradually wake up.

Everything came back to his mind.

He remembered everything, as well as the words of the golden talisman. The corners of his mouth rose slowly with a smile of unknown meaning.

All of a sudden, he clenched his hands and yelled, "ah

With a great roar, he broke the silence of nothingness and shattered the golden Rune around him.

The broken runes are scattered with stars.

He rose from nothingness, and the wind of nothingness stirred his ragged clothes, and his long dark hair moved with elegance.

"Fu Zu, you want my body, you and I have been fighting for so many years, and in the end, I won!" His closed eyes suddenly opened.

In the depth of his eyes, a flash of gold rune.

He slowly raised his right hand and a golden Rune appeared in his palm. He looked at the rune, with a kind of indolence in his Phoenix eyes. "Muqingge, as I said, let's meet again in the Lord world. Now, Yunying has come for an appointment

After that, he hit the golden talisman in his hand towards nothingness.

In an instant, the void will be out of a deep channel. In that passage, there is a colorful light, flashing constantly.He stood with his hands on his back. Coagulate that passageway, show a light smile, lift a leg to stride, tall elegant body, as if inhaled into the corridor, disappear.

As he disappeared, the passage was quickly closed, and all traces were erased by the nothingness that came from all around.

As if nothing had happened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!