"You like drinking too?"

"Beauty, beauty, and wine."

In Wu Hua area, under the rare scenery, the sunset afterglow falls on Chu Nian. She showed a beautiful smile, will be in the hands of the pot, and Mu light singer in the light touch.

"Dry!" In the face of wine, her forthright is different from her usual serenity.

"Dry." Such a woman, Mu light song also very appreciate.

Two people bath in the sunset, drink together, talk about the world, not happy.

However -

on the deck of daqianzhou, in the Starry Sea, mu Qingge recalls his memory and sighs silently.

The departure of Chu Nian is another knot in her heart besides Jiang Li.

Because they have suffered what should have been her!

"What are you thinking?" Si Mo walks to Mu light song behind, long arm passes through her waist, big hand embraces her in the bosom.

"First time." Mu Qingge did not hide it.

Si Mo Mou light micro flash, did not speak.

Chu Nian, the Phoenix who lived and died with his little song, was willing to offset the sequelae of using the reverse forbidden spell for her. The woman who had all the traces erased.

"I'll find her in the evening. She said that she is the undead bird, will not really die, will reincarnate, will come back. Is it true? " Mu light song turns eyes to see to Si Mo's eyes to ask a way.

Si Mo coagulates her, faint smile. Seriously: "it's true." In the past 100 years, his little singer has asked this question many times, but every time, he answers it seriously, and the answer is the same.

He knew that muqingge was afraid.

He was afraid that he lied to comfort her and reassure her.

And in fact

Si Mo's lips are slightly pursed. In fact, with the rapid progress of their cultivation in recent years, the more they understand, the more clear the answer about the first reading.

He knew it clearly in his heart, and mu Qingge knew it too.

However, she still held that glimmer of hope.

"I believe in her and she will come back." Mu Qingge's tone is firm.

Si Mo nodded and looked at the boundless starry sky with her. "Maybe she's reincarnated right now in a world we don't know. After her nirvana, when all her memories are restored, she will come back to you. "

"It must be so." Mu Qingge nods heavily.


Apart from the big thousand boat, there is a world called Fengyi!

This is a world dominated by demons, with all kinds of monsters and fantastic. In a small world belonging to Fengyi, a phoenix family has finally ushered in their first new life in a thousand years.

"Ah! It's killing me

"Ma'am, if you can bear with it, you will come out soon."

"Hold on, ma'am! The hope of our family lies in your stomach

"Madame, vigorously! Great effort

Outside the nest, I was very nervous.

Outside the nest stood the man of the family. They are very beautiful, long and narrow eyes, hair color is unified red.

That red, but not pure, mixed with a trace of gray, destroyed the pure beauty.

They are the fire phoenix clan, but because of the impure blood, they gradually decline.

"Father, if the elder sister-in-law can give birth to a child of pure blood this time, the revival of our family will be hopeful." Standing beside the patriarch, a man whispered.

The middle-aged man standing in front of him, anxiously waiting for the results in the room, after hearing this, turned his eyes to look behind him, and his eyes were worried and took back his sight.

The patriarch sighed, raised his eyes to look at the room, and said in a deep voice: "I wish God bless you! Phoenix is not as easy to breed as other races. This time, our family finally has a new Phoenix. I hope God will show more mercy and make the child's blood more pure. "

"Yes! I hope so

"I hope God has mercy."

"Our family has been waiting for thousands of years. Don't be disappointed this time."

People's expectation and wife's anguish made the man standing in front of the door more and more uneasy.

As the eldest son of the patriarch, he bears the mission of Zhengxing family. He knows how the present family needs a pure blood child to change all the situations.

However, he was also a husband and a father. He saw the expectations of the people and heard their prayers. However, he is more worried about whether his wife and children are safe.

The hand in the sleeve, slowly clench.

His beautiful facial features were tight into a line, his eyes were full of worry, and his breath could not help holding.


A sad cry made the hearts of the people waiting outside the door trembled. The man standing outside the door, legs a soft, almost did not sit down."Big brother!" Fortunately, before that, the person who talked with the patriarch held his elbow fast and did not make him look bad.

"Don't worry." The man comforted him in his ear.

As soon as he spoke, he saw the closed door open.

A beautiful and bright woman, happy to run out, excited way: "born! Born! My wife is born


The news made people outside feel relieved.

This is the first new life of the family in thousands of years!

Naturally, the blood line is pure or not. It can only be tested when the child is seven years old after the shell is broken.

"Well, let's break up." The clan leader was relieved and turned to brush his sleeves to other unrelated clan humanity.

"Congratulations to the patriarch, congratulations to the eldest son!"

"Congratulations to the patriarch, congratulations to the eldest son!"

The people of the clan, all heartily congratulated, then dispersed separately.

"How about Madame?" After all the irrelevant people have left. The man asked the maid.

The maid said: "the lady is very good, is some postpartum weakness."

Hearing this, the man has been hanging the heart, and finally put down.

At this time, the patriarch came to him and said, "OK. Since the daughter-in-law is OK, let's all go. According to the rules, she has to hatch our little Phoenix before she can come out. At that time, we can see what the little Phoenix looks like after thousands of years. "

"Yes, father!"

"Yes, father!"

Two equally handsome men respectfully said.

Before leaving, that year's longer, and told the maid to take good care of, then reluctantly left.


Nests in the cave, has been washed clean woman, holding a shiny round egg in her arms.

"Little guy, you have to wait for 77 days to hatch out. I can't wait to see you." The woman's eyes are suffused with maternal love, with eggs in her arms.

The bloodstain on the egg has been wiped clean, and now it is shining, bright and dark.

"Ma'am, have some soup for invigorating qi and blood." The maid came in with a bowl of hot soup in her hand and sent it to the woman.

The woman reached out to take it, but did not notice that at this moment, on the phoenix eggs hatched in her arms, a golden phoenix pattern flashed past, and finally disappeared under the eggshell.


Seven years later.

"Miss, miss, where are you?" In the forest, a pretty maid came in a hurry and looked for it everywhere.

After she ran forward, a small head came out from behind the tree. Looking at the servant girl's back, she spit out her tongue playfully, and fluttered down from the tree like a colorful Phoenix.

"Miss, you are here!" After hearing the news, the servant girl suddenly turned around and saw the familiar villain. She was relieved.

"I'm here, but you can't see it yourself." The little girl's hands are behind her, her sharp chin is slightly raised, and her expression is very proud.

"My little ancestor, come back with me. The whole family is waiting for you. " The servant girl begged.

The little girl pursed her lips and said: "is not to verify the blood, what is worth making a fuss about."

The servant girl shook her head helplessly, "that's miss. You don't know how long people have been waiting for you. Now, you are the hope of the family

"Let's go. Let's go." The little girl waved her hand impatiently. He muttered as he walked forward. These years, every day in my ears. When the blood is verified, my blood is very poor and the best! "

Slowly swaying to the place where the family verified the blood, the little girl found that it was really the whole family waiting for her!

Not only her grandfather was there, her parents were there, and her uncle was there. Even those who could not be called dead were standing in the corner of the crowd with a kitchen knife, waiting excitedly.

The little girl stepped out of the foot, can not help but shrink back, pharyngeal saliva. She now has some doubts that if her blood is not pure, she has failed to live up to the expectations of her family. This aunt, can you use her kitchen knife, a knife to end her, stew soup to her grandfather?

"Girl, come here."

Just as she tried to escape, her grandfather's voice stopped her.

Reluctant to go to the verification of the stone, she some uneasy swept around the people.

Being watched in full view of the public, she also had some fear in her heart.

"Go in." The patriarch pointed to the groove in the shape of a man on the red stone and said to the little girl.

The little girl's eyes flashed a little timidity, and walked into the groove.

All of a sudden, everyone's breath is tense, eyes wide, not far from missing the slightest change.

The silent red stone, suddenly, burst out dazzling light, covering the whole family.

"Ah! Nine colors

"It's nine colors!""My God! Is this the nine color Phoenix? It is a great fortune for such a noble blood to appear in our family

The excited voice and expression of the people were invisible to the little girl.

At the moment, she seems to fall into another feeling, flying through countless pictures in her mind. The scenes in those pictures are strange to her, but they seem to be her most precious.

"Patriarch, such a noble blood, the patriarch should give a good name!"

Yes! you 're right!

The patriarch was excited beyond words.

However, at this time, in the nine color divine light, the little girl walked out slowly, the light covered her body, and the shadow of Phoenix wings loomed behind her.

"My name is Chu Nian." She spoke, but it was different.

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